Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1920)
MATIRDAY, MAY 1, IPSO GRANT* PAM DAILY (XHKIKK THE REASON WHY MONEY IS SAFE IN NATIONAL BANKS 0 « PAG*: FlV« PER52NAL ÜÎ W. H Carpenter and Prof. E. B. I have Just received a shipment of Columbia Drag Saws. McIntyre the Fitts. dairy specialist, returned last 81 night to "Corvallis after several days Implement Man. Mrs. 8. 'Ixiugnrldge left laut night in the city. They' talked at Rogue (Each under supervision of U. S. Government) for Portland for a visit there with River Grange hall and at Murphy. friends and relatives for several days. Mr. Carpenter, handled the subject of "Crops” I q his talks. The latest Improved curv»»d disc Come in and look over the Colum cream ssimrator, gets all the cream. bia and see for yourself. McIntyre The Iowa, at Mack’s, the Implement the Implement Man. 61 Man. «•! Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Crockett and "Del-a-tone.” Sailrin has It. 61 son and daughter are in the city for Bruno Schallhorn, formerly of this a short time. Mr. Crockett is from II Mill I, city but now traveling for a Portland ixis Angeles, but he comes I I l»l HAI U» SUIVI firm, spent several days In the city. Rogue River valley as often -. 1 M I >1 Hemstitching and pecotlng, 10c slide to get some real climate, and 12c per yard Nellie Neus. Oltf expects to come back here this Miss Marlettu Martin is spending for a few days. th», week en«l at the home of her par Print linoleums, 6 feet and ents at Rogue River. feet width, at Helmers. "The Home I The guuranteed floor coverings. of G imx I Furniture.” 61 Congoieuins, at Helmer’s, ‘ "The I 61 Dancing Class Commences— Home of Good Furniture.” 61 bawn seed at Cramer Bros. Monday night, May 3rd. If Mrs. 8. J. .Kazor and son left this wish to Join, phone your name morning for Eugene where they ’ will Mrs. Goettache, 4-Y. make their home. We have some late models In used Attend Cattlemen’s .Meeting— Fords. Manuel Bros. 61 Supervisor E. H. MacDaniels, 3f Mrs. W. O. Miller went to Portland the local forestry office, went to Hol this morning and will make her land today to attend a meeting of, home In that city. the cattle men of that rl-lnl'y. The Poultry supplies at Cramer Bros apportionment of the range will be The Iowa is the last word in cream discussed. separators. McIntyre the Implement 61 The Temple Man. Market— Orres the ladles' tailor from Ash- Is paying 30c per pound for hens. land, will be at Clevenger’s Hat Shop every Thursday, Instead of every Beat Selin Pro|M*rty— Tuesday. 81 tf Isaac Best has made two sales of, 8. 8. Mitchell, a cattleman of Ash local property during the past week. I land, arrived this morning and will Um. L. Lille. h 4 piitchesed ti'ough s|>end the day in the city on business. him the '».<»;>• rtv at 513 E rtreet, The new features «bout the Iowa which was held bv W. T. Ix;kln. Mr. can be easily shown you at Mclni Chapin will' ’»induct his sh^-e repair tyre’s. Swep in and see. 61 business i>i i e building. Arthur Ixvwn movers sharpened at Cramer Conklin s->' l ‘iis rcs'deh •» property Bros.' X 81 at SI 1 E street to G. M. Flint. Clyde Smith and E. V. Carter went to Portland this morning and will T»> Knights of Pythias— spen»l th»- next week in^that city. There will be a regular meeting Frw»h milk and cream at Horn Tuesday night. May 4, several new, ing's whack. 86 applications to act upon. All mem Miss Gwendolyn Walton arrived bers are requested to be present. L. last night from Kegg for a visit of W. Carson, C. C. several weeks with her grandmother. Boxers lx*ave City. »•rul agency connection Jose Mrs. N. E. Townsend, In this city. Planet Jr. garden tools at Cramer Jack Carmen, Jimmy Mascow and phine county. l>o not apply unleae VOU CAN TELL AT > 61 Freddie Anderson left last night for you wish to enter the business in 111*08. A GLANCE-____ / The Columbia Drag S»w has taken Portland They ajl reported a good u permanent way and an furnish WE RE A the best of references. Previous its place in the fumous John Deere time in the city during their stay, all r.i of them being especially fond of the experience nst absolutely neces family. McIntyre sells them. STEP IN Mrs. Clyde Fields and son, Cedric. | fishing. Yesterday all of them went sary Such a connection offers a ADVANCE permanent Income. Address No. left for Portland yesterday evening, j to Hells Gate and brought back a »04 care of Courier. 