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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1920)
voi* X Mo. 212. UBANTI» PAHH, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, z.: NATI I4DAY, MAY 22. Ilrzo WHOLE M MBKH TO BE PROHIBITED IHghnuy Commission Orders Timi Exvcaoivo l/Nidiug on Paved Rotula Ik) Hlo|gM*l j The building of high priced paved «IBA.tMMI ll.AINKH TO FINANCE highways throughout the sta'c Is ELUTION IN CALIKtBNIA bringing with it some problems. on*' PRIMAHY Plot* Agallisi Ufe lend to Taking of i'onner < omnUMnler and Artil lery General IHepuUw as to Sente at Contention Are INsided—Precedents Will Govern I Constantinople, Thursday. May 27 non HTKEN'GTHENED AGAINST - KuHad Riza Pasha, artillery gen POLES ALONG THE NORTH eral, Michad Pasha, former com ERN FRONT mander of Turkish troops along the Dardanelles, and several others were arrested today, charged with plotting against the life of Damad Ferid, the grand vizer. , Chicago. May 2».—<A decision in PRESIDENT UNWILLING TO GIVE four contests among delegates to the IN TO IHBNRE OF MAJORITY republican national convention prob TO END WAR ably will settle all disputes, which involve 122 seats, members of the na tional committee said today. Prece dents in four major rulings will gov ern the points raised in other caves, it w'as said. of which is the duinuge that may re suit from lint ling over loaded truck* over the pavement. The limit of weight which Is permitted on the, highway la u five ton load, and some complaint has come that loads ot green log* often go beyond th’ ■ lim . Teatiueuay Hliows That Former FA mk I it. This has brought from th< state Military Mensure* AA III He Taken To Take Genau»— Turk* Suffer.lleavy t’aaualtie* When Says i hey Will Impair Essential !■- Administrator Spent Many 'I tinea W. A. Sharp has been appointed IJbr.iry to close— Against Italian Force*—Capture highway commission an order to pro t •grity of <J<s runesit—Attitude Column Pushe» AAay Into Aintab Auioulil of Seiutlor by the federal bureau of commerce The library will be closed Monday, of Suzzak Threatened tect the roads from excessixe loads. After Henry Fight Thought Final ! to be special agent in Josephine and May 31, to allow the observance of The county court has re ently re ¡Jackson counties to take a census of Memorial day. ceived the following letter from the Waalilugtou, May 29. "Between legal department of the highway Paris, May 29. Aiabrleie d'Annun- all industries. He will begin on T>ol- Warsaw, May 29.- Russian Washington. May 29.- President 3100,000 und 3125,000 was raised commission. zio's troops are reported here A as June 1, and will get a complete re- shevikl • reinforcements are being Wll jns indorsement of the Virginia tor the California primary by the "Tiio highway commission has in having occupied the village of Ce va ; port on every mine and every bus- brought up everywhere in the offen- To Hold Teachers Exam*-— Teachers’ examinations will tie den -cratle platform advocating the campaign organisation in behalf ot structed mo to write you ami ask ianna, and are threatening to sello Iness and industry in the two coun- sive against the Poles which is in- held in this city beginning June 30 "pre mpt ratification of the treaty Senator Johnson" the senate cam that the county court make an order Suzzak In the Flume region, They ties Mr Sharp was formerly man- withuut reservations which would creasing in violence along the north and continuing until July 3. The paign expenditure investigating com prohibiting the hauling or logs upon are continuing to advance from ager of the local Western Union sta-| imp ir its essential integrity” is ern sectors of the front, says an of schedule will be printed later. I tlon. mittee was told today by Alexander the state highway in Josephine coun Flume, according to Information re look id upon generally today as fore ficial statement issued at headquar- McCabe. California state Insurance ty. ceived at the foreign office from Bel cast ng his attitude regarding tbe ; ters today. commissioner, who is treasurer ot "This request is made for the rea grade today. Tbe dispatch says Che national platform to be adopted in HIGH JI MP RECORD BROKEN the Johnson organisation. McCabe son that It Jias been brought to the Jugo-Slavs are preparing military Were Married Today— San Francisco. * AT TRACK MEET IN EAST declared that the Hoover supporters attention ot the commission that the measures to resist d’Anniinzlo. Ixindon. May 29.