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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1920)
PAGE FOLK (Each under supervision of U. S. Government) mr$. iHIlie Hea$ Of all the places there are to deposit, hide, and invest our money—here is the reason “Why’J we should prefer a National Bank. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK «X STI S OF SOI THKRN OREGON Wonderful Bargains ---------------------------- ---------------------- . - .Mrs. C. A Morey went to Medford White Une Taxi— Back on the job a^aiu with a new this morning to speud the day visit Sedan car. 1 solicit your patronage ing with friends. Hemstitching and pecoting, 10c Ride in comfort, Safety First Pop- and 12c per yard. Nellie Neas. Oltf ular pncee. Stand at M. Clemens Phone 46-H. Reel- Mrs. L. Dodge is spending the day Drug Store, 63 visiting with friends in Medford, dence phone 379-J. Successor to leaving this morning for that city. Tt» knight» Pythia«— Mr«. K. lUbkoH Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Holt are visit There will be a regular meeting ing tn the city.wlth Mrs. Holt's moth Tuesday night. May 4. aeveral new er. Mrs. A. V. Rannard. application« to act upon All mem "Forhans'' Tor the gums. Sabin bers are requested to be present. L. haa tt. 63 |w. Carson. C. C. 63 Mrs. C. Kenney left Jast night for NEW ÍVDA1 Portland where she will spend a few ' weeks visiting with her sisters there FIRE. Automobil«. Accident and Mrs. Jack Winter, of Medford, is 1 T. M. Stott. Health Insurance. and win on price—satisfaction always spending a few days in the city on 308-10 North Sixth street. Tele- if it’s tailored bv business and meeting friends. 4 2tf phone 44-J. Mrs A. L. Kitchin left for Mode«- WANT GOOD MAN for farm, or to. Calif., this morning after a viel: chard and road work. Furnished in the city Mrs F. E. M. Far- house with phone, place for poul At the sign of lane. try and garden. Steady work, GEO. 3. CALHOUN Ye Jolly Little Mrs. Harry Thrasher and daugh good wages. Address P. O. Box Tailor Exclusive local dealer over IB years I ter. Evllo, arrived last night from 116, Grants Paa«. 9-M-8t K.l«math Falls for a visit here with Í MUddONH IN OIL Vulcan Oil A the A. D. Houck family Gaa Co. now exploring Rogue Rev. J. G. Vten went to MedforyJ River Oil-Coal field, is offering this morning to spend a few days. faineet. squares! plan to Inventor« He will attend some May Day exer ever proposed For limited time cises given in that city today only real ground-floor opportun Freeh milk and cream at Horn ity. For details write Vulcan Oil ee ing's Shack. A Gas Co., Medford. Ore 15-M-9t Mrs. Alice Bacon and Mrs. W. G The little «tore «n'und ihr romrr (.’handler left this morning for Kerbv CARRIERS WANTED, boy« or girl» with wheel«; route open: Apply at and neighboring places to visit the' once Courier office. 65 ' schools of the locality. Philip Twohy, John Hampshire FOR S\LE or rent to couple with , and. C. A. Sidler left this morning One shipment nt all ki«<!« "t no children, house and two lots ¡for Takilma where they will visit each 50x105; good pumping plant I the Queen of Bronze mine. with good well for irrigation; part i A. Hamilton, owner of the Palace Call at 322 ' of garden planted I grill, left last night for Spokane. I West Bridge street If rented. I where he has business interests. Af- must rent by evening of the 'th ! ter several weeks there he will re of .May F F Grove 64 turn here to open the Palace grill. • FOR RENT -4'ouage, partly furnish luis arrived. Any tiling you may need for that < amping trip. Come Mr ami Mrs R. E. Lee. who have ed. at 321 Rog e River Ave., keyf in and see them—you will find the pries'« right. been visiting here for some time at opposite; u well, a sleeping )>orvh: the E. D. Eckhard home, left this a garage; *4 acre for garden: rent morning for their home at Oakland. 36.50 per month in advance 63tf Cal. 5 I MEN WAITED Immediately, .Mr. and airs. J. Archibold. of Ash men and cook, for hydraulic pla- land. passed through this morning on cer camp Top wages. See Mr. | their way to Portland. There werx» 63 Thomas. Hotel Oxford met at the station by Mrs. E. I). FOR SALE Chester White pigiT Stevenson for a short visit, Dixie Ranch. Rd 2 68 Fatten Kidlets by ledine them . ini.ii owner of drink milk shakes and eat ice cream WXXTED T.. small ranch under ditch with «6 at Horning’s Shack. plenty of water, and 10 to 20 H. M. Mathers arrived this morn SHOES and FURNISHINGS acres that will grow alfalfa. State ing from San FTan isco and will price and location la first letter. lOR MLN spend a day in the city with Mrs Must be near school Address No. Mathers. He w-ill leave tomorrow 976 care Courier . 64 for Portland. Henry Haefner, of the local fores WANTED Dishv-n her A pplx Ox try office, is spending a few days at ford hotel. 