4-24-43 and will spend several days there on | basket full of trout. They caught a business. numiter of Chinooks while Vaiting IOS MOHS AGENCY Eire Inxur- I’oultry feeds nt Cramer. Bros. 6 1 , for the bouts. ante. plate glass liability iniur- For anything in the implement | tf line you get the /best at McIntyre’s. I May Breakfast— ance. 204 H Sixth street. Post Tosties and creanj, one tenth of PIXiWING -As soon as the weather successor to C. A. Winetrout. p dollar, Blabons Linoleum nigs at wfll permit. 1 will be able to do Strawberries and cream, 15c; we’re mer ’ s. "The Home of Good plowing. 1076 North Ninth. 23 sure you won’t holler. ture.” Hot cakes and maple syrup are on W ANTED Party to care for and use Mrs. J. V. Smack, of Rogue the menu the For a dime, eggs and country fried horse for keep for s months. Own- spent Friday visiting friends How time files anil how we all sausage too. her . er leaving ’.Mbnday. G. W. Potts, city. Mrs. Smack returned progress. It a fellow wants to Coffee and t’ream. and homemade 62 home this morning. Rd. 4. phone 603-F-32. succeed nowadays he wants to . doughnuts are five, • tn Patton’s Sunproof laiint keep a stop In ndvance of his Coine and show the ladies that you WANTED About 3 dozen young 81 I are alive shades at Cramer Bros, comiietitors. Those among hens of gdod strain. Address No. We have some good buys in *17 and To the doings of Bethany at 6:30 on you who are enjoying our san 956 car»» Courier. • 66 the 4th morn of May. 61 'IS model Fords. Manuel Bros. itary plumbing agree that we New J. Boviera of Clovis. Mrs. R. render superior service and BUNGALOW rooms, largo pantry, Placer School Close sell a high grail»' of plumbing wood house, two lots, good soil, Mexico, has been visiting here with The Placer school, conducted by supplies. city water and electric liifhts. Mrs. I. Donaldson. She left this Mrs. Stnmbo, was closed yesterday Snap. 81000. Apply No. 954 »are morning for Fresno. for the year, according to County Su Garden hose, crack proof and No, perintendent Alice Bacon who' was Courier. 6ftf Kink at Cramer Bros. 61 present at- the closing exercises. Al MO F Street IX »ST Thursday, Brown combina- George E. Storey, of Portland, has most all of .the people of the com Ph»>n6 ¡1OK-.I tion purse. Finder please phone been in the city for the past few days munity were present and evidenced 13-R or 355-R. 61 on business. He left for Medford ; much interest in the work done by I the s hool during the past season. AGENTS WANTED Lady or ■ gentle this morning. You get a guarantee wjth everr man agent wanted for the city of ei thing you buy at Mclntyrejs. FIRE, Automobile. Accident and (¡rants Pass. P ush . Sell the original i NOTICE TO CREDITORS Fatten Kidlets by letting them I Health Insurance. T. M? Stott, • --------- r Watkins Products. Known every- cream In the County Court of the State of 308-10 North SixAi street, Tele- Watkins drink milk shakos and rat ice where. Write today. 66 Oregon for Josephine County 42tf phone 4 4-J. 5-1-56 at Horning’s Shack. Co. 5 2 Winona, .Minn In the matter of the estate of Ga Garden weeders at Cramer Bros, j J’ERHONAL To prove in Grants maliel L. Smith, decqpsed. Notice is Mrs. Roy Darrell and three chil hereby given that tne undersigned Pass thnt TH IRl AK A Is the only dren left this morning for Dorris pns <juiy appointed administra- proper treatment for ASTHMA we Misaioiiary to S|M‘ak— where they will spend the summer, [tor of the estate of T Gamaliel L., will send absolutely free to the Elder W. Borthwick, a missionary Mr Darrel has been at Dorris for the-!Smith, thir Smith, deceased, on April 24. 