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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1920)
V □ivertlR ot ore vantò . Libren Courier T VOL. \., No. INA. GRANTS PAM. JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2N, 1P20. SENT TO BREGON U k M iui I NecretMry Post Haya Tliat 702 Warrants Have Roen Issued for De|M>rtatlon I Forest Reserves of Western States Excepting California, Not to Get Air I’Totection Washington, Apr. 28. A total of REVOLUTIONARY IRMY IN MFA 762 dejMirtatlon warrants have been l<X> Stil» TO BE CLOSING IN Issued by the department of labor as ON CITY a result of radical raids by the de partment of justice. Assistant Secre --------- - tary Post said today In a letter to ChalrnHin Johnson, of the house Im migration committee, writing In re - ply to an Inquiry by Johnson. CARRAHZA ARMY REVOLTS — Washington, Apr. 28.—Because of GUARDS ANO HUNDREDS OT RESULT IN IDlliTHL THOUGH ! a . depleted personnel only one avla- GENERAL GIVEN SMALL LKAT> RESIDENTS ANNIHILATED BY . lion squadron will be detailed for THIN AFTERNOON ATTACKS OF HOIKHKVIK1 I STATE | forest observation this year, the war The (department announced today. ¡Ninth squadron will be based at Ma ther field and will cover the forest reserves of California. No squad rons will be available, It was said,, ! for the forest reserves of Washing- I i ton, Oregon. Nevada or Utah. IsM-aJ < «Hitriu lor Given Job Which I’ark ikmunittce« .Mort— Tro<q»< at Pamd. Jiminez and Chi- Ohio Gives lau*ge Vote to Sena Will Cost • I.1,000 for Its Members of various park commlt- liuahua Turn Against F'«d<-ral I Who Will Have iATgo Majority < 'oiuplrtlon I tees in the city met at the Chamber of IS'l-iyiti' Burglars at Sabin's— Lender of Commerce last night to dlacuas While the Sabin family was ab- ; plans for the equipment and main sent from their home for less than Work will be couiin»<i'»d tomor tenance of the recently purchased Agua Prieta, Apr. 28. Mazatlan^ Newark, N. J., Apr. 28.—Although ( an hour last evening, thieves entered Washington, Apr. 23.—Japanese row morning upon the modern gar- ' .into park. The committees will meet the port on the Pacific coast of Mex- i 1893 out of 2,025 election districts the house by turning the key in a guards in the district of Nikolaevsk, Age building that is to Im the Granin ’again at the park-Friday evening, ioo. Is being attacked by revolution gave Wood a lead of 684 votes, the back door. The unwelcome visitors in Eastern Siberia, are believed to Pans home of the Ford and the Ford- whon'th« plan will be further de ary forces under General Angel result of the preferntial primary ransacked several rooms, but took have been annihilated and several It was decided, however, Flores, according to an unconfirmed alignment of the state's 28 delegates nothing of value except a few coins, hundred Japanese residents, includ ■ou. which will Im erected at the cor veloped ner of Sixth and K streets upon the 'that either gas or electric plates will report received at military headquar appeared still in doubt late today. including Columbian half dollars ing the Japanese counsel there, are «1»« now occupied by the lied Profit ‘ >o Installed In the park without de- ters here todays and Mexican pieces that were kept believed to have been massacred, ac livery stable The contract for the 1 lay. It Is probable that the decision ■ - ■ ■ ■ Newark, Apr. 28.- -General Leon as souvenirs. Mm. Sabin returned cording to an official statement is new structure has been awurded by i will b« in favor of the electric plates Agua Prieta, Apr. 28. — Approxi ard Wood is still leading Senator Hi home at fbout 8 o’clock, and no( sued by the Japanese foreign office, Brhmltt Bro«, to E. W Britton, a ' iM-cause of the fact thut there are no mately fhoo Carranza troops at Par ram Johnson this afternoon in. New , doubt scared the burglars from the i which was made public today by the J gas mains on th« South side of.the ral. Jiminez and Chihiuha revolted Jersey’s primary contest. The Cali house. This Is the second time that state department, local < on tractor The JapaneM The plans are the original pliiUH ! river, and the expense of laying them vesterday according to Information fornian who took the lead early last the Sabin home has been the scene statement said the suspension ot given out by .yr Winetrout and call would be great. given out hero today by General night, losing It later, gained this of just about such a ransacking by communication with the district ren- for a reinforced concrelfe building. Callee, commander 6f the revolution morning, but General Wood also re-__ burglars. dered it impossible to ascertain the 100x15(1 feet The building Is to be gained some votes lost. Wood had a ists In northwest Mexico. real state of affairs, bnt it is evident a one stor^v strufture. which is Io be lead of 533 votes at 1 o’clock. that a "serious upheaval" has taken I completed within 90 days. The cost E1 Paso. Tex., Apr* 28.