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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1920)
GRANTS PASS WUl COURIER Published Daily Except Sunday THE BEST VALUES FOR YOUR MONEY WE HAVE OUR OPINION WE WANT YOURS •tate in the intereat of Bchulder- man's campaign for the republican nomination noplnation fot aecertary secertary of, state. They left again later in the day for Uhland and Medford, where they will remain till Tuesday, when thay will return to Grants Paa* for a long er visit. Mr. Schulderman Is about the last of the Wllhycomba ap pointees left dh the job and seems to I think that the race for the office of secretary lies b«»l*een himself and Sam Koier. the Olcott candidate. A large number of persons turned out today for the school election for a new gymnasiun| for the high SATVRDAY, MAY J. 1 »20. There is no way to tell how school, 101-3-3 NORTH «TH the sentiment is towfcrd a gymna- slum until the voles are counted OREGON WEATHER The polls will remain open until 7.1 ♦ I the voting place being aj the Central ♦ - ------- ,--------------------- ---------------— Weather for the Week ♦ Pacific Coast State« Gener a.- THE SAIA'ATION ARMY DRIVE I and to the girl mother who looks to school building. The high school stu- ! ♦ ally fair and normal tempera ♦ Commencing Monday, the cam the army for sanctuary. The White dents have been doing a large; ♦ tures. Shield home, which has been pur- amount of campaigning for the build-' ♦ paign to raise $284,000 in Oregon to! chased and dedicated as the SaIva- Ing ♦ + Tonight and Sunday fair. ♦ conduct the 1920 program of the tion Army rescue and ma tern it,' Salvation Army home service work home for Oregon girls; -the Yamhill Bight frost early Sunday morn- ing. Westerly winds. will be on. Each county has been farm and Bishop Scott school which ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦>♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • organized and a definite mark which has been purchased and will become the industrial and agricultural school Paid advertisements ij must reach has been set. Jose SKIM MILK CHILDREX for boys and girls, and items for phine county will no doubt maintain emergency relief funds and other l*rimar) Election May 21, 1920 The attention of the general pub the reputation which it has establish funds, require necessary expenditures lic has been especially directed to ed of meeting to the fullest extent its which complete the amount asked ARTHUR S. COUTANT ward the milk question during the part in all campaigns for ftfnds for Republican Candidate for Nominee for past week by the many novel fea aiding in the work of bettering the a ’ COUNTY JUDGE tures developed by the county home condition of the people. The Salva Josephine County demonstration agent. Milk is the tion Army home service plan reaches into every part of the country, and one perfect food, yet is the one that F. L. COON the state of Ooegon. which is the Republican Candidate for under the urge of increasing price« field In the present activity, has been Nominee for has been constantly decreasing in organized In excellent manner for COUNTY CLERK Since Douglas Fairbanks, associat use where its use is most necessary. the work. Every connty has its ad I ed with Mary Pickford, Charlie Chap- Pre-«-nt Deputy County Clerk The children of the land have suffer visory board through which the lin and D. W. Griffith, decided to D. 0. HAYES ed. Milk has become a stranger in funds will be collected and which will ¡produce independently a year ago. Republican Candidate for forthcoming announcement many a home, and the homes most continue an active supervision of the ' each .Nominee for affected are those that need it most. home service work within the coun j from this “Big Four" is greeted with * much enthusiasm. ASSESSOR The physical development of the ty. It is well for the theatre-goers of I’rveem I »eput y Aaeeaaar child is a matter of proper nutritiefa. The Salvation Army is excellently , this community to know that the pol just as is the development of the caif equipped to carry on its work for icy begun by the “Big Four” meant ECLUS POLLOCK w Republican < 'iindidate for upon the farm a matter of proper humanity, and no dollar paid over to that they would produce fewer but Nominee for nutrition. Every farmer knows what it to aid in its efforts will be misap I bigger and better productions each I j year. COUNTY JUDGE happens to the calf when an attempt propriated. It will find its way Into With these ideal condition* the is made to rob it of the food sa channels where it will do full ser- second Fairbanks production, “When H. H. ALLYN Republican Candi «late for ture provided for it. lt becomes a vice under the direction of those who the Clouds Roll By,” has 'proved an Nominee for “skim milk calf.” and its