Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1920)
HATI ICI» NN , XI XX -IH J’AHM DAILY (XJUKIKH I, 10-20. Classified Advertising IOK NAM ANGEL CAKES, 1V0-J. of 1.40 FOR SALE My •ere* at Kerby, W'A of 8E%, It. 8. Four acre* In cultivation, frame house, good barn, well Ad join* stage road Price 12 5 per acre Addreaa Carl Kreaaler, Ker by, Oregon. 4 I tf PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRIES and buy sugar pin« shingles, man irfactured on Cheney creek by J. H. Borough and Hons. Phone through Wlldervllle contra!. 68 Foil 8AU5 -Wood. Wood, Wood, We are now booking orders for summer and fall delivery, Order Fir early and avoid the rush 43 60; pine, 43.25; oak, 44 a tier, Also 2-foot oak fire place wood. 46 a tier. Some fir ready tor im mediate delivery. Terms, cash on delivery. I’hone Dickinson & Dawe, Wilder ville. Oregon 01 FOR 8ALK--2V0 Angoru goats, •bout 140 nannies and 40 wealh- era, 60 kid* Mw and tnore to come. AU for 11,000 for quick sale Phone 26 Id F. W. Moore, 70 Ashland, Ore FIR WOOD bXMi SALE -»3.50 per tier delivered. Phone W. 8 llot>- taaon. WUdarvtlle 4«tf FOR BALE -191» Maxwell, A-l con dition, only been driven 2000 mile*. some eatra fixtures, real bargain, with terms. 216 West 1 street 74 FOR BALE -Modern «-room house. Close In Right price to right party. Certain furnishings In cluded. Address No. 771, care of Oonrler 66 FOR SAIJC Good strong 2-horae wagon. 2-Inch tires with box and good hayrack. |60: one new Syra cuse 13-lnch flaw*. steel plow, |17.- 50; one single horse steel drag, 11.60. J. L. Johnston. Box 67, Rd 1, 2H mile* north of town, on lx>use creek road. 55tf !♦- I SELMA i ♦—- A revival sorlea -Is being held In our church. Rev. Wade and Rev POI’LTItX' j Itoade*. Adventist mlnlstera'of Med WHITE LEGHORN hatching «KMS ford and t'ullfornia, are In charae. from heavy winter layers, 41.50 •Miss Kato Herman left for Rose per 15; 17 per 100. K Ha rumar burg Saturday morning after a Wenk bachur, phone 606-1' li, It E I) •pent here with her parent*. 83 N'p. 2, The Selma switchboard has been moved to Mr. J’ierson'a where .Mise .Short will be the operator. W X.NTED TO HI'Y One horse mow Thos. Biggerstaff and family and er and hay rake. Must be In good Mrs Cooper made a business trip to condition. Stat« price and where Grants Pass Saturday. can be seen. Address 935 care A farewell party was given In hon Courier. 63 or of Kate lllerman a few evenings WANTED .Full particulars from ago at the York residence. Everyone parties having general purpose reported a very pleasant evening. ranch for rent, Some hay, pas- Mr. and Mrs. Biggerstaff were vis- lure, corn and garden land, Ap- Ring their son, Thomae, and da'igh- plegate or Williams creek prefer, ter. Mr*. Cooper Bunday afternoon. Will Chastain moved to Medford red. Might take over lease and later buy small, well located ranch Saturday. Ruben Tucker and family are mov if price and conditions are right. Address M W, Harter. Kerby, ing on to the l»ughrldge ranch. Mr*. IB. F. Chastain and daughter, Ore. 62 WANTED --6-horse |n»wer motor, Mr*. Soovill, of Alsea, spent a feb also »maller sixes Paul'* Elec day* In our vicinity last week. I-ewi» Hanner made a business trip tric' Store, Orant* Paas. «2 to Grant* Paas Saturday. Elsie Herman »pent a day visiting CIVIL ENGINEER with Mr*. Spaulding the fore part of DANIEL McHAVLAND —Civil engi the week. » ■ 4 ♦. neer and surveyor. Rsglstoasd Joe Goode and A. V. Schmitt spent professional '-ngineer. Rea. 740 • North Tenth "treet. Phone 211-Y Sunday In Grants Pass. Bert