Tl ENDA Y, MAY iM. IIIUO. GHANTH l'ANN DAILY UOlhlHI Classified Advertising WASTED 111 WOOD FOR SALE 13.80 per WANTED-- Married men for farm ! work, houaes free. River Banka [ tier delivered, Phone W. S. itob- Farms. 66tf inion, Wllrlervlll» 4 str MEN AND TEAMS WANTED At FOR HALE Purebred registered Moon & Company’s road camp! Jersey cows, heifers and calves, at near Port Orford. Wages »10 for Th« Meadow». I’lione C. N. Culy. trams, 8 hours; man »5 for 8 r.»tf hours. Furnish California hay at »34 por ton; rolled barley or oats! FOR SALE—Furnished 5-room mo at »72 par ton. Board »1.10 par, dern house. Call at 718 South day or you can camp tf you like Sixth street. 82 Bast of working conditions. Moon A Company. »6 FOIl SALE Moscovls, the quackleas duck. Eggs per setting, (I. ISO WANTED TO RENT-—Partly fur feet lH-Inch canvas hose. 411 nished house by responsible par Bridge street Airs. O. A. Bryan ty. Address 1103 care Courier. 7'3 82 WANTED A woman who can cook for a few men at the orchards. No objection to children. Must be good cook. Address P. 0. ¡I6x No. 116 SI OH, DEAR! MY EACH! Merciful Heavens, how my back hurts in the morning I ” It’s ail due to iu>, A>ver -abund- J anco ance of that,* that,' poison called; uric acid. The kidneys are not able to got rid of it. Such con* ditiona you can readily overcome, and prolong life by taking “Anuric” (anti-uric-acid). Thia can be obtained at almost any drug ■tore, in tablet form. When your kidneys get sluggt; h and clog, you suffer from back ache, sick-hcadache, dizzy Bpells, or twing«-s and rains of lumbago, rheumatism or gout; or sleep is disturbed two or three times a night, get Dr. Pierce’s Anuric, it will put new life into your kidneys and your entire tsystern. Send Dr. Pierce’s Invalids’ Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., ten cents for trial package. S an F iiancihto , C alif .—“) have used Dr. Pierce’s remedies in my family for fifteen yeurs an<l have found on every occasion that they gave satisfactory results. Recently I was troubled with my kidneys and my back constantly pained me. I took three packap«>s of Dr. Pierce’s Anuric Tablets which removed all •>ain and cleared up conditions. I advise every one to give Dr. Pierce’s remedies a fair trial.”—M rs . E. E ve . 422 Brannon Street. Mind you Not premiums or coupons but clean cut merit won for Canela! Carnata am seM aswry. whet« in ttmntiñcaíly puttana of 20 citatoti* a for 20 conta; or trn pachaca I 2O0 cija'atta a) in • in^-paprr rnvtrtd tarton W» ifrort/y rrrnmmuntifhis rarton for tho home or oifoo aupply or trhon you FOR HALE Young purebred Saanan milk goat, nit white and horn leer, just fresh. Best stock in Southern Oregon. Price »60. flood two homo wagon and rack for sale. MEN WANTED—For road work, »5 »45. Wanted, a pony, cheap. J. and up for 8 hours. Bring blan Leroy Johnson. miles north of kets. Schell £ Calvert. 82 town on the Ixmne creek road. 81 WANTED—Man for orchard and genural farm work, Good wages FOR SALK Ford In good «ondltlon and com fort» bl« house, Desirable at 102 Weal A street. 81 surroundings. Address P. O. Box FOR 8 A LE — 6 shouts. weight about No. 116. 86 110, »60 each One brood aow, WANTED—Chiffonier or cheat of furrowed lu Juno. . Henry Steger, drawers in dark finish (black wal Marlin, Or«. 