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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1920)
University of Or« Ore. Lisses^ l.tbsse» fnlveraHy tante VOL X„ No. *211 Ornili Courier GRANT« FAHH, JOHEPIIINK COUNTY, O1MMX1N, F CERTIFICATES EHI DAV, MAY *M, 1930. Armistice \gr<v-d Upon and < ouiiiiia- >lon Meeting to Hecurc Terms for l'asce Nomination in H< mx 1 River A<cepG able if No Change of Residence I» Required I ‘Ixiudon, May 28. 'Hostilities be HEXATE tOMMITTEE LEERING IIOI HE KEPI BLICANS UNABLE FIFTY-FIVE GRAMMAR SCHOOL 21.— -When HTATEMEKT8 OF PARTY SAID TO Loa Angeles, May tween the Russians and Japanese in GRADUATES RECEIVE DII’IX»- "Bill'’ Hart, the motion picture se TO PASH Bild. OVER VETO ON SOURCE OF < %M- EIGHT BE IN FI LL ACCORD WITH Siberia ceased last Tuesday, accord tor, was informed be had been made MAH TODAY PAIG.N POWER OF PRESIDENT HIS VIEWS ing to a Reuter dlsisit'h from Vladi the democratic nominee for sheriff of vostok dated Wednesday. The dls- patch also reports the arrival of the Itusso-Japanose armistice commis sion at Khabarocsk. Work for Heamm Ululili Gratifying According to Mr».'Racon, County School Hu iwrintendent Hood River county, Oregon, by a "write in" movement, he said .be would gladly accept, providing he would be allowed to reside in Loe Angeles and visit Hood River period ically. Literature Snil to D ciimm mii<- l>rl<r House Looks With Sympathy on the Holies of Ireland to Secure Inde ipitix Not Sponsored l»y Anyone Were t ailed As Witneasee— pendent Government Known to .Manager Frank Bramwell and F. 3. Bram well were called to Medford yester day In the hearing by the govern ment in the Utah-Idaho sugar probe. The hearing was completed yester day, said Mr Bramwell The case was brought up through the efforts of George Sanders and an attempt was made to show that the company has used its influence in the restraint of trade. Professor Reimer of the Southern Oregon experiment farm refuted the claim that beets could not be grown successfully in the val ley. He said that on one place with out water 18 tons to the acre were secured and with water 41 tons were harvested. « Democrats Back President in OppoM- ti<m to the Reservation on tlie League Elithtn grade diplomas have been i Washington, May 28.—The senate, Washington, May 28.—An effort Washington, May 2$.—The plat awarded to a large number of gram The old Cowen quartz mine near campaign expenditure investigating to over-ride President Wilson's veto form adopted by the Virginia demo mar school graduates in the city and Holland has been pun based by A. C. committee mude further efforts to- on the republican peace resolution crat« last week was endorsed today county. The city schools graduated Stewart und his associates. It is un day to get light on what Chairman failed in the house today. The vote by President Wilson as being "in 83 Into the high school jshile the derstood that the new owners will Kenyon described as “this invisible was 219 in favor of over riding the full accord with my own views and county schools ha<l a total of 55 to install a complete plant fur the hand McAdoo boom.” Angus MoLean. of veto to 152 against the action, which especially in the statement which receive the certificate of graduation ling of the ore very soon. North Carolina, director of the war was 29 under the required two-thirds sets forth the attitude of the party from the grammar grades. Many of The Cowen was one of the first finance corporatln, denied he was a majority. on the league of nations and preoalag the graduates have signified their in quartz properties opened up in "sort of southern campaign manager problems of peace, finance and re tention of continuing their school Southern Oregon In those days the In McAdoo's campaign. He "declar- construction.” The Virgtai* pIM- Washington, May 28.—The resolu work into the high school next fall, output of Oregon gold was credited ed he wax uninformed as to the form praised the preoideat for according to City Superintendent of to California, as the cleanups went to source of the McAdoo literature tion, “viewing with grave concern” the covenant of the league of the conditions existing *ln Ireland, Schools J. G. I me). sent to democratic dele- and "expressing sympathy with the San Francisco The Cowen was lo which tlons," and agreed upon the Var- ''Although thia has been a most cated In 1860 by the finding of a gattM. sallies treaty. It also condemned aspirations of the Irish people for a trying year on account of the diffi rich i>ocket on the surface, latter the the republican reservations as des government of their own choice,” culty In securing teachers, still It has true ledge was opened up and for tructive of the purposes of the was reported out of the bouse for been the most successful during the many years the owners worked the BIG league. eign affairs committee today by a time I have been county auiierlnten- property, using hand drills and black I vote of 11 to 7. dent," said Mr» Bacon this morning. powder, hauling the ore with teams llail a Grouch— Trained teachers were scarce and ten miles to an arrastra. In this way J Pendleton, May 28.