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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1920)
TMI RMI ».A A , M idi. 2W, 1020. »TH 1’AHH DAILY IX JI RIER r'.Gt 1HKU i Classified Advertising In the SpringTime Any fool knows enough to carry an umbrella when it rains, but Dll A A.AGE .AND TRANHFEIC the wise inan is ANGEL 4'AKEM, 75c .•ach Phone NIE WORLD MOVES; so do we lie v/ho carries Bunch Bros Transfer Co. Phone] i M J one when it it 349. only cloudy. Toll H.VLE My homes of Mil» F G. ISHAM, drayage und transfer. ] Any man will acres at Kerby, Ore.: 1 Safes. i>lunos and furniture; send for a doctor W % of SE *4, Sec 1 moved, packed, «hipped aiwFstored when he Rets R. k. Four acres' In cultivation, Office phone 124-Y frame house, good burn, well Ad bedfast, but the fAA. joins stage road. Price *25 per wiser one is he acre. Address Carl K metier. Ker SOONER TAXI Phone 262-R who adopts Jitney Luke <>r Cutler. Calls un- by. Oregon. 41tf proper measures s wared anywhere, anytime. Miti before his ills PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRIE« PALACE TAXI I'hone 22-J. Geo. become serious. During a hard and buy sugar pine shingles. man A. Hyde A Henry Sargeant. 25tf winter or the following spring one tifaci » red on Cheney creak by J. TAXI nt Owl Billiard Parlor». 172-J. feels run-down, tired out, weak H. Borough and Sons, Phone I>ay and night service 56tf and nervous. Probably you have through Wlldervllle central. «3 Buffered from a cold, the Grip or FOR SALE Wood. Wood. Wood, flu, which has left you thin, weak We are now booking orders tor MRS GI'Y KNAI'I’ Volos and pHiuo and pale. 'Phis is the time to put' Accredited teacher for high school: summer und fall delivery, Order work. Rhone 224. Residence your system in order. It is time early und avoid the yush. Fir 4 20 A nt reel 33tf for house-cleaning. *3 50; pine. *.1.25; oak, *1 a tier, A go's!, old-fashioned alterative Also 2-foot oak fire place wood, REAL I > I AIE and temperanee tonic is one made *6 u tier Home fir ready for im E T M c K instry •-<>; street, of wild roots and barks, without mediate delivery. Terms, cash on phone 13-R. General real estate the use of alcohol, an<l called Dr. delivery. Phone Dickinson A buslnen. The best of all kinds of, Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, Daws, Wlldervllle. Oregon 68 ho II h for fruit, hay or general! in tablet or liquid form. This is farming 2*tf nature’s tonic, which restores the FOR HALE 2UU Angora gouts, about ICO nannies and 10 weath- tone of the stomach, activity of era. 60 kills now add niore to the liver ami steadin» to the come All for *1.000 for quick I L O. CLEMENT. -M. I». Practice! nerves, strengthening the whole 11 mil rd to dlwcaHi-s of eye, ear, nose 1 sale I'hone 261 J. F. W Moore, system. First put up bv Dr. Pierce and throat. Glasses fitted. Hours! 70 Ashland, Ore. over 50 years ago, now p <-curable - I : , : -, or ( on a|»polntment. ! at any drug store; or send 10 cento Fill WOOD FOR SALE *3.50 per i'bones, office 62; . residence 359-J. to Dr. Pierce's Invalids’ Hotel, ilob- tier deiherud. I'hono W. H S lOI'C. BRIDGE, M. i». Pliyalclun Buffalo, N. Y., f >r trial package. 4 Klf Inson, Wlldervllle. anil surgeon. City calls, I FOR HALE who use inch tires constitute more than half the tire buyers of the world. To build this spe cial molded in. tire, a $7,000,- 000 factory was built and a spe cial organization brought together, attended day or night Phone«, I FOR SALE Vjl'J Maxwell. A-l Res. 369; Office, 1*2; 6th and II. ditlon, only been driven Mra. Thotnaa Towns, who conducts I »It W T TOMPKINS. S. T Rooms a More on the Pacific highway a few mile«, sumo extra fixtures, I and 2 8< bmidt llldg. Treats all miles out from Glendale, was a local bargain, with terms. 