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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1920)
i iilvtrsliy of Uro. Library route VOL. X., No. IHN. ♦ mln Courut GRANT« I’AHK, JOSEPHINE (JOI’NTY, OREGON, ♦ SATURDAY, MAY 1, 1&20 COURT PASSES ON Provision Held < 'onstitutional * by Judge Hasel of District Court of Now York Buffalo, May 1.—in a decision by 1’LANH BEING .MADE TO GIVE I Judge John R Hazel, of the United DINNER AND BRKAKFAHT States district court on th« alleged FOR VISITORS Sole Remnant of I'ornur Russian Admiral’s Army Fighting With the Bolsheviks No Outbreaks Reported in The United States at Present Time; of ganda; English Workers Parade Vladivostok, May 1.—Severe fight REPORTS «IVEN OUT THAT GAR ing la in progress at Chita, Trana- RISON AND GENERAL E8OO- Balkalia, between the sole remnant BAR JOIN WITH SONORA profiteering case«, the lx, ver food of Admiral Kolchak’s army and the control a<t provision against the opposing bolahevikl faction, accord T ’ "unjust and unreasonable charges," ing to reports from Russian sources. were hold constitutional. ... . , The Japanese were declared to be Washington, May 1.- Forewarned _, Thu disturbance was the first active , . supporting the Kolchak faction, by the department of Justice those disorder of the day. “ 3 responsible for the maintenance of Warsaw, May 1. — The Polish ear order in every city and industrial Paris, May 1.—Two persons were; Nooii Lum I mmiii for l*««ople ot ( ity airy is reported to have reached ths Mexican, Believed t" Have Been today to act at center uro prepared killed and about 50 injured, most of WIU Ik, Given Next Thursday Mayor of Juarez for Few Years, 'outskirts ef Kiev, the capital of Uk- ! the first sign of any disorder insti- them slightly. In a series of small for Discussion Is Held at St. Louis bas ' gated by radical elements. No in riots in the eastern part of the city raine. The bolshevik! command moved eastward of Kharkov. stance of any violence was reported this afternoon. ( in the early hours today. Two socialist memlter» of the The board of directors of the El Paso, May 1,—Reports this af chamber of deputies were injured in Ban Francisco, May. 1Need of Chamber of 4’ominorce met this ternoon were that the Juarez garri a clash with the police this afternoon morning to make arrangements for quick federal legislation governing son and General Escobar had peace police were Chicago, May 1.—The near the Place de la République. the entertainment of the members.of aircraft is one of the most striking fully joined the revolution. Juarea ’ called to a school house In the west the automobile caravan that will ar-, lessons of the aero show held here, I officials when asked about the re- side K het to early today when a red Ixindon, May 1.—Eight million rive In the city on May 19. The car- ; according to John M. Rogers, aero- ; ports, said "We do not know.” flag was discovered above the build workers It was estimated participated avan Is composed of 3<t<> parsons, all nautical engineer of New Brunswick, General Escobar was unavailable ing. A foruior soldier removed the in Britain's observance of May Day traveling by auto, who will make the N. J. This is particularly necessary for a corroboration of the reports. flag, which bore the legend "Hurrah by taking a day off, parading and trip from Seattle to Stockton. They In connection with uniform landing London, May 1.—German music for tlie soviet—death for capital speechmaking, but there were no In will be in the city over ni^it and will fields over the entire country, he El Paso, May 1.—That Colonel ists." terrupftions in essential cubile ser- hall artists, eager to get 'j»it of Ger bo here for dinner and breakfast the said. many, are reported to be offering to Augustin Mora, commander of the vices. next day. The local hotels will not “Primarly we want a code of In- hurriedly accept contracts at salaries far be Juarez garrison, who be able to take care of all of them, ternational laws," he said. "Then ; low those of present British perform crossed the border here last night, i’eris, .May 1.—A dash between the I Toronto, Canada, May 1. — Twelve no arrangements are ' necessary to we want national laws based upon republican guards and police and thousand coal miners of the Sydney, ers and in Norway, Sweden, Den was fleeing because of the anticipat the principles underlying the inter feed them. 7,000 Ma*’ Day manifestants, occur- Nuvw Scotia, district went on a May* mark, and other countries are said to ed revolt at Juarez, was the claim The present plan is to have dinner national laws. State laws should ¡red this afternoon in the boulevards be engaged for half their pre-war of the Anti-Carranza circles today. at the Chamber of Commerce rooms then be agreeable to and concurrent ¡of the St. Martin quarter. Two shots Day- strike today as a protest against remuneration. the imprisonment of leaders In Win and In one other hall not yet named with national laws, If each state were fired during the melee and sev St. Louie, May 1.