—What is said This morning M. L. Opdycke look PITTOCK WIIJ. VALID IS VIEW OF JUDGE TAZWEEE Inexperienced one« have been secur only the high grade ore was mined— to be the largest land transaction in <1X (THIERS FINI^D ON CHARGE ed rather disturbed, his usual cheery ed for the year, said Mrs. Bacon The reaching a depth of about 100 feet, ¡Umatilla county's history was con OF MAKING KlfEM PROFITS greeting giving way to display of a Portland. May 28.—Th« will of result, however, has, been most grati using a windlass and other crude | summated today when the Cunning frown. The cause of the disturb fying as the grades have averaged methods. The old time miners were ham Sheep and I-and Company was Syracuse. May 8.—Weed, Incorpo ance was soon found. "Two nights the late Henry L. Plttock. pubFMst much higher and the work more con forced to mine out only the ore above sold to Fred W. Falconer, of Enter rated, Binghamton clothiers, who ago I was going fishing." he said, of the Portland Oregonian, the con sistent than for many yean. There that level, about 2000 feet of tunnel prise. Oregon, at a price of over a were tried in the United States cir ¡‘and got all ready and then went out test of which was made by the were very few failures In the exami ing was done above this level. half million dollars. The deal was cuit court were found guilty today to crank up Lizzie. By the time I daughter, Mrs Caroline Leadbetter. in the circuit court here this week, nations this year Mr. Btewart sunk a winze down announced by J. M Keeney, vice on all counts in the federal indict got It cranked and going it was bed On June 10 and 11 a second exam through the old workings and far president of the company and 1n- ment charging them with profiteer time. Last night I got everything. today was declared valid by Circuit ination will be held to give the un-| enough below the lower level to sat- eludes 25.000 acres of land and 14,- ing. The court Imposed a fine of or thought I did. and went to Savage Court Judge Taxwell. The instru mtcrassful students a chance to pass L I I isfy himself of the ore body before i 000 head of sheep. The late J. N. $31,000. rapids. When I got there. I found I ment disposed of and the estate ap The following Is the list of the Stu-, purchasing. Mr. Stewart has been Burgess was head of the Company. had forgotten my line. The worst of praised at $8,000.000. Undue lnfln- dents who passed the May exantlna- | going to lAJaaka for 20 ysan, btrt it is I know they sre biting *' Mr eD<® 08 the <be executor and I tlons. Opdycke is going to shake his hoodoo trustees was alleged by Mrs. L«ad- STRIKERS WOUNDED WHEN will remain in "God's Country" this LIQUOR HALE TO RE SLOWEIi better. City schools Ell Allen, Henry Al-' season. RIOTER« BEGIN TO ATTACK and catch a mess tonight (maybe 1 IT RY A4TION OF OFFKTCRS berta, Ellsworth Abel. Lucy Allen, i The mine is located in one of the DEMOCRAT WOULD REPEAL Edna' Batman. Iris Burns, Doris best known gold producing districts' Washington. Bristol, R. I., May 28.—Two strike ____ _ ___ __ May 28.—4n an sf- AJJ, WARTIME LEGISLATION Condlt. Eleanor Cougle. Garrett In th^ state The famous Boswell fort to defeat the "indlecrfmlnate sympathisers were wounded by pistol Will Attend Show— Many local people are making Crockett, Ison« Currier, Chester; property adjoins the Cowen on the, Baie i" ' of liquor on physicians' pre- j shots and three factory guards were •Washington, May 28.—'Repeal of Edgerton. Roy Edwards, Dorothy Eg-,, south side and Harry Blskron Is now ecriptions. Commissioner Williams, i Injured by stones during a riot at plans to attend the show at the Page gen. Ixiuise English, Clara Harbeck. | milling ore on the adjoining claims of the bureau of internal revenue, is- the plant of the National India Rub next Tuesday night. “The Passing all wartime legislation was proposed Show” is said to be one of the best today In a joint resolution introduc Ards Isham, Vera Johnston. Stanley to the west. Mr. Stewart says **>st sued a ruling today limiting the her company, where the strike is in attractions that has ever shown in ed by Representative Connally, dem lawton. Helen !