—-Ruix San |Place2 Efforts to dispatch a military Columbus, Ohio, Apr. 28.—Late of the building Is given as 11 .'>,000 relief expedition failed due to the doval, the Mexican consul general returns today from yesterday’s pri and will Im one of the most modern I ice. Meantime, however, the Jap- here, today confirmed reporta of a mary In Ohio, with 582 precincts garages in Southern Oregon. Mr. anse sent an expedition to Alexandro- revolt In Chihuahua Citv, yesterday, lacking, showed Senator Harding Winetrout will move into the build viskl. accompanied by two warship«, but said he lacked detailed Informa leading General Wood by over 12.000 ing Immediately upon Its completion which reached their destination on tion. votes. Additional returns late today Salt laike City, Utah, Apr 28. I April 22nd. and found the Japanese indicate 38 and possibly 40 of the 48 ; Mensure« to coordinate plant quaran- Workouts Well Attended— Hu)« H<Mue Place llere— Portland, Ore., Apr. 28.—If Pris- residents of that district safe. delegates to the republican national cella had not made her famous re I tine restrictions of 1 1 western states, i Mrs Ervilla Sweet. who recently The workouts at the opera house « ■ came to Grants Pass from Illinois to the Canadian province of British Co- i , were well attended bv the fight fans '•onvention would be pledged to mark to John Alden, the Pacific coast Roads Are Good— make her home, has Just purchased luntbia. territory of Hawaii and the | ¡ of the city last night. The exhibi Harding on the first choice. would have lacked one of its leading The road over Smith hill is said to the Ingle pro|>ertv. consisting of five northern district of Baja (ixiwerl j tion lmuts were fast and the fighters colleges, as a genealogical chart just be in good condition. William IJght, Free Methodist Meeting« — M rs California will be considered at the j showed a lot of class In the mixes. acres on Rogue River avenue The fourth district quarterly meet published by Reed college shows that who lives at the foot of the hill, is Sweet Is mother of Mr«. J L. Fryer. second annual meeting of the West- R«d Campbell and Freddie AndertPn Amanda Reed, the founder, is a di i ern 'Plant Quarantine board to be I put on several rounds of real boxing ing of the Medford district of South rect descendent cN Prfscella and John I in the city today and gave out the in of this city. ern Oregon conference will be held formation that cars could get over 1 held here .May 11 to 13. and Carmen and Macsow had the Alden. Had the demure New Eng- I °’ II Hvcka, director <>f"agricul gloves on for a few rounds, and gave st the Free Methodist church at 250 land maid failed to say, “Why don't the grade easily. It is a trifle rough < leaning up progresM«»— Assistant Fire Chief Hallowell ■ ture tor California is president of a hint of what might be expected to West I street, April 29 to May 2. you speak for yourself. John?” Port-. yet. but the. roads are dry. Tourist» waa making the rounds of the city I tliu board and the meeting call came morrow night. The boxers are at Preaching each evening at 8 p. m. land would never have had Reed col coming through *sav that they have not found any mud on the hill. today, on an’investigation of the Lfrom his office in Sa rainento. Gov the river again today in the hope of Quarterly conference Saturday, 2:30 lege. p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. means being taken by the residents ernor Simon Bamberger of Utah has getting some more fish. Yesterday Coming to Portland from Quincy, of the city for fire prevention. \c- ivepted an invitation to address the’ Anderson caught a large chlnook at Preaching 11a m. The women’s Mass.. In pioneer days. Simeon” G. foreign missionary society will have eordln-g to Mr Hallowell, ttye people I board. the dam. a public meeting Sunday at 3 p. in. Reed started the line of steamships are cleaning up their old buildings The organization was founded at A good program is prepared and we on the Columbia river, ‘which later in good shape and are cooperating ¡Riverside, CallF, In May, 1919. and Will attend Meeting— * believk this service will be of inter- became the Oregon Railroad A- Nav with the fire department to prevent the membership is made up of qiiar-l C. H. Ernst, local agent for the igation Co. When he died he sug fires If he finds anyone not com I atitine officers. Its purpose, as an Metropolitan Life, went