Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1920)
TI EHDIV, 11*1111 Dollar Raising * » St s I t « • Made in Oregon mr$. nellie Deas This is the seed time for your dollar harvest crop. MFMRLH ♦ G. 11. Cartier returned this morn The Temple Market— IIOl HE! DIHCMHE k la paying 30c per pound for heu». Ing from a deveral days trip to Bray. ANI» Ilemstltchiug and pecotiug. 10c BI NGAIXIW II’IWINM and I ">• per yard Nellie Nous. Oltf The Music—- H. B. Reed, of Cloverriot fur tu at Will bo Jax*> and full of Ilthouse, is a focal visitor tor the the May Day dancing party, I day. body come and atop. Nucce»»or U> Misses Ruth autl Gladys Walter Mr«. K. Itehkopf spent Monday in the city, returning Muy I» h > Dancing Party — last‘night to Iceland. , Friday uight. Waldorf hall, Dunce Mrs E. Christenson s|»eut a short tickets tl.kO extra ladies and spec time visiUng h«'re. returning to her tutors, j&c. home at lettg Beach lust night. Mrs. Ruth Stanley left today for Dancing llaaa < omtueuco«— Denver. Colo. w-tjere sh«» wtll join Monday night, May 3rd. her husband. They yill make their wish to join, phone your home in Denver. Mrs. Goettsche, 4-Y. TAILORING "Pompeian” Nhrht ('ream. Sabin 1» U m * product of acientlfi<, coo|»craU»e methods has it. 57 conduct««! on <ui enormous »calc It brings to C. Wilcox returned to Portland lUentiou Odd Fellow»— ><m the finest tailored-to-nieaaurr clothm at a Wednesday evening, April On last night after spending a short fair price, and tills id««» of falrnewa is a mighty Third will be work in the time in the vicinity looking over min there a|u»««l to r«aisonuNc m«»n. There will be a delegation gree. the sign of ing properties. t GEO. S. CALHOUN Jolly Utile Mrs. L. A. Lucas loft last night from Gold Hill. Also there will Tailor Msclitnive local «leal«»r over 15 year« refresh meat» after lodge for Portland, where she will visit her Dean. It Hecy. daughter. Mrs. . Williams. While here Mrs. Lucas whs a guest of Airs. A.-Thomas. A. F. A A. M. Su|>|M»r Tuesday— G. A Gotcher returned to Wend There will be a special meeting ling last night after a few days in [ Grants Pass lodge No. 84. A. F. & the city looking after property In I. M. Tuesday afternoon at . <;30| terests Mr. Gotcher Is the owner of Work in the Third degree, Sup- the Grants Dass hotel. per will be served at 6:16. There j Bring in that old E’Mvver and let will I m » tour candidate» By order | Kee our window for lutrgain» In |datn its show you what a change a few1 of T. B. Herman, W.»M. r>7 dollars sp«»n< on paint will make.j Ament's Repair & Machine Shop. 60: I ««don Hill ll«»et— Mrs. W. G. White will arrive to THe American latgion will meet Come in and price our dinner ware in 12 |>iecr «et»—bm will night from Phoenix. Arlona. where in Jess«» Johnson's offices In the Kln- fimi our price« are right Mr. and Mrs White »i>ent the win ney & Truax building tonight, fol- ter. They will make th«*ir home in lowing the workouts in the opera this city. house Mr. and Mrs. Walter Demaray and family, who have been visiting at “The Linie Ktore Around Ihr < orner" Provolt with Mr and Mrs W. A. Chautauqua llcprescntatiie Here— J. H. Hoppes, the superintendent (105 G airee» Opposite tlie Band Stand Duncan, left this morning for Klam- of Chautauqua for last year, is to lie 1 ath Falls. Mrs. W. J Oglesby arrived this in the city in about a week to ar . morning front Wendling. call«»<l hero range for the Chautant]ua of by the death of her father. Thomas year, which begin» May 26 Leith, of Murphy. J. W. I-eith ar closes May 3,1. Everything Indicates rived last night from Worden. Ore. 