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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1920)
i»KAie TWO GRANTS PASS Mill COURIER rubllshed Dally Except Sunday * K VOORHIEB, Pub. and Propr 7:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. ADVERTISING RAT ’S isplay apaoe, per inch „....20c .ocal-personal column, per lins..lOe ««adora, par Uno......... iW ... .................. 5c tPr*par*d by th« United Stetes Depart ment of Agricultural Before turning cattle have been kept tn the baru or lot during the winter onto a pasture a good water supply shoulfl be carefully provided for. Pond*, aprlng*. watering troughs or other facilities for watering should be cleaned and put Into shape. It Is frequently thought that the water sup ply I* abundant early In the season and therefore that no attention need be given to It. This Is a mistake, us springs and ponds All up during the winter and trough* become damaged AND 1S4 HOURS SATURDAY AND SELIANG QUAIJTY GOODS EVERY MINUTE DAILY COURIER ty mail or carrier, per year...... >6.00 ay mail or carrier, per month.. .50 WEEKLY COURIER Sy mall, per year----------- ;------ 13.00 SATURDAY, MAY 20, 1020. ♦ ♦ «♦■»♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ OREGON WEATHER ♦ 4 Weather for the Week Pacific Coast States: Gener 4 ally fair, except probably oc casional thowers on the north ♦ Pacific coast; nearly normal ♦ temperatures. ♦ ♦ Tonight and Sunday fair with 4 probable showers in the north ♦ ♦ 4 west portion. ♦ 4 MEMORIAL DAY There are two days upon the cal endar of good American citizens that appeal to the heart and the soul, They are Independence day, com- memorative of the birth of liberty and equality and justice on Ameri- can shores, and Memorial day, dedi- cated to the memory of the brave ones who have given of their life, or of life itself, *in maintaining the li berty, the equality and the justice established in 1776. Memorial day is the^iccasion when a nation gives expression to the gratitude that tills 101-3-A NORTH «TH —T its heart. The gratitude is always present, but one day of the 365 is set apart when open expression may be given to the quality, Memorial day is not a day tor sport and merry* making, but rather a day that should be consecrated to the memory and to the paying of tribute to those who have fallen in defense of the princi ples for which American government stands. The least the people of America can do. and the thing that should be done because of the love we feel for those who have gone and for those who still remain with us. is to give proper observance to Mem orial day. PROGRESSIVE CITIZENSHIP ing the future welfare of their chil dren. This attitude on the part of Marion county voters is a constant source of surprise to the state at large. What Is the matter with Marion county? it has been asked It is one of the rich est counties of the state outside of Multnomah. It includes some of richest farming districts in the tire 'Willamette valley, It is thickly populated county, prosperous, well-to-do. But when it conies voting on progressive legislation and legislation promoting our educa tional institutions is the last word in progress—the voters of Marion coun ty Jail in their duty to theniselvea and to their children. Only in the returns from the city of Salem itself, were there any evi- dences of a change in the attltude of the voters from vetoing all meas ures. no matter what their merit, simply because they involved an in crease in taxation. It is to be hoped that this change will spread to the remainder of the county in time to assure the success of the progressive measure of the future. Water Supply for Livs Stock I* of Greatest Importance. so they fall to hold sufficient water for the needs of the cattle. In most esses the water supply cannot be materially Increased, so care must be taken to conserve what Is available It Is advisable to fence around springs to prevent the cattle from tramping the earth and polluting the water The maximum use of water from a spring can be obtained I., providing two or three troughs set so that the overflow frotn one will run Into th« next one. This arrangement not onb makes the water more accessible to the stock but keeps It cleaner anil better. Marion county has again gone on record in the late elections, as being the least progressive county in the state, says the Eugene Register. It holds the doubtful honor of being the only county in which the millage bill failed to pass. The elementary school tax bill passed by only a slight majority, due largely to the concen tration of educational propaganda on the part of a few public spirited cit izens who knew from the record of Ice cream cones were first invent Fifty i>er cent of the hops grown previous years what Marion county’s ed and made in Oregon. in the United States are produced in attitude would probably be toward Oregon. any measure involving taxation— In many imikes of cnrs Uslng hat- even an educational measure involv- :ery tgnltlon It la pteslble to keep thè Hammermill Bond Letter Heads ar runnlng without thè use of thè bai* and Envelopes at the Courier office Muslin Underwear Buicks! * Buicks! Buicks! THIS IS THE SE ASON OF THE YEAR TO Bl Y MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. YOU WILL BE AMPIA' REPAID FOR YOl R TIME AND TROUBLE IF YOU WILL INVESTI GATE OI K SPLENDID SHOWING OF THE "DOVE” Golden Rule Store I FRUITDALE Ponds. Springs. Troughs and Other Mr. and Mr* P Slattery are both Facilities Should Be Cleaned recovering slowly from the accidents and Put In Shape. OPEN IO HOURS DAILY «EMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press la exclusively •ntltled to the use tor republication >f all new* dispatches credited to it w all otherwise