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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1920)
(Örairts VOL. X., No. IMI. Daily (JHANTH PAMH, JOSEPHINE ( OUNTY, OREGON. Till RSDAY, APULE 2W, 11120. FIVE KILLED AS WHOLE MMBER JIM » CALLS STRIKE Sorth Ihxiul <'oni|MU>y llas Heavy I AMS U ben Explosion Start» < '« mf lagrution PUBLIC OFFICE Committee Turns Down Proposals to Pass isxielation Affecting the Packing Industry I F"*y CANDIDATE THINKS IIE DID NOT Marshfield, Apr. 29. Eire. dur to (MiNYE.NTIO.N WILL BE HELD IN PASSENGERS LOME TOGETHER Washington, Apr. 29.- -Proposals GENERAL WALKOUT EFFETTIVK an explosion in the engine room of JULY TO (’HOOKE CANDIDATI-* to license meat packers and to create GET ALL THAT WAN (AIMING IN MINNESOTA WITH UARGE NE XT SATVKDAY NIGHT TO the mill of ths Huehn er Lumber a commission to enforce laws affect IN FOI R COUNTIES IXlHH OF LILT. FOR PllEBlDENCY GEI' DEMANDS I Company ut North Bend, did damage estimated al >125,000. The loss Is covered by insurance. The mill will bo forced to shut down for a month. ORDERS WERE MISINTERPRETED *. ing the industry were rejected today I by the house agriculture committee. A wub-cçmmlttee was appointed to draft compromise legislation for the regulation of peckers. J fr—-n Gain Being Malie «• Return* Cmue in From Additional < "Uli- try Districa» All laibor anil Form < trg»uil/J»U<’T>s Will Be Asked to Send I>el<wC»tes to Chicago .Meeting OTIOHALIZATIOK IS URGED .X, 1 tertdent ( ausod by Misunderstand ing as to Orders—12 Peraons Wore Injured I JAPANESE TRADE TO h > I )4 New York, Apr. 29 With Usuerai "Wood loading Senator Johnson by only a few hundred votes In the New Jersey preferential primary, John son's campaign manager announced Coda) that a recount will be asked In ♦Yuxex. Morris, Gloucester and Cam den counties Angus xtltzween heading the John son campaign forces, announced that Harry Kallsch. former corporation council of Newark has been retained lit file petition« for a recount with the circuit judge* In the districts in which (lie Johnson forces considered their candidate's count to be in I doubt Lamberton, Minn., Apr. 29.—-(Five Paris, Apr. 2 9.—The general f«d- Chicago. Apr. 29. The national r«4t «aw ' eration of labor of France today de Many of the nuts w njows arc labor party «invention will be held. persons were killed and 12 injured dressed for the milk campaign be in Chicago July 11. 12 and 13 to ■ when two passenger trains on the Buenos Aire«. Apr. 29.—Japan’s cided to support the railwayman'« ing carried on in Granta Pana dur nominate candidates for president . Chicago and Northwestern railroad export trade with Argentina rose federation by ordering a general ing this week. Thuae windows have and vice president and to draft a met In a head-on collision near here from >1,000,000 before the war to' strike to begin on midnight May 1. The extremists who have captured been arranged by the ladles of the platform, it was announced today by , early today. The accident was said >10,000,000 tn 1918 says the Bulle city, assisted by the merchants. The Frank J. Esper, national secretary of J to haxe been due to a misinterpre- tin of the United State« Chamber of I the control of the railroad worker» Commerce here. Establishment here federation are attempting to make exhibits are attractive und educa tho party. Every labor and farm I tati on of orders of two direct Japanese «teamsbip. May 1st a strike starting point for tional, having been worked out with organization in the country will -be lines and the openink of branches an unlimited general strike for th« great care, and are well worthy of Invited to send' one delegate for each IH-trict Attorney a UiUMsee W. H. Cheadle, a recent arrival in and agencies of Japanese commercial nationalization of public utilities, the Interest und study which the pub 500 members. Esper predicted that Grants Pass from Medford, was seen concerns, together with a branch of ' 5000 delegates will attend. - ■ — lic Is giving them. by the district attorney while in the the Yokahoma Specie bank and a: Boxers Are Examined— The display in the Golden Rule act of molesting salmon in the fish Japanese Chamber of Commerce are The boxers who are to take part Store was arranged by Mrs. Vannice P om U wm to Bo Displayed— way at the Goldeh Drift dam and noted. in the smoker tonight were exam milk posters made by students The and .Mrs. Mashburn This exhibit without waiting for a complaint to- A considerable part of Japan’s ined this afternoon by Dr. E. J. Bil* makes plain the fact that milk is one of the Junior high school are to be be lodged against him, appeared In placed on exhibition at Helmer ’ s fur- trade. It says, consists of typical { lick. The boxers, according to Dr. of the