Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1920)» ot Ore. Librar < ♦ (Brants r VOI* X., N<>. IMIH. f GRANT« PAHH, JOHEPH1NE GOUNTY, OREGON, WHOLE XI MBBR 20*» Ti fhiiAY, may an. IMO. I llx'turn* Hlwm < nliforuhui Holding About Even in I’rimery Election Friday in State I I. Washington, May 25.—Expendi ISAAC BEST TO PRESENT T»IR TROOPS WHICH 1 BOSTON REFIN Kill EH CHARGED Portland, May 26.—Johnson has a RO144HEYIKI SHEEPSKINS TO THE GRADI J. tures of $66,000 exclusive of the Cal load of 1381 votes over Wood In the CROHHED BKKEBINA FOHCB1» WITH EXTORTING EXCESSIVE SEND PRODI «TH TO RELIEVE ifornia primary expense, have been ( 1 o'clock compilation, with 21 coun ATINO « LASS TO RETREAT » RATES FOB PRODI« T SHORT AGE made in the campaign pf Herbert ties complete anil Curry county un t I .Hoover, John F. Lncey. the Hoover heard from. An error In the Mult < nomah count gave Johnson a gain of manager, testified today before the 53 votes and a loss to Wood of 126, senate investigation comnittee. To- To making a net gnln for Johnson of tal receipts were placed at $62,?00 . ¡179 votes. DEAD STRAUB TO GIVE ADÜRÉSS 4 T/4 WHOLE FRONT IS ATTACKED SEVERAL CONCERNS MENTIONED TCconoinlsta, Farmers and Financier* Portland, May 26 Tabulations by l*o|f* Fared by l^xrgeet NumiM-r of Hany Million» Sahl to Have Been I Frost Tonight—• < ariotta Wiseman Xatneo V alesilo» Would Be Calhsl to Remedy Fom* Yet Maeeed Against Them » .Maxie by Hoarding and Regula the Portland Telegram at 11 o’clock torian and Katherine linker trt The frost last a little night did «lui Hltuntloii by the Reds ting I’rki* this morning, gave Johnson a lead of Be Halutatxrriaa damage wherever it could find a I ix' i 184 votes over Wood in last Fri bean or blade of corn unprotected day's primaries. These figures are The damage was most severe around Washington, May 26 A decrease from 18 counties complote and 17 in Warsaw, May 25.— Bolshevikl Boston, May 25.—’The federal gov the foothills, but a light fog drifted The senior class of the local hick in agricultural production may re complete, but almost complete, Cur- troops which succeeded In crossing ernment today took action against in In time to save the crops in the school will close their four years of sult In this country becoming de- ry county is still unreported, Tab- the upper Beresina In several places the sugar refiners here for alleged valley The weather report says high school life tonight at the com pendent on overseas food supplies, illations give Johnson 43,857; VA»od have been driven bax-k across the profiteering and hoarding. frost for tonight. mencement exercises at the opera Herbert Hoover declared today In a <2,073. river with heavy losses Including 400 The Revere Sugar Refinery, with house, where they will receive their letter to Representative lliddlhk. re prisoners, according to an official its vice president, was charged with diplomas from the hand of • Isaac publican, Montana, setting forth the Scatter Was Herr — statement issued here yesterday. The exacting excessive prices and with , .. . Beet, president of the school board, former food administrator's views. H. D. 8cutter, head of the farm ; _. enemy Is attacking along the entire holding sugar from the market, and i ne 36 members of the class of 193* "As to practical measures to Insure* northern Polish front, but have been the American Sugar Refining Com management at Corvallis, was In the I will appear tonight as a class for the better returns to the farmer for his I checked everywhere. It Is declared. pany, with Its general manager, was city yesterday and will return again I Ia9t time. They are to wear cap* labor and Investment " Fighting continues along the whole charged with selling sugar at exces tomorrow. He is looking - ,or a i ,o- and gowns for the occasion. Hoover suggested the creation ot cation for a' demonstration farm and have sive prices. The complaints asserted front and the bolshevikl Dean John Straub, of the Univer a commission composed of hlghly brought up the largest number of the companies made *100,000,000 by it is thought that he may decide to sity of Oregon, will deliver the ad trained farmers, skilled economist* I locate it near this city. troops ever faced by the Poles. holding and regulating prices. dress to the class. Dean Straub In and financial experts to consider the Honolulu, May 25.