Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1920)
GRANT® PAM® DAU. Y COIWBB •ATTHDAY. MAY fl®. 10». Classified Advertising y Jit the Churches | FOH MALE REAL KHTATK IR WOOD FOR SALE |3 50 per K. T. MoKlNSTHY—603 G street, phone 13-R. Goneral real estate tier delivered. Phone W. B. Rob business The best of all kinds of inson, Wllderville. 48tf solb for fruit, hay or general FOR BALK Purebred registered farming. 21tf Jeraey cows. heifers and calvea, at FOR EXCHANGE The Meadows Phone C. N. Culy. 59tf FOR TRADE- 3 20 acres centra) FOR BALE 80 acres rolling land, fenced, buildings, spring water. Bargain for cash. U. a. Abell. Wllderville. 8®« Oregon potato land for farm pro perty locally. Address Box 74, Rd. No. 3. 88 MIM KI.LANMH H Newnuui M. E. Church Huuday school at 10 a. in. Ep- worth leagues at 7 p. m. This be- Ing Muy 30th, the theme for the morning sermon will be ' Memorial Day.” The theme for the evening sermon at h o’clock will lie ’‘Chris- A tian Triumph.” Special music, cordial Invitation extended to all. Jos. Knotts, minister. Salvatimi Army Sunday school 2 p. m. Young peo ple's meeting 6:15. Salvation ser vice 8 p. m. Services Tuesday, Thur» day and Haturday 8 p. m. Btreot meetings at 7:30. All are cordially i Invited to those services. Envoy and Mrs. Gray, In charge I 4 p. m. dally except Sundays and holidays. The public is cordially In vited to attend the services sod to visit the reading room. Mt. Anne's Catholic Church Bunday masses at 8“<>0 and 10:06 o'clock. Rev. J. G. Vlen, C. 8. V., pastor IPUhiuiy Prvwtoy t.rbui Church Sunday school 10 a. m Sermon at 11 o’clock by Dr. Robert Mcl^ean. former paetor of the church. Pos sibly the last opportunity to hear him before he goes away Mrs Roy Mof-ean of Brookings, Ore , and Mr Youtz, director of the Chautauqua, will sing solos at this servi«'«. Come No and make this a greet service Prayer meeting evening meeting, next Thursday at 7:45 p. m. Henry O. Hanson, minister rOR BALE Ono baby arrlage. Call at 669 North Sixth street, or A BUYER of the Medford Junk Co will be in Grunts Paas, and will phono 178-J. 8® pay top market prices tor wool, roll BALK Near Dryden. 300 acres mohair, hides, pelts, rubber, rags, with team, self binder, all neces metals, Iron, n«wspiip«<rs and mag sary farm tools, spring water aslnee, also sacks. 417 G street, Evangelistic Tent .Meeting* 80tf I piped In house, good outside near Pulace hotel. Meeting at corner of K and Fifth range. Must be sold to settle an bl streets, beginning Tuesday. Juue 1 at ATTENTION -Motorcycle and estate. J. A. Tolln, Selma, Ore 06 -■ . .. «i w cycle riders. Export repairing 8 o'clock p. m.. and continuing nlght- FOR SALE Seattle donkey engine, quickly done. New and used ly. Saturday excepted. Juneau. Alaska, May 29. -United 48-lnch boiler. 3000 feet linee, six loy-Davidaon ntqforcyclee for sab- j Staten army signal corps officers are blocks, good condition. 83500. * Phone 602-F-12. 87 St. I .like*» Epi«o|Ml nesting landing sites for in army Address Eagle Point Construction Trlnltv Sunday, Cburêh school at airplane flivit across Alaska planned Co.. Prospect. Oregon 87 YOUR WEEKLY CHECK --Limited lb a m Evening service at 8 p. in for July. only by ability and time devoted : Rev Philip K. Hammond, Lieulen lit Colonel B. O Lenoir, FOR BALK AT A BARGAIN Ono to selling our trees. Complete Vicar In Charge who han ihai'g t if the sig isl corn* span excellent youflg mules, 1100 line of all varieties backing you Alaska cable and wireless system lbs each. Well broken, sound and Write for terms Start Immedl has written several points In the ter true A. li Steward. Murphy. Chunli of Christ ately. Salem Nursery Company. landing Bible school 10 a m. lord’s Sup ritory asking regarding Ore 87 4 27 Oregon Bldg., Salem, Ore. 102 per and preaching at II. Mr. Youtc. fields and supply Imses FOR BA1JC 3-plate Detroit vapor VtM'AI, INHTRI < IKIN The route to be taken Chautauqua director Is expected to oil stove, nearly new Call at 619 sing again as on last Sunday. The known here, Several months ago it MRS. GUY KNAPP Voice and plnao Bouth Fifth street. 