i’ cheapest sources of energy we the court and paid a fine of >25. Oriental products, but much of It is 'Billick are all in fine trim for th« have Cheese, a milk product, Is ,a nitore stbre next Monday and Tues- Cheadle attempted to lift a salmon Newark. Apr 2!» Geueral Wood close second The poster which took day. in goods “which will compete with 1 boats tonight. from the way. but no damage result I- ______ _ this alternoon hud Increased his lend third prize, made by Clara Harbeck those of European and American > • • ed as the fish ’was a slippery one »lightly over Senator Johnson in the ! of the Junior high school. is used ( »ti lling Many Salnum— Schools lYill Parade»— manufacturers. ” Atnong the latter The commercial fishermen are I and made his get-away. New Jersey primary, The The pupils of all the local schools are cotton and silk textiles, pure with tlrts exhibit. still making good hauls each night. 4 5 districts missing, nati< silk, silk cloth, cotton yarn«, dyed will hold a May Day parade tomor- Mrs. Disbrow and M rs Winetrout Mist night they «aught about 5000 land Found Valueless— load of 711 v otes A number of ex-service men who fabrics, pencils, tin plate, china row afternoon at 1:30. The students are responsible for the attractive l»ounds anti the night 'before about have made the trip west to take up ware, copper ware, buttons, brushes will assemble at Sixth and L streets The chll- window in (Tamer iBros. three tons The boats are all man Newark. N. J.. Apr 29 Correct and will form there and march up homesteads under the soldier’s pref and fountain pens. ' dren's milk party has replaced the ned by local fishermen except for > •-U returns at t o'clock, with 4 4 dis Sixth as tar as A street. They win pink lenonude party of a few years one which was brought 1n by an Ore erence act. have a right to feel a tricts mlaalng. gave Wood a lead of then march to the high school grouch. One former soldier went to Crew Building Roads— ago. gon City outfit. 590 votes hi Morris county, where campus where the May Day exercise« A crew- of 35 men Is at work co in a local engineering office and asked The men and boys have shown par Johnson’s managers announced they High School Trimmed— will be held, under the guidance of structing a road to Jump-off-Joe , concerning a certain piece of land. would seek a recount, an error of ticular interest in the window at the The local high school baseball He was told that it was worthless as < reek where the Josephine Lumber the teachers of the various schools. 1 11 voles was discovered, cutting Peerless. This window shows a ra team went down before the Ashland farm land. He refused to be con company Is planning to erect a saw There will be a number of marching tion of feed necessary to make one Wood's lead by that number. players yesterday afternoon at the vinced, however, and said that the mill. The Josephine Lumber com- stunts in the parade. Should to , gallon of milk. The second prize high school ball grounds. The teams government book said it was sandy any is the concern which bought out ■ morrow "be rainy and cold the exer lM>ster, made by Ellsworth Abel of were very evenly matched, although loam, and was rolling land. He made the Three Pines Timber Co., and the : cises will be postponed until a later Prof. K. II \pplehoff went to -Ash the Junior high, is used here It land this morning to spend the day a few costly errors threw the game a trip a number of miles out in the machinery from this mill Is to be date. [ brings out the point that 100 pounds looking after business matters. away. The Grants Vass team had a country and looked it over. It was moved to the new location. Hauling of dry fodder give us more animal PORTLAND MARKET STEADY Walter Bain and C. U Mulligan, food if fed to a milch cow than If lead at the first but this was over even worse that represented by by will commence In about 10 days. ■who have been employed in the city, fed to any other animal. This win come by the Ashlanders, who kept the local engineers. The “rolling ' * their lead -Both pitchers were left hills’’ were steep mountains and the .May liay Party— Portland. Apr. 29.