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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1920)
GHA.NTH 1‘AMH DAILY COURIER PAUK TWO GRANTS PASS DAILY COURIER I If Quality Goods Published Daily Except Bunday A. E VOORH! S ib. and Propr. Entered at postoffice. Grants Pass, Ore., as second class mall matter ADVERTISING RAT”S Viaplay space, per inch____ _ ____ 20c* L«oeal-personal column, per ILne 10c Readers, per line........... .. .......... 5c DAILY COURIER By mail or carrier, per year ...$6.00 By mall or carrier, per month.. .50 ♦ ♦ 4 ♦ 4 Raiu tonight and Saturday. 4 Cooler east portion, Westerly 4 winds. ♦♦♦♦♦♦<♦♦♦ Paid advertisements NOTICE OUR DISPLAY OF BEADS Primary Election 'lay 21. 1020 APPEAL TO YOU Republican ( tinditlalc for Ninnine«' for WE GET YOUR BUSINESS COUNTY JUDGE BARNES, The Jeweler JoMpliinw County F. L. COON QUEEN QUALITY SHOES Republican Candidate for Nominee for COUNTY &TRII ♦♦ \\ rather for the Week Pacific Coast States: Gener ally fair and normal tempera- tures. Ì m FRIDAY, AP1UL SO. lW20.t ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦* l)RKU(*X WBATHER Political Cards ARTHUR S. COUTANT WEEKLY COURIER By mail, per year ........................ $5.00 ♦ 1 IUDAY, APRIL iM». *lr-" * 101-3-3 NORTH OTH I of gold now used in industry For 'he arts such as jewelry, -old plate. I -told leal, for purposes of ornament md decoration, the world is no» us ng three times as much gold in a ear .«s the whole amount produced in 1845. CLERK l*reseut Deputy County clerk Art Close and Jake Boesch went fox four rounds but neither was in the best possible condition and show ed the lack of training. The decision went to Boesch, A four minute cur tain raiser furnished a lot of laughs. Two Elk candidates were blindfold ed and belled and turned’loose with the gloves. The house was kept in laughs all during the bout. t The fight last night means, prob ably, the abandoning of the fight game here. The house was packed with fans from all over the southern part of the state. To say that the majority were disgusted would be putting it mildly. The legion man agement paid large amounts for the fighters and had a right to believe the fighters would give what shey were paid for. There Is nothing that will give a black eye to the fighting game quicker than an exhibition1 such as that of last night. I’rvaent Deputy Assessor ECLUS POLLOCK Rt'ppbliimi Candidate tor Nominee for COUNTY JUDGE A new display of m-edle work at the Hat Shop We Solicit Your Patronage Medford, Oregon They cleanse the bowels, sweeten the stomach and invigorate the liter. Do not gripe or sicken. SOLD EVERYWHERE FIRNT DOIT AT I» I’. M. Sil Illi* Admission : •3.50, nini «I T- • » M2.5O > , 'I'llis splice donateli by FOR. AGÍ NTS HUDSON MAXWIU CHALMERS AHO ESSEX CARS COLLINS AUK) COMPANY ITS*. Œ”. ACCBÍSOBI«» AMO RIPAIRIMG ■ PH0HE’17 HSTREET, GRAFTS PASS, ORE. Uabk«lblli .••y» Boys' DU B B ELB I LTdothes &•*> •—•A 11 No Mending for Six Months HAT is what the makers of Duhbelhilt Clothes puarantee— Six monthf’ wear, without rip, hole, tear; or juit will be repaired free. Specially reinforced at every point of strain and wear. Stylish, as well as sturdy. Notice, especially, the handsome fabrics. $14.75—$16.75—$18.75—$20.75—and upwards to $36.75. T Golden Rule Store Ideal Wind Shield Wings Brunswick Tires Stewart Spot Lights Monogram Oils and Greases The Battery Shop L<’t us lltspeet yoiir Imttcry tiri’ D FOLEY CATHARTIC TABLETS P. S. Meehan, Elm St., Hancock, Mich.: "I hare (Iron Foley Cathartia Tableta a tboroosb trial and eaa poaitlvely state that they are the beet lixatire.” Home of tlie lawt boya in the .Northwest lieve bc«'n secured f”r the»«» contesta. I Il l/.ELTON X DIHBROM Opposite < Ourl limisi' O YOU KNOW that indigestion can be cured Bloating, Ga«, Coated Tongue, 1 Excellent Boxing Contests j. s. M F Sick Headache, Bad Breath, Bilioui- nen, Indigestion or Constipation take WEDNESDAY, MAY STH, FROM 10 TO 12 AND 1 TO 4 Smoker ASSESSOR For Sour Stomach • . Let ion D. 0. HAYES M. W. GATES NEW TODAY Democratic C»ndi«late for FIRE, Automobile,’ Accident and Nominee for Health Insurance. T. .M. Stott, CO. COMMISSIONER 308-10 North Sixth street. Tele phone 44-J. 4 2tf D. R MORRISON FAIR OF VARMIT DOGS for sale at Republican <andidate for Peter Gravlin’s barn. One full Nominee for blooded airdale, other half airdale COUNTY JUDGE and half Russian hound. 'J^o “‘Good Ronds for Lew Money” years old July 8. Have treed one bear and two conger. 60 LINCOLN SAVAGE 'Republican Candidate for WANTED -5-horse power motor, Nomine«» for also smaller sizes. Paul's Elec tric Store, Grants Pass. 62 COUNTY SCHOOL SUPT I FOR SALE -LNnir weeks old White leghorn cockerels, $1.50 per doz. Hammermill Bond Lette? Heads K. Hammerbacher, Rd 2, phone and ÉnVelopes at the Courier office 65 606-F-23. FOR SALE Milk cows and heifers. all high grade Jerseys, bred to PLUMB, RULE AND LEVEL pure bred bul); some of heifers to' freshen soon, Everything goes. no reserves. See J. E. Hair, phone 164-R. • American Republican Ckunliilate for Nomiti«*«» for "The waste of gold is another fac VANISHING GOLD SUPPLY H H. ALLYN tor which keeps down the supply. Republican Candidate for Up to the time of the war the out- .Nomili«'«’ f«>r put of gold in the various districts Few people consider how great is COUNTY CI.EÉK of the world had increased wonder- the waste of gold by wear and tear Present City Auditor In the course of one year ’ s ordinary fully. Before the strike