rank VOI GRANTS PARK, JOSEPHINE OOl’NTT, OREGON, FRIDAY , APRIL 30, lirgO. WHOLE NIMBER JU«O IÖ ALASKA Iß Committee IU’|M«rtM Resolution Which Sultan Will Be livrai Aid in Fight Against Xationa lists in Asia Minor—Prop*rations Made Alme to Iw»lor«’ Stain of I’eacc With lii'i-uuin) and Austria f TkX JINK AL KNOCKOIT SCORED Washington. Apr. 30. * Bout a Flr«tl<‘ l>c<-t«bui When Deliver««! ALLAS HURT, CON- ALIEN ACTIVITY HAKES DIS­ I Conatantinople, Apr. 30.—Britlah I*OLES BREAK SLAV RESISTANCE FEKHEH TO MURDER OF TWO PATCH OF VBMKL MUCKS- IN SOUTH AND ADVAMOK troops, it is believed, plan Co support AND TO BIGAMA SARI TO HELP POLICE ALONG THE DNE1STKK i the Sultan’s fones in tBotr move- The state WATSON, ' WHMN INGRAM. OF CKNTHAL ., of «-ar with both Germany and Aua- POINT, QUITS COLD 1 tria would be terminated under the resolution reported today by the sen­ ate foreign relations committee as a •olmtitute for rhe house revolution to end the war with Germany alone GYMNASIUM WILL BE VOTED ON TOMORROW , ment agaXnst tbe Turkish nationalise i in Asia Minor and «rill even join In .an aggressive offensive against Mns- tapha Kemal Elaborate prepara- iUona are being made by the British ■ along the Anatpllan coaat of the Sea Wives the packed house Che bolshevik! has been broken of alien agitators in the vicinity of A s | mm -J h 1 «lection is to be hold to­ fessed bigamist and murderer will be Hydar. Alaska, lias resulted in the greeted the boxers Th« only bout south of Ukraine, according to to­ morrow at the Central school build­ Indicted by the county grand jury that gave much action was the ■Red dispatch of the coast guard cutter day ’ s official communique, which an­ in ing to vote bonds for tbe erection of .Monday for the murder of Nina Ijee I Algonquin from «Port Townsend to C* mi »bell-J ess Ingram scrap, Pittsburg. Apr. 30. — Incompatibl- nounces that tbe Pole« have captur­ which Campbell scored u technical a gymnasium for the high school. Deloney and will plead guilty and in that place today. ily of American and French customs ed Mohilev and are now moving consideration of this plea, the dis ­ knockout in the sixth round, «ben Th« bond «lwtlon is for the sum ot The coast guard service said the has caused 12,000 of approximately . southeast, along tbe Dniester. They trict attorney will ask a life sen ­ the sponge The Ingram threw in vessel will cooperate with local of- $15,000 for a modern gymnasium, tence instead of the death penalty, flclals In maintaining orders in Hy- 50,000 French war bride« to return have taken over 15,000 bolshevikl A nd «rson-M aaco w affair (it cannot | and will be held bet««•«:n 'the hours this wm announced here today by be caped a fight i went - all nine dar. to France, according to Mrs. Regin­ prisoners. All Chief Deputy District Attorney Do­ rounds to u draw From th«’ upecta- |of 2 and 7 In the afternoon ald H. Johnson, ¡president of the re­ Ijondon. Apr. 30.—The loss of tors viewpoint this fight was a fi­ property owners ar«1 allowed to vote ran. Washington, Apr. 30.—Federal cently organised l.TCapoir Franco- Zhitomir, eight miles northwest ot asco. for Anderson never tried to i In th« «lection. "go agents have been instructed to American club here. The club, I Th., pupils of the schools o*f the i Angeles, Apr. 30. -Murder as far as the law will allow” in I formed at the suggestion of Mlle. Kiev, to the Poles was admitted in hurt his opponent and .Mascow an official statement sent out today , i not bigamy, will be the charge to be couldn't hurt ¡Anderson. Jack Car. city have been carrying on a lively L, by James R R Hulrt who lagt breaking up the May Day radical Odette deiBouglon. of Paris, who was by the soviet government at Moscow. men was given a decision over demonstrations, In making this an- in Pittsburg recently. istexpected to Johnny B«mcovitch. on a foul. The campaign for the gymnaaium for sev- nlKht admitted, after an lnveetlga- nouncement, assistant Attorney Gen­ broaden the interests of French girls The message also refers to a Polish decision wan given In the third round era) weeks as at present they have I Hon extending over a month and eral Garvan said the department of who became the brides of Americans threat against Kiev. when Carmen was fouled Iteiow the ho building In which to hold atlile which had enmeshed him beyond justice officials were