—Cattle, hogs, left this morning for Roseburg. dow was arranged by Mrs. Bratton handed and pitched about an even “sandy loam" was decomposed shale. I The Indies of the Auxiliary will and sheep weak; butter steady, all Mrs. Sara Hammond has just re and Mrs. Lluni. game. Grelshaber. the local high He was brought out by a false repre give a May Day party at the Cham unchanged. Eggs unchanged. turned from u visit to her daughter. In Joe Wharton’s s|>ortlng goods Mrs Nelllb Williams, of Central store are two football posters. One school pitcher showed up in good sentation. Many men in the east ber of Commerce . Saturday from 3 form und with more exi»erlence come here with the expectation of to 5 o’clock. The president, with L'OHM ER MEXICAN LEDERAI* Point of these posters bears a statement < AITI RE CHIHI AHL’A CITY \ W. Giddens, of Seattle, spent a of what Medford thinks of the milk should develop into a good player getting good farms. The ones that the entertainment committee care-, ■day in the city as the guest of Clyde diet which our boys had Jufl pre for the high school, A large crowd are good have been taken already. fully went over the ledgers to secure I witnessed the game as it was the The men are genearlly of limited the names of all members, and per Washington. Apr. 29—The capture F, Nile* Mr Giddens left tills vious to their games Nell Allen, first to be played in the city this means and it works a hardship upon sonal invitations were sent out to ; of Chihuahua City by (ormer officers (Homing fur Medford their coach, is un ardent believer In' year them. them. Lest any be omitted the la and men of the federal garrison of Mrs W 41. (’handler arrived in milk for making good athletes. dies are extending this as an invita ; tbat city was reported by the state (lie city this morning for n x Isit of I f you want to know what the doc- tion and urge that all. and especially department today. • a month with Mrs. Mice Bacon. coun tor says. look at the window which the new arrivals, attend the party. ty school superintendent. This will lie scolarship day and with Bl REAl OF MINES IHKDTOR W. S Hay smd party, who haxe ■Mr Truax has arranged The exhibit in tlie Basket Grocery your quarter bring your fancy work rfsigxs for research job been looking over the vicinity around or husband's socks to mend. Grants Pass, left for the tiprth lust comes from I lie Oregon Dairy coun cil. It shows the various constitu Washington. Van H. Manning, di night on their return to Chicago. Robert Pringle returned to Galice ents found in milk Those are all rector of the federal bureau of mines | Four More Say Guilty— i this morning afft’r a few days in-the necessary In building a -liodv and are The four Southern Pacific railroad resigned today to become director To found In no other single food. city. Mr Pringle Is Interested Iti the The adjustment reached about employes. W. W. McDonald. W. I.. of research for the newly organized Vienna, Apr. 29. -One-fifth of the Mrs. Ingram and Mrs. Knapp Is due liopulatlon of Austria. 1,200,000 March 15 adds a round 2,000,000,- Curtain. W. O. Cordon and Geo. : .American Petroleum Institute. (Nd Channel mine. the credit for having arranged this members of the families of Central, 000 crowns to the already appalling Hughes, who were among the ten Mrs. Il I. Myers, who has been vis- exhibit. The first prize poster, provincial and municipal govern deficit that confronts the govern men arrested by deputy wardens RAILROAD MANAGERS CLAIM time with her short tting for a brother. Dr. F. II. Ingram, left this made by Edna Butmnn of the Junior ment employes, are supported by the ment. It is to be met by another Monday night, entered pleas of gnii» TRAFFIC IS IMPROVING morning for her old homo at Port- high adds much to this window. taxpayers, according to the paper increase in the price of tobacco pro- ty to violation of the fish laws in The poster 111 the Hat Shop* shows, New Eight O'clock, in an article ducts and in public utility rate«, | Justice Holman’s court Wednesday land, xvhere she will visit for a few Chicago, Apr. 29. The railroad • the actual results of a feeding exper questioning a statement by the fin such as railway freight and passen-1 afternoon, lines of >50 each, the I managers claimed a continued I im ■days. (I. H. Garner went to Yreka this iment on rats. laxik nt it and then ance minister. Dr. iReisch. ger traffics and possibly postage und minimum, were assessed against the! provement in traffic conditions to I morning where he has purchased ask yourself which chance you are confessed violators of the law. In the negotiations recently con telegraphs. day. The" strikers, who are now tn some logging machinery. He Is mak giving your x-hild. Is l\e getting milk cluded between the cabinet council About the only concession the gov-. day. however, it is stated that an the fifth week of their unauthorized ing the trip to oversee the operations fat or a substitute which does not and employes of the central govern eminent, won was an increase in effort is 'being made fey attorneys strike, gave no Indication, however, of getting the machinery ready for contain the growth producing ele- ment for a general Increase in sal hours of from six to seven a day with representing the men to get the case of calling off the strike. ment? • shipment. aries and allowances the top heavi the understanding that a ixossible ex reopened that a trial may be had. Mrs. (Earl Sanford arrived here The exhibit in Demaray’s Drug ness and the Austrian governmental tension to an eight-hour day would The fines have already been paid in HARDING PLKDGE GAINS last night from Hempstend. New store was arranged by Mrs. Demaray, machine wan rovealed. Foreign ob l>e the subject of further negotia to the court. GROUND ON EAST RETI RNS York, to IJoin her husband. Mr. and Mrs. 