Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1920)
U. TUESDAY, MAY 4. 10*20 Classified Advertising FOR MAJ.H AKQEL CAKES, 75c «meh. 1M*J. Phone i5lf WANTED WANTED TO BUY One-horse mow er and hay rake. Must be In good condition. State price and where can be seen. Address 935 care Courier. 63 PRESERVE SHAPE OF STORED AUTO TIRES An out-and-out c-h-a-l-I-e-n-g-e! Illustration Shows Satisfactory Type of Hanger. Compare Camels with any cigarette at any price! Camels bring to you every joy you ever looked for in a cigarette! They are so new to your taste, so delightful in their mellow mildness and flavor, and so re freshing, you will marvel that so much enjoyment could be put into a cigarette! Camels quality is as unusual as Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos which you will prefer to either kind smoked straight! And, no matter how liberally you smoke, Camels never tire your taste! Your de light will also be keen when you realize Camels leave no unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste nor unpleasant cigaretty odor I Compare Camels with any cigarette in the world at any price ! FOH SAUK My hotneetead of l®0 acres at Kerby, Ore.: 8ft vf NR ft Devics Is Made of Few Boards and Wft of HE ft, Sec. 10. Twp. 40, WANTED About 3 dozen young Mounted on Brackets Constructed hens of good strain. Address No. R. 8. Four acre* In cultivation, of Strips of Wood—How It 956 care Courier. 66 frame house, <<><><1 barn, well. Ad* Is Put Together. Join« ataxo road. Price 125 per WANTED -Man power stump puller. acre. Addroee <7arl KreuHlor, Ker There are very few public or private Must be In good condition. Ad by. Oregon. 4 1tf dress care Thrasher's Wall Paper gnriigtw that have not at least one tire Store, Routh Sixth St 67 not In use. The usual method of stor PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRIES ing tlmee spares Is to hang them on and buy sugar plno shingles, man LEAVE FOR HUN FRANCIBCX) on large nails oi hooky. This may do for " ufactured on Cheney creek by J. Thursday. Want some t»anwengers a day or two. but If left for any length all or part way. Soe Carl Wil-1 of time the tire will assume xii Irregu- B. Borough and Hons. Phone through Wtldervllle central. 68 llama, Josephine Barber Shop 63 WANTED Position on ranch, saw-| FOR HA I JO Wood, Wood, Wood. mill or elsewhere by tpan, wife and W<> are now booking orders for two sons. Wife to cook and man summer and fall delivery. Order and eons to do any kind of work early and avoid the rush. Fir Address No. 970 care Courier. 67 53.50; pine. 53.25; oak. 54 • tier. Also 2-foot oak flro place wood, WANTED Tent about 9x12 or 55 a tier. Some fir ready for irn- 10x14. Phono 223-J. 63 • mediate delivery. Terms, cash on WANTED TO RENT 4 or 5-roomed delivery. Phone Dickinson & house with garden ground. Small Daws, Wlldervllle. Oregon «8 barn und chicken house. Would buy jf suited and ‘terms are right. FOR HALE -200 Angora gouts, Address 972 care Courier. G3 ubout 1G0 nannies and 40 weath ers, GO kids now and more to i pot i/ritr come. All for 51.000 for quick! WHITE LEGHORN hatching eggs’ sale. Phono 261-J. F. W. .Moore, from heavy winter layers, 51.50 j • Ashland. Ore. 70 per 15; 57 per 100. K. Hammer-1 - - - -.............. —....... ...... --- --------- bacher, phone GOG-F-23, II. F. D. i FIR WOOD FOR HALE 53.50 per No. 2. 83 i tier delivered. Phono W. 8 Rob- lUHOII, Wlldervllle 4Stt| civil engineer Camel* .r. told everynrhere tn irMnli/lctUy utled pjeJkjtf.