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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1920)
♦ • • VOL X„ No. i»o GRANTS PASH, JOHKl'HI.NE COUNTY. OREGON, TVEKDAY, MAY I, IMO. WHOLE NUMBER 20M. t I Hoover and JolinMm Tangling for Hie IH-I<*gatrt> to the Republican Na tional Convrtition BY THE REBELS Body of Nina I>ee Deloney Found by Searching Party I an! by Alleged Slayer 1 I I Han FruhcUco, Muy 4. .Whether GOVERNMENT CliU’LEB SHOW BOI j SHEY IKI HARD PRESSED BY REPRESENTATIVE OF STATE OIL Dixieland, Calif., May. 4.—The JOHNSON DEFEATED BY SMALL California's 26 delegates to the re body of Nina I-ee Deloney was found GANIZAT1ON OUTLINES THE RELIEF WHEN DANGER OF l*OLISH TKOOPH AND ARE VOTE IN ELECTION—VERY publican national convention will be this morning by a searching party di PLANS IX>R TIIE YEAR < OM PLICATIONS REMOVED ENTRENT TUNG LIGHT VOTE CAST pledged to the candidacy of Senator rected by Walter Andrew Watson, ¡Johnson, or to Herbert Hoover.-was her alleged slayer, who is also a con- 1 the chief Issue In today's primary. ! fessed arch bigamist. The democrats and prohibitionists A a point a few miles north of ulao elect delegates, the democratic i Coyote Wells, Watson halted the am flint being unpledged. Weather con- bulance which had taken him to the ▼ ¡ilRlons favor a heavy vote. ¡scene. “There’s the gulch,” be Baid. Idea of Movement I. to Get Re- BliMMlbws R<rv<>luU<m H s» Turned I kndidan Capital Object of Mighty . Assisted by officers he walked across Mach Interest Taken in Election— • • ■ourcea liefore People— Whole Half of Nation ApUii.t Federal Conflict All Along the Battle Sun Francls<"o, .May 4. Choice be Four Candidates on Re|>ublican | the ground to a spot near a small State Will Benefit (■overa tuent 1-ines tween two groups of 26 delegates to Ticket in Field cliff. "There’s the ledge,” he said the republican national convention, and the deputy sheriffs turned a few f one pledged to United States Senator shovels full of earth, and revealed Thu definite part that Grafts P uns il ira m W. Jchnson and the other to Washington, May 4. -Relief was Warsaw, May 4.—The bolshevikl ] the body. Baltimore, May 4.—Major General United shown in government circles and by 1 are entrenching in the hills on the I k I o play In a state-wide campaign Herbert Hoover, former Leonard Wood defeated Senator Hi of the Oregon State Chamber of Stateil food controller, was offered i revolutionary circles here today when ( west bank of the Dneiper river in a ram Johnson in an unusually light Commerce was outlined today by to voters at the California presiden it became known that Juarez, Mex- great semi-circle, with their backs vote yesterday in the primaries for Jami'B 11. childH, representing t ht> tial primary election today. | ico, where revolutionary fighting has against Kiev, the Ukrainian capital, Maryland's preferential primary tqr eta to chamber, who visited Grants Democrats and prohibitionists’ also S always been the potential interna- according to information received to the presidential nomination by a Pass In connection with a survey of were electing today 2« delegates each : tionul danger, had been taken by the day from the front. The fight for 1 majority of 7841 according to virtu- to their respective national conven t rebels without a fight. Until now the possession of Kiev is at its the state, now being made. j ally complete returns today. Mr. Childs discussed the campaign tions. These were unopposed, ex ' the rebels have succeeded in taking height, and is raging day and night ■ — with a number of local men who are cept that on the democratic ticket , from Carranza almost half his terri- along the fine through valleys and • • Indianapolis, May 4.—Fair weath Interested In the plans of the state Henry H, Childers of L oh Angeles, i lory without a battle, but military | rivers. | Quite the most important event in er and a deep rooted interest in the chamber. Sam II Ituker «fas select announcing that he favored liberal men say that a fuw stubborn contests | club social affairs since Easter, was campaign are expected to produce a ________________________ ed us chairman of the executive com Interpretation of the nutional prohi .ire inevitable. the May Day kensington given* by the heavy vote today in the Indiana mittee which will cooperate with bition amendment, qualified as can WILSON SIGNS BILL TO GIVE Auxiliary on Saturday afternoon. preferential primary, in which Gen other cities In the movement. Aaao- didate for national delegate in addl-l El P mo . .May 4.