—A French col Emil Gebers and Josephine Jura speut "eight or nine limes as much roads are bolng damaged by being umn fought its way into Aintab, Mrs. Fannie Borchert arrived this Philadelphia. May 29--R. W. Lan Syria, and after heavy fighting suc- Palmer were married today by Rev. as we did at the lowest estimate subjo ted to such traffic, und it Is for • The Apostolic Fallii Mission— C. M. Cline They left this after mor ting from Portland for a visit don. of Yale, broke the intercolle 3300,000.” the purpose of preserving and pro Ilf Grunts Pass will o|ien Gospel giate high jump record, jumping six cedeed in relieving the town, it was noon by auto for Klamath Falls here with Mrs W. H. Dana. The where Mr. Geb?ra is employed. They , Before questioning McCabe, the tecting the highways that this action services al the Williams Baptist feet and four inches at a track meet officially announced today. Turks suffered heavy casualties committee questioned Frederick la being taken. i chu rch Tuesday. June 1st. at 8 p. in. here today state that they may return here later E. J. Thompson, of N<>< G. I. Wardrip— "The laws of the atate give the to reside. • Wile, < orreupoudeut tor the Phila Dartmouth made a new world record G. I. Wardrip, of the high school | delphia Public Lodger, relutive to an county court authority to protect Its Bai-ls-r Slio|** Clone Monday — in the 120 yard hurdle, in 14 2/5 Book* Are Received— faculty says that there is some con- The barbers of the city will take seconds. artiole he wrote saying that 380,000 roads by such order, and we are ad About 50 juvenile books have fusi >n as to the Wardrip that was bad been raised In California for vised that the county court of Jose advantage of Memorial day, de dar been received at the public library Breaks Ix-g— recently arrested on the charjb of 11- | Johnson's primary there. The wit phine county is ready to cooperate ing Monday a holiday. lately and are now ready for distri- W. A. Williams was brought to the lega' fishing He makes the follow ness said he had beard a great deal with the state highway commission I button. city last night suffering with a brok ing statement: “As there seems to FIRST WOMAN FEDERAL to this effect and that the candidates in the preservation of the state high No Pa|M>r Monday—- en leg. He was working at the Bor be ome confusion as to whom the ATTORNEY IN NOMIN ATM» I were spending considerable money ways in Josephine county." land & Thomas sawmill south ot Wai drip was who was Involved in the In order to give the employes at ---------- - AA’ill Have Picnic— in California. He admitted that his the Courier office a holiday, it has Washington, May 29.—Mrs. An- The Frank Mashburn. H. H. Allyn town and was rolling a log from the ill**- al fishing at the Goldan Drift paper wax supporting Hoover. Mrs. B. F. Reevos and small son been decided that a paper will not nette Abbott Adams, United States and O. S. Blanchard families will cars. The peavy slipped and the log dan-. I want it clearly understood left this morning for Dorris where be published on that day attorney for the northern district of make a trip to the Illinois rolled back on him, causing tbe th*- it was not G. I. Wardrip, of the they will epond the summer with Mr. Callfornla, who was Abe first woman morrow to have a picnic dinner with break Dr. Smith set the break, and hig!. school faculty." Reeves who Is working there. although very painful the patient is ARMA BILL GOES FROM in the country to be a United States'some of the Illinois valley people resting easily. HEN ATE TO PRESIDENT attorney, was today nominated to be Clyde Street, who has been spend Maiineau in Portland— assistant attorney general ing the past week visiting In the city Reelected l*rineipal— Hood River. May 29 - W. i£. Hart, L laving Grants Pass at 4 a. m., Al Washington, May 29.