216 W diseases Hours 9-12; I-.’, Phone visitor yesterday. She returned to street • • 3Ü4-R. Glendale thia morning. FOR SALI Moder n 6-room house E J. BILI.K'K. .M, D l'ii> Hiciaiì Close In Right prt< e to right and surgeon; office Schallhorn party. Certain furnishings In- block, i>hone 5 4-J; residence, 1<i04 eluded. A-ldresu No. 771. csre of laiwnrldge, pitone 5 4-L. Courier 66 A retired merchant -whose wife AV F. RUTHERFORD .Manual the- suffered for yea re from catarrh of F or SALE 3 im res of ground ad rapiitlca It gets your ailment the stomach finally gave her simple joining lownMte of Rogue River, Office over Barnes' Jewelry store, glycerine, buckthorn bark, etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka. ONE bottle Ore ; R-rooni house, chicken Office hours 9: 80-1 2; 1:30-4. produced great results. Because Ad- houses, fruit and berries, nice RALI*ll W. STEARNS, M. I». >*hy- lor-i-ka acts on BOTH upper and luwu, walnut and hickory trees. slclan and surgeon X-ray equip- lower bowel It removes all foul mat Ideal chicken ranch. A burgaln. meat, dental X-ray. office. .Ma- Ma- tor which poisoned stomach. Relieves 62100. Buildings are worth *3500 „ or ANY CASE sour stomach or gas on sonic Temple Bldg. ph money Of- ■ ,toninih ort,.n CURES constipa Address A. I*. Allen, Box 123, tiro 21-J; residence 21-L. tion Prevents appendicitis. Nation Rogue River, Ore. * 60 al Drug Store. VETEHINAHY SI I (GEON FOR SALE Good strong 2-horse wagon, 2-inch Uree with box and DR. R J. B ESTUI/. Veterinarian. Residence 83 8 Washington boule- good ha» rack, *50; one new Syra vurd. phone 398-R cuse 13-lnch cas*, steel plow. *17.- 50; one single horse steel drag, DENTISTS *3.60. J. L. Johnston, Box 57, E. C. MACY. D. M D. Flret-class Rd 1. 2 lx miles north of town, dentistry. 109H S 6th St. on I »use creek road Iffitf To 60^ of Americas CorOwnets Firestone Plant No. 2, making this one size only, has a capacity of 16,000 tires a day. This quantity production mean* savings for the car* owner low est costs and bet ter tire values. Buy Firestonea. Most miles Per dollar is a Firestone pledge, to the big car owner as well as to the owners of light cars. See the newt Standard Overrise Firestone Cord. OWN A DORT FOR H ade Five of Sheppard’s fa mous Ancona pullets mated by a fine cockerel; heavy Jas Eads. SOB West 1 The Little Car, With the Big PEP 16799 DIED A carload will be here in a few days, ready for those who have bought, anil one or two others. HALE Mowing machine, FOR spring tooth harrow, hack and Inquire of in New York Citjj alone from kid bla ksmlthlng tools Sooner Taxi or Mrs. Rengle. 20» I ney trouble last year. Don't allow 63 yourself to become a victim by W«M»t II street 9 l»1f> BUICK ROADSTER for cheap. Collins Auto Co. neglecting pains and aches. Guard against this trouble by taking COLD MEDAL HOMESTEAD relinquishment for sale. 160 acres, good house, one tnlle north of Murphy, exceptional bargain Ardle Miller, Rd. 4. 63 FOR SALE Istrice camp range At greatly reduced priée. Rogue Riv er Hardware Co. 62 WANTED SAWMILL MEN AND LOGGERS wanted at once by the M-J Lum ber Company. Glendale, Ore. 59 WANTED Team of horses or mules, weight about 1100. Address No. 899 care Courier. 