♦ X (IRA NTH PAHH, JOSEPHINE COUNTT, OREGON, VOL. X., No. DO WHOLE MMBEK 2997. Tt'ENDAY, APRIL 27, 1MM». BE STAGED Al I I »AGHTERH ARRIVE FROM PORT JAM» 1OR LEGION HMOKKll T hursday I Numbers IncreiiMMl to A4),(MM by New Defections From ('armnz.a Government |M> A gu a I’riet, Apr. 27. -Over 50,000 AKHlK'i ANT SECRETA IlY OF LA soldiers in .Mexico ure now in revolt IM »1C < ONFRONTED Bi INVKH- against the Carranza government. It TIGATING UOMMITTWE ’tii» announced at military headquar­ * ters here today. Nearly half thia p umber. it waa said, have joined the Honora revolutionary fèrro». I ■ ’ REVOLUTION BEGINS ACCORDING TO WORD HBUEIVED BY ITAL­ IA!, NEWSPAPER DEPORTATION- CASES CAUSE MANY 4 Talkrsl to School»— Boxer» ir)lug to < sti li Trout While Hiuidlitig al ttadlciik Bring» frit Miss Inaiala laine, child »el fa re on Trip— Bout» W ill Be A Fine iclsin and Possible lni|M-aclu>i<-at specialist, of O A. talked to the Exhibition of Manly Art J>> < ominittcc «. V BÏ HOME STATE Washington, Apr. 27. Bhort Une HEN A TOK GET* SOLID DELEGA­ railroads may be given a hearing on TION FROM WASHINGTON AT the wage demands of the railroad CONYlfXTlON workers before the railroad labor board finally adjusts the pay contro­ versy. Chairman Barton announced today, saying the board nad the mat­ : ter uSder adviaement. a A-a Machine