—One-of the two The British Variety Artists’ fed- nipeg's general strike last year, ac passed different laws to take care of the overflow from regulating fly- , eral persons were reported wounded. ! Mexicans under arrest here today, ' eration In consequence has issued a cording to reports received here. the hotels, which will probably to Ing one can readily see the harm ¡ Z‘J*' strongly worded memorandum. The 1 according to the police, is said to be tal 150 people.' The ladles of the that would result." chairman of the federation has point Manuel Prieto, the mayor of Juarea park committee are to be asked to ed out that a resolution was passed from 1914 to 1916, and that he came taka care of the dinner plana, the • pledging the federation to oppose the I here recently to purchase arms for proceeds to go to the development of ItliV. Drake in Kalita R oms 1 licenses of managers who play Ger General Obregon and the armies re One of the most severe tests any . the park. man turns “within tSree years after volting against the Carranza govern A noon luncheon has been planned automobile could <be put to has just i the declaration of peace." A further ment. I . . , . ,, ~ • for next Thursday, to which both been given a 920 series Max vell. i Gelasio an<* more drastic resolution was. Portland, .May 1. -Opening today, Rome, May 1. — Don tnen and women of the city are In Rev. Charles R. Drake, new pastor of STOCK WEAK IN TODAY ’S however, recently passed directed vited. The luncheoh hour will be the Christian church In this city, ac- the Salvation Army campaign for Caetani, a brother of Prince Caetani, against "the employment on or 1 QUOTATIONS IN PORTLAND taken up with a discussion of the best icompenied by Mrs Drake, drove funds will toe <in full swing through the American-trained engineer, who way to entertain the visitors In the down from Granta Paas, Oregon, dur out the state by .Monday. (Presidents laid the mine which blew off the top,*1*0111 the theatrical and music hall | Portland, May 1.—Cattle, hogs and caravan. A committee wifi be ap- ing the recent heavy storms. Coup of county organizations handling the of the mountain. Vol di I«uia, dur ata<e of Persons of Germln origin." i sheep, weak; spring lambs, $15 and pointed at that time. At present Sec- led with what one would expect in campaign are. writing in to headquar ing the war. burying hundreds of SI 6; butter weaker, extras 53 and 54 rotary Plttenger Is taking care of i the Siskiyous at this season of the ters reports so optimistic that it is Austrian soldiers beneath It, haa juat ¡«oiNDEXTER WITHDRAWS HIS cents; eggs. 39 cents. NAME FROM ORDGOX RV j IXIT the work Involved In the visit, The year. Rev. and Mrs. Drake encounter apparent that a number of the coun- dynamited a canal into existence road program will also bo brought up ed rain and wind until it almost ties will (be well over the top before ' from lake Caprolace to the Medi- Fruit Is Hit— at this meeting. The cojmnlttee seemed it would be necessary to leave the middle of the week. Some of terranean Sea. The frosts during April hit the from all over the county, which was the car and com pie to their Journey the chairmen, in fact figure to have, The worh was undertaken by di- Salem, May 1.—A long distance’ pear crop to some extent, according rection of the prince, also known as telephone message received by Sam to County Agriculturist R. E. Miller. appointed sevoral weeks ago. will be by train. Yet the little Maxwell never their quota plus by Tuesday. Portland with its quota of 1142,- the __ ____ invited with their wives as guests at faltered and in one place whan four Duke of Sermoneta, head of the Kozer, deputy secretary of state from The peach crop in certain localities aetan 1 [ family, in the Pontine the <anlpaign manager of Senator -------- inches of water fol) In as many hours 000, to raise, will have thfe hardest c the luncheon. has been fronted. The apples were — ■ ■ the presiden- not far enough advanced during the The night of the arrival of the car the machine seemed to sense the task 'battle in the state. John L. Ethe I Marshes, near the duke's vast "estate Miles Poindexter . for avan will be made the occasion for ! Iiefore it and came right through.— ridge. president ot the state drive. of Cisterna. 