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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1920)
♦ X (IRA NTH PAHH, JOSEPHINE COUNTT, OREGON, VOL. X., No. DO WHOLE MMBEK 2997. Tt'ENDAY, APRIL 27, 1MM». BE STAGED Al I I »AGHTERH ARRIVE FROM PORT JAM» 1OR LEGION HMOKKll T hursday I Numbers IncreiiMMl to A4),(MM by New Defections From ('armnz.a Government |M> A gu a I’riet, Apr. 27. -Over 50,000 AKHlK'i ANT SECRETA IlY OF LA soldiers in .Mexico ure now in revolt IM »1C < ONFRONTED Bi INVKH- against the Carranza government. It TIGATING UOMMITTWE ’tii» announced at military headquar * ters here today. Nearly half thia p umber. it waa said, have joined the Honora revolutionary fèrro». I ■ ’ REVOLUTION BEGINS ACCORDING TO WORD HBUEIVED BY ITAL IA!, NEWSPAPER DEPORTATION- CASES CAUSE MANY 4 Talkrsl to School»— Boxer» ir)lug to < sti li Trout While Hiuidlitig al ttadlciik Bring» frit Miss Inaiala laine, child »el fa re on Trip— Bout» W ill Be A Fine iclsin and Possible lni|M-aclu>i<-at specialist, of O A. talked to the Exhibition of Manly Art J>> < ominittcc «. V BÏ HOME STATE Washington, Apr. 27. Bhort Une HEN A TOK GET* SOLID DELEGA railroads may be given a hearing on TION FROM WASHINGTON AT the wage demands of the railroad CONYlfXTlON workers before the railroad labor board finally adjusts the pay contro versy. Chairman Barton announced today, saying the board nad the mat : ter uSder adviaement. a A-a Machine </Ulis Mow Down Hundreds. amu N däen returning T o Filial lUois Occur in I addio ch NOME FROM TWO TEAK THIP an<l iarntn OTHER PRIMARIES ARE HELD t ’ il ..»» sacjiunotta, Ohio ami New Jersey Voting for I-residential Pref erence * . . » | I children at the East. Riverside and Washington, Apr. 27.—Roald I Fourth Ward schools yesterday, on Amundsen, who set out two years ago the value of milk as a food. Mrs. R. Exhibition Pox I ox IniiitH will be Apr. 27.—A bolshevik!, in ant effort to reach the North Pole, Apr. 27. — Chargee London, Washington, Bellingham, Apr. 27.—The el«o- W. Btearns talked to the Junior high has broken out in Jugo- is returning to Nome, according to . tion of 14 delegates to the republican ataged tonight at the opera house by school on the same subject. The that 1-ouis F. Post. .Lsalstant aecre- revolution ilia fighter» who ure in the city talks Were part of the milk campaign tar y of labor, had violated the law Slavia, says a Central News dis- a message received by the navy radio national convention, four at large patch from Rome, quoting Trieste at Cordova, today, from Anadyr, Si and 10 by districts, waa the principal training for the big autoker Thursday Itclng carried on this week. "in behalf of aliens who have ex- advices to the Meaaagero of Rome. beria. business before the Washington state night which Is being given by the pressed c nten-pt tot this govern- Machine guns have been brought in republican convention here today, Atn.-rlcuu I«egion Freddie Anderton ; ment and who ur» trying to over- to action in Belgrade, where bun- indications early today were that and Jimmy Mas-one urriveif from I throw (t,” were made before the dreds are said to have been Alain, i the entire delegation would go to Portland last night and Jack Car- ' hduse rules committee today by while fatal riots have occurred at (Chicago pledged to support Senator -men arrived this ntoruing. The bouts Chairman Johnson, of the house im fjaibach and A gram Mlles Poindexter for the presidential tonight will lie between lied ('»mil-1 migration comr ittee. nomination. bell and Jimmy Mascon« and Jack | Johnson was the first witness at IRISH LUMtlt LEADER IK Carmen and Freddie Anderson A the investigation mtr Peat r conduct FOUND GUIVTY BY COURT smart collection will b«* taken st th« «I Boston, Apr. 27.—Maasachusetts New York. Apr. 27.—James Lar in handling the depot* a* i proceed door n quarter la-lng charged The voters balloted today to elect four ings against radical allo ts He was kin,« the Irish labor leader, charged 1 exhibition »yi start about 8 o’.lock.l hi selecting food for tjie family Manila, P. IT, Apr. 27.