—An attempt to re I YRGEK PENStOXs TO OLD i ETS The club rooms were transformed eral Wood, Governor Ix>wden, Sena ciatcd with him will bo Dr. E. J Bil tion to the 26 named by the state volt againet the Carranza government Into a bower of loveliness by the tor Harding and Senator Johnson are link, F. C. Bramwell, C. A. Winetrout central committee. The democratic , last night at Ojlnga, Chihuahua, by Washington, .May 4.—President decoration of apple blossoms, the contestants for the nomination for and T M Stott. delegates are unpledged. The prohi j Colonel Salinas, the commander, was Wilson today signed the Fuller pen color scheme being further carried president. There are no candidates The Oregon State Chamber of Cotn- bition group is pledged to the candi defeated by the loyalists of the gar- sion bill, increasing the ;>ensions of out in crepe paper and kewpie dolls for the democratic nomination and inerce lias undertaken plans to play dacy of Henry Clay.Needham of lx>s . rlson. according to a telegram receiv- veterans .of the Civil war, their at the refreshment tables. The room the Indiana law forbids the writing a Itlg purl in the future development Angeles. |ed by the acting consul general of widows and other dependents of vet was filled to capacity by gaily dressed In of names on the ballot. of the state of Oregon. Funds will Registration for today's election | the Carranza government here. maids and mafrons gathered to do erans. tie collected to advance advertising, exceeds that for any previous pri hoXor to the occasion, in response to Return- Front Army— pointing out the opportunities to be mary election In California. Of the Don Hood returned here the first invitations to help swell the scholar found In Oregon and to encourage 1,111,192 men and women eligible I Drive Start» Tomorrow— of the week, having received his dl®- ship loan fund. Will Play A*-lilan<l — land settlement, administration to to vote. 693,767 are registered as re ! The local drive for the Salvation A splendid program added much to lcharge from the army. He spent 30 The local high school baseball promote Irrigation; extension of rail publicans, 247,737 as democrats, Army will liegin tomorrow morning I pleasure of the afternoon, the closing months in the service, the greater roads; refund on regulation fund; 16,52k as Hodallsts and 6,321 as pro with a large number of business men team will leave Thursday for Ash- land where they will play a return (feature being the crowning of a May part of the time being in Europe. extension of a highway both for gress! ne; 3,317 are scattering and He was stationed at Coblenz with the Ih the field getting contributions, game of baseball with the Ashland Queen. commercial purposes and through 125.3OK tlecirhed to state their |>arty The success of the entertainment first fieldoerrJcshrdlu cmfwyp vbgkq i The quota for the city has been team Thursday afternoon. They will national forests; cooperation with ag affiliation. placed at $2 200, the state quota be go to Klamath Falls from Ashland will enable the club to contributed signal corps. Mr. Hood enlisted as ricultural ami lumbering Interests Regardless of party affiliation. ing »184,000. The money is all to and will play Saturday in Kfemath. an even »20 to the fund, which is soon as the war broke out and was and numerous other big projects, the voters at this.election may choose lie spent in the state, a large share There has been but one game this j handled by the state federation of I among the frist to be sent to France. development of which will by of in* the .ballot of any party they wish, clubs. These funds are loaned to of it going to the support of the calculable value to Oregon. state officials have announced, A® a White Shield Home and for rescue season. Tills turned out a defeat for young women in need of .small sums the local team but they have shown STATES SEND DELEGATES TO Mr. Childs was assured by local result, it was expected that many work in the state. much improvement during the past in addition to their limited means CONVENTION AT BUTTE leaders that Grunts Paas could be re- demo rats and others would vote the ' » ... ■ week and it is thought that they will which will make it possible to com lied upon to do her share along with republican ticket where Interest cen be able to clean the Asblanders. The plete their educational training for a Butte, Mont., May 4.