to Medford est to all. There will be preachers gested that his wife use his fortune plying with the fire laws, he takes (nounced at the time of formation, is this afternoon to attend a meeting and laymen from the district in at- for some institution of value to the tncaaures to see that the mnttor Is to erect a barrier against importa of the Rtaff of the company. A. G. tendance at these meetings. We in- citizens of Portland. In 1904 Mrs. vite all to come and help make the given attention. Three convictions and three pleas the Rocky mountains of I Galt, superintendent of the coast service« interesting. * C. E. Glazier, Reed died, leaving her entire for tion west plant pests and diseases that have i territory is to be present at the district elder; A. J. Edwards, pastor. tune of several millions for the of guilty upon charges of illegal fishing for salmon were the net re- fdunding of Reed college. not already found root < ni the J’a- meeting. suits of trials held in Justice Hol The ln-st means of ac-j clflc slope, man's court yesterday afternoon. complishing this purpose. it was ¡ The six defendants were brought be-, REI’l BI.ICAX CONVENTION IN agreed. 1« through uniform quaran IDAHO DELAYED BY STRIFE' fore the bar of justice by deputy tine restrictions. game wardens who raided the camp Methods of enforcing restrictions will be one of tile chief toplqr at the DUulilLuU TLHIUflL Coeur de Al.-ne Apr. 28—Caucuses of the fishermen at the Golden Drift among several factions delayed the dam Tuesday night, warrants for ten May conference. * The annual May Dnj program will calling of the Idaho republican con- of the fishermen being issued from be given by the public schiMils. under Seoul, Korea. Apr. 28. Korean ,,entlon wht, h n,et here tod»> ,o the court upon the complaints of the .Hilo, island of Hawaii, Apr. 28.- the direction of Miss Irene Hilliard, Flk« Ire t 'oming— women are forming nn exclusively (1 hoosr ei’th> delegates to the nation wardens. The three defendants who HiiperviHor of physical education for Plans have been completed for Predictions of volcanic eru pt ions I stood trial before the justice were feminine corporation capitalized at ,l* r°nvention at Chicago. the elementary schools, assisted by the arrival of the special train of the have been brought within the realm | Ed. Wallace and his two sons. Ted _____________ Mrs. I .aura Gunnell and Nell Allen, Medford Filka tomorrow evening. of practical things, while predictions • 400,000 yen to buy and sell "cloth-j I and Alvin. Si McClung, Horace ing. lingerie and toilet accessaries,” of the senior high school,' and the The local entertainment committee Myers and Wm. Linkhart entered according to an advertisement in the ” <>MMINSION WILL TRY TO teachers of the elementary grade, on headed by Al Martineau, the other of earthquakes and a consequent pleas of guilty, the two latter, aged (first Issue of the new Korean daily. GAIN TRADE WITH Rl NNIA . ■Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock, at the members being O. S. Blanchard and great saving ot humau life are with I respectively 17 and 18 years, were high school grounds. C. H. Corson, have madh elaborate in the range of possibility in the near !the Chosen Ilpo, just issued here. None of the capital stock, divided Atlantic City, Apr. 28^.—The board (remanded to the juvenile court for The program will consist of a gen plans for the entertainment of the future, according to Dr. Thomas A. into 20,000 shares, will be sold to directors of the United States' ¡further action. eral review of the type of work given visitors. The train Is expected at Jaggar Jr., director of the Kilauea any man The enterprise is regarded j chamber of commerce today author- i ' The three Wallaces, who were con in the schools during the past year. , about fi o’clock tomorrow evening. volcano observatory near here, who by many ns a move toward breaking j ¡zed t,he appointment of a commis- victed after a hearing by the justice, • Inoludlng tree hand and apparatus The 250 from Medford will he met has just left for a tour of New Zea- »ion to proceed to Europe, to Investi w^e each fined, the father being down an ancient Korean tradition. gymnastics, folk games and military by the local members of the lodge ‘ land and other South Pacific lands, I_ The director and all other officials gate the possibility of a resumption assessed 275 and costs and the two drill Prof. Applehoff has organized and all will parade up the street. A ■ 1 Oordination of the work of volca- of the company, it is announced, will ot trade relations between the Unit tons each |50 and costs. Arrange ___ 2_„2__1 observatories with the help of former' ... 