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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1920)
VOM X.. No. IlMi. GRANT* FARM, JOHEPIIINE COUNTY, OREGON, I Tl EHDAY, MAY II, 1020. I u. DIED TODAY IN Senator Ixxlgc Bring« up lUwolutlon Making Peace With Germany anti A uni ria Washington, May 11.—The repub MM RETA ICY MAKER 1’1 BL1O WII CITY RAND TO TURN OUT T<>- NIGHT AT RAILROAD PARK 9T lican resolution to declare war with ■ON'H INSTRUCTIONS AT Ol T- Germany and Auetria at an end was OPES AIK MEETING BREAK OF THE WAR «-ailed up in the annate today by Senator Ixidge who announced that he would keep the measure con tinuously before the senate until a vote was taken. I llj noix Delegation at New York De- clare« for Internat Iona] Seviet- ism in America » REVOLUTIONARY FORCES ‘WANT New York, May 11.—Demanding WILLIAM DEAN HOWELLS DIES THE V. S. TO ACKNOWLEDGE * limitations of citizenship and the AFTER LONG LITERARY dictatorship of. laboring classes, the THEIR GOVERNMENT CAREER Illinois delegation at the socialist ' parties national convention today opened an aggressive minority fight for "radical principles,” of Interna tional sovietism in the 1920 plat- ! form. LAUDEO-AS GREATEST WRITER Counter Charge Made That Hirns and He|K>rtx Indicate That President of Taft at Dinner Said Novelist Was The Lark N. Evans case will be ap British Admiralty Held up Am Republic Not Capture»!—Tamilico Engineer Arrive»— Greatest in United States at pealed to the supreme court accord erican I «lea Causes Concern The electrical engineer of the That Time ing to the statement made today by Shattuck Construction company ar Gus Newbury, attorney for tho de rived this morning from San Fran fendant, who will ask for a stay of Washington, May 11.- President Washington, May 11.—The revo cisco and will push the completion of ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦<«•♦♦♦«♦ New York, May 11—William Deaa execution of the 15 years iienlten- Hand concert 7:30 o'clock. ♦ tlary sentence pending the decision Wilson’s hitherto unpublished war lutionary government of Mexico will the work as fast as possible. The Howells, novelist, died here today. ♦ Flowers 8 ♦ Instructions to the officers of the ask immediate recognition of their work is progressing rapidly accord Hjieech by Hon ♦ At a dinner given In New York In from the higher court, Mr. New- i Atlantic fleet given in person by regime by the American government. ing to the local construction super 1912 to do honor to William Dean ♦ o'clock. his bury who just returned from While advices coming through intendent and water will be In the Howells upon his 75th birthday, ♦ ▼ ♦ v ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ e ranch late laxt night will confer with him aboard the flagship Pennsyl vania on August 11th, 1917, and from Mexico on the revolutionary ditches before very long. Wllligm Howard Taft, the president Montaville Flowers, a reiognized Judge Calkins before taking any for- bidding them "to throw tradition to situation are fragmentary and con-1 of the United States, lauded the an appeal and asking mal action for and interna- authority on national 'the wind,” to strike the word pru flicting, they cast considerable guest as "the greatest living Ameri for a stay of sentence.— «Mil Trlb- dent from their vocabularies and to doubt on the reports that Carranza Mrs. Kemp to Talk— tional problems will speak tonight at une. can writer and novelist.” I "Ao the thing that Is audacious to has been made a prisoner. Word has been received in the city the railroad park. The band will1 He was the dean of American let the utmost point of risk and daring.” that Mrs. Jennie M. Kemp will ar ters; poet, essayist, dramatist and also be on hand to give a number of were made public here today by Sec El Paso, May 11.—Activities of rive Saturday for a talk h$re in the editor, as well as a weaver of fiction. «elections. Mr. Flowers arrived this NINTH VICTIM « U WRECK ! the Carranza forces in the Tampico interests of Herbert Hoover as a can retary of the Navy Daniels. DIED TODAY IN PORTtstND morning from Medford In company Beginning his first book, "Poems In laying the text of the remarks 1 region, which Itself is In the rebel’s didate for the republican nomination of Two Friends,” just before the with Ralph Cowgill, and gavo a talk Portland, May 11.