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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1920)
II I.HDIV. U’ltll. 27, I »20. GRANT» I*.AMR DAILY (XM'RIKR PAGE TWO —• GRANTS PASS DAILY COW OBITUARY i I — e Absolutely Published Daily Except Sunday A. JC VOORHIBB Pub and I'ropr. Cnten-t at poetoffie. Granta Pasa Ore., aa second ciana mall matte. i ADVERTISING RAT”« Display space, per inch .—1.20c , Leeal-perwonal column, per line .10c | Beaders, per line..................... b<" DAILY COURIER By mail or carrier, per year <6.00 By mail or carrier, per month.. .50 Thomas laUth Thomas l-dth was born October « I t 1844, in the Orkney Island, ttcot- 4 land lle came to the United States a» a young man and settled in Mlehl- THE REST MADE I gait. Mr. Ia>ith wits married May 12, SIN MEKN’S 1874. nt the town of Outer. Win , Accom- i later moving to Nebraska i panled by his family he drove to the Rogue River valley about 25 year« ago and located upon a ranch near I Murphy, where lb* made hl» home I WEEKLY COURIER until the time of his death 83.00 ' By mail, per year .................. • - -• Mr. Ixdth la survived by Illa wife TUESDAY, APRII 27. I»20. Y & and four children, Mrs W. J. (»glen by, of Welding. Ore : J. W. lelth, of ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 101-3-5 NOIUTH «TH Worden, Ore.; Mrs. L. M. Ml'tchell OREGON WEATHER and Don R. I«elth of Murphy. ♦ ' As a young man Mr ladth follow Weather for the Week r ■ ♦ ed the sea, shipping as a sailor, but Pacific (\>a«t States Gener ♦ I part of the voters will make it pi»- '♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ later he entered a machine ship In ♦ ally fair and normal tempera ♦ ♦ x ADDITIONAL IXM’Ab ♦ the state of 'Michigan, from there ♦ i sible for the place seeker to land a ♦ tures. he located upon u farm In Nebraska I job for which he is absolutely tin- ♦ ♦ Many* Sainton t aught— , and continued to follow this profs« ♦ I fitted. Tonight and Tuesday unset The commercial fishing is irnprov- slon to the time of his death ♦ tled, occasionally threatening. ♦ The obligatiou that was formerly ♦ I upon a political party to name proiwr I lug rapidly as the river gets lower. ♦ Cooler tonight east portion. ,Last night the eight bouts out ('ouria'* for commercial printing. ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦->♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ men Is now upon the individual, and brought in two tons of the Chinook AN INIirVlDl AL DUTY the duty of the individual voter is a salmon and the night before they At the Under the Oregon system of the plain one. Study the measure nnd brought in 3500 itounds rate of IS eeuA a pound, the fisher and direct primary and the initiative the man. and then go to the polls and men are bringing in quite a bit of. Paid advertisements apt the referendum, the minority is I luouey through their industry. vote your beet judgment. I*rlmary Election May 21, 1020 to rule. This comes by reason of I the inactivity of the rank and file of i NEW TODAY Itaxcball Tomorrow — ARTHUR S. COUTANT the electors. Where Qiey neglect The first baseball game of the sea- Republican Candidate for FIRE. Automobile. Accident and j I son for the local high school will be their duty selfish interest, individual Nominee for T. M. Stott, j Health Insurance. 1 played on the high school grounds or corporate, steps in and dictates 308-10 North Sixth street. Tele- COUNTY JUDGE at 3 o’clock tomorrow afternoon, 42tf policies and nominates candidates. phone 44-J. Josephine < <>un(y with the Ashland high school team There are nine measures before the FOR SALE—Five of Sheppard’s fa The game was scheduled for last F. L. COON people the fate of which will be de mous Ancona pullets matted by a Saturday but the Ashland team was lte])ul>ll('an Candidate for termined by the votes cast on the fine cockerel; heavy layers. |12. not sufficiently practiced to attempt Nominee for Jas. Eads. 306 West I St, 62 the game and it was postponed. The Slst day of May. Unless greater In COUNTY CLERK terest is shown in tbe matter than WANTED—Printer ' and pressman local team has been practicing tpr Present Deputy County Clerk the past month, under the direction has been exhibited up to this time, a for few weeks Courier i office. Al- of Principal Gaston and has develop so opportunity for young man or ed some very good players. The bat very light vote will be cast, and a D. 0. HAYES Republican Candidate for girl to learn press feeding. 59 tery is said to be especially good. decided minority of tbe voters may Nominee for . make law or defeat its making, Tbe i SENATE APROVES INCREASE ASSESSOR [ Hpecinliat Is H«*re— enactment of a bad measure rs noj Preacni Deputy A»»e«»<>r IN NAVAL AVIATION Ft NDS Prof. E. B Fitts, of Corvallis, ar more demaging to the public weal; rived this morning for a talk to the than the defeat of a meritorious and ECLUS POLLOCK Washington. Apr. 37?