f BAKÏS BEN H JESS PASS ÔÂ1LÏ RryaWaaa i aadivUie Lw Nuaalne«* tar MEH Published Dally Exrep: Sunday _ NOTICE OUR DISPLAY OF BEADS CO COMMISSIONER ? a The « enter piece of Pearls at M> ¡ h well worth vour time. Jet Beads are very popular this Beason. Fridaylind Saturday Only LUMES M HITE AND PALM BRACH SHOES BARNES, The Jeweler M11.ÍTXRY AND HIGH HEELS rax e SIZ»i •S.M 8H to 0 * W T MILLER IteasorraMr < and«« Late l«*r Nominee fvv DISTRICT ATTORNEY KI ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦a ♦ ♦ ♦ OREGON WEATHER ♦ ♦ Pacific Coast State» Gener ally fair »nd normal tempera tures. Tonight and Friday generally fair. Warmer in east portion. Westerly winds prevailing. American Legion Smoker ALICE M BACON Republican ««adulale for Nominee for 101-3-5 NORTH «TH Plan to reatore monarchy In Russia COUNTY SCHOOL SUPT F. S BRAMWELL 1 Tv i olitical Caras ♦ —. . . representat* re to Ixindon. Shanghai ItefHibtii .m < andldatr f«s Nominee for , Paid advertisements ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 11 ♦ ♦ U euitur for the Week * Prr—enl Ineumbrnl CONTEMPT OF CXHRT ACTION IS FILED .AT PORTLAND ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦-»♦♦♦♦ Portland. Apr. 29.— Unite*! Slate» Attorney Humphreys today filed pa AND PLANS RESTORATION pers in the federal court dung the North»«»: Steel Company and the Tokio. Apr. 21.—Among 2>2 Rua- Columbia River Shipbuilding Corpo Man refugee* who have arrived at ration for alleged contempt of court G*nean from Vladivostok is a party The action qns taken as a means of of ten titled men who. soon after meeting the refusal yesterday of the; the death of Emperor Nicholas, es company officials to produce re -ords caped to Vladivostok. They have a i before the federal grand jury. NomUTY AFFECTS ESCAPE Primary Flection May if. 1VÄ» STATE SENATOR C. A. SID LEE ARTHUR S. COUTANT ICe|Mibli<an < anibdate for Nominee tnr KepuMkaa Candidate for Nominee for JLFMll ». IT G THIRMX1 Excellent Boxing Contests «0 tW tawl *•» *» *e Northwest have been •‘'cured for thrne REPRESENTATIVE J C SMITH COUNTY JUDGE Josephine (ounty llrpublkan »AWSÏ f*<4’Y XT • I" M. Ml Uli’ I foe N • »miner tar F L. COON COUNTY CLERK D 0 HAYES Present Isepety COUNTY CLERK Present < ity .Indir t M c F CO COMMISSIONER Preœal <<*ui más» muer 5/7 COUNTY JUDGE "‘Good Rcwi* for I.—»» Money LINCOLN SAVAGE fan < au«litLa Ua for XnmiBiw» f<»r COUNTY SCHOOL SUPT DOUBLE CABLE BASE How much should I give to make this a better world? CERT AIN man in New York tilled out ha income tax report. It showed an income so Large that his tax was 53re. And his total gifts to church and char ity for the year were $148. Think of it housands spent for luxuries and pleasure for himself; and $148 to leave the world a little better than he found it! • Most of us do better than that; but not so very much better. Our average daily gift for all church causes is A T ires They Give More Miles EDERALS srs not only kensr eq. pped Bo stand puniahssesM from the road but also from the rim. F — less - less — leas —less The exdasiv« IVjuble-CBbia Bice feature frees I - ieral Tecs from internal rim troubles NO-LUSTRE FINISH This prevents rim cuts and Mow outs just above the rim. Thourjnda of Federal users are proving this every day. ff»££ed Tread •iMa nr rantr. we spend for daily papers a Iwal telephono call a third of the day s car fare 3 cents a day It isn't because we are selfish; it isn't because we don't want to help It’s just because no one has ever put up a great big program to ua. and asked us to think of the work of the church in a systematic businesslike way. Federal* could be economizing for you, 1 it not unless you have them on your car. Let us tell you more about Federal Tires and why they save money. / Rogue River Hardware Co than than than than No wonder that 80X of the ministers of America are paid less than $20 a week. No wondej- that the church hospitals turn away thousands of sick people a year. No wonder that China has only one doctor for every 40(1.000 people. No wonder that every church board and charity society is forever meeting deficits, forever passing the hat. Four twisted steel cables beta Federal Tires irmly on the nm; keep rhe'!! from shifting, rocking, blowing off or the toe bead pmets- mg the tube. is offered in deli'-ate or rich color» that «ill harmonize and enrich the furnishings of any room. Dust and dirt do not adhere to its smooth surface Easily kept bright and clean by wiping with damp cloth. Far more beautiful and sanitary than wall pa.per stuck in place with «term-breedIng paste. Let us show you colors and estL mate coat. GRANTS PASS, ORE . HepeNicjui < andkiate for .. titocc for FEDERAL Finish your walls and ceilings with a beautiful lustreless coat ing equal In appearance,to the‘»oft velvety effects of water color or fresco but possessing the durability of an oil paint or enamek H STREET. CO COMMISSIONER D R MORRISON I QUALITY ESSEX MOTORS Ito-m-x .el»r 1 andkttoir for Seattle j. s adden llrpublicnn Candidate for Nominee for nretoiaiMC COUNTY JUDGE M W GATES COUNTY JUDGE ’ H H. ALLYN acciuoa«» PHONE 317 Drm<«-ratk- • aadtdale for Nomine <- for foe ECLUS POLLOCK K*5mt»licaa « aodidxe for Vomlore for • CO COMMISSIONER C G GILLETTE Kepublkaa < andidMe for Nominee for *nom i—EWkienr-j COLLINS AUTO COMPANY Urtnorau. < andadate f<* N-»miner f‘»r * FOR. HUDSON MAXWELL CHALMERS ANO ESSEX CARS REPRESENTATIVE CYRIL P WISE Republkaa < amlhUie for Nomine«* for 9 MINTS Republican < ai»dada«r few ' mince tar Present Deputy lounty Ilerk ASSESSOR ’T’tii Mar» donated bs STATE SENATOR J N JOHNSTON : Kepublkau < aadidate for Nomine«» for HINT* PWH OPERA HOI MK The Interchurch World Movement represents the united program of thirty denominations. They have surveyed their whole task, no business coLid have done it better. C. L. HOBART CO They have budgeted their needs; no business could have a more scientific budget. They have united to prevent the possibility of waste and duplication At least a million dol lars will be saved by the fact that thirty individual cam paigns are Joined tn one untied effort. And they come to ttoe men or women who love America - to you - thia week asking you to use them as the chan nel through which a certain definite part of your income can be be applied to make thia a better world Only you can determine what part of your income that should be. It's a good time right now to answer that question. Were passing through the world just once; bow much better will the world be because you passed through? April Mill IO Ideal Wind Shield Wings Brunswick Tires Stewart Spot Lights Monogram Oils and Greases The Battery Shop Let ua inspect yonr battery free 401 North Hi* th St. H.IAELTON g DIMHRO1V Opposite (fonrthoUM- May ln4 I I Special This Week INTERCHURCH World Movement A w« display of needle work at the Hat Shop WEDNESDAY, MAY STH, FROM 10 TO 13 AND 1 TO 4 4 We Solicit Your Patronage of Worth America The Handicraft Shop T * 4