- — The confer- with his mother, Mrs. Rhoda Street, Word has been received that H. H. deputy city marshall, and not "Bill” Mai ineau arrived at the Imperial at en e report on the army reorganiza left this morning for Sacramento. Nells Property — - Wardrip. formerly principal at the Hart, movie actor, was nominated by Isaac Best made a number of sales 10: .0 p. m. He informed Harry local high school, has been reelected R. E. Reed and Joe Wilson of Pla tion bill was adopted today by the Gres Mammoth Berries— the "write-in-movement" for sheriff senate without a record vote und during the past week. The A. Conk Ha: ilton that the Pacific highway is principal of the Holtville high school cer, are in the city for a short time. C. W. Graham, of the Sunnydale In the last primary. Hu was said to strawberry farm brought a half at Holtville, Calif., at a salary of lin residence at 211 E street was sold goo I for machines now and that it lie looking for a newspaper corre Mr. Reed has the Yellowhorn gold now goes to the president. to Earl N. Young. The Mrs Hood was pleasant “going" from Granta dozen boxes of mammoth berries toi $4600 spondent to take to the Sulein pen mine at Placer and is making exten property on North Seventh street Pass to Roseburg, a stretch which a the city today He has been picking itentiary the next time ha tak<« pris sive development on the property. was purchased by William Schroeder few weeks ago was almost lmpass- for the past three days and has had oners down. Mrs. Mantle Taylor, who has been who sold it to G. M. Flint. G. F. abl^ owing to the mud. Mr. M*r- some large ones that he shipped to visiting here for the past week, ro- Byers, a recent arrival here from tineau is managing the Josephine Portland. The berries brought 34.75 | turnod to Spokane this morning. She Canyon City. Colorado, purchased the ho’el at the Pass. - -Oregonian. Miss Cohn Cutler left yesterday at- will stop at Roseburg where she will a crate net for the selected berries residence at 716 North Seventh from ternoon for her home at lterke'cy. be joined by her granddaughter. Miss and 33.75 for the others, this being j G. M. Flint and will make his home Buys a Itaxige— Miss Culler haH been an Instructor Carmelita Pool, who will accompany the lowest price received The ber-, here. The house has six rooms and at the high school during the past her to Spokane. rise are of the Wellington Marvel Alfred I^etcher Jr., has purchased is on a lot 72 by 150 feet. Mr. Byers _____ Today Taylors Singing Band is i variety. Mr. Graham recently moved year. a Dodge automobile from the C. A. Mrs. M. R Humpton and mother. feature of the Chautauqua It is here from California, and purchased All roads lead to Ashland on Sat- exports his family about the fifth of Linch agency. Miss Marguerite Sinclair, instruc Mrs. Louisa Williams arrived this a the great June. day of fine music, instru- the old Butler farm near Merlin. He urday, June 5. that being the date of Hine. tor at the high school durlug tlie past morning from Chicago for a visit in mental and vocal solos. duets, double is very much enthused over berry the "Homecoming" ceremonial, to be season. left yesterday afternoon for the city with friends and relatives quartets and full band numbers. culture here. staged in that city by Hillah temple Fresno, and will return here next They are uncertain as to their stay Tom Oorwlne! If you have not ----- of the Mystic Shrine. Formal an- |ll| X Hfll/r I IM IV W here. Their home Is at lx>ng Beach. heard him you are due for a half year. nouncements have been mailed to all »••I 1/ IlfllL U W 11 II Rev. Robt. Mcl/oan will leave Mon hour of the most hilarious fun in Mias Alva Wilson left this niorn- the membership, and this notified- OltliNr* 9 1 ■ I yr* i Ing for Portland and Seattle. She day morning for Brookings, where your life. He talks chicken, dog, will go from there to Chicago, mak he will visit a short time. He will cow, hog so they understand him, ing the trip over the Canadian Pa return here and make arrangements imitates all sorts of machinery, loco- to Ashland, espocially in the way of cific. Miss Wilson expects to return to move his household goods to Cali- lnotive whistles and steamboats, _________ a motor tour at this particular sea- . ■ here about the middle of July. fornla. Tomorrow the J. Walter Wilson Mr AOi/rn gon of the year ' wtl1 p rov ® i ° b ® a Peking. May 29.—Report!» reach- Russian Far East !