GRAM'S PASS DAILY (MH Ril lt fagic fuir ▼ FtK52NrtL ÎÏÎ LOCAL Perfect satisfaction guarantee«! at the May breakfact May 4th. 60 Bring in that old Flivver and let us show you what a > hang«' •« few dollars spent on paint will make. Ament's Repair Machine Shop 60 Come to th«' May breakfast given at the Presbyterian church May 4th. Choice Chrysanthemum plants for sale. 25c i»er dozen while they last. Mrs. A B. Cornell. «>09 B str«>et. 59 Delicious foods prepared by exper ienced cooks, at th«* May breakfast. May 4th. 60 •Canthrox” Chatnpoo. Sabin has It. JiKH TODAY SYSTEM Father and tko Boys ET the boys started right - a ^*-*their banking arrangements. The privilege is theirs, to takt advantage of the vast resources be hind the Federal Reserve Syste’n— not n6w —later. Your Bank can’t be too strong! FIRST NATI0NAL1BANK Y Accident and FIRE. Automobile. Health Insurance. T. M. Stott. Tele 308-10 North Sixth street Utt phone 4 4-J. M.lld.lONS IN Oil#--Vulcan Oil t Gas Co. now exploring Rogue River Oil-Coal field. Is offering fairest. squarest plan to investors ever proiKMed. For limited time only real ground-floor opportun* ity. For details w rite Vulcan Oil & Gas Co.. Medford. Ore. 15-M-91 WANT IKX»D MW for farm. or chard anti road work Furnished house with phone, place for poul try and garden. Steady work, goo«i wages. Address P. O. Box IK. Grants'Pass. 8-M-81 FFRNITFRE FOR SLAMS. cheap, in good «xindition. One rug* 9x12; one gas range: one heater, with damper for burning sawdust; <mte oak bookcase: one oak sectional book case; one chiffonier; one oak dresser: one large solid walnut chest of drawees: one single anil one iron bed: several nice pictures: moving and no room. A. j N. Parsolis office. 61 ONE nicely furnished modern house: ■ two unfurnished modern houses, close in. for rent Isaac Best. 60 FOR SAGE Sash and doors. Call at ! 60 65 4 N. 3rd Btreet. particulars from WANTED—-Full parties having general purpose Sonn* __ hay. pas- ranch for rent. ____ tnre. corn and garden land, A|> piegate or Williams creek prefer-1 red. Might take over lease and later buy small, well located ranch if price and conditions are right. Address M. W. Harter. Kerby. Ore. 62 FOR SALE Purebred registered Jersey cows, heifers and calves, at The Meadows. Phone C. N Culy. I 59tf Hemstitching and pecotiug. and 13c per yard. Nellie Neas. H«’lp M Ind Ilio May Pole At the May Day dancing part} 60| Dancing Party — Friday night, Waldorf hall. Dance tickets $1.10 extra indies and spec- tutors, 35c. May Daj Tl««’ Temple Market— Is paying 30c per pound for Tlie M uk I c — Will be Jaxxy and full of pep at the May Day dancing party, Every - body come and step. there’s a heap «>f satisfa« lion in iMtinUng to ihe tnlx'l on th«’ 1 urtile |>ock«’t Dttncing Class Imminences— Monday night, May 3rd wish to join, phone your name Mra. Goettsohe. 4-Y. At the sign of Ye Jolly Utile Tailor GEO 8 CALHOUN Exclusive Itx'nl «icelrr over 15 »earn tMH XTY TltEASl RER’S CAIJ. FOR GENERAL WARRANTS All Josephine County General War rants issued up to inot including! April 1st. 1913, and protested prior to that date, are hereby called In and are payable at the County Treasur er’s ofTIce on or after April 30th, 1930. on which dato Intere»! urlìi cease OED. S. OAUllOl’N. County Treasurer for Jose phine County. Oregon HOLMAN’S FURNITURE STORE Thr little «tore *r<>un<l the «-ornrr « <»ne shipment <»f all kind* of Camp Furniture OREGON lias arriied. Any tiling you may need for liuti « «unpinu trip, in an«t see tiicm—you will find the prie”- right. ELKAY’S I <«« I Miirrhtu«* Utrn* Juma* Oscar Jobanaon. Med- 1 ford, and Nellie I’earl Fletcher, of I Waldo. were grunted a marriage 11- cenae by the county clerk today. _ Dye Soap I PLUMB, RULE AND LEVEL Clean.* while it color*. IX ill not *tain hand* nor injur«* tin- e«t fnlirlc*. Xo. Ixitlliig ILL <X>|X>|<6 Norma TALMADGE CLEMENS Sells Drugs and Books AND TA# 5^? xciÉC Thomas Meighan New Music WHILE ITS NEW Rogue River Hardware Co. Co the WfNCff£5T£* store Hm’t wait for all of your friend* to get th«’ latest song hit* first. Come in and discov er them for yourself. Every Friday NIFTY SPRING SUITS SHOES and FURNISHINGS FOR MEN Peerless Clothing Co. we offer a new assortment of vocal ami instrumental 'licet musi«- at lOc |H*r copy. mi«- <>nr Friday Sp«x ml STANTON ROWELL Music and I’hoto House 507 G * Met artliy return««! to her home At \-hland this miming arter a few <I u « h in the i It) visiting with friends. Mra. McCarthy property Interests In the city Th«’ picture is «i liunian <>ne —alive anil throbbing—anti li<>l«i*> your inteO’st to the very end. FOR SALE OK TRADE i i T ox ROYALTY Oil LOHN E. MOORE Grant* P«»*«, ltd. I BOXING’ I TOMORROW SATIRDAN Tonight at Opera House Elsie Ferguson The Witness for the Defense 9 p. m. Carmen vs. Boscovitch Street Middle Weights 10 Rounds First Main Event i i I Leland Lumber Company Freddie Anderson vs. Jimmy Mascone BUYS A FORDSON Light Weights 10 Rounds Second Main Event ------------------------- ... > , ' ’ V ■ t ■ _________ * # b . H __________________ _ Red Campbell vs. Jess fogram I Roy Wells of Kerby, says the Fordson will do more work than any 8 horses in the state. Now a Fordson goes to the lumber camp. You find a new job every day. It’s a Bull to Pull and its simplicity appeals to every man who has work to do. Welter Weighty 8 Rounds . Semi-Wind up « ART CLOSE vs. JAKE BOESCH Four Round Preliminary X Curtain Raiser Bell vs. Tinkle Lots of Action « C. A. WINETROUT, the Tractor Man Secure Tickets at Horning’s Shack