'the best talent which Ellison-White A. Walker went to Glendale thK' I has ever furnished and the ladles already busy making plans for ■ morning, where he will spend a 'are ; short time looking over the devel this season. opment work on the California mine, SHOES and FURNISHINGS of which he Is owner. To Knight» of pythht Mr. and Mrs. <’. C. Royce, who FOR MEN There wtll be a regular meeting have been .visiting here with Mr and Tuesday night, April 27, several Mrs. H. H. Allyn, left this morning new application« to act upon, All for their home at Escanaba. Mich members are requested to be present They will stop a short time at Al L. W. Carson, C. C. bany. Robert Pringle, of the Old Channel Date ( hanged— mine, spent a short time In the rltv, The di^te for the Ashland-Grants returning to the. mine this morning. uled for th«« 24th of April has been Window» Ire lh«'or»»l«*<l— Mr. and Mrs. W S. Hay and Mr. and Paas baseball game which was sched- changed to Wedn«*sday, April 28th. I number of show windows of the Mrs Smith, of Chicago, accompanied The team Is practicing steadily, and'local stores are decorated with milk him to the mine and will spend a few ' all baseball fans are enthusiastic exhibits for the milk cuntpaign tills days looking over the property. over the season’s prospects, and are week The idea of the campaign Is Judge and Mrs. E. S. Stackpole, of planning on being on the field to [ to educate the people to the food Ketchikan. Alaska, have been visit 1 witness the coming games ing at Ardencraig ranch with their Raise doUars the'same way you raise wheat - use horse sense anything planted in proper soil will grow—dollars will grow if planted in this bank. We are safe, sane and consistent bankers. n nt « m at st w» t LOCAL PER52ML 27, H»2(» -— ———- I V THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF' SOfTHFlRN OREGON SPECIALS In Crockery White Dinnef Ware Time to Make Things New Again—With Paints and Varnish HOLMAN’S FURNITURE STORE ARE all ready with the best sorts of Paints and Brushes—Varnishes, Stains, Floor Wax, and all kinds of Paint Removers and Cleaners. Then a whole special collection of Paints, Cleaners and Polishes for Automobiles. NIFTY SPRING SUITS Const* in and let us help you select tlie best kinds for your requirements. Rogue River Hardware Co. STORE THE Peerless Clothing Co. SilK Gloves Special 58c SILICATE OF SODA daughter, Mrs. R. F. Randoif They left in company with,Mrs. Randoif this morning for Wenatchee, where they will visit another daughter of Mr. and Mrs Stacknole. Atiout 200 jsurs of silk gloves black and white. sixes from 4 to "H. While they laut (Water Glam) •Eggs are cheaper now than they have been for many a day. And right now is the time' to lay in a stock <1f them. Sili cate of Soda covers them like glass and Is therefore a sure preservative. Full and simple direction« with eacj) package. Ifelp Mini! the May Pole— At the May Day dancing party. GO MIKE PUTIRE» WHILE THI SI N SHINES Included in tills lot are Xiagttta Mahl and Kayser make. CLEMENS Sells Drugs and Books TAz- Box ('aments from M E HAI K TRIED IT OI T THORoLGHLY SIM Fl KIST OC7TO- BER, I NDER ALL CONDITIONS OF WEATHER, MIT», MOUN- TAINS, AND ROUGH ROADS, AND IT WE THINK IT THE BEST HMALL CAR MADE!, EOR DEI'ENDA- BILITY, PKP, AND ORMERAI. SERVICE. n Music and Photo House 507 G Street i Luck in Pawn OREGON PLUMB, RULE AND LEVEL STARTS A. N. Parsons, Agent TOMORROW Norma t : Pinch««, Fislvrnien— guilty this morning and turned Game Warden Pat Daily, of Med-[states evidence, exposing all who ford, surprised a number of the lo- were fishing illegally, The parties, cal fishermen last night who were if found guilty, will probably be giv busy snatgglng salmon from the fish en a stiff penalty, aa the temper of ways at the Ament dam. The hear the people here is against any more ing was set for this afternoon and at of the illegal fishing that has been the time the paper went to press was carried on by certain parties for a •tfll «continuing. Hi McClung, one of number of years and when caught the men caught In the ^raid. plead have been let off with light sentences. if I LETT IS SHOW rot 514 F Street 4 IN STANTON ROWELL Positively Delivers the Goods I CLARK to itft.97 Folding Cameras a» Kodak» KCO.2O and lip A carload will be here in a few days, ready for those who have bought, and one or two others. J. Pardee MARGUERITE [a lasting pleasure. Half the plea- |.*»ure of every summer tlm«.* is the pic tures you have to remember it by. The Little Car, With the Big PEP Sfare MIKE EVERY EXCURSION 1 OWN A DORT Canned Milk * 1 TALMADGE iiH > in Ct1 The Probation Wife” LJ8 FOR HALE OR TRADE LET ON ROYALTY JOHN E. MOORE («rants Pass, Rd. I t OR % f