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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1920)
I Jit tlx Churches M unsing Mt. latke's K|dM'o|ml Church school at 10 a. m. Evening service at 7:30 o'clock. There will be a meetlug of the vestry of the church immediately after the dose of the evening service All membars are expected to be present. Rememhar your Christian duty and attend at least one service. Visitors most heartily welcome. Rev. Philip K. Hammond, Vicar In Charge ar because it fits Outer garments fit liettcr if the under garments fit tin« fig nrc without hunching. Munsingwt'ar fits anti covers the form per fectly. ’That’s one of many reasons why million# of discrimi nating people every where, prefer and wear perfect fitting Munsingwear I’nioti l Suits. \l imsitigwear is non- irritating. 'I’he gar- inputs arc soft, pli- able, pleasant to the ............. w con skin. Evervthing sidered. M u n • i n g- wear is the ideal un dergarment for per sons who want, com fort, perfeetion of fit, washability, durabil ity, serviceability and finest qualities in un derwear. We can Union Suit you in Munsingwear with comfort and Satisfaction, Our stock comprises a large variety of styles and fabrics now; buy early and prepare for the hot weather. * ItaptUt Church , Bible schol at 10 with claMes for 1 all ikgea. • Morning MrWce at 11; an- thein, "Blow Y« the Trumpet;" «er- I mop, "The Riche» anil Poverty of 1 Jean«." B. Y. P. V. at 7 l«d by Mildred I Taylor. Evening »ervi«»e ut 8; proMMlonul, violin und cello duet. Congregation-, I al aong service Cello solo, Trof. | Vpplehoff Cello offertory. Anthem, Iosus Shall Reign " S»»rmrtn. "The Nngel's Curse and the Blessing."* Noto evening servie»'« are n half hour later than formerly. There will be service at Merlin At 2 30 p. m. C. M. Clino, preacher Golden Rule Store Salvation Army Meeting« at 509 U street. Sunday achool 2 p. nt. Young people's meeting 0:15. Salvation service S p. tn. Services Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. m. Spacial next Tuesday, May 4, Rev Henry (I. llanson, pastor of the Pres byterian church, will preach st hall. Come and hear him. You Invited to all services. Special lin music and apecial singing. Envoy and Mrs. Uray, in charge f Free MetliotUst * Er«»»» .Mothodist district quarterly meeting held at their church at 350 Weal I street. Meetings will continue over Sunday. The instore from Ash land an»l Medford will preach at part of the service«. A miiwionary pro- gram given by Uu< young people and children at 3 p. nt. Sunday. C. E. (Hailer, district elder Xewinan M. E. Church • lh'thiuiy Prrwbytcrian Church Sunday school at 10 a. tn. Sunday achool at 10 o'clock. Morning worship nt 11. "The Mas worth I «»agues at 7 p. m. This being the first Sunday of the ter 1'iiMnlon.'' Reports of the New ♦.’ra «vory-member canvaaa will be month there will be a special sermon hoard for young i<eople ut 11 a. m. the pas- OREGON « Young poopl«'« meeting 7:15. Evening worship. 8 o'clock, "Wil liam liunoan, Apostle to Alaska," a very intonating etory of a great work «lone among the 'Metlakatla In diana. ’ Tueaday, May 4, 6:30 a. in. 8:30 a. m„ May Day breakfast. Thurilay. May ti. midweek servie«, Amo«, Chap. #• Henry <J. llanson, minister TONIGHT LAST TIME Beautiful ELSIE FERGUSON in a picturixat ion of the famous stage success “WITNESS FOR THE DEFENSE Also Christie Comedy—“This Way Out Thivv Days Beginning Tomorrow Matinee—The play that races through spectacle. comedy and dra matic realism to a climatic flood that will sweep yon awa \ n \ ith Its excitement and realism. FASHION GARAGE & MACHINE SHOPS • TOMORROW MONDAY TUESDAY SERVICE AMD SATISEHTION Ol K MOTTO We «-airy a full Une of Tire« an<i Accessorie» al th« best price« on the market- Now Is the time to make y«»ur spring repair«. We make a «pecialty of all kiada of Iatlhc and Machine work am! g,-n<vwl repair«. Moo all kinds of cast si cel and a'umtnum welding Bring in your mechanical Trouble«. We can help you. Fairbanks C. F. BURKE and E. KNOX, Props ix f When the Clouds Roll By It s "IKs second and ; greatest picture written and produce«! by himself—and he tl " . « r : » even- s»vr.e. '■ < OXIMI \i< vri H tor ,»reaching on yie theme. Baskets of the Bible." In the even In the past the matter of municipal ing at > o'clock die will preach on the theme of "Action." There will water an»l lights for the city of Grants Puss has l>een much talked t»e special music by the choir of. In fact, at one time W J. Ro- Joseph Knotts, pastor berts an eminent municipal water and light engineer looked into this < Iturx h of • tiriM BtMe school at 10 a. tn Over the platter for our city dads and made a favorable report, Mr Roberts has :«♦ mark last Sand«' Ix»rd * S-apper »< 11. folio» cd by been for several years past chief en- wraoa on "Our Unfailing Supply." sinner for Tacoma, Wash , and Christian Endeavor at < 45 p. m.. through his advic,» Tacoma noa ere • , a helpful ¡»lace for »11 young Chris their own water ami light systems. *n»l the following appears in the i :ians. At 7 45 the message will be "A pro«« news; 'Tacoma, Wash., Apr 27 Mota «JaeaTion of ProfM and lavas "»My al 7 4» p. m the mid- than 380,000 profits were made by the city of Tacoma in March from > eek meeting and a worth w hile the light and water department.« The ttble There were 74 pres light department la the big money ent last ««X 1» response to the first maker. the profits amounting to t>71,305 on a buslnoas of 3161,334. oajl for this nervioe. • The light profit« since January 1. E R Black, pastor 1320. have been 3207,S«8 Water profits for March were 311:327 on FirM Church of (%rM Sc*ewti«t receipts of 353.341 " CkrtMian Sc.etc« are held It dm«« seem to the writer that every dunday tn th« W O. W. hall, If such splendid returns can be ob- 'ax 11 *. tn Wednesday evening tainisl through municipali« owned Treating at I «clock The subject svstems, it would be advantageous Sunday ;» Everlasting Punishment " for Grants rasa to own both her own Rending room to opea from 3 to I p. m daily except Scndayw and light and water ayntem \ n «'ORXRU hnMnpn- x»bdayw Th« Tb« public is ia cord ocrdullv tally in ued to ltM«4 th« («nice« and to (Irani« Pa»«. May I. IMO .sit th« rending room db, ATTEND MATINEE TOMORROW Fvcryth:vc cxa.tly the wnh ••« ' £.: <\»••«•*. t : Crew .h Prices Adults 35c, Kiddie* 15c. inchkhr.g ».u tax OREGON Sc. tase'» Cat hot ir Chunh l*em«»llla < <mvl< t»«| *n*y bl « m »» i « 00 and 10 co (,'srmen Itamdll*, «>' ordtag to *4- 'CAf>k received her«' h«' eon '■,'«• Rev JI. G V e», C. S V., pastor 'Icte.l of forger, an,I ha« been «ea- >>O.>\ T»» t.ll KIM'H XT lonivd to «et.», tw,> vette » the IX X» u JI KMA I 1 I « VIOX lleniiar, Ils wa« convicted of '*va in« a fraudulent check a Ku «ewe an,I hl» trial «>»» taken up Bilia was nol| X I’ONrd ta lie «II« t •1* PW1 on by the Ho wwa In iho div connected with Ihv * >