value is are trained in the work and who i exceptional picture and one which the • management of the Oregon theater is COUNTY CLERK upon the skim milk basis. The cream know where help is needed and delighted to present, for it fits in so l“rv*ent City \ddit<>r value is gone. The child can as where effort should be directed, It well with the policy they have set up Economy—Efficiency—Service easily become a skim milk child, and is a worthy cause, and one which all for themselves, to give only the beet there are millions of children in the should join in bringing to the com- productions that the motion picture j. s. c adden Republican Candidate for industry offers. nation that are becoming “skim milk pietest success. Nominee for In this production '“Doug” has children” because they can not be broken away from the traditional CO. COMMISSIONER provided with pure cow’s milk dur screen stories and has produced a Present <'<>tnmÌM*iooer in? their growing period. The cam rip-roaring comedy on entirely dif paign that brings home to parents ferent lines and will open a three day BEN H JESS Republican < '¡indiciate for run tomorrow afternoon. the need of providing more milk for (Continued from Page One) Nominee for the children is directed toward a Mr. Scliul<!emi-<n Seeks \oie~— CO. COMMISSIONER standard of healthier and more ro be a clearing house through whi h Economy—Service Henry J. Sc’.'il lerman. state cor bust boys and zirls. Brain and the Army will extend its helping brawn develop together. A stunted hand to the man who is “down and poration commissioner, accompanied GEO. W. LEWIS out”, and who, the Army says, may by Captain Smith, his campaign Itepiiblif an Candidate for body may also mean a stunted men be down but never out; to the de-, manager, arrived in the city this af-i Nomine«’ for tality. pendent and deficient boy and girl, ternoon from the north, touring the Political Cards i The center piece of Pearls at $50.00 is well worth your time. Jet Beads are very popular this season. BARNES, The Jeweler Voting for Gymnasium— WEEKLY COURIER mall, per year---------- ----- —IJ.OO i NOTICE OUR DISPLAY OF BEADS The Secret of a Superlative Tire The whole question of a super-tire is a matter of principles For there is nothing exclusive in the industry. No patent », no secret formulas prevent a conscientious maker from build ing the best. But cost and competition modify ideals. The Brunswick idea is to pay perfection's price and get it. That has been the Brunswick policy since 1845. And it ao counts for the growing preference for Brunswick Tir • Motorists expect the utmost from a tire bearing the name oti Brunswick—and get it. You, too, will be convinced by your first Brunswick, t t here is an extraordinary tire, and that more money cannot buy a better. Better tires of their type are impossible—»OC better tube^ That we guarantee. Try ONE Brunswick—learn how it excels« I THE BRUNSW1CK-BALKE-COL1.ENDER CO. Portland Headquarters: 46-48 Fifth Street M F SHERIFF Present Incunilwnt W. T MILLER Democratic Candidat«' for Nominee for Sold On An Unlimited Mileage Guarantee Bads DISTRICT ATTORNEY Battery Shop Present Incumbent EE Tires L-.'J SMILE AT MILES ALICE M BACON COUNTY SCHOOL SUPT F. S. BRAMWELL Republican Candidate for Nominee for STATE SENATOR C A. SIDLER Republican < andidatc for Nominee for Gluttons for Punishment Lee Tires ask no favors of the road. On rough country roads their tough treads travel almost unharmed over sharp and jut ting points that would tear the heart out of less sturdy tires. On paved streets and boulevards Lee Tires wear down surprising ly and pleasingly slow. If you knew h’ow to make tires and none but the best would satisfy you, the Lee Tire is the kind you’d build. So thoroughly good are Lee Tires that you’ll get an entirely new idea of tire mileage and satisfaction from the first one you try. Let us show you why. THE LEE TIRE DISTRIBUTOR. Chanslor &. Lyon Co PACIFIC COAST DISTRIBUTERS Largest Distributers of Automotive Equipment in the World Hazelton & Disbrow Repiililienn Candidate for Nominee for REPRESENTATIVE ' J. C. SMITH Lee Tires and Tubes KM iVil « Republican ( andldate for Nominee for STATE SENATOR J. N. JOHNSTON, Republican Candidate for Nominee for REPRESENTATIVE CYRIL P. WISE Cords and Fabrics * All Sizes Democratic Candidate for Nominee for CO. COMMISSIONER C. G GILLETTE l>em<HTatic < 'andldato for .Nominee for Reelection for COUNTY JUDGE M. W. GATES Démocratie Candidate for Nominee for CO. COMMISSIONER D. R. MORRISON Republican .Candidate for Nominee for COUNTY JUDGE ‘Good Ronds for I<eas Money” LINCOLN SAVAGE Republican Candidate for Nominee for COUNTY SCHOOL SUPT. 0 For Sale By AGt NTS » ’* FOR. HUDSON MAXWELL CHALMERS AND ESSEX CARS COLUNS AUTO COMPANY &SORIE6 AHO REPAIRING PHONE 317 5// H STREET, GRANTS PASS, ORE %