—.Delegates other communities of Oregon. Other tered In the contest between the rival W ill (iive Decision— Judge F. M. Calkins will render his team making the trip will be as fol higher grade of work, together with from several states today are at- repnamntatives of the state Chamber Johnson nnd Hoover groups of pros decision within a few days on the lows: Max Grishaber, pitcher; Eu larger opportunities that a graduate . tendjn(ç th0 digtrict conventlon of the of Commerce will visit Grants Pass pective delegates motion filed in qlrcuit court for a gene Murphy, catcher; Cedric Fields, of college or normal enjoys, and . metal m)n0 workerg lndll8trial union, later and complete the organization The Johnson forces were expected trial for Ixvrk Evans Who was i 1st base; Sherman Smith, 2nd base; which would otherwise be impossible No 80(> Qf thp Indll9trlal Worker8 new work for the state-wide movement, to show their greatest strength in of the World, which is being held which it la declared will benefit every San Francisco and the northern part convicted two weeks ago of the rob Bob Bestul, 3rd base; Albert Randle, of attainment. Several girls from Josephine coun- : h0re Tb0 un|on ,g a meta> mlnfng section of Oregon of the state, while the maximum bery of W. G. White of Grants Pass ss.; Harold Isham, Art Close and I and was sentenced to 15 years in the Fl loyd Parsons, fielders. E. Heston ty have been able through this fund braneh of the j w w whlch ha8 I Hoover vote was expected from Los penitentiary. , Arguments were heard and Waldo Baker, subs, Mr. Gaston to finish their education, and now branfbeg in mo8t minins, states. Angelos and Southern California. hold high salaried positions. This I Only delegates to national party on Hie motion last Saturday and Gus will make the trip with the team. fund is made up of contributions | “ Newbury, attorney for Evans, filed a conventions will be elected today, i from the c.Ribs of the state, and is .CALIFORNIANR ASK FOR Son number of affidavits corroborative of Is Born- Washington, May 4. Operation of The state iwlmury will be held Au-! DAYLIGHT SAVING PLAN Word has been received here of only one feature of the splendid work the telegraph and telephone com gust 24. when candidates for a Unit-1 Evans’ alibi introduced at his trial being accomplished by the women's showing his whereabouts on the day the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. panies during the war cost the gov <‘d States sena(,orship, eleven scats In Santa Barbara, Cal., May. 4.— ernment 114.000,000, Postmaster congress and a long list of state offi I of the crime, and to the effect that J. R. Wood at Oakland. California. club®. More than 1.000 Santa Barbara resl- General Burleson informed congress cers will be chosen. California presi I ho could not have been the robber.— Mrs. Wood was formerly Helen Hair dents signed petitions sent here from 1 Medford Tribune. of this city. DEATH TOLL MOI’NTS IN today In asking an imedlate appro dential el®ctors will lie nanuxl by the ; Los Angeles asking Governor Wll- TOWN HIT BY CYCLONE Ham D. Stephens to take steps neces- priation of that amount to liquidate state conventions in September. the affairs of the federal wire ad- sary to givy Califon ia "daylight sav- Muskogee, Mar. 4.—The death toU ing. ministration. Portland. May 4.—Cattle weak, ! of the cyclone that destroyed the choice steers, 111 and >12; hog» | town of Peggs Sunday night, has lower, prime mixed |15.30 and >16; reached 70, it was indicated today sheep steady, unchanged: butter ; when additional reports reached steady, unchanged; eggs steady, 40 | here, It is estimated that possibly a and 41 cents. j score of the wounded would not sur- Parts, May 4.—American students Sorbonne. He declared that he de- ' vive. are to have an opportunity to obtain ^81red lntwlseiy to promote opportun an education in the higher domains1 ities for youing Americans to pursue Montovideo, May 4. World-wide of knowledge under the direction of Bridgetown. Barbados, >May 4.— legislation to stop the "hideous de the faculties of the University of ! or perfect their studies in France. When the American steamship Hyan formity” of «treats, i>arks, gardens Dr. Appell said that the law fac Paris. » This announcement has just nis. with a cargo of dynamite and iii I n ti iimoiiiv n and plazas and to beautify all cities been made 'by (Dr. Paul Api>ell, who ulty of the University of Paris whose sulphuric acid aboard recently ar was advocated at the first congress has become rector of the great j fame is world-wide was considering rived here from New York bound to of architects which has just closed Des Moines, la.. May (4,:—.House French educational institution, in | arrangements for receiving foreign South lAmerica, it was found the acid hunters of ingenuity have devised succession to the late Henri Poincare. j students who until now had been en- its sessions here. was leaking badly and that It was Representatives were present from several interesting and successful Arrangements are practically ‘all Dr. Appell has just told