«eeper, James Iaon- he is highly enthusiastic over ths number of permits allowed to each progress. thia part of the state and has the ocrat, of Texas. Repeal would be ard, Theodore Newstrom. Bort Pal- new purchase. It ts understood that | physician to 100 for each three original cast that played in New effective on final passage of the reso (Contlnusd on Page 2) ; ths deal was a cash proposition. months, except with a "good cause.” SCHI LDERMAN OUSTED BY York. lution. GOVERNOR FROM COMMISSION FRENCH WOMEN EXPRESS AFFECTION FOR U. S. MOTHERS —— * Salem, May 28.—Governor Olcott today appointed T. M. Handley, of Tillamook, as corporation commis sioner in place of Henry J. Schulder- man, whom the governor asked to re sign late yesterday. ------------------- • Paris. May 28.—Sisterly affection and deepest sympathy for the women of America whose husbands, sons, brothers and sweethearts fell during the war was expressed in a message received by the Paris Memorial day Banks to Clone— committee from the society of French The city banks will close all day home., the members of which are, Monday, for Memorial day. Other French women who know the sorrows 1 stores will also dose and it is ad of war and the heartaches attending vised that a stock of provisions be it. laid in Saturday. Quincy. Mass.. May 28.- The keel destroyers, is the object of much of Berlin, May 28.-—The American stuffs supplied by the American •of the world's biggest warship will the designing that entered into the Friends Service committee now is Friends committee, Of the different be laid down here within six month creation of the Ix-xSigtou class. Ar feeding 100,000 of the undernour menus afforded the most popular The battlecruiser Lexington, combin mour will lie sacrificed to make pos ished children of Germany of whom among the Berlin children is a’ kind ing in a degree unequalled by an- sible the 35 knot speed the main there are. according to estimates of porridge made of flour, condensed ship of war now built or building the licit being only five inches thick at based on physicians' reports, at least milk, sugar and lard, eaten with a qualities of powerful armament and its maximum as co in pu red with the 1.000,000. Only one-tenth .............. of them i roll. high speed, has taken form in draw 12-lnch steel belt on most battle rvnn I rilT nnnnnill are being cared for 48 the Sixty per cent flour is furnished. ings and awaits, the arrival of ma ships. but armament will be of tre- HLH FN rn 1KAM ”** ran feed on,y thO,,e •er,o’""y or FlMMn Barth s;>oke of it with en- terials to lie advanced from the endous power. The lx>xington thus LAULLLLIl I I llUUllHlVl dangerously underfed. thusiasm. *Such flour hasn 1 been hands of the architect to those of the will have not only the strategic ad In a kindergarten at Schoeneberg, ise€n Berlin for years,” she ex- builder. By fall. It Is estimated, the vantage of speed, hilt will be able to a huge district where the Berlin poor I clalmed "Crowds come to look at prospective queen of the United fire a heavier charge over a greater cluster like bees, the correspondent I •• States navy will become a ship under distance than any other battleship .saw several hundred pale-faced chil The committee began work in Ger construction Instead of an ambitious for which the plans are known, dren ravenously attack the meal the many the latter part of February. plan. ' The Ijexlngton In action will apeak The school year for Hugo closed The corrected program for Mon committee daily provides. It was a The Ixwington Is the name-ship* of with a voice of 16-inch guns, of on May 26 with graduation exercises, day’s memorial day is as follows: The Kapp revolution and the conse ground-floor room with big windows J a class of battlecruisers which will I which ahe will have eight. The navies the class consisting of two gradu- G. A. IR. and all Civil war vete flush with the street. Every window quent disorders in Saxony and the ’,1ve Uncle Sam within four years a of Great Britain. France and Italy ates, iMisa Iva Wright and Elraer rans. members of the W. R. C., will had a dado of swarming little ones. Ruhr greatly interfered with opera fleet of six big-gun fighting ships contain no gun greater than 15 Ludwick. meet at the courthouse at 1 1:30 They stood on the sidewalk peering tions. . However, in Berlin, 50,000 of