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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1920)
Tl MiDAY, IPilli. 27, lin». GILA S TH .'AMH DAILY (XHKIKH '”(.1. IIIIIKI Classified Advertising Let s settle this right now! H >11 WALK Phon« WANTED Good secondhand cook I • Hhanghal, Apr. 27. A system : .if stove; price must be reasonable. Uhinmte American banks with Address I*. O Box 167. 58 roll HALE My boiliesteud of 160 posed branches In the United Htate« acres at Kerby, Ore H'A of NE 14 WANTED 3 teams to work oil th« Ila now being put Into operation In a highway at Glendale, Going iiumbur of <thlnes> clllea. The new W A4 of HE >4 , Hoe. 10, Twp. 40, wages, i'all or write Floyd Hinith, 1 Instil iitlon, the Chinese-American R. 8. Four acron In cultivation, Glendale, Ore. 5« 1 Commercial and Industrial Bank of frame house. good barn, well. vr Joins stage road, Price »25 per WANTED Alanit f> dozen Turkey ¡China, has grown out of <1 recent In acre. Add renn Carl K renaler, Ker eggs. Floyd Hmlth, Glendale, Ore. terchange of visits to America and by, Oregon 4ltf 5> China of leading ^American and Chi PATRONIZE HOME INDI HTRIEH HAWMILL MEN AND LOGGER« nese financiers Following the open and buy sugar pine shingles, . inn II- wanted at once by the M-J Lum ing In February of the main hank of ufactured on Cheney creek by J. ber Company, Glendale, Ore. 59 the system In China at Baking step* were taken in (March to open a B. Borough and Hons. I Phonn WANTED Team of horses or mules, branch bank at Hhanchal and others. through Wlldervllie cuti trill • K weight about 1100. Address No. It Is said, will be started without 899 cure Courier, 59 delay In Canton, Hankow, Tientsin roil « ale Wood. Wood. Wood Wo are now hooking orders for AV ANTED 'Hi BUY Good team I and CheugtU. summer and fall delivery, Order J. A. Thomas, formerly managing work horses. Weight 1450 i to early and uvold the rush nr ir. 50. Must be sound. Borland-1 director of the dlritfah American To »3 50; pine. »3.35; oak. »4 a Iler 5fltf bacco company In Hhanghal, and Fan Thomas Lbr. ■Co. Aino 2-foot oak fire place wood, En-yuan, a Chinese financier, »re »5 a Iler Home fir ready for Im- WANTED Teams for highway wqrk I vice president» of the Institution Mr near Glendale, Oregon. Wages I Thumbs said the new system would mediate delivery. Tertns. cash ou »9 per day Joplin & Eldon. 60 I be In complete operation »mm. A delivery. I’hone Dickinson Dawn, Wlldarvllln. Oregon. KK CIVIL ENGINEER ANGEL CAKE«, 75c each I »U J man ever smoked a better cigarette than Camel! You’ll find Camels unequalled by any cigarette in the world at any price because Camels combine every feature that can make a cigarette supreme'/ Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos puts Camels in a class by themselves. Their smoothness will appeal to you, and permit you to smoke liberally without tir ing your taste! Camels leave no unpleasant ciga- retty aftertaste nor unpleasant cigaretty odor! You’ll prefer Camels blend to either kind of tobacco smoked straight! FOR KAI JC 200 Angora goats, DANIEL McF.VHLAND ■Civil engl- about 160 nannies and 40 wealh- liner and surveyor, Reglstered era. 60 klda.uow and tnoru to professional "ngineer Res. 740 (Continued from raise One) çome. All for »1,000 for quick North Tenth «treet. Phone 211-Y AV. Moore, sale. Phone 'jIll-J. F. ¡The hatle. royal, which will be the MIM ELLANEOI H 7 0 Ashland, Ore curtain rulser. will be a whirlwind .... ........ ... .. .fc... — FIR WLM>D FOR BA1JC »3.50 per A BUYER of the Medford Junk Co. of action for several minutes. This will lie In Grants Pass, and will will be the most amusing bout put tier delivered. Phone W. H llob- pay top market price« for wool, on by the 'American Legion since tktf ! Inson, Wildorvllle. V mohair, hides. pelts, rubber, rags, they started their series of smokers FOR HALE 1919 Maxwell, A-l con- metals. Iron, newsimperw and mag- The Medford Elks are making ar dltlop. only been ■I ri ven 2000 az'nea, also sacks 4 17 G street, rangements to come out In force and miles, some extra fixture«, real near Palace hotel 79 the tickets-are going fast, according bargain, with terms . 