* o/ 30 cigarette* for 30 conta; or ten package* (300 cigarettee} in a tlaniM-prprr-covmd carton. We atrongly' recommend thio carton for the home or office eupply* or er hen you travel. R. J. Reynold* Tobacco Co., Winston-Salem, N. C. Tlres Simply Can’t Get Out of Shape If Stored on Thia Rack. lur slinpe and a weak sj>ot will develop where the nail Ims been when the tire Is put Into use. The Illustration shows n type of hanger that may be made wide enough to accommodate n pair of tires, or even more, mid will keep them In their orlglnul shape. It Is made of a few boards and mounted on brackets con structed of 3-In. strips of wood. The sides are curved to fit the Inside of the tire and short pieces of board are nailed across their upper edges. The tire la thus supported on about a third of Rs circumference and so held In shape.—Charles R. Fisher. In Populnr Science Monthly. FOR HALE 1919 Maxwell, A-l con DANIEL Mcl’WlLAND Civil engi Registered dition, only been driven 2000, neer und surveyor. professional engineer. Ros. 740 miles, some extra fixtures, real North Tenth street. Phona 211-Y. bargain, with terms. 215 West 1| street. 761 DltAl ALI. AND TRANSFER I THE WORLD MOVES; so do we 1 FOR SALE .Modern 6-room house. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone | Close In. Right prl'o to right party. Certain furnishings In ■349 cluded. Address No. 771, care of F. G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer. Rafes, pianos and furniture Courier. 6« moved, packed, shipped and stored. FOR SALE Good strong 2-horse < Ifflce phone I 2 4-Y. CLEANING AUTO REFLECTORS wagon. 2-lnc.h tires with box and taa 7~ good hayrack, 550; one now Syra cuse 13-luch coat steel plow. 517.- SOONER TAXI Phone 262-R for Flrat Waih Off All Particles o» Dirt With Hot Water, Then Wipe Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an 50; one single horse steel drag, Surface With Alcohol. swered anywhere, anytime. 86tf 53.50. J. L. Joli ns ton, Box 57 J Rd 1, 2ft miles north of townj PALACE TAXI Phone 22-J. Geo. (By FRED G. PERSON, State Agricul tural College, Fort Collins. Colo.) A. Hyde & Henry Hargeant. 25tf on I joiiso creek road. 55tf I In cleaning the reflectors, first wash TAXI at Owl Billiard Parlors, 172-J, FOR RALE Mowing machine, Day and night service. 56tf off nil particles of dust and dirt with spring tooth harrow, hack and a stream or spray of hot water. The hot water Is most conveniently applied blacksmithing tools. Inquire of Vtk'.U INNTRI ITION Sooner Taxi or Mrs. Beagle, 209 MRS GUY KN'YPI' Voice and plnao with a syringe. Do not apply It with a cloth. Then lake a piece of absorb West H street. 62 Accredited teacher for high school ent cotton saturated with alcohol and work. Phone 224. Residence wipe off the surface of the reflector. HOMESTEAD relinquishment for 4 20 A street 33tf This procedure will remove all dirt sale, 160 acres, good house, on/ and grease and leave the surface dry mile north of Murphy, exceptional i REAL ESTATE und dean. Do' not attempt to clean bargain. Ardle Miller. Rd. 4. 63 ' E T. MeKINBTRT 002 0 -tree;, the reflector with a handkerchief or FOR RALE Purebred registered phone 13-R. General real estate with |H>llshlng powders of any kind. Jersey row», heifers and cnlves, at I business. Tho best of all kinds of Tho Meadows I’hone C. N. Only soils for fruit, hav or general Sales books at the Courier. Mtf; farming 21 if Placer location notices at Courier. Blue prints of Grants Pass- FDIl SALE Four weeks old White PHY st< i AN8 Courier office. lx>ghorn cockerels, 51.50 per doz.; L. O. CLEMENT, M. I) Practice K. Hammerbacher, Rd. 2, phone limited Io diseases of eye, ear, nose GOG-F-23. 