86 nut preferred); also kitchen table FOR SALE—Two young goats, fresh Give price and condition Mr« soon, Minor,» and Leghorn ehlck- ('laudo L. Itavi», R. F D. 2, Box uns, garden tools, cook stove, au<l 91, Grants Pass. 82 i other household articles Hens to WANTED Logcuttar, »1.50 per bo delivered June 4. L. R. Chand ^ail thousand, tools furnished. ler. »02 North Ninth St. 88 211-R. 81 FOR SALE—18 acres under ditch, Ft»|{ RENT sultable'for chicken ranch, capable of cutting about 500 tiers wood; Foil RENT- -7-room modern houne Apply 601 Eighth street, corner 60 acres unimproved; 40 acres Im A. |S proved, stock, and outbuildings; Stomach-Kidneys-Heart-Liver house, one acre with furnished IIEWAIID barn nnd outbuildings, electric Keep the vital organs healthy by lights and telephone; 4 lots 60x189 ItEWARD Htrayed. my sorrel ponj. regularly taking the world’s stand branded 101 on hip. S10 to j>o Also ard remedy for kidney, liver, All oil I’ll Ifle highway. •on finding same and notifying D bladder and uric acid troubles— 15,000 feet of lumber, For fur- F. Russell, Merlin, Ore. ther information address Box 288. 83 Gold Hill, Oregon. MISI ELLA NEOl H FOIt ÜAI4C 1 own a »3,000 home In BEYER of the Medtord Junk Co tfvattls that I have a »1700 Inter will be in Grsnts Pass. and wil est in that I will trade as a first pay top market prices for woo', National R»m«dy of Holland payment on a nice home at Grants mohair, bides, pelts, rubber, rags, c.nturiMand .ndorwd by Quaan V.’ilh.l- Paas not too tar out, not less than metals. Iron, newspapers and tnay- rnlna. At all druggists, three stze£ a, two acras or more with a good five M»M G»U Madal M ...ry k*x ai'nes, also sacas. 417 G street Lwk far th. •*1 ov iuu'.tiea room house with lights and water, Palace hotel. SQli all kluds of fruit and good F*1*-> My place Is 6-room modern house | ATTENTION—-Motorcycle and bi cycle riders. Expert repairing I The California and Oregon, F H eXM «han» lot 100x100. young Cuaal àiaiìiuuù Cuuipany quickly done. New and used Har- fruit and berries, flowers and TIME CARD i fey-Davidson motorcycle» for tale. roses. I have a good deed. 391° Phone «Ol-P-li. »7 Effective -NW. 34, 181». • West Webstét, Seattle, Wash. 81 AMELS leave no doubt in your mind as to how you stand on the choice of cigarettes! Camels quality and Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos settle that to your sat isfaction/ And, you’ll prefer this Came! blend to either kind smoked straight 1 C Camels refreshing flavor alone is a rev elation, but their smooth mollow-mildness and satisfying body just cap the climax! And, they never tire your taste, no matter how liberally you go to them! And, you’ll also learn what it means to smoke a ciga rette free from any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty odor when you smoke Camels. You’ve certainly got a surprise waiting for you when you compare Camels with any cigarette in the world at any price. MB • • ■ «wFeaaaaaa WATCH THE BIG 4 GOLD MEDAL YOUR WEEKLY CHECK—Limited» Trains will run Î* Mondays, Wednes only by Ability and time devoted Fridays days and I F PM .... 1 to selling our trees. Complete leave Grants Pa«* PM. 2 line of all varieties backing you. ' Arrfv« Waters Creek Waters Creek 2:30 P.M. Write for terms. Start Itnmedl-1 leave PM 4 Arrive Granta Pass..... ately, Salem Nursery Company. FOR SAI Ji -Lincoln electric charg Far Information-regarding freight er, 3 to 20 cells, Mi horse power, i 427 Oregon Bldg., Salem, Oro. 103 and passenger rates call at the office ______ mm»- --_______ ___ _ — i of the company. Lundburg building. | Practically new. ('nil Carl Gent VOCAL INSTR! < TB>N or telephone 131. ner. 84 . MRS GI'Y KNAPP -Voice and pinao 139 ACHES unimproved 'land for Accredited teacher for high school sale nt »15 per acre. Could take work Phone Ï24 Residence some town property. No agents. 4 20 A street 33tf Address No. .1179 care Courier.83 MRS J. L. JOHNSON- Instructor of Brunswick Tir es FOR SALE 80 acres rolling land, voice. Rooms above Moore's Ba fenced, buildings, spring water. kery, hours from 1 to 5 on Tues Stewart Spjt Lights Bargain for cash U. O. Abell, days and Saturdays. Monogram Oils and Greases Wlldervllle. 