the Asso ! titled only to attend special courses, impossible, owing to some defect in all Routh (American countries as well methods of discovering houses and ciated Press correspondent that j The .faculty of medicine also would completed for the Chamber of Com the engines, to get up steam to move ns from the United States. The con- apartments for rent here. classrooms, labratories and libraries | extend its privileges to foreigners merce luncheon to be given Thursday the vessel from too close proximity One recently successful* advertise of Paris are to ‘be opened to young ; particularly in labratory research noon. May 6. This is to be a general gresa In proposing legislation for the adoption of regular plans and the lo ment appeared under a large head- Americans. The city of Paris has , and clinical studies. A special de get-together meeting for the whole to the shore. E. P. Jameson, a Scot from, South cation of public .buildings and monu ing'of one word: "Help.'* It stated given a site on the (Boulevard St. gree of doctor of medicine would be county and every person intereeted Africa, connected with a wrecking ments, recommended the continua that "a sweet, year-old baby needs Germain on which it is proposed to granted but this would not confer the in boosting Josephine county. Its city company there, but at present mak tion of the system of uniform squares. a home,” and added, "of course her build an American institute where right to practice medicine in .France. and towns, its industries and re ing a short stay in (Barbados, volun Classes tn "urbanization” In unlver- parents must go with her." Another American students can be lodged, Courses for foreign students al sources, its scenic attractions ami teered to go aboard the ship. He sltios and s|>ecial schools of archi househunter who saw this advertise have their club and auditorium. ready had been largely developed by good roads is urged to attend. threw all the detonators and other tecture were also proposed, a rrsolu- ment told the baby's father about a The luncheon hour will be taken It is intended also to provide for the faculty of letters and Dr. Appell possible causes of explosion into the tion stating that these were Indie- cottage he had just Inspected whtvh American students opportunities for said the University would make doc up with discussions for taking care sea thus enabling mechanics to make The athletics and hygenic living such as tors' degrees accessible to foreign of the 300 visitors in the Pacific ■pensable for the culture of the pen was too small for himself. repairs and move the Hyannis to a father arrived there first and rented they .have enjoyed in America. Or. students without lowering the stand Northwest automobile caravan which pie. less hazardous location. Emphasis was also laid on the the place. Aippell states, that, owing to the ards of its requirements which were, will stop over night here, May 19. Most of tbs' schemes are directed heavy war burdens imposed upon he said, much higher than those of This trip is a special tour of organ POSTOFFIOE (XIMMITTEE need of construction with govern- ment aid of cheap and hyglenlc toward getting to the vacant place France, she would be gratified if any German university. (He also in ized boosters of the northwest to ad- RELISES FAVORABLE REIORT honioe for laiborers in industrial sec- ahead of anyone else. Moving van America would cooi>erate with her in dicated that the Pasteur Biological vertise the northwest throughout the tlons. The congress urged also that drivers are stopped frequently to a practical way in the creation of the Institute, the IRadium institute and entire country. Washington, May 4.—The house there should Ibe established in each discover where their loads of furni proposed American institute. A big outdoor entertainment is postoffice committee today refused to the Institute of Radiotherapeutics country a ''National iBank for the ture came from. Even divorce no Unbounded admiration for the and probably the recently establish planned with motion pictures, speak act favorably on the bill proposing Construction of Economic Houses'* tices and death notices have been spirit of the American nation was ex ed Institute of Optics would cooper ing, singing and other * amusement the repeal of theg ra^uate increase with funds contributed by employers successfully followed up by a few pressed by Dr. Appell in an interview ate in offering opportunities for Am stunts. Josephine county will un- In second class mail rates for househunters. and capitalists. granted to the correspondent at the erican students to study in Paris. 'Continued on Page 2) 1 »20-21-22. t I LUNCHEON WILL BE I 9