concentrating overseas, and to make them content­ Ford Wv Mining— belt Jake Boesch won a decision li< events, sm-h as basketball and in-' hope, that he had killed two women, on efforts to protect the lives of fed­ ed in their new homes. over Art Close in a four round pre- door sports. High school students and had at least contributed to the eral and state officials who have Mrs. Johnson, herself a war bride, When Jim Manuel attended the Hmlnary. are appearing at the local theater 'deaths of two more, and that he had been marked for destruction and to and wife of a professor of languages high jinks at the Waldorf last night Red Campbell showed tip in fine each evening and are giving talks married at least 20 times. Including prevent violence generally. at the University of Pittsburg, de­ be left his Ford standing in front form lust night and carried the fight In favor of the building. At every 1 the four who lost their lives. The clared that members of the club are of the store. Later when he went to th«’ Central ¡Point hope In every opportunity they have brought the murder charge, according to district PORTLAND MARKET WEAKER learning English, of course, but to get it it wasn't in sight. He had attorney officials, will be based on round They were about evenly public attention to their needs. FOR CATTLE AND SHEEP slowly, and “when one cannot talk. unpleasant thoughts tor a while and tbe alleged confession of Hnlrt that ] matched at first but Cam (•!>«•! 1 noon one thinks too much." then roused the chief of police and The state law requires at least 40 wore «town his opponent and In tbe minutes of physical exercise a day he kllle«! two of his wives. Portland. Apr. 30.—Cattle, hogs “We ot France are individualists." other citizens who stood guard till fifth round gave him u gruelling for the pupils of th«’ schools The and sbeep weak; prime mixed hogs, she said. “We live within ourselves nearly daylight on all the roads lead­ that was too much for Ingram who students at the pr«»«ent time have to FORTIFICATIONS HILI. PASSES $16 and 116.50: butter and eggs Un­ and our own people, and that makes ing into the city. The car. however, SENATE—CARRIES *10,000.000 had to 'be helped to hin seat He was i take th«t|r exercises between the changed. it doubly hard for the French girls the flivver was found in a stall in unable to come back at. the first of | seats or out of doors On stormy who have left their homes and fam- was not to be seen. This morning Washington. Apr 30.—Without a MIXERS ix FRANCE WILE the sixth Campbell Is a local boy ¡ days this must be done away with, flies. Net that they do not love their the garage where it had been taken and gave an exhibition of good clean They urge the building of a gynina- record vote, the senate passed and^ CONTINUE GENERAL STRIKE husbands, to be sure, but they miss by a member of the family, who * __ - fighting laium ao that the school may remain sent into conference the annual for­ their people t* thought ft had been forgotten. tifications appropriation bill, carry-, Paris, Apr. 30 Miners throughout The C’urinen-Boscovlleh bout ««art-1 „tandardlxed. and be on a par with Ing over $19,000,000. France will ^continue their May Day I ( <>iitin«>eul«l in accordance with the decision of The Red Campbell variety of smile the railroad workers and the resolu­ Is the kind that won’t wear off l-ast tion of the general labor federation, night when Ingram would manage to land a stiff punch. Campbell would the secretary of the miners union an­ . grin and come back a little stronger. nounced today. It was this smile that unnerved the WOOTTON CASK WILL INTO Medford hope Today ft was Just a Odenbtirg. German West Hun­ revenge’ in much the same way the HANDS OF THE JIRY TONIGHT little wider In at the Pe«’rless. he gary. Apr 30—'Red, white and green Rumanians did to them. It was Toklo. 'Apr 30. The conference < an Ip* carried on If It is left as It was looking over a collection of neck of protest Tombstone. Apr. 30.