- Miss Camille j before the senate naval investigating hands are causing the United States for president. It is not known where Civil war, Mr. Howells had complet Ibis afternoon at the high school. He spoke at Medford laxt night and has A. Dosch, society editor of the Port-’ committee. Secretary Daniels said I government considerable concern, the talk will be given as plans have ed and published 71 volumes at the l ” been making short talks today on Inn«! Oregonian, died early today, the they showed the "bold and vigorous' according to a dispatch from «agents not yet been completed. Her sub time of his death, besides acting as jof the Mexican revolution at Wash ject will be "Why I Came Home to editor of various publications, crock ninth victim of Sunday's wrefk of policy the president had outlined for his way here from Medford. Those Vote for Hoover.” Mrs. Kemp was ing the ocean 18 times in search of who heard him at Medford, last night the Southern Pacific electric trains. {the navy. "Do not stop to think ington to revolutionists here. what Is prudent for a moment. ” said Tho coroners Inquest will be prominent as a food administration material for his novels, and writing held nay that ho Is very Interesting and 1 tho president. "You will win 'by an worker and is a strong Hoover sup- bolds his audiences. He fa a former tonight. Brownsville. Tex., May 11.—An 1 porter. She is well known here and essays, criticisms and magazine ar- audacity of method when you cannot tides. Chautauqua speaker and Is the au win by circumspection and pru- advance guard of the revolutionists has a reputation as an interesting "Inwardly I was a poet.” said th« thor of a half dozen books which approached the southern side of j dence." I talker. Further plans will be an-ieminent novelist In reviewing his have received favorable comment, the estab- Matamoras, a Mexican town oppo Inounced later. early experienc«s. “with no wish to Me la here In the Interest of the can I A counter charge that I mine bar- site here shortly ■ before noon, sad llshment of the North sea be anything else, unless in a moment dldaev of 1-canard Wood for the re- Washington, May 11.- -President rage was delayed six months because exchange a few shots with the Car-1 , of careless affluence I might so far publican nomination for the prosi- Wilson today signed the bill amend of the opposition of Rear Admiral ranzo outposts. The rebel move is , • forget myself as to be a novelist.” dency. ing the deportation laws, making Sims, and the British admiralty was believed to be preliminary to an at Regular Ixxion Meeting— The regular meeting of the Amer- When 23 years old he traveled to Mr. Flowers, who is from l«os An possible the deportation of Germans i made befofe the senate investigating tack in force. lean Legion wilt be held at the caurt- Boston to make the acquaintance of The American military authorities and other aliens who were interned five presi- geles. has participated In committee by Secretary Daniels to house t-qlgit at 8 30 instead of til«' Longfellow, Hawthorne. Emerson, dentlal campaigns, having been asso- during the war as enemy aliens. day. Daniels, said that the barrage ordered a detachment of soldiers to earlier hour ar announced Tbf Holmes and Lowell. Though a boy the American end of the interna elated with Roosevelt and Taft. He was the most effective measure taken meeting was pcs* joned as many of among masters, he became their in tional bridge where two machine has just returned from a twelve SENATE WANTS WARKIIIP To ¡to check the submarines and that it ¡guns were placed in a position point (the members desire to hear Monta- timate. learning their literary tradi weeks trip with lxionard Wood and BE SENT TO BLACK SEA entirely an American Idea. vTlle Flowers talk tonight. A good tions and preserving many of them ing toward Matamoros. la In Oregon as Wood’s personal rep attendance at the meeting is asked throughout his long life. Washington. May 11.—A resolu-| resentative. Those who have heard as several important questions arq At the age of 24 he was appoint Mr, Flowers say that, he is well tlon asking President Wilson to send Bethany Women to Meet— to be brought up. The Legion has ed by President Lincoln as United worth listening to and that a crowd a warship and marine? to Batum on The Women’s Association of Beth- storcs Were Entered— been asked to handle the drive for States consul at Venice. He com ahould attend the meeting. Walter the Black sea, to protect American jany Presbyterian church will hold The Public Market was entered by funds for the Salvation Army and bined his consular duties with liter Tooze in a telegram said, “'.n Med lives and property, was unanimously their monthly business and social thieves last night and about $5.50 | this will be brought up. The pre- — - work, ------ ------- ary and . produced his célébrât- ford last night the big uudlenco went reported by the senate foreign