>ecomes more in '■oni|>any of entertainers prelude both r A\Kr I most enjoyable outing. Delightful afternoon and evening; music, read tente and states that the Japanese L nOl\LU 8cenery riRht on threshold of the are carrying her\‘u,Uc things .atA_th with ‘t. J a ’ high J.1.!’? hand ’“ gar; ison at Harbin is to be increased ings, impersonations, Then ‘ Polly- anna, the Glad Giri!” The reading nn kiriinniii niv <?ran,t® c,ty town- and camping 'in Manchuria lutrTirt the other al by 1,000 more men This reeinforce troops are Hillah virtually out UK MrMIIKIAI ||Al,bri^es lied unsurpassed. Tem of the ment is declared by the paper to be of this play by Pauline Lucile Mayo ple Shriner clulvs are planning to at country. The Peking and Tientsin abs< lutely unnecessary "as the Chi is tho dramatic feature of the week, tend in a body and participate, over Times has received from its corre- nese troops stationed there are suf It Is especially fitted to the Sunday the Klam A special meeting of the G. iA. R. fifty being booked from From Vsh- »PVII ’UeUVB WUiVU IV — ficient to maintain order.” platform, and grips the audience by Ash- »Pontl «ntt' tupuiio reports which it present* organization, IU under the heading "Reign of Terror « both the spell of the story and artis- was called this morning at the rooms ath Falls Tie situation along the Chi net j the parting of the ways W t__ tic interpretation given. at the courthouse to take up the land to the Imperial Council’s ses- in Manchuria." It says that at Im- Eas.ern Railway was characterized Albany, N. Y„ May 29.—Farms of factory begin to long for outdoor And In the evening Oapt. T. Dins- question of the Memorial day exer- lead at Portland later on. June 22- anpo, two Russian workmen who by the Times’ correspondent as very New York state will produce their life when tho warm days come, they niore Upton has a heart searching irises Monday. Some trouble has sions Hillah Temple has contributed made some disparacing remarks critical. He stated that the Japan normal contribution to the nation's say, and llttlo coaxing 1« needed to message to fathers and boys. Up- been experienced in getting suffi- 24. to the entertainment fund of about the Japanese emperor in talk- ese military authorities had decided food supply this wesson it the farm make them exchange their work on 3500 ton Is n headliner and he knows boys, rient number of people to take part A] Kader Temple. Portland, and the ing to a Japanese soldier in the Rus- to place their own guards and sen ers are willing to pay the high wages their bench or machine for open | Don ’ t miss "Four Square Building. ” In the program because of the Chau- „.pre^ntation from its organization sian railway hospital were seized by tri et along the whole stretch of the demanded by farm labor, say officials spaces of field and meadow. Closing day is next Monday, Kate tauqua exhibiting at the same time. w y] be ] ar?e from various sections of Japanese soldiers and "summarily railway which crosses Upper Man ot the state department or tarms and Planting has been delayed but this U|»son Clark and the Royal Philip- The G. A. R. decided to request the the Btate 'Deputy potentates for Hil- shot on the spot.” ,At Harbin, the churia. because they were about to markets. These oftloialB express the Is attributed mostly to unfavorable paper says, Japanese sentries sta- send troop trains and military sup plno Sextet will have the platform, city council to provide-for licensing have been appointed for several inn uaiu urvii nppuuiifu iur s belief that the farmers are begin weather conditions. There was diffi s I the Chautauqua Chantauqua or any other corpor- corpor-[ , C()|lnt connt| eg es incIudlnR inciudin'R George S. Cal- Honed on a bridge threw one Rus- plice along that railway and were ning to realize that their products culty early in the spring in obtaining PORTLAND MARKETS ation before they be allowed to ex- houn. of Grants Pass, for Josephine; sian off lhe brid8e breaking his col- afraid the Russian railway workers will command high prices next tall seed, fertilizer, farm implements hlbit in the city. They also voted to R D’ williams, of Roseburg. for i lor bone and stabbed another in the who were opposed to Japanese inter and that this will induce them to and machinery but the state officials Portland, May 29. -All markets ask that May 