Hogue made * business trip V------- DKAYAGK AND THAN to Grant* Paes last week. John Dally mad« a business trip THE WORU) MOVES, SO do we to our burg a few days ago. Hunch Bros Transfer Co. Phone Joe Schmitt and C. A Sldler were 341. In our vicinity Bunday. F. G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer. Rev Huff of thia place spent Sat Safes. pianos and furniture urday and Sunday In Kerby attend moved, packed, shipped and stored. ing the revival meeting st that place Sunday evening Office phone 1Î4-Y. Mr. and Mr*. Buell were visiting TAÀ. their brother, Mr. Wheeler, Thurs SOONER TAXI -Phone 282-R for day and Friday. Jitney Luke rr CuMer Calls an Dick. Everv and George Dora are swared anywhere, anytime K6tf very busy planting corn and pump kins. PALACE TAXI— Phone 82-J. Gao Cap Hinkle d* helping Mr. Baird A. Hyde • Henry Sargeant. 26tf drive a herd of cattle to Grants Paes TAXI at Owï Billiard Parton. 172-J, where they -will be shipped. I>ay and night service 56tf Hays hill 1* drying fast and 1* now In passable condition. VOCAI, INSTRUCTION Celeste Harmon of Dryden. was M RR GUT KNAPP—Voice and p4n*o visiting In Grant* Paas Saturday. Accredited teadher for high school A ten pound son was born to Mr. work. Phone 224. Residence and Mr* Joe Breotllle this week. 4 20 A street. 33U Mr*. A. B. Ragan Is very busy do ing dressmaking. REAL EOTATK FOR SALE- -Five of Sheppard's fa ■ T McKINBTRY—404 O street, mous Ancona pullet* mated by a tine cockerel; heavy layers Jas Eads, SO« West I St. I 912. 62 phone 13-R. General real estate b usines* Tbs best of all kind* of I soils for fruit, hay or general farming 2ltf machine, FOR SAME—Mowing spring tooth harrow, hack and I’HYHKTANH Inquire of blacksmithing tools. L. O. CLEMENT, M. D., Practice Sooner Taxi or Mrs. Beagle, 209 limited to diseases of «ye. ear. nose 63 West H etreet. and throat Glasses fitted Hours HOMESTEAD relinquishment for 9-12, 2-6, or on appointment. sale. 180 acres, good house, one Phone*, office 62; residence 359-J. mile north of Murphy, exceptional s. MM’GHRIDGE. M r> Pfiyilclan bargain. Ardle Miller. Rd. 4. 63 and surgeon. City or country calls attended day or night. Phonee, FOR RALE lairg« camp range. At Res. 369; Office, 182; 6th and H. greatly reduced price. Rogue Riv er Hardware Co. 62 E J. BILUCK, -M. D. Physician and surgeon; office Schallhorn FI’R.NITl'RE FOR SALE, cheap. In block, phono 54-J; residence, 1004 good condition. One rug 9x12; Igiwnrldge, phone 54-L. on« gas range; one heater, with dumper for burning sawdust; one XV F. RUTHERFORD Manual the- raputlm. It gets your ailment, oak book rase; one oak se tional Office over Barnes’ Jewelry store book case; one chiffonier; one oak Office hour* 9: 30-1 f; 1:30-4. dresser; one large solid walnut chest of drawers; on« single and RALPH W. 'STEARNS, .M. D. Phy- on« % Iron bed; several nice alci an and surgeon, X-ray equip- pictures; movlpg nnd no room. A. ment, dental ?C-ray, Offlce, Ma- N. Parsons office. ill Phones: Of- sonic Temple Bldg flee 21 -J; residence 21-L. FOR SALE Purebred registered Jersey cows, heifers nnd calves, nt X ETERI NA RY SI BGEON The Meadows. Phone ('. N. Culv. 59tf DR. It. J. BESTl'L, Veterinarian. Residence 83s Washington boule FOR SALE Four w< vard. phone 398-R Ix-ghorn cockori'ls. DENTISTS K. I lam merbacher, «O6-F-23. E. (’. MACY. D. M. D. First-class dentistry. 