—-Committee valley farmers this afternoon. Prof Republican Candidate for needed measure. Fitts is the dairy specialist at O. A. increases of nearly 110.000.000 in Nominee for The same argument holds in re funds for naval aviation. were ap C., and will give some information COUNTY JUDGE to the farmers at the Rogue’ River gard to the nomination of candidates proved today by the senate, when the aVlley grange hall this afternoon W tor office. It is easy for men to be- ’ H. H. ALLYN naval appropriation measure was S. Carpenter, of O. A. C. will talk on eome candidates before the primary taken up. The senate committee in Republican Caudidatr for crops. Nominee for election, and lack of Interest on the creased the fund to $25,000,000.. NOTICE OUR DISPLAY OF BEADS BARNES, The Jeweler KI? Political Cards EDERA E double cable base ( naming events * • May 4, Tuesday—May breakfast giv en by the Women's Association of Bethany Presbyterian Church. May 26-31, Wednesday, Monday— Grants Pass Chautauqua. BEN H. JESS Thin, Watery or Poisoned Blood CO. COMMISSIONER Economy—Service (B y D b . V albntinb M ott .) At this time of year most people suffer from what we term ’’spring fever ” because of a stagnant con dition of the blood, because of the toxins ( poisons) stored up within the body* during the long winter. We eat too much meat, with little or no green vegetables. Bloodless people, thin, anemic people, those with pale cheeks and lips, who have a poor appetite and feel that tired, worn or feverish condition in the spring-time of the year, should try the refreshing tonic powers of a good alterative and blood purifier. Such a tonic as druggists have sold for fifty years, is Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Dis covery. It is a standard remedy that can be obtained in tablet or liquid form. Made without alcohol front wild roots and barks. B aker C ity , O regon :—I was taken with inflnenza and also had a nervous breakdown. My stomach was so bad I did« not retain my food for three or four weeks and 1 was troubled with sourness and gas. I doctored with uiy two favorite doctors and a Chiroprator. One day I sent for »copy of Dr. Pierce’s Medical Adviser (price, 50c.), which I read and decided to make a trial of tbe” Medical Discovery.” At that, time I was only able to stay .up a few min utes at a time. After taking two bottles I was able to be on my feet all day. 1 am now able to eat anything without discomfort and never have the dryness in my mouth jn the morning nor arty bowel trouble. I walk 18 or 1» blocks at a time now and feel no ill effects.”— M bs . W k . JI oooabd , 2630 Church Bl. PF DERAttS are not only -T equipped to stand punishment from the rued but also from the The exchixive Bue feature trees from internal rim troubles. Four twisted steel cablea bold Federal Aites firmly on the rim; keep them from shifting, rocking, blowing off or the toe bead pinefc ing the tube. Tins prevents rim cuta and How outa iaistfabove the rim. Thousands of Federal usen an proving this every day. Vederals could be economizing for you, but not unless you have them on your car. Let us tell you mor« about Federal Tinea and why they save money. C. L HOBART CO r«MC GEO. W. LEWIS T Ideal Wind Shield Wings Brunswick .Tires Stewart Spot Lights Monogram Oils and Greases The Battery Shop l^et un inspect your battery free 401 North Sixth 8*. HAZELTON « DISHROW Opposite Courthouse / W. T. MILLER Democratic Candidate for Nominee f<*r ALICE M BACON Come in and see us when you’re ready to blast— COUNTY SCHOOL SUPT. F. S. BRAMWELL Valley Hardware Co. DISTRICT ATTORNEY Present Incumbent Republican Candidate for Nominee for Republican Candidate for Nominee for STATE SENATOR C. A SIDLER Republican Candidate for Nominee for REPRESENTATIVE J. 0. SMITH I STATE SENATOR J. N. JOHNSTON Republican Candidate for Nominee for REPRESENTATIVE CYRIL P. WISE Ls»b fee the eame GeM Medal aa aveer bee •ad aceapt ee iaaitatiea KNOCKOUT CARMEN 44 Knock-Out Carmen” Her (iiiiiHii go, A inc riunì |,eKl<»n Smoker the 2lHh COUNTY JUDGE M. W. GATES I 00. COMMISSIONER D. R. MORRISON Republican Candidate for Nominee for COUNTY JUDGE Ths National Remedy of Holland for centurias and endorsed by Queen Wilhel mine. At all druggists, three sixes. New top anil M-at cuver», u < hh | tins • and In hm *< mm I physical condition n. I Dcmtx-rtUlc ( andidate for Nominee for GOLD MEDAL rannninm FORD $585 Republican Candidate for Nominee for Itemocratlc t’lindldqtc for Nominee for Reelection for • Stomach - Kidney a- Heart- Liver Keep the vital organs healthy by regularly taking the world’s stand ard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles— EXPLOSIVES SHERIFF Present Incumbent CO. COMMISSIONER C. G GILLETTE WATCH THE BIG 4 ••tn Republican Candidate for Nominee for Democratic CaittMtlale for Nominee for ■”— <ÍAÑJff Republican Candidate for Nominee f(>? Following Colds, Grip or Flu, Xu[ied Tread •k.x»a PO . j. s M c F adden Republican ('«vndi'latc for Nominee for Present Conimi»* louer SPRING FEVER They Give More Miles Present City Auditor Economy—I'ffhicn'y ■ Service CO COMMISSIONER Candidate cards-—Courier offi e. T ires COUNTY CLERK < “‘Good Ronds for Lows Money" AGENTS HUDSON COUNTY SCHOOL SUPT. MAXWELL CHALMERS AND ESSEX CARS COLLINS AUTO COMPANY Accessories ano rcpairinc PHONE 317 LINCOLN SAVAGE Republican Candidato for Nominee for FOR. 5// H STBFET, GRANTS PASS, ORE.