215 West 1 to advices from the Bear creek city. 78 street Local members of the lodge are mak for ing plans for the entertainment SOONER TAXI Phone 262-R horse old Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an- the visitors. Call at 215 s«tf swered anywhere, anytime. laidles are issued an invitation 57 I'AJJLCE TAXI Phone 22-J Geo. attend the smoker, which will FOR HALE 40 acres of land. 4 A. Hyde A Henry Hargeant. 25tf conducted so that they may feel per acres under water, balance tillable, fectly free to see the bouts Hmoklng1 partly cleared. Six miles from TAXI al Owl Hilliard Parlors, 172-J, Is not allowed during the fights, and Day and night service. 56tf Grunts Pass. A* mile from Murphy. any conduct that might cause crltf- Also 3% ■Inch Hhutler wagon with <*4sm wlll not be allowed by the I j C- Iron lied W H Gilmore, Murphy, gion commlttee In charge of the af- 58 THE WORLD MOVES, so do we. fair Ore At the last smoker a large Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone number of ladies attended and seem ■ Sufficient crude oil supply Foil SALE Modern G room house, 3 4 9. ed to enjoy the fights the requirements of the Pacific < oast Right prt< e to tight Clone 111 trade fur fuel oil and gasoline is not IMirty. Certain furnishings In F G. I Sil .AM, drayage and transfer. l>eing produced, and were it not for Safes, pianos and furniture Address No. 771, care of eluded. an accumulated reserve tanked dur moved. |>acked, shipped and stored r,c Courier ing the time of excess production the Office phone 124-Y . --- -.. - - —— FOR HALE 3 a> rex of ground ad present supply would not satisfy ex VOCAL INSTRl < TION joining townsite of Rogue River, isting demands. These reserves are Ore ; 8-room house, chicken MR«. GUY KNAPP—Vole« and plnao. rapidly living exhausted, and unless houses, fruit aaid berries, nice the development and production of Accredited teacher for high school' lawn, walnut and hickory trees. crude oil and gasoline must shortly work. Phone 224. Residence j Ideal chicken ranch. A Itargaln. Bakersfield, CM., Apr. 27.—In a be restricted to essential usage. This 4 20 A street. 33tf coitmprehensive statement made here will mean in the case of fuel oil that 100 Buildings are worth 13500. HEAL ESTATE Address A. P. Allen, Box 123, 1 today. R IB. (Robb, of lx>s Angele«, all consumers thereof who can secure ’secretary-treasurer of the Indepen- some dther fuel will be compelled to Rogue River, Ore. 60 E. T .McKINSTRY- «03 G street, • dent Oil iProducers Agency. .1 non do so. regardless of cost or inconven real eetate phone 13-R. General FOR HALE Good strong 2-horse profit con ern. explained the resolu ience. In the case of gasoline it will business The best of all kinds of wagon, 2-inch tins« with box and tion passed by the agency »t Its ses mean the curtailment of the uss soils for fruit, hay or general good hayrack, »50; one new Syra sion here re<ently urging coopera thereof to business and industry, 2 1 tf : farming ruse 13-lnch cast steel plow, »17.- thus depriving the owners of pleas- m ., .'„.'X,":.,» I tion. 50; one single horse steel drug. PHYNKI AN« "With the exception oi the recent ure cars the enjoyment of these fa- »3.50. J. L. Johnston, Box 57. increase of 25 cents per’ barrel in cilities Rd 1, 2*4 miles north of town. I. O. OIJCM'KNT. M. D, Practice the price of crude oil ut the well, the I a limited to disease* of eye, ear. nose on I guise creek road 55tr price tons been stationary since. May, and throat. Glasses fitted. Hours! The California and Oregon FOR SALE—Heed potatoes Chas §-12. 2-5, or on aiHMilntment 1917, when an increase of 25 cents Morris, phone 5OO-R-3. .'