rela- meeting Friday, May 14, at 2:30, in In cash and a box of apples were Mentation of the war memorials will ed book, "Venitian Life. •» ’ wild with enthusiasm.” tlons' com mil toe. stead of Wednesday, the change be taken. The person or persons en-, also be brought up at this meeting. (Continued on Page 2) ing made so that the ladies may have tered through a transom In the back i------ the opportunity of meeting Miss Ro of the store. Someone had evident-. ttii berta Barr, field representative of ly tried to enter the Kinney & Truax I U the Freedmen’s board. Miss Barr' store last night as the bar on one ^ | | . will tell of tho wonderful work that of the windows was bent out °f i I is being done amongst the colored shape but had not been opened, It people of tho southern states. Come is thought that the persons were I land hear her. The meeting will be frightened while attempting to make ' with Miss Benedict, at 201 B street. the entrance. _____________ The Hague, May 11.-- The thou finds a long uniting line of persons On a charge of obtaining monev The checks which it is claimed are sands of American tourists, who are with a similar desire, finally is at . unde ” false pretenses, Melbourne bogus were issued* 1 to "R. C. Reed, I ss expected to visit Europe, this sum tended to, and speeds off to tho po 'Dunn a well-known resid«>nt of this "C. O. Wise, “H. L. Lewis, C. H. mer, will be disappointed if they lice bureau to have his Identity card 'city, wa« this ifternoon bound over Allen,” and "H. Woodson," and look forward to all the comforts of ■tamped In order that he may leave t> the < ir«'uit court «¡uder bonds’ :. number 40 or ¿0. There are no the frontier. «But he must surren the days before the war. ! 81.009. Wesley 1 , j er.«. a 16-year parties of these names in this dts- This verdict has been expressed to der his bread card first—at still an old hoy, «as « «o i>o;«'>d over upon trict, according to the evidence giv- the Associated Press correspondent other bureau, which is probably I th" sane fa»ge bit *as releas'd en by Mr. Agee. Witnesses testified by many much-harassed Americans, closed for the day. Armed 'with a Warsaw, May 11.—Advices from San Francisco. IMay 11.—Of the tinder the «.ar* cf hit parents w that since last August these five who, in overcrowded trains between receipt from the bread card bureau, Moscow state that in 'March there 3048 complaints received last year lu«tlce Holman it '«'rg clal n d parties had supposedly delivered ■tops at overcrowded hotels, have Be returns to -the police bureau, gets was a grea| dearth of nearly all by the State Commission of Immigra that the boy was used as a tool by cream for shipment, always arriving run the gauntlet of passport bureaus, his stamped identity card and prob kinds of medicines in the Russian tion and Housing, 233 8 were from at the noon hour when the station Dunn. frontier controls and police registra ably finds the last train to Belgium city and that many drug stores bad citizens. 498 from American citizens was in charge of Mr. Dunn, and that tion offices, institutions which still for the day lias gone. The specific charge against Dunn been compelled to dose. Scarcity of declared their intention of becoming prevail in many countries, only in Even when he gets aboard the wood and coal was also reported, the citiens. 498 from American citiezns Is that he manipulated receipts of the checks were always delivered by Mr. Dunn. Agee stated that when a slightly less degree than during train, which may be so overcrowded information received here indicating and 32 whose nationality was un cream at the receiving station of that even with a first-class ticket he that numerous frame houses and the Hazelwood company in this city, the cream cans would arrive in Port the war. known. land they would be up to weight in Passports, nnd passport visas, are may have to ride in a second or various other buildings of wood were Mexicans made nearly one-third using fictitious names of supposed quantity but short in butterfat test, necessary everywhere. Evon to make third-class compartment, his troubles being demolished to Ibe used as fuel. of the complaints, 1138 being the patrons to whom checks were issued, tho five-hour trip from The Hague, are far front ended. There are waits A Pole who came from Moscow number from this nationality, Na- the proceeds of the checks being di and it is alleged that the transac Eg- tion was so manipulated that when Holland, to Brussels. Belgium, re and pn:s, >rta ami customs examina within tho last few weeks said that tfve Americans came second wlth vided between Dunn and young quires days of