88 was Accredited teacher for high school minister will give his last message In was retiorted an army flight SECOND HAND Velle car for sale Residence Grants Pass on "The Word of God.” planned from New York across to work. I’bone 224 cheap. Second hand doors and 3i»tf There will be no meetings in t^ie British Columbia and down the Yu 4 20 A street. evening, owing to the Chautauqua. kon Valley in Alaska to Nome, l-ater windows and second hand lumber. It was said the machines might start Call or phono Jos Wolke, 706 MUS J. L. JOHNSON- Instructor of voice Rooms above Moore’s Ba First Church of < I» ri Mt Nrlentirt from Seattle, proceed up the south North Fifth street. ss kery. hours from 1 to 5 on Tues Christian Science services are held eastern coast, cross the Alaskan TIMBER AND Filth: WOOD About days and Saturdays. 67tf every Sunday In the W. O. W hall mountains and proceed down the in 3 mil«« from railroad and sawmill, al 11 a. m. Wednesday evening terior valley to Nome. ail down hill. Two men can clean meeting at 8 o'clock. The subject Many jioints In Alaska have not up big money this summer A. G. DANIEL McFAAlLAND Civil eugl Bunday Is. "Ancient and Modern Ne been visited by airplanes and con Churchwood. Eaton Hotel, Port- Registered cromancy, r II uh Mesmerisqi and Hyp sternation probably will be caused In n«er and surveyor. MM« 08» 88 Res. 74< notism. Denoun ed." professional engineer. the Indian camps along the Yukon North Tenth "troet. Phodt^ .'l l-V heading room Is open from 2 to when the machines sail by. FOR 8A14C Hack, surrey and steel plow. 24 4 West I street. C. Ola- DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER xler 11 THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. FOR SAId-l Or will trade, single Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phon«' speed twin cylinder Indian, fully 349. 89 equipped. Box 54, Rd. 2. F. G. ISHAM, dravage and transfer FDR BALE 4-horse logging truck, Baf<«. pianos and furniture wood rack with truck. G. B. Ol- moved, packed, shipped and stored : til It CAN SHORTAGE IS ACUTI- 86 eon. East A street. Office phone 124-Y. OWING TO THE FLUNK OF THE Dairymen, Attention! FOR RENT Pill Hit I INK FDR RENT—7-rooin modern house. L. O. CLEMENT, .M D., Practice Apply 601 Eighth street, corner limited to diseases of eye, ear. none . A. 15 and throat. Glasses fitted. Hour» 9-12, 2-5, or on ai>polntment. TAX. Phom«, office 62; residence 359-J SOONER TAXI -J’hone 262-R for S. LOUGHRIDGE, M. D. Physician Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an and surgeon. City or country calls swered anywhere, anytime. 86tf attended day or night. Phone« Res 369; Office, 182; 6th and II PAI .ACE TAXI Phone 22-J. Geo. Physician A. Hyde & Henry Sargeaut 25tf K. J. BIU.1CK, M. D. and surgeon; office Schallhorn TAXI at Owl Billiard 'Parlors. 172-J, block, phone 64-J; residence, 1004 Day and night service 5«tf l<awnridge, phone 64-L. TAXI- Whito Une Taxi, sedan car. W. F. RUTHERFORD—Manual the- raputlcs It gets your ailment Ride In comfort. City or coun Office over Barnes’ Jewelry store try. Correct prices. Safety first. Offt ■ hours 9,30-12; 1 30-4 Cell M. Clemen« Drug Store, phone 4 6-R, residence phone. 3 79-J. W. RALPH W. STEARNS, M. D. Phy G. White. 89 alelan and surgeon, X-ray equlp: ment, dental X-ray. Office. PIANO TUNING sonic Temple Bldg, Phones GEO W. CROSS a tuner with 17 flee 21 -J; residence 21-1.. years practical experience. Includ DENTIHT8 ing-9 years factory training. Head Your H. C. MACY. D. M. D. quarters Josephine hotel, Fin 82tf satisfaction is my success. dentistry. ‘109% 8. 6th St WANTED VETERINARY BURGEON MEN AND TEAMS WANTED—At DR. R J. DESTUL, Veterinarian. Residence 83 8 Washington boule Moon * Company’s road camp vard. phone 398-R. near Port Orford. Wages »10 for teams, 8 hours; men $6 for 8 ATTORNEYS hours. Furnish California hay at H. D. NORTON, Attorney-at-law. 134 per ton; rolled barley or oats Practices In all State and Federal at |72 per ton. Board »1.10 per Courts. First National Bank Bldg day or you can camp if you like. Beat of working conditions. Moon G. W. OOLVIG, Attorney-at-law. & Company.________ 88 Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg. WANTED - A woman who can cook E S VAN DYKE, Attorney. Pra tiers In all courts. First National Bank for a few mon at the orchards. Building No objection to children. Must be good cook. Address P. O. Box « S. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-law. tkilden Rule Bldg Phone 879. No. 116. 85 d. A. .S’^kLEU. Attorney ut ¡awZ Ma- WANTED- Man fot orchard and sonic I ■>>n.'»le, Granta Pass, Ore. general farm work. Good wage« Gl-JO. II. DURHAM, A11ortu-.v-;if l.i« and comfortable hpuse. Desirable referee In bankruptcy, Masonic surroundings. Address P. O. Box Temple. Phone 135-J. No. 116. 86 JAMES T. OHIN'NOt’K Lawyer WANTED- Eight apple thinners, First National Bank Building. start Monday morning. Phone 606-F-12. C. H. Eismann. 87 WANTED To rent small house or housekeeping rooms. Phone 364-L. XI WOMAN COOK WANTED—Good horns cook, nice place and good wages. Address Box 181, Grants Paas, Ore. 8r’ WANTED Someone to put In crop on shares or otherwise. T«and un der water and close to town. 3 ready now 5 more June 20. River bottom soil. E. D. Roberts, 215 R street. 85 SEASON. ANYONE HAVING IDLE CREAM < ANS WILL DO I S A SPF- < TAL FAVOR AND AID US DURING THE EMERGKNCY BY RETURN ING OR CALLING PHONE 222. Driving Ease in a MAXWELL is Due to Special Steels Many who ¿rive a Maxwell prefer it to a larger car. They like its nimbleness, its quickness in getting un der way, its peculiar ability to thread its way through traffic, its rare driving ease. One can drive it farther in a day with less fatigue than many cars much larger. The reason is clear: its engine pulls no sufierfluous weight. Not a single unnecessary pound burdens it. Special steels in a Maxwell Hazelwood Station eliminate the useless we ight — steels made to Maxwell’s own formulae, which equal pound for pound those in any car built. They have extra strength forged into them, and they provide lightness. This is one reason why Maxwell has won public favor the world over as in dicated by nearly 400,000 now in use. How marked the tendency today is re corded by a production of 100,000 for 1920. Collins Auto Co NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned administrator of the estate of George W. Ray. deceased, have filed with the clerk of the coun ty court of Josephine county, the final account of my administration of said estate and that the judge of said court has set apart Saturday, June 19th, 1920, at 10 o’clock for I hearing objections thereto. All per sons objecting to said account or any item thereof will file the same with said court on or before the said date. ED DAILEY. Administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ‘In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Josephine County In the matter of the estate of Ga maliel L. Smith, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed administra tor of the estate of Gamaliel L. Smith, deceased, on April 24, 1920, | by the above entitled Court and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same to me at the office of George H. Durham, attorney at law, Masonic Temple, Grants Pase, Ore gon, duly verified and with proper vouchers, within six months from this ¡date. ALLAN G. CHURCHWOOD. Administrator. GEORGE H. DURHAM. Attorney April 30. 1920. FASHION GARAGE & MACHINE SHOPS SERVK'R AND SATISFACTION DVR MOTTO We carry a full line of Tire* and Accessories at the beat prices on the market- Now is the time to make year spring eepairs. We make a Specialty of «II kind« of loathe and Maobine work and general n*|uxire. Alai all kinds of cast steel and aluminum welding. Bring in your t.ieehaalcal TrBnbles. We can help you. C F. BURKE and E. KNOX, Props V Hammermill Rond printers at the Courier office. On the Pacific lllgliwny 12 mile« N. W. of Grants Pass 2 miles 8. W. of Mt. Sexton LUNGII—K E CREA M—S< » IT DRINKS—CIGAR« PICNIC GROUNDS THE WHITE HOUSE CO. WANTED Two carrier boys to Blue prints handle paper route, L. d. Reyn- 86 •ourler office. olds, Bonbonniere. of Grants Pass The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company Brunswick Tires TIME CARD Effective Nov. 24. 1919 Trains will run Mondays, Wednes- days and Fridays. P.M Ijeave Grant« Pass..... ...1 P.M. 2 ¡Arrive Waters Creek Ixiave Waters rsaai, Creek 2:30 P.M. P.M. Arrive Grants Paas.......... 4 freight For information __________ regarding __ and passenger rate« call at the office of the oompar ay. Lundburg building, or telephone 111. 1 The Battery Shop Opposite Courthouse U. S. Tires »