— ■It is consid- posters with legends i wear. par. A nice green one took his ered likely that the case of Harry E. against the separation of this pro­ even stated in high Vienna quarters just com luded here bv the Japan­ la now. that farmers’ horses were being tak- ese-American Relations committee “Exchange professorships great eye. ”1’11 take it.” he said. Then Wootton, charged with kidnapping Hungarian city from Hungary and en away. "made a beginning that may lend to benefit comer < from exchange of pro­ one of the lucky winners last night in connection with the Bisbee depor­ its accession by Austria as soon as These reports were so persistent a possible solution of some of the fessorships. In order that this en- took some Medford money from his tations will be in the hands of the the peace is ratified, appear in nearly as to lead the correspondent for the international «$iff lenities «liet«<’en terpriH« can l«e satisfai lorily con- pocket and paid for it. No wonder jury tonight. every house and shop window. Japan and the United States," (he ducted it is iinportant that certain Red smiles. Two Austrian commissioners, sent Associated Press to attempt a first­ committee an noil need here to make preliminary arrange­ hand investigation. This has cover­ qniversities be selected where tile This conference was an outgrowth professorships shall be established ments for taking over the adminis­ ed ten typical villages, exclusive of of nn Initial meeting of representa­ and the exchange of professors can tration of the town, upon their ar­ this little capital, with talks here and tives from both countries in Toklo Im carried on. ¡In loonneetion with rival were hooted and jeered by a there with peasants In the fields or In April, 1919. The relations com­ this enterprise a method of publicity great crowd, vegetables were thrown along the roads. It is fair to say that in the region mittee «>T the San Francisco Cham­ should tie devised. at their carriage and black flags visited no evidence in support of ber of Commerce, Included Wallace hung from most of the public and "Trade arbitration there Is dan­ M Alexander, chairman; iDr. ¡Behja- ger that the good relations of the other buildings. They seem power­ the alleged Hungarian oppression or tir . Id« Wheeler, president emeritus two countries may be Jeopardiz«»d on I Cambridge, Eng.. Apr. 30.—Jos. Stanford University. Apr. 30 -The less. It is said, and are now virtually requisitioning was to be had. The net impression gained was that the of the University t»f California: Wilf account of disputes that may arise Bancroft, a reader of phynlcology at | American University Union has open- ' interned in their offices here. Ham T. Sesnon. Walton N. Moore, from This little city, which the Hungar- majority of the population in the eommerclai t complications. ' Kings college here, has lived for six 'ed headquarters in I,ondon and is Loyall A. OSborne, Walter L. Clark Therefore It Is highly ■ desirable to days in a hermetically sealed glass prepared to aid American university . Ians call ttopron. Is rhe metropolis localities covered are in favor ot and Captain Frederick H. Randall. create an agency for arbitrating 1 ■box. people, according to information re­ of that strip of terri’orv which the union with Austria. One reason as- signed by the peasants was because After meeting for several nays such disputes. The experiment arose out of a 30- ceived here today through George E. peace conference took from Hungary with ¡the Japanese representatives, I "Industry—the labor question lias year-old controversy as to whether it Macl»ean, director of that office. The and gave to Austria on economic, the Magyars, they said, had never given them proper schools. Their headed by Baron Shlbusawa, the a direct relation to industry and it is possBile to calculate the amount Union, which is situated tat 50 (Rus­ ethnologic and strategic grounds, children were poorly taught, if committee summarized the results ia of an International nature. . It is of oxygen in the blood from a know­ sell square, will afford a place where Its loss has caused the Budapest accomplished as follows: t highly im|>ortant that one country ledge of the amount of oxygen in American university men and wom­ government to make various propo- taught at all. and they at least knew “Japanese ownership of land and should learn from the experience of the breath. The test was also made en can make appointments, address sals to Austria in an effort to retain the Austrians had good schools. Immigration—these are the two vi­ the ether in dealing with the labor to demonstrate whether it was ne­ their mail, make their headquarters. it. all of which have been refused. Then. Vienna was their