30. " Memorial day. Douglas; Worth Harvey, of Cottage face wlth a bayonet when the Rus- vention might try to stop the Jap pay high wages to laborers and to say these commodities have been sup- aft RtMdy #nd „nchRn(wd set aside for the price veterans and that>Q rove for jAne; Jackson F. Rim-J 9*an Insist®«* upon crossing the anese front carrying out their plans. plant at least as many acres as in piled as a result of efforts o the de- from Thlln,(lay,H quoUtion,. any exhibition be prohibited on that ball of Klamath Falls, for Klamath bridge. former years. partent of farms and markets in co day. Since the foregoing situation was and Txtke counties, who can supply The Japanese are reported by the The farm workers will be found, operation with railroad officials. SOLDIER RELIEF BILL IN The resolution adopted by the petitions and afford general Infor newspaper to have taken full pos- described, information has been say department officials, when the Expectation that the New York] PASSED BY THE HOUSE members of the G. A. R. follows: mation relative to this approaching: session of Hailar and arrested there made public in Moscow that Chinese % farmer is willing to pay them the state farmer will see hl* duty and do RESOLVED. That the members of ceremonial. 1 - 1 — Russian -------- workers — and handed I them and Russian military commissioners wages they want. The problem of it this year is based In part upon his Washington. May 29.—The soldier General Ixvgan Post No. 39, G. A. R.. lover the ---------- representative of Gen in conference at Verkhne-Udinsk. C._. to -------- - the farmer Is the cost of labor rath record in 191/ and 1918 when farm relief bill was passed today by the of Grants Pass. Oregon, respectfully adds Trans-Baikalia. have reached an Semenoff and the Times eral ««z* Mz. of the i I* .* . draft I Mn f I age , . .m «■ were ■ ** *•<* in 1^ i the lii\ ■ - . * - er than the shortage, they declare. in laborers house. 289 to 92, and sent to petition that the mayor and city NEW REtNHllyS EXPEC TED that by this time "no doubt : they agreement under which "inherent Woodsmen who have been working army. The state officials say that senate. council pass an ordinance requiring Unger rights of the Russian soviet govern IN PULLMAN FIELD MEET have been shot by Baron 1 in the logging camps .during the win the farmer never before laced such the Chautauqua or any other corpor Steinberg.” ment in the Eastern Manchurian ter are expected to go on the farms a labor shortage but, neicrthelesi, ALLEN AATLL NOMINATE GEN. ---------- - ation to obtain a license before ex The Japanese are declared to have railway were recognized and the Chi this summer. Besides, say state offi those were ba.mor years in crop pro WOOD TO RE PRESIDENT hibiting in this city and prohibit any Pullman, May 29.—'New Pacific brought to Hailar and armed 500 nese guaranteed to witboir.w their cials, the annual "back to the land” duction in New York S’ete as well such meeting on May 30, Memorial Northwest conference records are Semenoff troops who are retorted to troops from along the rallwte lines ” migration from the cities should as for the bank balances for the far Chicago, May 29 - Governor Henry day. expected to be made In the annual be actively assisting the Japanese It was pointed out that China's help to relieve the labor situation. mere. They declare that If the far- J. Allen, of Kansas, will nominate S. W. PHILLIPS, [conference track and field meet here ¡and helping to terrorize the local agreement that the Russians should Men who have been lured from the mer will pay the wages tiemandol, General Wood at the republican con Commander. today. Seven colleges of Washing-1 population. The Times predicts that retain possession of its road deprived rural communities und towns by the he will receive thia year bigger pro vention, It was announced at Wood GEO. 0. METCALF. ' ton, Oregon. Idaho and Montana had similar incidents are likely to in the Japanese of one of their best ex higher wages offered in shop and fits than ever before. headquarters today. Post Adjutant. entered teams. crease as the Japanese hold of the cuses for keeping troops on it. HOOVER SPENDS LARGE SUMS FRENCH RELIEVE SÏRIAN CITY tfO.I’T STAND RESERVATIONS 1100 LI Al/r illi/Li III — since U[[|[n