of gold in Economy—Efficiency—Serv ice California, the world produced an use. a $5 gold piece loses one and a nually about $50,000.000 worth of half.per cent of its weight. The ag- c adden Republican Candidal«’ for the metal. In four years after the gregate lost tn this way by the gold Nominee for gold fields of California commenced coin throughout the world amounts I to many mlllons of dollars every CO COMMISSIONER to yield, the production had increas l*r<went Commissioner ed three fold, and in 1915 the max year. "Then* every ship that goes to the imum production of $469,000,000 BEN H. JESS was reached. Thus in three-quar- bottom take« with her a certain Kepiibiican ( andidate for Nominee for ters of a century the world, whose amount of gold. It may be a small Elks Have Rig Tinted- population had about doubled in the ‘amount or it may be millions of dol CO. COMMISSIONER Several hundred members of the1 Erotemi) —Serv ice In addition, there is much Elks lodge from Medford, Ashland period, had increased its gold pro lars. duction by more than 15 times, Yet gold lost every year through the and other upper valley points girth-1 GEO. W LEWIS ered here last night for a big initia-1 in spite of this there has seemed to burning of stores and dwellings.” Mcpulilicnn for tion. The’ Elks’ special, carrying I be an ever decreasing amount of the « Nomine«» for four coaches filled with members of metal to meet the needs of the world, SHERIFF the antlered herd, and their candi-1 Present lin limitent and interesting comment upon this dates arrived here about 6:30 and phase of the gold supply is made by the local Elks Joined them for a ’ W. T. MILLER the American Jeweler. The publica parade. They then went to the Wai-1 DemocrnJc Candidate for (Continued from page 1.) dorf hall, where a number of can-’ tion says t Nomine«’ for didates road the goat, or whatever it' "In the first place, while the pop . ed out good. The first round was After that they DISTRICT ATTORNEY , slow, each trying to find his oppon is that Elks do. Present Incumbent ulation of the world at large has only w-ent en masse to the boxing Itouts at, ent’s method of fighting, The sec increased by about 90 per cent dur ond was better, each going in for ac- the opera house, From the opera ALICE M. EACON ing the period mention, that of ci vi tion. In the' third rotind. Carmen house thev • • went to*the Chamber of Repulillean Candidate for *lized countries has doubled, and was knocked out on a foul and had Comnier e rooms where they had a Nominee for more than doubled. It is the civiliz to be carried from the ring. The lunch. The Waldorf then became COUNTY SCHOOL SUPT of San Francis- the center of attraction again and! ed countries that use gold as a me referee. Roy Heizer, co. had warned Boscovitch once be they staged a high jinks, with local’ F. S. BRAMWELL dium of exchange and as their basis fore, but the warning was not heed- Elks putting on stunts. The street Republican Candidate for Of currency. lights were decorated with the pur-: i 1 ed. Nominee for ,4 pie of the Elks for the evening. "Next, the individual wealth of Freddie Anderson and Jimmy Mas- STATE SENATOR these countries has increased enor cow had evidently gone fishing to May Day Parade—• C. A. SIDLER mously, and therefore their people gether too much and had become too . Republican ( auilidatc for A parade of all the school children close friends, as evidenced by the require a great deal more gold for Nominee for poor exhibition of boxing tly*y gave of the city formed today near the Several coun-1 last night. Anderson gave a better ¡Oxford hotel and marched to the « coinage purposes, REPRESENTATIVE tries which in 1850 were working on accounting of himself in the work- high school grounds where the M%y The grade J. C. SMITH a silver or baper currency have I outs staged a few nights previous. Day program was held pupils marched first and carried Am Republican < an<li<lal<- for 1 Mascow was neter able to reach An- come up to the gold standard, the • Nominee for j derson and the bout was as much of erican flags. A number of automo latest of these being Spain : a loving ma,tch as a fight. This bout biles carrying children holding up STATE SENATOR '•The third and most important will probably kill the boxing game in liottles of milk, advertising the milk i campaign followed. A long line of J. N. JOHNSTON point of all is the enormous amount Grants Pass. j marchers then followed, each inarch- Republican Candidate for ler wearing a hatband with the word’ Nomine«' for •gym ” Members of the junior high REPRESENTATIVE came next and many carried signs i advocating the building of a gym CYRIL P. WISE Democratic Candidate for nasium. The high school^cadets wore Nominee for . next and gave a good exhibition of i drilling. The high school girls, al) CO. COMMISSIONER in white, followed, and they also, [were pulling for a gymnasium. At C G. GILLETTE Democratic Candidate for the high school grounds the parade Nominee for Reelection for broke up and a May pole dance was i given along with other numbers. COUNTY JUDGE Special This Week I I OH MALE OK .TRADE LET ON ROYALTY JOMN E. MOORE Grants Puss, ltd. 4 permanently cured, so that you can eat any kind of food that you crave? It has been done not only once, but in almost every case when Cham berlain’s Tablets arc used. An instance: Mr. J. Pominville, Stillwater, Minn., who had spent over $2,000.00 for medicine and treatment was perma nently cured by these tablets. I I