Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1920)
»• ■.me two WEDNESDAY, MIA" 12. 19-,. terday for the clothing schools, the yes- mooting for the Rogue \ alloy grange clothing Scliool .Meeting— In the announcement made NOTICE OUR DISPLAY OF BEADS a. 8. VOOKHIE8, Pub. and Propr. I'ho center piece of Penrls At $50.00 is well wort h vour time. Jet Beads are very popular this seaaon. ADVERTISING RAT 'S tap lay apao«. per inch.......... _....!i0c ^•«•i-personal column, per Una.10c Header«, per Un«......... —........ 5c DAILY COURIER •y mall or oarrler, per year $6.00 «y mall or carrier, per month.. - a BARNES, The Jeweler • ■ .■ -“w <1 >< V tv >. WEEKLY COURIER <» mail, per year...................... $2.00 (ìrutìti people will be held at Ilio homo of Blu« prints Jlnt F 8. Ireland, Inalead of at the t ourler office. . „„ , Placer laioatlon notice« at Courier The largest electric sign In the world advertises MMHBBR OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Aaaociated Press la exclusively • «tilled to the use tor republication •f all n«w« dispatches credited to it or all otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news pub lished herein All rights of republication of spe cial dispatches herein are also re served. WRIGLEYS on Times Square« New York WEDNESDAY, MAY 12. 1920. ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ OREGON WEATHER ♦ Weather for the Week ♦ ♦ Pacific Coast States: Occa ♦ sional rains north portion; gen ♦ erally fair south portion; ♦ ♦ nearly normal temperatures. ♦ City: it is 250 feet long« 70 feet high. Made up of 17.286 electric lamps. hind feet. reward for infor VOTE mation. G. W. Johnson.______ 7-’ FOR ♦ ♦ WRIGLEY S G ood R oads may 21 X Yes for 4 “ State Road Bond Limit Tonight and Thursday fair. ♦ HEIFER CALF for sale by A. V V«t« 302 (Paid Advertisement» Ray. West D street. ___ __ 75 i ♦ Ught frosts in the early morn- ♦ ♦ FOR SAJJ2—Single harness and ing. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»a ♦ ♦ ♦ a buggy cheap. Parties going away. Call at 616 C street. 71 fOUR REPAIR WORK'S^ ♦ PORTLAND MARKETS DOST—One black mare with white spot in forehead, branded S. G. Portland, May 12.—Cattle, hogs. on hip. Notify D. Jones. 3 40 J ,he«p and butter are steady and un i street. Reward. changed from Monday’s quotations. Eggs at 40 cents. WANTED—Book case, davenport j and leather covered rockfer. No | NEW TODAY junk. Address No. 1052 care of | FIRE. Automobile, Accident and Courier. • - , Health Insurance. T. M. Stott, 308-10 North Sixth street, Tele- WAITRESS WANTED—At the Mo- I 4 2tf phone 44-J. cha Cafe. "2 | CARRIERS WANTED, boy« or girls with wheels; route open; apply at W ANTED—Buyers or sellers of real i estate. E. L Churchill. Room No. I once. Courier office. 65 1 Lundburg Bldg. Phone 30. TOtf| F L. GALBRAITH—Real Estate. In surance, and plate glass liability. Plats of Grants l’ass— 609 H G street, phone 28. 40tf Blue prftit plats of Grants Pass STRAYED—Bay mare, white spot in 1*0; blue line prints. $1.75. forehead, foretop cut off. white the Courier offi • • THE KIND — THAT ) STAY'S / ED * 1 YOU'LL The fountains Play, the trade mark changes, read ing alternately WRIGLEY’S Lawn and Garden FERTILIZER SPEARMINT. DOUBLEMINT, and JUICY FRUIT, and the Spearmen "do a turn • This sign 1« seen oiahrty by about 500.000 people from all over the world. S PIGI EY’S JUICY FRUIT PLUMON Or J. Pardee Kept Right G. B. BERRY Harness and Saddlery Auto Top and Canvas Work Good solid plumbing is the only kind of work