—A number of — the official guardian of the freshmen causes and remedies for the situa prominent Japanese commercial and irxiTAtN . nrri tnrn Tn Sheriff Rexlmxmd Here at Oregon and will be able to tell the tion professional men. meeting as the AII|j||||D DCLlIvLy Sheriff R. A. Redmond, of Hum-1 members of the class much that will Japanese Current Problems Invest!- nUUllUll IsLl UuLO IU . boldt county, was in the city this benefit them after graduation. He Fl T McKinstry Is spending the gallon-association, recently appoint I morning on his way to Eureka. He |8 a very interesting talker. HR «lav In Medford looking after some ed a committee of three leading Jap- went to Marshfield along the coast subject has not been announced, iiimn to investigate the affairs of business matters. and secured his prisoner, a man the salutatory address will be de Mrs. W. P. Graham wont to Med the Japanese labor organization named Dover, and took him back by ])Tere<1 by MJgs Katherine Baker, ford this morning to spend ili e day which late In January instituted the way of Eugene and this city. wbo wag the second highest average Columbus. Ohio, Mav 25. —Ex strike of workers on the sugar plan visiting with friends in that city. Denver, Co4o., May 25.—Two ex for the four years in high school. pense accounts of public officials tations. press "packages." each consisting of Wllllnm Huselton went to Suther- Forester* Arri»>. Miss Carlotta Wiseman will give tho Despite the announcement of the have come under discussion in Ohio a little negro boy, recently passed lln last night where ho will attend K. P. Cecil and M. L. Merritt ar- maledictory, as she had the highest planters that, as far as they are con- v .th the refusa* ot the state auditor through Denver en route from Tope eauip mooting for the next 10 days. corned. the strike Is over and the to pass an expense* secount turned In ka. Kansas, to Ogden, Utah. Or rived here last night in company average. R. A. Doser left this morning for places of the Japanese who walked by several judges. When the audi with Supervisor E. H. MacDanrels, of The first number on the program the Cow Creek canyon where he will out have been filled, the Hawaiian tor held that $5 40 was too much ville Skaggs, eight years old, was the local forestry office. They have *1*1 be a selection by the high No. 1, while his brother, package •pend a few days. Federation of l,abor, formerly known fur even a jujdce to pay for a day’s Lester, six years old, was package just completed a trip to Powers, school orchestra. The processional Frank Coleman, of the Collins ns tho Japanese Federation of Labor, meals of the state's money, one of No. 2. making the entire trip on foot. Su- *H1 then form and the class with Auto Company, has returned from a asserts ft Is prepared to carry the the Jurists wrote vigorously in pre Their mother, who resides in To pervisor MacDaniels met them at ' march onto the stage. Rev. Hanson several Weeks visit in Medford. fight for higher wages to a finish. test. peka. decided to send them to their Winkle Bar, 25 miles below Galice. , will deliver the invocation. He will W. M Darker, of Albany, la spend Originally about 8,000 Japanese Judge Willis Vickery and Judge father who is living in Ogden. She From Galice he brought them up in be followed by the orchestra, which ing the summer visiting at the home and Filipinos went on strike. Most T. S. Dunlap, both of the appellate decided to forward them by express the forestry truck, in a ride that was will play 'Blue Beljs.” Miss Baker of the Filipinos have returned to 1 court at Cleveland, and state auditor and. since the company accepts ani full of thrills and bumps, according will give the salutatory, followed by of his daughter. Mrs. C. H. Corson. Mrs. R. Kattonhorn, who hna been work, but figures from Japanese A. V. Donahey are the officials con mals of all kinds for transportation, to the gentlemen. The trip was a number of selections by the girls the officials decided that the boys made principally to inspect trail chorus. Miss Wiseman will follow Visiting here with Mrs. F. L. Van sources Indicate that about 5,000 cerned. , next. Donald Miller will sing a vocal work that has been done. Replying to Donahey's ruling. could be accepted. nice, left this morning for Sutherlin. workers of that nationality still are solo. Dean Straub is placed next on holding out. Judge Vickery requested that he be The company suspended one rule Miss Jessie Anderson arrived this the program. More musical number« told on what authority the state au-| governing the shipment of live anl- morning from Ashland /or a