80tf t I VIL ENGINEER FOR SALE A dining tnble, side DANIEL McPARLAND—Civil engi hoard, fino range, clock, washing neer and svrveyor. Registered machine, music and book rack, professional ««nalneer Res. 740 M‘t us laapcrt your battery free H \/.l I.TOX A. DISBIttiU fruit jars and son»» other thins* North Tenth "treet. Phone 211-Y .«I North Sixth St. Opposite Courthouse J. B Paddock. 668 North Second 83 «reel. DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER t iaUMR sn •« ■ »ra . X i/w« » , s www n i r—V—V i <1 W—« t 51 Ci'AW E? 111 ES FOR HAL» Another lot of White leghorn 4 weeks old cockerels, at 11.60 per dosen Hammerbachar, Rd. 2. phone 606-F-23. 84 Ideal Wind Shield Wings Come into ike savaûE Camp The Battery Shop »'Ort SALE Now Ford truck, cab THE WORLD MOVE'S; so do we gnd body and equipment, at a bar Hunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone gain. Call Fire Department, City 349. Mall. 81 F G. ISHAM, dray ago and transfor Safes, pianos and furniture Foil SALE Snap-draggon plants, moved, packed, shipped an<l.stored qnbbago and bro coll plants. Call Office phone 1 24-Y. St 916 Washington Blvd. 81 POULTRY WHITE LEGHORN hatching egg» L. O. CLEMENT, At. D., Practice limited to diseases of eye. ear, nose from honvy winter layers, ti.r.o and throat. Glasses fitted. Hours por 15; »7 per 100. K. Hammor- 9-13, 2-5. or on appointment bachnr, phono 6O6-F-23, R F. I). Phones, office 62; residence 359-J. No. 2. 83 S. IXJÜGIIRIDGE, M. D. Physician REAL ESTATE and surgeon. City or country vails attended day or night. Phones. K. T. McKINSTRY 603 ' G street, Res. 369; Office. 182; 6th and H phone 13-R. General real estate business The best of nil kinds of E. J BILLICK, M D. Physician soils for fruit, hay or general and surgeon; office Schallhorn farming. 21 tf block, phone 54-J; residence, 1004 TAN SOONER TAXI Phone 262-11 for | Jitney Luke cr Cutli-r. Call* au- I 86tf swore«! anywhere, anytime. Igtwnrldge, phone 5 4-L. W. F. RUTHERFORD-Manual the raputlea It gets your ailment Office over Barnea' Jewelry store bills hours 9: 30-1 2; 1 r 30-4. PALACE TAXI—Phone 22-J. Geo RALPH W STEARNS, M. D. Phy A. Hyde & Henry Sargeant. 25tf slclan and surgeon, X-ray equip ment, dental X-ray. Office, Ma sonic Temple Bids. Phones: Of flee 21-J: residenci» 21-L TAXI White Line Taxi, sedan car DENTISTS Ride In comfort. Citv or coun First-class try. Correct prices. Safety first. E. C. MACY, D. M. 0. dentistry. 10»'4 fl. 6th St Call M. ('lenient Drug Store, phon« 4H-II, residence phone. 379-J. W. VETERINARY Si ltGEOX (I. White. ’ S’* DR H. .1 BESTI’L, Veterinarian • . I U Residen e 83’ Washington boule Warrsntry Deed blanks at th» yard phon» 398.H Bourlor office j7ie utmostpower-value Pure throughout, dependable always, Red Crown gasoline gives the utmost power-val ue. It is made to meet the requirements of your engine. “Red Crown” is all-refinery gasoline with the full and continuous chain of boiling points necessary for # ready starting, quick and smooth acceleration, steady, dependable nower and long mileage. Look for the “Red Crown” sign before you fill. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) C. D. Fies, Special Agent Standard Oil Co., Grants Pass o È> 4 o 4 & 4 “HEAP BIG MILEAGE!" As your mileage mounts higher and higher—7,000. H.OOO, 10.000 and even 20,000 miles in some case»— yon xvill appreciate more fully the moaning of the Savage slogan. “Heap big mileage." SAVAGE SERVICE There is a fresh stock of Savage Tires and Grafinite Tube» and an organization at your service at every Savage branch store and at the »tore» of Savage distributors everywhere. Ven will !>!:.' Sivnge service as well as Savage "Heap big mileage" Tire» and Grafinite Tubes. Guaranteed B.OOO miles on “Grip»" 8000 miles on “O" type Adjustments made at home For sale at the Grants. Pass Service Station C. A. Llncb