you will connect with at this place. We de our repair work in a good- as-new manner and thereby gain the plaudits of our pa- rons. <5ur bathroom fixtures are dependable. I With Grants Pass Hardware Co. B. S. DEDRICK 51« F Street Phone 3O8-J k-A < SununorCooKintí Comfortable ’ Wirthmor Silk Blouses SAVINGLY PRICED AT .11 ST $6.75 —Th« nam« “Wirthmor’’ on a Blouse is an assurance many things; unfailingly it is an assurance of decidedly superior value. INCREASE 150 University of Oregon Oregon Agricultural College Oregon State Normal School PURL OIL (KEROSENE) STANDARD OIL COMPANY INCREASE 15« (CALIFORNIA) —There are several delightfully pretty styles in the new lot Just received made of Georgette, Crepe de Chine and Pongee. -All are cut on lines that insure perfect fit. —We are especially glad to offer these blouses at this time when everyone is Interested in keeping down living costs. The supply is limited an<l no more of the same models can be had Hen<<- are urge an early selection. Crisp leiiuce —for instance! It’s A Fact THAT ELLISON -WHITE WILL HOLD CHAUTAl’QUAS in EIGHTY-SIX OREGON TOWNS and ONE KI NDRED SIXTY-EIGHT CALIFORNIA TOWNS THIS SEASON —all you want, and more than you can buy in market for $3.00, in this five-cent packet. Your garden has the right start when you plant Morse’s Never- Failing Seeds, the kind profes sional market gardeners use. At grocers,florists,drug and hard ware stores, etc., everywhere. C. C. MORSE & CO. Operator« of World'• Largt»tStttd Farm» 125 Market St. San Francisco M orse ’ s S eeds BEST OF TALENT SAME OLI> PRICE 1920 CLASSROOM SPACE Since 1913, enrollment ban grown 150 per cent. 1920 The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company ENROLLMENT % INCREASE 3.8* II 1913 1920 INCOME f’liiMiroom HpiK-e, however, hnw grown only 15 | And .MILLAGE INCOME I ihn grown | pn * than I per rent. Meanwhile the buying power of tlir dolliir h i < fnllen to nbnnt 45 cent* 1913 1920 THE BUYING POWER OF A DOLLAR PROTECT HICHER EDUCATION IN OREGON BY VOTING FOR THE HIGHER EDUCATIONAL RELIEF MEASURE ON MAY2I DO YOU KNOW That shicc 191.3 attendance at the higher educational institutions in Oregon lias increased 150 |>er cent? That the |>ur< tinsing |mwor of their revenue from the state is lews than one-half what it wan in 191»? That classroom and lalsiratory s|MU-e lias increased only 15 per cent, so that conditions nre “educationally impossible?” Tluit these three Institutions, which now have 54(M» fulltime students, must reject hundreds if the bill fails? And that their sup|H>rt from the state has increased less than FOUR per cent since 1913 when the present millage hill was passed? Tluit it will cost the taxpayer only »1.2(1 per glOtMl of aaseKM-d valua tion to protect, the higher education “f Oregon boys and girls? TIME (»ARD Effective Nov. 24, 1919. Grants Pass Chautauqua 26th to Trains will run Mondays, Wednes- days and Fridays. Leave Grants Pass............. 1 Arrive Waters Creek......... 2 I^eave Waters Creek.........2:30 P.M. Arrive Grants Pass........... 4 P.M. For Information regarding freight and passenger rates call at the office ! of the company, Lundburg building, | or telephone 131. Let Oregon do her share. If the education of the country fails, then all else that is good must fail Education is both an insurance and an invest- ment. All states are supposed to contribute to the sum of human knowledge Thls advertisement inserted by Colin Dyment in behalf of Joint Alumni Relief Committee, 514 I’lttock Block, Portland Ora.