visit will be given, after which the claaa ditor supervised his expense ac-1 1 male, however, which undoubtedly « with Mrs. C. R. Froellc at Holland. will be presented by Principal Gas counts. Donahey answered: “Judge, added much to the boys' comforts. Mrs. J. B. Coppeck returned to ton, and they will then receive their when a man eats $5.40 worth in one That rule requires the crating of all Placer this morning after a visit here 'diplomas. day to keep body and soul together, animals sent by express. with tile ■ B \l»1o family. The class day exercises last night as auditor of the state I do not con The boys, though, saw to it that Mine Juanita Hosmer returned to I were original and very entertaining. sult the law. as guardian of the tax-' another rule, which provided that Roseburg this morning after a Malt A large number of people were pree- payers' money, I consult my con animals must be fed at all junction here with Mrs F. L. Johnson. science." When the colorful floral parade of ¡»«“ to enjoy the program, The class points and wherever else it may be Mlles City, Mont., May 35.—Ed Jesse Johnston and A. C. Hoffman Judge Vickery wrote that he in necessary was not suspended. the 1920 rose festival movei down will. prophecy and other features returned last night from Crescent ward Roberts, whose eyes were goug tended to live at a first class hotel Portland streets on the afternoon oflwere very cleverly arranged. City where they spenl several days ed out. according to bis declaration, "and I propose,” he added, “to have I Thursday, June 24, with 20,000 ex Initlation Tonight — by German officers while he was a the money necessary therefor, and If on business. The Knights of Pythias will stage Nobles of the Mystic Shrine to do it Mr nnd Mrs. A. Bowers rnturned prisoner of the Germans, after he the state wont pay it. I'll either go the biggest iniation they have held in homage, together with thousands of to their home nt Albany this morning had refused to divulge Information without the money or know the rea this city for several years tonight visitors, the pageant should be rep- after a visit here with Mrs. Bowers' concerning the A mein an forces, re son why the slate won't pay it.". when the Medford team and 60 lodge r< seutative not oí Portland, alone. cently returned to bls home here. Donahey replied: "You'll go without mother. Mrs. J. B. Bristow. “ b it of all Oregon. Roberts served on the Mexican the money all right, judge, unless the members will ride about 20 new i As an inducement to other munid- the to Jack Whlttsett returned members on the goat. Vice Grand border with the old Second Montana supreme court orders me to pay it." Tuffs sawmill above AHhlnnd this Chancellor Jack Clark of Portland. , politices and organizations to enter Infantry nnd later went to France The state auditor held that re I decorated floats or cars in the pa morning after a few days at his with tho regiment. He was transfer- gardless of the high cost of living $5 Grand Keeper of the Books and Seal r.-ide, a cash prize of $500 in gold homo in the city. Walter Gleeson, of Portland and red to a regiment In the Seventy- Mrs. 7* O. Reynolds, of the Bon eighth division and was captured is sufficient to cover both lodging Grand Inner Guard Ben Trowbridge jhos been appropriated for entries Helena. Mont., May 25—A ereW ot Bonnslre. has returned from Stay- while on a rnld February 28, 1918. and meals for any public official. of Medford, will be present at the outside of Portland and additional ¡survey men. operating under J. Stott prizes, silver trophy cups, etc., have ton, Oregon, where tsho was called \fter being starved for eight days, meeting. been arranged for. It Is anticipated Harrison, assistant United States su- ■evernl weeks ago by tho death of Roberts declares, ho was taken be WET INTERESTS NOT BEHIND . that these 'liberal awards, together | pervisor of surveys, and commanded CANDIDACY OF GOV. EDW Mills her mother. fore a general officer, who promised ¡with pride In the home state, will en- I by George F. Rigby, a local survey- lor, Is soon to attempt what is be him better treatment If ho would i list scores of Oregon cities and towns Washington. May 25. Walter W lieved to be one of the most arduous toll what he know of tho Amorlcnn to enter the pageant. pieces in the annals of America. They forces. Roberts refused, whereupon, Vick, manager of the presidential The benefits of community adver-1 Des Moines, May 25—Assignments ho says, staff officers