market. Bu- tal questions which deeply concern situation.” The object of the Union is to serve Meanwhile the men here very gen- dapest was a long way off. The Hun- cessary that nlrnten should have oxy­ the two peoples. Therefore the Joint _____________ gon apparatus when flying at great as a ¡bond between the ‘universities erally wear the Hungarian colors in ' gar'an official classes were “unsym- pathetic with the farmer” and so on. committee gave the most careful at- PRESIDENT NOMINATES TWO heights. It proved that oxygen was of the United States and those of their coat lapels and the women on tention to these subjects and spent I FOR INTERSTATE COMMERCE .necessary to flying men at great the European nations, especially by their hats or as hair ribbons. The This was echoed in other towns. Na­ Here d turally. there was dissent, several days freely exchanging views heights. It proved that oxygen was encouraging the attendance and ad­ Austrians charge that the demon­ on them, and finally reached the con­ Washington. Apr. . 30.—Henry necessary to flying men but it did vancing the welfare of American stu­ stration against their mission was a and there men talked of the Vienua communist government, with which clusion that the committee on both Jones ¡Ford, professor of politics of not show to w'hat height they could dents at the universities of France. governmentally organized affair. they wanted nothing to do. sides will use their utmost endeav­ I’rinceton and James Duncan, of fly with safety. The Hungarian government has Italy and Great Britain. The I»on- ors for the solution of these burn­ Quincy, Mass., former tice president While the territory involved is While in the box Bancroft kept don headquarters maintain close re­ endeavored, it is charged, to create ing questions. of the American Federation of 1-a.bor a record of his sensations and made lations with tbe American embassy the impression that this region 1s small and the population only about •‘Cooperation of capital the best were nominated by the president to scientific observations. He said he and consulate and Itself has become preponderantly Hungarian In race, 300,000, the strategic aspect of this way to cement the relations of the lie members of the interstate com- suffered from sleeplessness but oth­ a sort of education embassy and con­ tongue and by predeliction. The Vi­ area probably is its most important two countries is to enler Into eco­ ! merce «commission. enna government, on the other hand, one. (Austria's present frontier is erwise did not experience much In­ sulate. nomic relations. Such enterprises -—’-v ■ ■■ has resisted this with counter claims regarded as dangerous In that Vien­ convenience exeept on the last day have already ¡been started in Japan \Veoi>le are dominantly Ger- na and Wiener-Neustadt, as well as when the atmosphere became ex­ GERMAN STATE TROOPS TO and the results are most satisfac­ REACHES OYER VOTES tremely rnrlfied. lie then had head­ MARCH INTO III IIR DISTRICT maalc by blood, language and desire. many other industrial centers lying tory although there Is plenty of mar­ Of late weeks there has been con­ along the main line of the railway aches and nausea, Hie was watched gin for improvement and develop» Newark, N. J.. Apr. 30. -Co in- continually while in the box. Ixmdon. Apr. 30. -German state siderable publicity given semi-offi­ are*but a little distance from Hun- He ment. • piote and corrected figures in the took food and .slept in two small defense troops will inarch into the cial Austrian statements that, pehd- gary. easily open to attack from ‘•Cable communication cnble coni- New Jersey primary gave General compartments fitted up with wicker southern uhr district for the .pro­ Ing their withdrawal, the Hungarians that more powerful neighbor, The munleallon falls far short of our ex­ Wood a lead of 1207 votes over Sen- chairs, a table, a small bed and a tection of the public order and indus­ were oppressing the Austrian popu­ acquisition of German West Hun- pectations. No satisfactory comniu- ¡ator Johnson. Wood’s total was bicycle on which he exercised every try. says a wireless from Berlin to­ lation. requisitioning material of all gary is thus a defensive terrain for plcation on diplomacy or commerce 52.608 and Johnson’s 51,401. I i > kinds and generally wrecking their Austria. morning. day.