00 — an<l 2 __2 seismological un orchestra of high school students I* 1 flag pole ments were made by the defendants _ . « throughout U —».. —u —.. < the 1».. PacifiJ area and fur 1 be women only and in addition to ed States and the Russian people. for this occasion which will add flag pole with the helps of former for the liquidation of the fines. The ! merchandise, the company will have much to the exercises. .Miss Anna! service men and then the Elks will ther development of the system, to court ordered the fishing licensee of go to th« Waldorf hall, where Ini gether with a study of the relation I a sewing department . Its aim Is WATER POWF.'R PILL AGREED Calvert will assist at the piano. each of the guilty men revoked, and tiation of new members will take of volcanic, and earthquake activi said to be "the promotion of the they will be unable to fish again this The program will be as Yollows: ITON UY HOl'NE AND SENATE comfort of living and improvement ties in the Pacific are the main ob year. General callsthenlc drill, which place. The Elks will then march In jects of Dr. Jaggar's tour. of Korean women in economic know » will include the children of all the I a. body to the onera house where Washington. Apr. 2 8. — An agree Four other men, railroad men who Determination of tides in the rise ledge and experience." grammar grades, except the first and I half ths seats have been reserved ment on the water power bill was make their headquarters at Rose In Japan, cases of women success for the Elks to witness the American and fall of lava, similar to the tides second. reached today by the senate and burg. were also arrested at the same fully conducting businesses are not I of the sen, is one of the achieve (region cmoker. After the fights, ‘Folk games, first and second ments of Dr. Jaggar at the Kilauea rare. The head of the Dwariya Bank house conferees, but changes in the time, but as they had to take a train grades of the East, fourth Ward and they will return to the Chamber of .observatory. one of the most successful banking bill agreed upon are not to be made out yesterday, their hearings were Commerce rooms where they Will Riverside schools. The volcanologist said before his enterprises, was a woman who died public until the conference report is postponed till this afternoon, when have lunch and then they will stage ready for submission to the house. they will appear before Justice Hol Dumbbell drill, boys from Junior their high jinks. The train will departure that valiftehle uibservatory leaving a large fortune to the cause man. high school. • m of female education. The great Suz work was being done In Japan and probably not leave tuTlII after mld- Baseball game, with music, third night. uki firm, which has a branch tn The arrests of the ten men were that interest In New Zealand was in ADVANCE and fourth grades East and River made at near midnight Monday creasing. More stations, better co Seoul, Is likewise headed by a wom POLISH ALONG THE UKRAINIAN LINE night, the deputies in charge of the side schools. ordination of work and extension of an. In Seoul, Itself, the Ketjo Flag drill, Riverside school. printing house and the Urao Hotel raid being Ed. Walker and P. R. observations are necessary, said rtie Warsaw, Apr. 28.—A general ad Daily, both of Jackson county. The Dance of the flowers and butter SI PREME <WRT ANKKH TO are good examples of what women doctor, to obtain the complete data REHEAR DISSOLUTION SVIT vance by the Polish forces along a ch^Aes against the ten wwi of flow flies. girls from Junior high. required for 'exact determination of can do. Wand drill, East school. While Japanese women are en 180-mfle front Into the Ukraine, was ing for salmon with snag hooks and laws governing volcanic and earth- Washington, Apr. 28- The federal quake activities. May (Pole, over 100 girls from the trusted by their husbands with the announced in today’s communique by In illegal water, it being charged senior high dancing around one May government today asked the supreme complete management of household the Polish general staff, The move- that the fishing was in the pool just court, to rehear Its dissolution suit Pole, directed by Mrs. Gunnell. Portland, Apr. 28.—Cattle weak; affairs, the Korean woman generally meat, it was set forth, is for the ex below the dam, and that the salmon Military drill, boys of senior high, against the United States 9teel Cor hogs, sheep, butter and eggs steady. looks to her spouse to finance the pulsion of the "foreign invaders," were being taken out with heavy poration. ■ ‘ ' ¡54 \ll are unchanged. the Russian bolsheviki. directed by Mr. Allen. snag books. home. THREE ARE FINED FOR MAY DAY PROGRAM TO ----- - I