109X4 S. 6th St. Milk cows und heifers. grad« Jersey*, bred to bull; some of heifers to ühe California and Oregon Everything goes. Coast Railroad Company Seo J. E. llalr, or TIME CARD 61 Effective Nov. 24, 1919. MISCELLANEO! S Trains will run Mondays, Wednes- days and Fridays. A BUYER of the Medford Junk Co. Leave Grants 1 P.M. J'ass will be In Grants Pass, and will Arrive Waters ('reek 2 PiM. pay top market prlcos for wool, I .eave Waters Creek 2:30 P.M. I I'M mohair, hides, pelts, rubber, rags, Xrrlve Grants Pass.. information regarding freight metals, iron, newspapers and mag- nnd For passenger rates call ut the office az'nes, also sacks. 417 G street, of the company, Lundberg building, near Palace Hotel. 79 or lob'lihnnn 131 THE CLANCY KIDS rivit ! ! ! PAGE SEVEN Valve-in-Head Preference Men of long experience in motor car usage, know and appreciate the wonderful value of Buick Valve-in- Head efficiency. Today, these men are paying a high tribute to Buick quality and construction, in their selection of this famous motor car to serve their needs in the future. » Buick prides itself in possessing the world’s confidence and with such unwavering faith and individual pref erence of buyers, Buick demand and production are eclipsing all records—-so the wisdom of early purchas ing for future months delivery by those “who know** is a fore-thought for the prospective buyer who tarries from day to day. Awe«« f. e. ». Fib««, AfirA, When better automobiles are built, Buick will build them PLUMB, RULE AND LEVEL COUNTY TREASURER’S CALL FOR GENERAL WARRANTS All Josephine County General War rants issued up to (not Including) April 1st. 1913, and protested prior to that date, are hereby called in and ar» payable at the County Treasur er's office on or after April 30th, 1920, on which data interest will! cease. I GEO S. CALHOUN. County Treasurer for Jo*e-| phine County, Oregon. TREASURER'S CALL FOR GRANTS PASS IRRIGATION DISTHKT WARRANTS AU outstanding Grants Pass Irri-j gation District warrants are hereby I called In and are payable at the, County Treasurer’s office on or after J May 1st. 1920, on which date inter-1 est will cease. GEO. 8. CALHOUN, Treasurer for Grants Pass Irrigation District FOR SALE OR TRADE l.ET ON ROYALTY JOHN E. MOORE (■rants Pass, Rd. 4 OWN A DORT The Little Car, With the Big PEP A carload will be here In a few days, ready for those who have Ixiught, and one or two others. WE HAVE TRIED IT OUT THOROUGHLY SINCE LAST OCTO BER, UNDER ALL CONDITIONS OF WEATHER, MUD, MOUN TAINS, AND ROUGH ROADS, .AND IT 1 Positively Delivers the Goods WE THINK IT THE BEST SMALL CAR MADE, FOR DEPENDA. BII.ITY, l’EP, AND GENERAL SERVICE. LET IS SHOW YOU A. N. Parsons, Agent 514 F Street VICTIMS RESCUED Kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles are most dangerous be cause of their insidious attacks. Heed the first warning they give that they need attention by taking If your 'battery is sluggish or lacks "pep,” a good tonic charge in our station will put it back in shape for the strenu ous new season’s work. An outside charge works wonders with a battery—spe cially here —for after winter’s use the battery is usually in a chronically partially dis charged condition. Really unbiased service. ADAMS ELECTRIC & BATTERY SHOP Phone 66 506 S. 6th St. GOLD MEDAL EXUMS AND CITI PROPERTY Timmons & Higgins Call and sec us I’hOne B24-J Th» world’s standard remedy for these disorders, will often ward off these dis- 1 eases and strengthen the body against further attacks. Three sizes, all druggists. I Look for th* name Gold Modal on every bow and accept no imitation 111 South Sixth St Agents for the Cleveland National Fire Insurance Company Old Newspapers, 5c and 10c Bundles