65 and throat. Glasses fitted. Hours 9-12, 2-5, or on appointment. RUNOAIX»W—5 rooms, large pantry, Phones, office 62; residence 359-.I wood house, two lots, good soil,; city water and electric lights. S. IXYUGHRIDGE. M l> Physician Snnp. 51000. Apply No. 95 4 care and surgeon. City or country calls Courier. Gltf attended day or night. Phone«, Res. 3G9; Office, 182; 6th and H. MISCELLANEOUS E. J. B1LL1CK,' ,M. E PhysiC,n and surgeon; office Schallhorn A BUYER of tho Medford Junk 'Co block, phone 54-J; residence. 1004 1 will be In Grants Pass, and will 1-awnridge, phone 54-L. pay top mnrket prices for wool, W. F. RUTHERFORD- Manual the-( mohair, hides, pelts, rubber, rags, * Gosh I How my back aches!" raputics. It gets yoyr ailment.' metals, Iron, newspapers and mag After Grip, "flu” or colds, tho kidneys office over Barnes' jewelry store. azines, also sacks. 417 G street, 4nd bladder are often affectM — called Offl «• hours 9 30 12; 1 30-4 nephritis, or Inflammation of kidneys. near Palace hotel. 79 RALPH W. STEARNS, M. I>. Phy This is the red flag of danger—better ATTENTION •Motorcycle anil bi sician and surgeon. X-ray equip-j be wise and check the further inroads of inent, dental X-ray. OfTIce, Ma kidney disease by obtaining that wonder cycle riders. Expert repairing ful discovery of Dr. Pierce’s, known as sonic Temple Bldg. Phones: Of-, Anuric <anti-urlc-ucld), because It expels quickly done. New ami used Har- flee 21-J; residence 21-L. ley-Dnvidson motorcycles for sale. tho uric acid poison from tho body and removes those pains, such as backache, Phone »02 r-12. 87 VETEItIN \RV SI ItGEON rheumatism in muscles and joints. Naturally when tho kidneys are i DR. R .1 BESTUL. Veterinarian. deranged tho bksxl Is tilled with poison I MICKIE SAYS Residence 838 Washington boule ous waste matter, which settles In the feet, ankles ahd wrists; or under the vard. phone 3 9 8-R. eyes in hag-like formations. DENTISTS Dr. Pierce's Anuric I* many times more potent than lithla and often eliminates E. C. MACY. D. M. D. First-class uric ttcld as hot tda melts sugar. dentistry. 109ft 8. 6th St. M apkua , C au —"I recommend Dr. Pierce's Anuric very highly. I have suffered for the last three years with attorneys catarrh of the bladder, having tried II. i> NORTON, Attorney at law every remedy I heard of but without . relief. I saw Anuric advertised tn Practices In all State and Federal the paper, and like a drowning man Courts. First National iBank Bldg. grabbing at a straw I thought 1 would try it also, which I did with great, suc G. W. • COLV1G, Attorney-at-law. cess, as it relieved mo almost Imme before 1 had takon all of the Grants Pass* Banking Co. Bldg. diately, trial package, and having great confi I dence In tho remedy 1 Immediately sent 1 E. 8. VAN DYKE, Mtorney I’ra tlces to the drug store and bought a package. In all cour'ts. First National Bank I r»n say to all suffering from any disease of tho kidneys or .uric acid Building troubles, try this remedy and suffer no longer. I have great faith in Doctor O. S. BLANCH \RD. Attorney at law. Pierce’s remedies.— 8. P. II knsi . kv . Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270. t C. A. 81DLER, 'Attorney-at-law. Ma sonic Temple, Grants il’ass, Ore. •’•04; THRU »TS PASH DAILY OODKiMH The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company TELLS HOW HE CURED COLD New York ^Physician Passes on Rem edy Which He Declares Does Away With Affliction. This Is how Dr. L. Duncan Bulk- ley of New York cures his own colds and those of other p nple. Doctor Bulkley tells the story In the Medical Record, ns follows: “Yesterday I Imd about as severe a cold as |H>ssilde. whft li had been com ing on several days, ami had been sim ply neglected, ami I sneezed und coughed nil day. using any number of handkerchiefs. In the