40 miles from Rome. tial nomination, said that Poindex- raortth to be hurt, although a few Is also president of the Multnomah The Pontine marshes constitute ter would withdraw his name .from were killed but not enough to do any a little publicity for the city. A show I Santa Rosa R< » ibl'c in. county campaign. the swampy forest country which the Oregon ballot. will be given and some talks by local serious damage to the crop. - ■Some of the beat campaign gen- stretc.hes between the Roman Cam- speakers will be featured. It Is the i orals of the state are lined up with plan to Impress -Grants l*ass upon SMALL Ot EAN CARRIER GOES the minds of the members of the car DOWN IN NEW YORK HARBOR;' .---- i al support of the best Interests reclaim. On the seashore of this avan. I throughout Oregon, largely because. g^range volcanic region there are I they realize the Salvation Army s j three lakes or lagoons, called Fog- San Francisco. May 1. The small , home service program for 1920 will ilano Monad and Caprolace, com- Salem, May 1. Completed peti-' ocean carrier San Mateo sunk sud tlons for the constitutional amend denly in the harbor at Salina Crus, require every dollar of the 3284,000, niunieating with each other, into asked for to handle the many cases j which at high tide all kinds of fish ment to place the single tax amend New York, today a cording to advices of distress appealing to it for assist find their way, remaining there to ment on the ballot filed with the sec to her owners here. The ship had ance. Every dollar of the amount breed and .fatten for the Roman mar Over one thousand sthool children, had been moved onto the Held. After retary of state today. If the names Just been pulled from the breakwa- ¡asked for will be spent in Oregon for ket, to which every day some ten to clad in the youthful array of spring, a few preliminary movements, each an* sufficient, after the verification, ter. The* fate of the captain and the benefit of Oregon people. Coun- forty hundredweight are shipped. joined in a colorful May Day festiv girl was given a ribbon attached to the Initiative measure will go on the crew is unknown, but it is believed | ties will be relieved of handling I Only one, that of Fogliano. is direct ity on the high school campus yes the toj> of the pole, and the winding they are safe. November ballot. * many cases where moiy than money ly connected with the sea, and in or terday afternoon. .Hundreds of and unwinding of the ribbons, to the is required. der to unite that of Caprolace with youngsters participated in each exer accompaniment of the orchestra, was ’’The Salvation Army is building, the neighboring Mediterranean, and cise, the girls in their white dresses, one of the most thoroughly delight or rather expanding, a going concern, to greatly increase the yield of fish, and the boys in their "best clothes," ful exhibitions of the afternoon. The which largely accounts for the size Prince Caetani decided to explode a surrounded by scores of spectators ribbons were of the pale shades of ’ of the ipresent budget. The expan series of mines so as to form a canal garbed in the multi-color of Spring-! Spring colors, in greens, blues and sion of the present going concern between this lake and the sea. time, and all enhanced by a sunny1 pink. The only hitch in the exercise ' will consist of a large central build- The undertaking took 50 tons of sky, the far-reaching green fields of came when the breeze entangled l ing in Portland which will house explosives and 1200 large bombs or the valley and the hazy blue ot'the some of the ribbons. I the headquarters of the free employ five times as much as was required Rogue river mountains. The last event on the program was The exercises were opened with a ' probaibiy the most striking of the 'Dublin, .May 1.—-An article entitl most dreaded by imperialist armies ment bureau, the emergency relief to destroy the-mountain top. It was ed "guerilla warfare" which sheds of. conquest is prolonged guerilhi work, prison reform work and will successful, opening a channel to the general drill in which approximately ; entire list, it was the military drill 900 children of all the grade schools by the cadet corps of the high school, new light on assassinations in Ire warfare in which they are unable to ('Continued on page 4) sea. participated, led by their physical in- ■ It was especially effective and strik land has bean discovered in the ef structor, Miss Irene Hilliard, and ac ing, coming in such marked contrast fects of Paul John Vignoiss of Cork, obtain a moment’s security nor gain Small Rainfall for Month— companied by Professor Applehoff’s to the preceding events, the olive recently tried by court martial and any opportunity of effectively crush A very small rainfall was recorded Stevens In Town— C. IH. Stevens, who conducts the orchestra. This was followed by an- drab of the. boys’ uniforms, standing sentenced Ito six months' imprison ing their foe. Particularly do they for April. There were 1.83 inches ment "for having in his possession dread the adoption of welForganlzed of rain and a fifth of an inch of Stevens ranch near the faves Camp, exhibition of folk games by the first out in emphatic opposition to the an Issue of the official organ of the guerilla tactics by a civilized foe of snow. The largest raipfall for any was In the city today on business. He and second grades, and that by festal appearance of the girls and Irish volunteers." , keen intelligence and courage. Sur 24 hours was on April 15, when .52 said that the ileople of-the Vicinity dumb-bell drill by the boys of the grade schools, the military precision "It Is the duty of volunteers to re prises, ambushes, raids on their for Inches fell. The minimum tempera of Cave Oantp above Williams are- Junior high school. The third and of the movements and sharp .com cognize in all their plans, pi methods tified positions, sniping of their ture for the month was recorded on going to get busy some time this fourth grades followed with a pleas mands of the leaders in>cted a spir of training and study and in their stragglers, the- capturing df their April 23. at which time the mercury week and clean up the camp so that ing base ball drill, more intricate it of the stern reality of life strik general outlook, the existence of this arms and equipment. Interruption of fell to 22 degrees. The highest tern-' it will be ready for picnics this sum than the preceding exercises, • but ingly opposed to the spirit of Joyous state of )^i< rflla warfare and all that , their communications, , Interference lu-rnture was on April 26, when the mer. Mr. Stevens reports that the well executed. A flag drill by mem- existence Just preceding. 1t 1mpllq%" s^ys the article,« which , with their Intelligence. a re to be thermometer registered 85 degrees. crops in Williams valley are looking hers of the Riverside school was car- At the adjutant’s call, the cadet has liven made 'public in an official ¡apprehended I* them dally, and their i Th mean temperature for the month- fine, the recent rains having pht tied out in a pleasing manner, and cori>s formed In battalion front on communication. "It is our business I i forces are driven more nnd more In- was 4 9.9 degrees, The mean mlnl- them In excellent condition. He Te- was followed by the dance of the the parade grounds, The battalion . to develop those guerilla tnctlcsgto the position of Invested garrisons numbering 36 and the maximum turned to his ranch this afternoon. flowers and butterflies, a delightfully was commanded by Cedric Fields, which we have found most service n the -mlds of a hostile count i. being 63.8. There were seven per- Brannvell Buys House— dainty exhibition by the girls of the captain in the corps, and was march- able in dealing with actual conditions afraid to venture from their strong fectly clear days. 17 partly cloudy, Junior high school. A wand drill by ed in review’ before Superintendent Frank Bramwell has purchased in Ireland at .present, nnd to bring holds except in force, living In a stalo 5 cloudy. the house In which he is living, at members of the East school follow Imel and Principal Gaston, as honor them to the highest pilch of perfec of perpetual aipprchenslon. That such Mail Brought to City— Eighth anif I» streets from R. A. N. ing. showed both grace and training. ed personages, and Niel Allen the tion of 'which they are capable. It a state of affairs exists to a great ex The eighth event on the program commandant, as reviewing officer. Sheriff George Ix-wls and Depili.’, Rymer. The sale was made through Is our business to wnge war against tent In Ireland at present Is obvious Ernest Lister went to Leland yester F. T McKinstry. Jack Mitchell has was the May pole dance executed by Following the review the boys gave the forces of the invaders whenever to all and It is the business of the day and brought Sam .Howard to the bought the IGO, acres of land near more than one‘hundred girls of the an excellent exhibition of both close nnd however wo find it can he done .Irish volunteers to see to It that It city. Ho will be’hold until Monday* Gilbert creek, which was owned b? high school. Each girl was clad in order and extended order movements, most effectively. continue: to grow more intense and at which time Ills mental condition I 0. L. Ixovis. Thia sale was also pure white, and all formed four and also of the army setting-up exer "Of all forms of small, wars, Hint more menacing to the invaders." rings about the great May pole which cises. will be Investigated. made by E. T. McKinstry. i « MAYOR IS ARRESTEB « iiany / Qcunni ruii nnrii wr padt