.7 Coast Railroad Company per barrel was posted at the request Phones, office 62 residence 359-J TIME CARD of the oil division of the fuel admin FOR HEXT 8. IXMTGHRIDGK, M. D. Physician I istration." said Robb. Effective Nov. 24 1919. roil RENT House, 6 acres on East and surgeon. City or country calls "The absence of an increase in A street. Call 421 Evelyn Ave. 57 attended duy or night. Phones. (price to c<tvor the in reused expense Trains will run Mondays, AVednes- days and Fridays. Res. 3K9; Office. 182; «th and H. i has had the# effect of discouraging I j OHT I .eave Grants “ Pass 1 p. M. the development work and. witli the DR. W. T. TOMPKINS. 8. T. Rooms 2 P.M. Arrive Waters Creek JjOST Package of important papers 2:30 PM 1 and 2 Schmidt Bldg. Treats ail I exception of the activities of the Ijeave Waters Creek on Sixth street Friday. Under 4 P.M diseases. Hours 9-12; 1-5. Phone (larger marketing concerns, lias total Arrive Grants Pass.. For information regarding freight please mail to Ellsworth Tubbs. ly arrested exploitation work, with 304 R Yreka, Cal., nnd receive reward, tf the result that the production of oil and jiassenger rates call at the office E? J. BILI li K AI D l'lusician has not kept pace with the demand. of the company. Lundburg building, or telephone 131. LOST- Kelly Springfield tire, and surgeon; office Schallhorn mounted on rim, size 31x4. Call • block, phone 54-J; residence, 1004 500-R-3. Reward. 57 iaiwnridge. phone 54-L. LOST Between Bridge and C AV F. RUTHERFORD Manual the- streets, on Pine, startitfg crank for raputics. It gets your aliment. Metz car. Finder please leave at Office over Barnes’ jewelry store. Courier office. Office hours 9: 30-1 2; 1:30-4. Down to the last drop “Red It U j PII AV. STEARNS, M. D. Phy- MICKIE SAYS Crown” is high-grade gasoline. sician and surgeon, X-ray equip- ment, dental X-ra.v. Office, Ma- It is made to meet the require sonic Temple Bldg. Phones: Of- ments of your engine. M. ríÁst' -TVAtat I. flee 21-J; residence 21-L. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Ca Winston-Salem, N. C. The Handicraft Shop of Medford Will have a new display of needlework at the Hat Shop Wednee- day. A nice line of Fnlper pottery, Hand made lai es and inser- terns. Instruction I took- for all kinds of crochet and knitting. Stamping done to order Order* taken for hemstitching and piOXiBK. Phone 3'24-J A gents for the Cleveland National Fise Insurance Company In what shape is your machine for the Season We specialize on Electrical and Carbureator trouble, Overhauling and Reboring, Welding and Brazing Dependable Power 1 A\V*T MO LkWi SÖXWt tO'TOaSj VETERINARY’ SURGEON ¿XktltXMlMO WlOvAtS, SO W "Atw < UJCUM «V4OOGW X' HkMt OSI VMlXw DR. R J. BESTtrL, Veterinf rlan. Aut Per. oom < «Out« uuvzsva Residence 83 8 Washington boule HÇ ASKS >AOUK rta I vard. phone 398-R tB. av«4 TVi PQKtt OF Kösy I OCVMtVL'. -tut« KIVAT * DENTISTS • '♦(OMI V4UOCM. OU A TOV3« N E. C. MACY, J». M. I). First-class dentistry. 109 A4 8. «th St. Mtwusr Kweet \ ATTORNEYS H. I G. D. NORTON. Attorney-at-law. Practices in all State and Federal Courts. First National Rank Bldg. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CaMtorais) Successor to C. L. Hobart Co. <4 '•'i I / /.A' asoline (’. A. «IDLER, 'Attorney-at-law. AJ sonic Temide. Grants 'Puss. Ore. GEO. II DI RHAM, Attorney-at-law, referee in bankruptcy, Masonic Temple. Phone 135-J. 0. D. Fies, Special Agent Standard Oil Co., Grants Pass "I 4 «v Harness and Saddlery, Auto Top and Canvas Work With Grants Pass Hardware Co JOY 'J. O. S BLANCHARD, Attorney at-law. Golden Rule Bldg Phone 270. JAMF.H T. OHTNNOCK. Lawyer. First Nutlouul Bunk Building. Ament’s Auto Repair & Machine Shop G. B. BERRY W. OOLVIG, Attorney-at-law. Grunts Paas Banking Co. Bldg. E. S. VAN DYKE. Attorney. Practices in all courts. First National Bank Building. » “Red Crown” is all-refinery gasoline with the full and con tinuous chain of boiling points necessary for ready starting, quick and smooth acceleration, steady, dependable power and long mileage. .Look for the “Red Crown” sign before you fill. 111 South Sixth «»-