65 Smith Forks, near Gasquet, super FOR SALE A • . Horne, « years vising the laying out of trails for the old. weight about 1600. Will forestry service drive single or double Call 215 IN««I During Sight— I 'amlidativ. U err Hero- Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ix>tcher and West K street «» W. A. Ixiwe died unexpectedly last Grant» Pass had three candidate* daughter. Agnes». left Sunday morn FOR SALE- Pumping plant; 8 h. p night at camp of the Shattuck Con for the republican nomination for ing for Richardson Springs and other gasoline engine. International' struction <x>mi»any. Mr Ixiwe. who secretary of state within her boun- California points. They are making make; 3*4x314 centrifugal pump. was a feeder at the eWhip. was appar- dasies this morning. B. F. Jones of the trip by auto and expect to be All as good as new. Everything ently in perfectly good health last Newport. «)>enl Monday afternoon gone three or four weeks. complete. J. L. Davis. Rd. 2, Its night when he retired after feeding and Tuesday morning here. Henry Be sure and reserve your plate at 74 the mules and making out bls re- miles west of town J. Schulderman, present corporation the Chamber of Commerce luncheon WANTED — -Position by young mar- ports. This morning when the men commissioner, was also here on hts Thursday. musi'' Lively program. ried man: first class vulcanizer; went to get the mules they found way from Medford c.xiiuni E I and everything. Phone 158. 64 drove automobile nine months In they had not been fed. I'pon inves- who holds down rhe clerk s office T. M Hunt returned yesterday France; also had exi»e rience in 11 gat ion they found Mr. Ixiwe dead was also in the city. Mr. Jones spent from Powers and lllahee where h» managing orchard. Wish to locate in his bed. He had seemingly passx-d a short time with his nephew. Her has been the past month getting trail What have you to away peacefully for the covers were man Horning, and left this niornkig in this section crews started. His son, James, re- Address No. ÍLS4 care of undisturbed and his arm was over for Roseburg, where he was formerly offer. mained at Powers. YÏr. Hunt will 64 Mb l>ody In a natural position. He reglsterer tn the land office. He 1» Courier. return to lllahee in a few days. - is survived by his widow and seven very optimistic over the probable out- L. Wimberly, of the Roseburg children, three of whom are living como of the primaries this month. News-Review, spent a short time in In the city at the present time. \n- the city visiting with his sister, Mrs. nouncement of the funeral will be Hammermill Bond in all colors at C. L. Clevenger He left this morn- made later. tho Courter Courier office. ing for Roseburg. Mr. Wimberly Over 21 Billion Resources” rXDTUM. Risiavi LOCAL PERSONAL THE REASON WHY MONEY IS SAFE IN NATIONAL BANKS We Bank on Quality HOLMAN’S FURNITURE STORE JUL' Camp Furniture NIFTY SPRING SUITS Special This Week A new display of needle work at the Hat Shop WEDNESDAY', MAY 5TH, FROM 10 TO 12 AND 1 TO 4 Peerless Clothing Co We Solicit Your Patronage Medford, Oregon has been in California (Turing the winter and stopj>ed here on his re turn home. • William P. .Merry made the tri? from San Diego to Grants Pass in four days of ordinary driving In a Cadillac eight. .Mr. Merry, who has »pent the winter on his orange zrove near Los Angeies. is returning home to The Dalles where he owns a large cherry ranch. Mr. Merry says this is “some climate.” A Little Down and A Little Each Month Notice to < hautauqtia Guarantor---- There will be an important meet ing of Chautauqua guarantors at the Chamber of Commerce 1 rooms on Thursday, at 2:30 p. m. The tuf- vance agent of Ellison-White, Mr Hoop-sr. wi'i be rresent to help form- ulate plans for the Chautauqua Signed, Mr* J. E. Hair, Sec. 6 4 RANGE—Hughe« or Hotpoint WASHER 4 VAOTM CLEAVER (tn anything we sell in your home M unsing W ear I I »I PPLIES 203 South Sixth Street At Army Hall Tonight Some CiinithUb«' Rax« I— Rev. Henry G. Haawn will speak At Murphy Saturday. Ma.f 15. it isn't worth 31.50 you can have tonight at 8 o'clock at the Salvation ss Army hall, the meeting to be pro your money back. ceeded by a street meeting at 7:30. Hazumermill Bead Letter Heads Everybody is invited to attend and . and Envelope« at the Courier office. hear the message SILI ATE OF SODA (Water Glass) I Eggs are cheeper now than they have been for many a day. And right now is the time to lay In a stock of them. 8111- cata of Soda covers them like glass and is therefore a sure preservative Full and «Impie directions with each package CLEMENS Sells Drugs and Books u. DOUGLAS FAIRBANK in hit new picture * I AVUEN THE CLOUDS ROIL BY' OREGON » because it fits A R egular BUST! 4 PRESERVE YOVR EGGS WITH Paul’s Electric Store « Outer garments fit better if the under- garments fit the fig ure without hunching. Munsingwear fits and covers the form per fectly. That’s one of many reasons why millions of discrimi nating people every where, prefer and wear perfect fitting Munsingwear Union Suits. Munsingwear is non- irritating. The gar- ments are soft, pli- able, pleasant to the skin. Everything „ con sidered, M u n s i n g- wear is the ideal un dergarment for pter- sons who want com fort, perfection of fit, washability, durabil ity, serviceability and finest qualities in un derwear. We can Union Suit VOIl in Munairurwear with comfort and satisfaction, Our stock comprises a large variety of styles and fabrics now: buv early and prepare for the hot weather. tomorrow Golden Rule Store “.ANNE OF GROM GABL£SH MARY MILES MISTER X »