59 A If you own an orchard you must have bees if you would secure the largest crops of the most perfect fruits, as proper pollination is essential for best development and bees are the only dependable pollenizing agents. « E H It E TRIED IT BIT THoROl GHIA SINCE LAST < »CTti- HER, I NDER ALL CONDITIONS OF WEATHER, Ml D. MOI N- TAINS, AND ROI GH ROADS, AND IT You can keep bees anywhere that they can forage within a mile—they require but little attention and will often render you a splendid profit. We can start you right and save you unnecessary work and expense. Positively Delivers ^theaGoods Our Bee Supply Cat aloè fists everything necessary for the successful production of honey; tells how to care for and handle bees. WE THINK IT THE BEST SMALL CAR MADE, FOR DEPENDA BILITY. PEI’. AND GENERAL SERVICE. Ask for Catalog Number I.ET I S SHOW YOI The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid trouble». Holland's national remedy since 1696. All druggists, three sires. Guaranteed. 5*3. Write us for Queen Bees A. N. Parsons, Agent I» h *I i tor the namr* Gold Medal on «very boa and accept no imitation CHICHESTER S b PILLS TIIF. DIAMONI) BRAND. Z si A In what shape is your machine for the Season We specialize on Electrical and Carbureator trouble, Overhauling and Reboring, Welding and Brazing. ihl-ghM-ter • l>lamondBr«n<l/Zy\ I'llto lu Red and ««Id boie». M«led with VUue Ril4»oa. l»nlr<r«»A')<KANn riGUMwU »<•>• k »own M IU»t. S.WU, Al-.n RelUtA. SOLD BY DRLGG1SIS EVERYWHERE WANTED TO BUY Oood team Weight 1450 I to' The California and Oregon work horses. Borland- ] Coast Railroad Company. 1550. Must bo sound TIME CARD 56tf ' Thomas Lbr. Co. Effective Nov. 24. 1919 WANTED Teams tor highway work Timmons &, Higgins Ament’s Auto Repair & Machine Shop ('*11 and nee us , Successor to C. L, Hobart Co. 111 South Sixth St. —— Agents for the Cleveland National Fire Insurance Company n««nr Glendale, Oregon. Wages Trains will run Mondays, Wednes- 1!» per day Joplin * Eldon. 60 days and Fridays. P.M. Leine Grants Fass.......... 1 PM. WANTED TO BUY One-horse mow _____ _____ Creek Arrive Waters .2 " ‘ :.. 2:30 i- If er and hay rake Must be in good j Leave Waters Criiek iseivn llranfu P.M Grants Paas.. 1 1 . 4 condition State price and where \rrtve For Information regarding freight can be seen. Address »35 care and passenger rates call at the office Courier. ’ 63 of the company. Lundhurg building, or telephone 131. CIVIL ENGINEER DANIEL McFARLAN'D Civil engi neer and svrveyor. Registered professional nngineer. lies. 7 4< North Tenth -tree'. Phone 211-Y G. B. BERRY Harness and Saddleryj Auto Top and Canvas Work a With Grants Pass Hardware Co EXPLOSIVES miscellaneous A BUYER of the Medtord Junk Co. will be In Granta Pass, and will pay top market prices for wool, mohair, bides, pelts, rubber, rag*, metals. Iron, newspapers and mug az'nes. also sacss. li 7 G street. 7'3 near Palace hotel I WHITE LEGHORN' hutching egg' 1 from heavy winter layers, »1.50 • per 15; *7 per 100 K. Hummer1 bâcher, pbooe (06-F-23, R F. D No. 2. ’ ’3 , 11 hy suffer the discomforts and embarrassments of a Goitre f < ►. G. C. preparation (or «oitre has bent filed n>an>. Why pay scvernl hundred dollars for an opcr.dion to remov«’ a ffoitre aa I wo O.G.C, ran be obtained for ku J i a comparuihi h small ( NiH iidlture? O.G.C. when properly applied <iven Mtii» t.H ivrv results, or your money will bi r< funded. O.<i C I* Ai»Jd dlrwt, by ffw/i. W rite for booillet. Addn >s Dept. U O.U.C. CttBMKAL COMPANY Seattle. Wa<t*m«ion Come in' and see us when you’re ready to blast— Valley Hardware Co ! Prices Slashed on Used Cars I CHALMERS BIG, (OVERHAVLED) ............................................... «204» FLANDERS (5 PASSENGER)................................................................ »12S FORD TRVCK ......................... -.......................... «300 FORI» DELIVERY (LIKE NEW) ........................................................ *OOO FORD TOURING (GOOD AS NEW) .......................... -...... «MO C. L. Hobart Co. «