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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1920)
TI ENDAY, MA» 1». HMSO. GRANTS PASS DAILY <X»l HIER PAGE TWO work, they have gone about the ser ious things of life equipped well tor the competition that waa before them. The public school organim tlon la ene of the things In which | Granta Paes takes Just pride GRANTS PISS DAILY COURIER Published DaJly Except Sunday A. E. VOORHIWS, Pub. and Propr. entered at poetofflve. Grants Pass. Ora., as second class mail matter ADVERTISING RAT 'S rtaplay apace, per Inch .... — ..30c Isoeal-pereonal column, per line..10c Readers, per line ........ 5c -I DAILY COURIER •y mall or carrier, per year *6 00 •y mall or carrier, per month.. .50 NEW TODAY NKU TOIMT UNION CENTRAL LIFE Insurance! Company of Cincinnati. One ___ of the ten oldest and largest In the1 United States. Investigate their! rates. T. M. Stott. Agent. 79lf WEEKLY COURIER By mail, per year............. -.99.00 MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS’ The Associated Press is exclusively »»titled to the use for republication •st all news dispatches credited to it __ ________ ___ dr all otherwise credited in thia of them it means the closing of sought baa been found In the Granta per and the daper —2 also J 2 . ‘ ’ocal news pub- study in the class room. For others, Paas school From Its training, atu- 11»bed herein. All rights of republication of spe cial dispatches herein are also re it Is stepping front the high school dents have gone into the colleges sad into college or university. In either universities and have become lead- eerred. case, it means probably that ties of er«. They had the foundation upon TUESDAY, MAY 2Ä. 1020. home will be soon severed, and that new responsibilities are to be taken I which to build and the ambition for 4444444444444*4444 upon the shoulders of the rising gen building. And where graduation at ; 4 UKKGOX W KATH KK Grants Pass has completed school ♦ eration. The Grants Pass public school sys 4 Weather for the Week Wednesday- 4 tem has long had the reputation, 4 ♦t Tonight fair. fair and warmer. Light to heavy earned by a high grade of work un frost in early morning except ♦ der its moet competent corps of in ♦ near the coast. structors, of giving to its students all «»♦4e444444e4e4*4 ♦ ■ I » ' . ■ ■ ' - ’ - —— - --- - ----- — that there can be given In a public THE GRANTS PASS SCHOOL school course of instruction. Much Commencement week, when the depends upon the individual student class of young men and women who in school work just as much depends have been pursuing their studies at upon the individual citizen in life the local high school, complete their no amount of direction and guidance work, is of more than usual interest work. If it is not in the individual, ah marking a definite point in the an bring it out. But for the boy or li'e ol the young people. For many girl who seeks. which Special to Close BARNES, The Jeweler DEPENDAItijE INSURANCE — All < aililbu' Auto Stage— kinds, telephone or write for rates The Cadillac Auto Stage 1» and save your time. T. M. Stott. nine regularly to Crescent City, Agent. ?8tf Ing at 9:90 every morning, Dili SAIJC Singer sewing machine. stage taken passengers only, R. W Rogers, 106 4 North Ninth reservations see O. Hiller, Jr street 83 Rolled onta. $2.50 por arrlage FOR SALE -One baby Call at 669 North Sixth street, or Count'e Feod Storo. llemstltchlng and pecotlng, 86 phone 178-J. and 12’c per yard. Nellle Noas FOR SALE Near Dryden, 300 acres Rolled oats. 92 50 with team, self binder, all neces- Count ’s Feed Store. ■ary farm tools, tools. spring water piped in In house, good outside • “Danderlne." Rabin range, Must be sold to settle an Rolled oats. 92.50 estate. J. A. Tolln. SeltRa. Ore 06 Count’s Feed Store. M imi W iui I im I— For road work, 95 and up for 8 run leav- hours. Bring blankets. Schell A 99 Th» Calvert. For CITY TRKAHI KKIl’K NOTK’K S ! If sack. 86 lOc Otti sack. 86 83 There are fund« In the city Irena- ury to redeem all warrant» drawn on the general fund numbered 14297 to il 3 20 inclusive Intereat will <eaae after May 25th. 1930. Dated at Granta Paee, Oregon. May 14th. 1920. 0. P. JESTER. City Treasurer. » « GASOLINE HORTAG 4S PAIRS TEA .MS SHOES, MOSTLY HEN•>. ALL K AMI WHITE, WITH BRACK StJLES. PER PAIR «Oc A FEW PAIRS OF WOMEN’S AAll MINES’, PER PAIR 5Oc 9 9 Golden Rule Store i"u probably have friend» galore who are glad to take you riding in their cars. But when you can get as good a car a- the MAXWELL nt the reasonable price we quote, it is much better to be indciandent and go when and where yon please. There is nothing but pleas ure and satisfaction in owning MAXWELL. AGENTS Southern Pacific Company is ready to . move promptly to any point in this State or any other State it serves Gasoline Distillate Kerosene and Fuel Oil COR HUDSON MAXWELL CHALMERS AND ESSEX CARS COLLINS AUTO COMPANY WCliiORIES, AHOKtPAIR HC PHONE JI7 SU H STREET. ESSEX M0T0R5 GRANTS PASS, ORE. offered it for shipn ent and is ready to do all in its power to remedy any existing shortage with good service Oregon Normal School SIX WEEKS »IMMER TERM, HI20 Entrance an<l Hnr<■!Im<-nt Juna 21. 11120 i < <►( IISES Regular: Practically all of those offered during the regular session. Company Southern Special 'Methods: (a) In the different subjects for all the grades from 1 to 8 inclusive; (b) For rural schools; (c) For principals aid city superintendents. Elementary teacher»’ training course: All aubjects required by law for the elementary teachers’ training courge. REGULAR TERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER 20, 11120 I Write to the Registrar for a Catalogue. 4