afternoon I took one or two doses of smln. half a teaspoonful, ami in the evening took five more, at lialf-hour Intervals, In warm water. At midnight I took one of the grip powders I have so long prescribed ten groin» of phemicetln with 20 of soda. with, hot water, and went to bed with two handkerchiefs under my pillow. I dropped to sleep very soon and slept »oundly until call ed nt 7 when I took another of the phenncetln am) s<<tn powders and found the eohl entirely gone: exactly the experienci- which I reisirted be fore nml wlUch I Imve had nmny times. “Last year from October to late spring I wrote for the phenacetin mid soda powders, ten grains and 20. al most evert day. and -oun'titnes at least four times In the day, for patients threatened with grippe, and although I questioned many patients nt subse quent otflee visits I have yet to lenrn of any failure to arrest the trouble." TO WORK OLD COPPER MINES American Company, With Modern Machinery, Will Reopen Shaft on the Isle of Cyprus. Equipped with modern mining ma chinery purchased in the United States with California money, the rich copper mines of the Isle of Cyprus, which centuries ago furnished cop per for the civilized world, may In a few months be turning out thousands of tons of tlint metal. According to an announcement tnnde yesterday, a syndlcnte of Cali fornia capitalists hns secured n long- term purchnse lease on n score or | more of the most valuable workings on the Island, nnd engineers nre now | on tin ground outlining pinna for In stalling modern mining machinery to replace the crude plants maintained by the Phoenicians centuries ago. While the names of members of the syndicate were not given out. D. C. .Tncklln. multl-mflllonnire copper mag nate of San Francisco. Is the recog nized head of the corporation. When the war first broke out the syndicate lind about completed plans for perfecting their lease of 22 claims on tho Island, hut complications brought about by the conflict* forced abandonment of ¡he plan until after the slgnflig of the armistice. GEO. H. DI RHAM, Attorney at-law TIME CARD referee in bankruptcy, Masonic Effective Nov. 24, 1919. Temple. Phone 135-J. .1 \ 11 ICS T." UH I NNOCK. Lawyer Trains will run Mondays. Wednes days and Fridays. First National Bank Building. Washington« May 4.— Farm loans Leave Grants Paas.............. 1 P.M. aggregating over 550,000,000 have Arrive Waters Creek..... 2 P.M. Courier classified ads bring re Ixmve Waters Creek......... 2:30 P.M. been held up by litigation over the suits—Try a classified. Arrive Grants Pass.. 4 P.M. For Information regarding freight validity of the farm loan act, it de Hammermill Bond In all colors at and passenger rates call at the office veloped today at the conference of of the oompany. Lutidburg building, tne Courier office. 1 the farm loan officials here. or telephone 131. OWN A D0RT The Little Car, With the Big PEP A carload »»-ill l>e here in a few days, ready for those who have lM>ught, and one or two others. WE HAVE TRIED IT OUT THOROUGHLY SINCE LAST OCTO BER. UNDER ALL CONDITIONS OF WEATHER, MUD, MOUN TAINS, AND ROUGH ROADS, AND IT Positively Delivers the Goods WE THINK IT THE BEST SMALL CAR MADE, FOR DEPENDA BILITY, PEP, AND GENERAL SERVICE. LET US SHOW YOU' A. N. Parsons, Agent 314 F Street G. B. BERRY Harness and Saddleryj Auto Top and Canvas Work With Grants Pass Hardware Co. Prices Slashed on Used Cars FORI» TRUCK ............................. »MO DODGE .......................................»lOOO CHEVROLET .................................. »MO STUDEBAKER 4 ........................... »OOO FORD DELIVERY ......................... »530 C. D. Hobart Co.