gouged out his campaign for Governor Edwards, of tising are well established, and in will re-run the entirel Ina of eyes with their thumbs, lie declares New Jersey, deniej before the senate of Bishops to Methodist Episcopal the floral pageant, which will be en Flathead Indian reservation, in ho then was flung into a dungeon investigating committee today that churches read in the general con- acted before many thousands of1 western part of the state. nnd remained there until the war any liquor interests were "under Terence today, included W. O. Shep- prominent visitors from all sections The, line was run many years ago writing” the governor's campaign ard from Wichita to Portland, Ore. ended. and needs re-touching, it is said The I of America, lie possibilities that fund. work will take the survey crews Into should not be overlooked. Omaha, Nel».. May 25. Omaha Is "All Oregon communities are most some of the wildest portions of t*he to become within two years a base SALMON TREATY’ SIGNED ¡cordially invited to Join with us in American continent and they often depot for 500 mall planes, according BY «NILRY AND GEDDES this visualization ' of the natural} will be days' travel from a town. . M. to Col. J. I. Jordan, chief ot construc beauty and climatic advantages of They will take two pack trains and Washlngton, May 25. William J. tion and extension of the air mall Bryan took flat Issue today with Washington, May 25.—The treaty Oregon." writes Walter E. Conklin, light tents and will break camp each St. Paul. May 25. - A temporary service. President Wilson on the question ot injunction, issued by the 1'nited between the United States and Can ¡chairman of outside participation of day. ns they move forward, relying Each of the planes tn bo used in an American mandate over Armenia, States district court in New Mexico, ada covering the "Sockeye” salmon the floral parade committee. "Com- on the packers for food i»d trusting the New York-San Francisco mall declaring In his statement that "any restraining tho stnte council of de fisheries was signed today by Secre I munitv action should be taken I with- to luck, later tn the summer, for service and the radiating branches mandate is impossible.” fense nnd certain officials of Hint tary of State Colby and Ambassador ¡out delay and entries made at the water. Is to bo so constructed that wllhln The work lies in the heart ot the ¡earliest possible date. Impress upon state from interfering with the sale, Geddes. a day It could be transformed Into the thousands of visitors from the forest fire area and the crews will and circulation of Heaeet magazines, fighting aircraft, he said east the floral beauties of this won- cross mountain ranges that are prac In New Mexico, was upheld by the "In case of trouble a battle plane tically unexplored. iderful northwest.” United States circuit court of appeals Official Count. Begun— converted here multi reach coast or The official count has begun on Individuals desiring to enter a here today. San Frnncjsm. May 25. Otto border tn from 15 to 30 hours.” he the returns from the primary elec decorated car. regardless of whether Thompeon. a prohibition enforce added. tion l.aat Friday. Deputy Clerk Coon, residents of Portland or otherwise Some H|w-ed— I’OUTLAND MARKETS Col. Jordon, who is on an Inspec ment officer, was placed under nrrest Justice of the Peace Holman and C. ¡can compete for a special $500 cash Charles Kenney at the Collins Au Portland, May 21.—Cattle and j P. Kunhardt are engaged in the of- I prize knunn as the “W. Freeland to Company got a streak of speed tion tour of landing flolds, predict al the federal building here today on ed that within a your mall will 4 m the belief that he 1s .Hugh Thompson hogs aro steady but unchanged: ; tl-lal oount. Owing to the fact that Kendrick” prize offered through the the other day and took out the rear transported from.coast to coast In 3« a former army liontenant under In sheep are weaker, I lanilw $13 at $14; I there were so many names written Shrine for the most beautifully dec end of a Maxwell car. put In a ring hours The plans contemplate that, dictment In JNew Jersey for the ul- butter weak and unchanged; eggs. In, it is thought that the count will orated Individually owned automo- gear and put the car together again 'eged nicking of false claims I buying price. ST cents he said I •equlre several day«. I bile. and had it running in 55 minutes. JAPANESE SUE 10 PAY FOR LARGE MEAL ATTEND FESTIVAL 4