unmatched by anything then afloat. Inches and that of Japan includes The program consisted of a duet, o'clock and march in a body to > the in, noses flattened against the panes, the estimated 90,000 to 100,000 Her sister ships, the t'onstenalfon, 16-inch guns only on battleehips of "Rowing” by the members of the opera house, where the exercises will needy children are now being fed, their big round eyes eagerly watch Saratoga, Ranger. Constitution and 24 knot speed which are now under class whose motto was "Rowing, Not begin at 2 o'clock. and the work in the provinces ts be ing the children in the room feast United States, are also under con construction. ing extended as fast as conditions Unlike the dread Drifting.” Salutatory by Miss Opening music. ing. tract. They bring names out of the naught class reliance on big guns ex Wright. Valedictory by Elmer Lud Ritual salute to G. A. R. and ad- Most of those on the outside were permit. It is hoped soon to reach all old navy with which to develop for clusively. the Ix«xlngton will carry wick, a vocal duet by Mrs. Ahern dress*of welcome by Commander in the class of merely undernourish the most urgent cases throughout the the first new capital vessels of the 18 six-inch guns as a secondary nr- end Mrs. 'I-arson, and an address by Philips. ed. for whom no aid is available. ¡country. Germany has been divided post-war fleet'a traditional back mament. Prayer--Rev. Mcl,ean. Dr D. V. Doling, of the O. A. C. Fraulein Margaret Barth, a well- ■ into eleven districts, with Berlin as ground for fresh exploits. Taking a page from the naval les- Reading general orders — G. A. R. known educator, who, as the heed of ■headquarters and the principal sub The work of the young people was With the others of Its class, the sons of the wnr, the designers of the and W. R. C. the local committee, supervises all stations at Hamburg, Leipzig. I>res- Indeed quite creditable and was high la>xington will he a whale of a ship. T^exlngton have equipped her with Solo .... Mrs. J. L. Johnson the feeding arrangements in the den apd Chemnitz. The organiza- It. will displace IS',200 tons and will , four antl-nlrcrnft guns, eight torpedo ly compllmertted by their neighbors Lincoln's Gettysburg Address Schoeneberg district, sighed as she , tlon is said to have sufficient funds have the power of 180,000 horses, ns | tubes, four of which are submerged and friends ns well as by the speak ..... Mrs. Sam Baker glanced at those wistful faces at the to continue its mission in Germany measured In mechanical terms. Its | and four on deck and with means of er of the 'occasion. until the harvest begins to come in, Song Quartet windows, and turned away. This was thp first visit of Dr. Po length of 874 feet Is within U’> foot ’ defense against aerial bombs and about August 1. German crop pros Presenting French war memorials "On the first day, ” she said, "we of the length of the Leviathan, mon- aerial toriiedoes. Defense against ling to this section of Oregon, and by N. R. Allen, American Legion permitted the imrents to come to see pects are poor, however, and the har nter passenger liner- The 101.1 submarine torpedoes will he obtnln he return he will be heartily Address J. N. Johnston their children fed. They wept with vest is expected to give only tempor feet of width of the Irvington will ed through fore and aft torpedo do greeted by a larger audience than ''America' ................ AudAnce gratitude. We didn't let them come ary relief. make that floating gun platform fense 'bulkheads, by which the sta- n’e^ I®51 evening, We heartily Benediction. again. They were hungry themselves « hlllty of the vessel will be preserved commend Dr. Poling as an Interest broader than any pnssenger ship. and their pinched faces were more Washlngtn, May* 28.—The confer no matter where she Is pierced. Un-B 8 ® and instructive speaker, The I<extngton, which is to be IttltTLAND MARKETS I than we could bear in a place where ence report on the long pending wa equipped with electric drive, will at der any conditions but an explosion The singing of Mrs. Ahern and food was being served." ter power bill was approved today by tain a speed of *35 knots. This cruis It in claimed, the Lexington class of I Mrs. Larson was excellent, All en- Portland, May 28.—Markets are ■Cocoa, milk, flour, sugar, "e. the senate and now goetl to the presl- I Joyed listening to them. er sliced, higher than that of many warship should prove unsinkable. steady and unchanged today. peas, «beans and lard are the food- dent. Al OPERA HOOSE MON.