preparation, and the tions at. both the Dutch and Belgian while food was terribly expensive 367 and Italians third with 303. gers, who cashed the -checks, The the cream check was issued, weight days generally lengthen into weeks frontiers one examination to get thero was plenty for those who had Next were Greeks, 265 of them hav- amount involved Is stated to be would be added to the cream cans by If one epresses the most extrnordi- out of Holland and another to get In rubles which were worth, estimated ing come to the commission with about $1 900. adding skim milk or water. ■nary whim to make n round trip, or to Belgium, waits in rooms like bull 'n American money, a fraction more their troubles, followed by Russians. It is charged that after bogus en At the preliminary hearing in pens in which, If tho train happens than ono cent A shave costs 75 251 complaints, and Spaniards 136. Tust! e Holman’s court today, testi tries of cream receipts had been levornl round trips. An American, for instance, ¡having to bo crowded, the scramble for n rubles and soap 800 rubles a pound. Only 24 Japanese and three Chinese mony was Introduced to show that made by Dunn during the time when ibtnlned in the United States a subway at a rush hour is play In Cigarettes wore worth about 70 ru- filed complaints. there had been a shortage In the he was in charge of the station, and bitch visa which ‘permits him to comparison. hies each and matches 100 rubles a Wage claim« were the leading butterfat receipts at the Portland | the checks drawn to pay, the check nnd in Holland for n brief stay, de- This condition, typical of travel box. cause of complaint, 806 of this kind Hazelwood establishment from its would then be turned over to the fres to go to Brussel« -Just five between Holland and Belgium, is as who would Horse meat sold for 350 rubles a being registered The six cause« Grants Pass station dating from last s boy, Wesley Eggers. ours ■’way. On .arrival In Holland nothing to the difflcnltii s of got ting pound, beef bringing 650 rubles for that came next, and the number of August. Agents of the company 1 cash them and divide the proceeds e hr : bad to register with tho po- rrom Holland Into Germany. the same weight. Pork was 1,000 each were: Insanitary labor camps. wore sent here tn‘find the reason I with Dunn. It Is claimed that the Rapid progress is being made rubles a pound. Black bread retail 120; breaches of contract. 313: in for tho shortage, tho last attempt to amount obtained through this pro Ico. securing an identity card, pnr- hlttln him to have > broad card, particularly In Belgium, to restore ed at 350 rubles " pound, butter dustrial accidents, 197: employment solve the mystery having been in- cess would vary with the months, In rail" iy traffic to normal, but the 2500 and fats 2000 per pound. Me agency framlN. 152;: attorneys’ augurated with the arrival of E. E but reached the high point in March, short iqe of equipment, dye to war ,-Ji: ny comtrle ;). twee In April. Mr Agee commenc when W was about $600, the short Sugar brought 1500 a pound wh n fraud or negligence. 13 4. .hurt«. i ;e . or “ short :e of c< coal, due both obtainable and salt was ■ .I.'nrirlng to go to Belgium, ho The total of 3048 for 1919 was ed work In the locil receiving sta- age in butterfat for that month be p st Tfr- t :o to bl« own legation or tn strikes and war, has reduced the ways to be had at 7*0 declared hr the -omml«',nn to bn e ■tion. nnd as a result, of his Investi ing 910 pounds. Kin'Ullate, to (have bl« American pa«R- number of trains operated to a fig pound. “war-time” figure, as the average gations tho complaint« were filed |i 't amandod no ns to ho valid In ure far below tlint of before the wav Clothing tor me 10611 for a six >«ar period was more t«>«in ■'r.irr t T)unn Inrt n!<rht. J': linn This done, nf’er a xolem and all generally are overcrowded .«o expensive that tho poorer 'lasso« 5.000 complaints. For 1920 the In 'Vidnnce obtained, it Is charged thnt H. G. Enders, merchant of Ash ■ t f 11 ■" n ; ' to t»o to Bol- A m a ruje, no reservations of scats. either made tbetr own suits or wore dication!) were stated to be for as Dunn obtained the i=s*imve of the land. Is In Grants Pass today on i’, the wo ild-bc-travoller visits <.xe«pt on rory lopg trips, cr? nos ■’itched enrments which they hid nnny complaints ns at any time be- 'hecks upon phoney cream receipts, business. He will also make a trip fBe.lulan connul to or ’using a number of fictitious names. to Roseburg. v n in 1 ro r vim vnar« h—o. ** no* « MontaviBe Flowers Arrive« in < for Talk iu lleluilf of Leonard U< mm 1 for President — » I I ;