1920, firsl sufferer answering this ad of India for seven years will apeak . , | by the above entitled Court and all persons having claims against said vertisement a two week's supply at the chapel of the Church of God, past tew months Japalac for furniture and wood- es(a(e are hereby required to present of mcdlHne. We only require that corner Third and J. on Sunday, May work at Cramer Bros. 61 [the »same to me at the office of you send us the names of five fel- 2, nt 11 a. tn. and 7:3b p. m. All The onlv absolutely practical drag George H. Durham, attorney at law, r low sufferers anil pay the expross ar»’ Invited. • stvw on the market today is the Co-1 Masonic Temple. Grants Pass Ore- . x.ifcon, duly verified and with proper on the bottle of medicine. Dr. E. lumbia at McIntyre, the Impletnen vouchers, within six months from this (’. Folsom, an eminent physician.; / Man. 81 [date. spent thirty ^ears In reiiparch work ' ATJLAN G. CHVRCHWOOD, W. IjOlth returned to Worden J. to develop Thlriaka. (Obtainable ■ Administrator. morning after spending several this only ut the lahratories of the com ¡GEORGE II. DURHAM, Attorney. days here. Mr. I-eith expects to tre- April 30. 1920. pany). 8">.2O for a 1 2-ounce hot-, turn to»Grants Pass on a visit ln tlo. THIRDAKA REMEDIES « about six weeks on his way east. . I ■ — COiMiPiANY, 211 West 16th St.. All goods sold here carry the fa 38 lx>s Angeles. Calif. 381 ENGRAVED mous John Deere guarantee. McIn WANT GOOD MAN tor farm, or tyre the Implement. Man. 61 chard and road work. Furnished • Vancouver, B. C., May 1.-—To Chair seats, all sizes at Helmer's. | house with phono, place for poul delve into the unknown depths of The Home of Good Furniture.” 61 [ I try and garden. Steady work, the sea off the west coast of Vancou Mrs. J.C. Tiyrne and small daugh-j good wages. Address P. O. Box ver Island and wrest therefrom the ter and Mrs. F. C. Keenan returned ! 116, Grants'Pass. 8-M-8t treasures hidden for many years is to Roseburg this morning after vis-1 BOX STATIONERY’ AND the object of 8. Maddison and his Ii itlng for the past week with their MILLIONS IN OIL—Vulcan Oil & ( '< >RRE8IM »; HENCE C'A RDS Gas <Co. now exploring Rogue [ party of salvagers who will begin husbands who are employed here. ENGRAVED IN GOLD operations early in May. If you want a good Ford. and River Oil-Coal field. Is offering GRANTS PASS. OREGON Last autumn Maddison made sub money. Just come in ; haven't much fairest, squarest plan to Investors [ OOc THE BOX marine cruises along the crags which anyway, and we will talk it over. [ ever proposed. For limited tints 61 ' line the coast of the island and lo Manuel Rros. only real ground-floor opportun* | cated four large wrecks besides a • Mrs. N. E. Osborn left yesterday j Ity. For details write Vulcan Oil number of small ones. for a visit, with her daughter. Mrs. A G m •'<> , Medford. (>!••• 11 M ■" Two of the larger he identified as H. M. Harter, near 'Rock dsland, Ilf Sells Drugs and Books E. L. GALBRAITH—«eel Estate. In the Pass-of-Melford and the Valencia She will make, the trip via Sacra surance, and plate glass liability. [ anil one of the others lie thinks is mento and Kansas City. Her stay in 609'4 G street, phone 2*. 40tf the long lost H. M. 8. Condor which Illinois will be Indefinite. Mazda electric lamps in all sizes A I a AROE ODD LINE Life Insurance disappeared in 1903 and has not been at Cramer Bros. 61 Company desires to make a gen-[ heard of since. t «I Over 21 Billion Resources” Of all the places then* are to deposit, hide, and invest our money—here is the reason “Why” we should prefer a National Bank. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK oE We Bank on Quality and win on price—satisfaction always if it’s tailored by At the sign of Ye Jolly Little Tailor GEO. S. CALHOUN Exclusive local dealer over 15 years ▲ » HOLMAN’S FURNITURE STORE The little store around the corner » Onr Miipment of all kinds of lamp Furniture has arrived. Anything you may need for that camping trip. in and see them—you will find the prices right. —- Come NIFTY SPRING SUITS SHOES aod FURNISHINGS FOR MEN Peerless Clothing Co. Time for U & HOUSE CLEANING "We have (heTHINGS to MAKE </our\ìf0PK B. S. DEDRICK Community Linen CLEMENS A cleanly kept house is not only a pleasure, but a NECESSITY. Nearly all diseases come from GERMS. Our QUALITY brooms, scrub brushes, soaps, and HOUSEHOLD HELPS of all kinds will lighten the work of keeping the house clean and HEALTHY. When you come in next ask us to show you HOUSEHOLD HELPS. Try OUR Groceries J. Pardee our