credited In thia japer and also the ’ocal news pub- .abed herein. All rights of republication of spe- lai dispatches herein are also re- •erved. T— PROVIDE WATER FOR CATTLE utered at poetoffice. Granta Paea, Ore., aa second class mall matter ♦ SATURDAY. MAY M, 1 ARA NW PAM DAILY Two IBIS Sixes, new tops, plate glass rear and side, best looking tops in town. These cars liave a first class paint job and look like new. Delivered three new Dodge Bros, ear* th!» week—better placs your or. der now. they received a few week* ago Mrs. G. P. Knight, of St. Pauli Minn., spent the week end at th« Bates' home. The Hamilton and Neilson fami- Iles are attending the Chautauqua this week. la Vida Carpenter ha* been on the sick list this wwk Mr. Porter, the engineer on the Irrigation ditch, was called to Jack sonville Monday and Tuesday on business. Fred Darling and family, of Yaki ma. Wash., have bought 30 acres of the Jones ranch, and are working the home place. They are very much pleased with their location Mrs. Roller has her elster, Roas, and her husband from land, stopping with her this week Mr and Mr*. G. A. Hamilton and sons. Worth and Glenn, were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs Jas. Wright. Mrs. P. Slattery went to Medford Tuesday. The contractors are putting in the culverts and flumes thia week and think they will have water In the ditches next week The Neilson orchestra played at Glendale Wednesday evening and at Holland Saturday evening and found the new roads to both places very pleasant to ride over. Mr. and Mrs A. W. Bates enter tained Mr. and Mrs. J. L, Stanbrough and son. George, and Mrs. G. P. Knight, of Williams; J. H. Harris. A. Bauer and Mr. and Mrs Robert Harris at dinner Sunday. I WILDER VILLE Orren Hill is entertaining a of measles this week. Frances Ixivelace tripped on the stairs last week falling nearly the entire length, bruising her body and skinning her face. Phil Brown and wife arc rejoicing over the arrival of a 11-pound baby boy. Mrs. Holland Is caring for mother and baby. Rad Robinson and wife chaperon ed a crowd of the younger set for a picnic near the river last Sunday, A big feed and boat riding were the principals of the day. Clara Loughridge is spending the week end in Grants Pass the guest of her aunt. Mrs. Burrel Ruttencutter has been suffering with a severe gathering above her left eye. George McCollum drove over from Keno, Ore., last Monday to take home his wife and baby who have been at the Burrongk home the i last two weeks Earnest McCollum and wife, J. Mc- Collum and wife, J. L. Daws and wife called at the M. Houseman home last Sunday. Alva Woodard and family spent the day at the E Ixmghridge homo last Sunday. COLLAR FOR MATURE HORSES Where Animal's Weight Does Not Vary During Year Leather Is Most Suitable. The host collar for the mntnre horse whose ivi Ifht does not vary much throughout the year. Is the leather col lar. But for most horses the best col lar I h one stuffed with hair and cover») with ticking TEAS C. A. Linch NEW TODAY mom gypsy read « HM.ll TIFI L THAN EVER POPULAR THAN EVER HEE OI R WINDOW DISPLAY BARNES, The Jeweler Come into ike savaeE Camp k A I 4 1b > <1 4Î> o o 4 "IIEAP BIG MIIJtìAGK!’* I» ,<mr mlleage inoliata Idgher ao<l hlgher—7,000. 0,000, 10,000 and even >10,000 mila* In »omo casa* you «III approviate m<»re fully thè nxwuing of th* Havage »Ioana. ìli*» big mlleaite." HAVAGENKItVKTC TTiere i* n freah stock <’f Hsvage Tire« aixl Gratinilo TMIxw and aa or giuliani ioti al ,<»ur servire al every Smaga- bram ii »tot»' and al thè Stores of Haiagn dl»trit»ut«r» ovorywhoro. Y<»U «IH like Savana- »••rvlce aa wrll a» Smago "llrwp Itig niilenge” Ttres and Gmfinlto Tulio». Guarantocd B.OOO mlloa on "Grlps” H<HM> nilleM on ••!>” type liljustinent» iixm I o al homo For sale al thè Grani» Pass Servite Slation A. Lindi & 4 <1 WE SELL THE Studebaker Overland Sold at the Same Price Everywhere J. F. BURKE Fashion Garage QHJCHESTER_S_PI_LLS DEALER IN DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS [_ warn known BeM. I M wt . Atwny* krfUida SMDBÏIM’GAISTS EVERYWHERE HEALTH-INSURANCE- RIGHT HERE WE WOULD] LIKE TO MENTION-WE I SRE ------ S TUDENT. OF PR Ronioilying battery troubles 1» our specialty. Have ua diagnose the trouble of YOI'RK—and. know ing the right facilities, real c«|>erlcnce, adequate repair parts, WE will make the battery efficient and dependable. I An ex pert housekeeper is known by the TEA and COFFEE she serves. Don’t spoil your well-cooked dinner by serving with it a poor grade of tea or coffee. Buy our SUPERIOR tea and coffee and you know you have the best. The delightful AROMA of our tea and coffee excelled only by the DELIGHTFUL FLAVOR. Begin to buy from us; you will continue. Try OUR Groceries is 'M NOTHING IS MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN LIFE OPT OF DOORS Nothing makes this easier or more pleasant than the posses sion of a car. Get the car and get the habit. If you are sick you will get well; if you are well ’twill keep you so. But before you get the car come in and have a talk with us. AGENTS FOR HUDSON MAXWELL CHALMERS AND ESSEX CARS Hilf’ COLLINS MITO COMPANY ► RIES AND REPAIRING PHONE 317 ■y 511 H STREET, a GRANTS PASS, ORE [E«EX (beerful service for a|] „mk™—at moderate coat. WW Adams Electric & Battery Shop We guess that everybody be lieves that, an ounce of preven tion is worth a pound of cure. Of course you realize that If the plumbing at yotir house la put Into the iproper shape at this time some member of your household may not fall 111 at some later date. Why not have that plumbing attended to at once? G. B. BERRY Harness and Saddlery Auto Top and Canvas Work B. S. DEDRICK »10 F Street Phone SOH-J With Grants Pass Hardware Co.