'Roat and Mrs. Clevenger. This servers and investigators having to tions. Mrs. Sanford -were married several window brings out the point that do with the peace settlement have Employes of the national states or Seat Sale Is Good— Columbus, Apr. 29.—'Harry M. weeks ago, and Mr. Sanford then there are no bones nnd peelings to repeatedly commented on the extra- provinces, apart from those of the The seat sale for the fight tonight Daugherty, pledged as a Harding «»me west to look for n location. He milk. It Is all food. There Is no vagant number of civil servants em central government, are , also* de has far surpassed the sale for any candidate for delegate at large, who is an ex-service mart having served waste. ployed in all departments, manding a heavy Increase In salaries of the former fights. About |f>00 on the face of Incomplete returns with the 13th infantry. 'Dr. IReisch admitted in the discus and allowances. 'At first they made had been realized at noon today and last night was apparently defeated Other store windows contain pOH- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur I am fear, ac ters made by flic Junior high Httl- sions that the civil list numbered an effort to join forces with the lat there was an indication that many by William H. 'Boyd, pledged as a companied by Mrs. lanfear’s mother, dents tinder the direction of M 1 rs 220,000 persons The New Eight ter but thlH became complicated and more tickets would be sold. The le Wood candidate, made heavy g’alns Mrs. Abbot, who are spending the Minnie Vigus. Miss Ethel Gibson, O'clock, however, challenged Hint was defeated by the demand of the gion, however, will just about break as additional returns were received summer with Miss Ellen Lomas, have city librarian, has arranged a table figure as too low and declared that municipal employes of Vienna to be exen, as there was a much larger ex today. departed for a week’s visit to the of milk literature for the week. If the various liquidation comntls- admitted to the eombinafion favored pense than at previous smokers, be coast, business and pleasure being lions and other ixositlons created by the new government scale. Gov cause of the class of fighters obtain PLOTS AGAINST .FEDERAL AND STATE OFFICERS FOUND Drive Is I 'roitrcsxl nji-— combined. under after war conditions xjere tak- ernment servants in Austria enjoy a ed for the events. The whole Elks ♦ • Field Representative (lifleote, of en Into consideration It would be special low railway rate 'but among membership of the valley is planning ♦ Washington. Apr. 2>>—Plots F the Salvation Army, was In the city shown that there are not far from the demands they made, which was to attend. They will stage a parade ♦ Boscos Iteli Has Arrived— immediately after the arrival of the ♦ against the lives of over a score ♦ Johnny Boscovitch and his man- today. In the Interest of the drive 300,000 government employes. refused, was free transportation. ager arrived this afternoon from to be started soon by the army. Hi Austria has only 6,000,000 popu Figures just compiled show that tr^.in at about 6 o’clock. A flag low ♦' of federaJ and state officials ♦ Portland and Is prepared to in eat says that much interest Is being lation and It is estimated that each in 1913 an average family of four ering will be observed 1n the railroad ♦ have been discovered by the de ♦ Knockout Carmen tonight at the shown In the work being done bv government salary supports a famllv persons, living In the most modest park by the visitors. The local en ♦ partment of justice as a part of ♦ opera house. (Boscovltch has been the organization and that there Is of four The newsixapera generally manner and eliminating all luxuries, tertainment committee says that a ♦ the radical May Day demonstra ♦ training for the imst few weeks for little doubt that the drive will be a are uniting In a demand that the civ spent 3.576 crowns a year, while big time for the Elks has been ar ♦ tions. Attorney General Palmer ♦ 4? «he bout and Is In excellent condition success. He went «to Ashland this il list be reduced by the immediate now the same necessities, if avail ranged. About 250 upper valley ♦ announced tonight. morning lodge members are expected. dismissal of 10 per cent. able, would cost 231.89S crowns. for the fight. ; I