—A concur delegates at large to the republican Today the fighters »«nt fishing to diet one should know what th« needs I followed by Representative Hoch, of with criminal anarchy was found rent resolution was adopted by both and democratic national conventions, Kansas, whose resolution looking to guilty today by the supreme court i) OUgeg o f Philippine legislature catch a few of the steelheads that ' of the various members of the fam besides the district delegates. None they have heard so much »bout In 1 ily are and what foods will supply ward the possible impeachment of jury, before which the case was pre-thlg month, authorizing Japanese of the candidates at large who ap Post is before the committee. sented. corporations which had made appll-i •th« northern city. .Ilin Manuel I" ¡these needs, The youngest member peared on the ballot were pledged to • • 77" catioe in good faitK for leases of any particular presidential candidate. showing them where the big fellows of the family should receive first ( agricultural lands in the province of are. They will spend most of their consideration. He is not only main Indications point to a light vote. Davao. Island of Mindanao, before spare time while here on the river taining his body but he Is develop the passage of the present Philippine banks, attempting to entice th« big ing It; therefore, he need« building land law. to complete title to their Columbus. Apr. 27.- Ohio voters fellows. in fact, the fight almost material na well as .food for energy leases. today were expressing a preference take» second place with them, when and up-keep A child who is not While the resolution did not in for presidential candidates and elect fish are mentioned. properly fed can never be the effi volve the merits of the question of ing delegates to the republican and All three main bouts are causing cient adult that he should be. Indi ownership in tlxe Philippines of lands democratic national conventions The much comment Carmen is a favor gestion In middle age Is almost In The students of the Junior high San l.uis Obispo, Cal., Apr. 27.— by foreigners. that subject was principal primary fight is between lie with th« local people, who »«.w variably due to unwise feeding dur school have been competing for Dr. Ijeonard Stocking, médical 8U" i brought into the debate in the sen- General Wood and Senator Harding lilm put Cedurstrom out in less than ing the years of growth prizes ofj^red for the three liest perintendent of Agnew tate hospital a4e, occupying an entire day. for the republican presidential en- two rounds. Ills opponent, Bosco- Nature haH provided the proper posters to be used in the milk cant- for the insane, has been requested by pro- | The present Philippine law ’ dorsement. vlch, is not vert well known among food for growing children. Milk has patgn in Grants Pass this week, Ed- Superior Judge T. \. Norton, who hibits the owning or leasing of lands ths people here, but fight fans whu the elements necessary for growth na Bateman of the Nighth A class presided at the recent trial of Mrs. by foreigners whose countries forbid have been following ills record say and none of the materials which Newark, V J.. Apr. 27.—Chief in won the first prize of $ 1 for her Myrtle Dean, for the alleged murder owning or leasing iby citizens of oth thpt Carmen is going to have his overburden the digestive system A terest in today's preferential presi poster "Milk Has No Substitute, " of her husband, Fred A. Dean, to er countries. . huiMs fulls The Anderson-Maacone quart of milk contains as much lime Eisworth Abie of the Ki-thth AJ come here and 'make au examination The Japanese consul here submit dential primary in New Jersey was match will create a large amount of as 28t|Miunds of beef. 23 pounds of takes the second prize of 75c with of the mental conditjon of the wom ted a statement to the committee on focused on the republican contests interest as Anderson and .Mascon« potatoes, or 9 pounds of wjilte bread. his poster «bowing the comparison an. ; agriculture of the senate, in which where voters /ere asked to express are both known here to be excellent The bones of the body are 85 per of the food received by feeding 100 If Dr. Stocking should pronounce he asserted that Japan had repealed their preference for either Senator scrappers, althougii neither Ii.ts ever cent lime Milk contains the most |M»unds of dry fodder to various ani Mrs. Dean insane, a jury would be the law which prohibited the owning Johnson or General Wood, Demo- (ought In this city, lied Campbell Is efficient muscle building material of cratic voters are not asked to 1ndlr mals. The third prize of 50c goes to summoned under the California code or leasing of land by foreigners. in training for his go with Jess In- any food. cate any direct preference. Clara Harbeck of the Eighth Al for that provides a specific procedure in Kram and will give a gooil account * Milk contains a special substance her poster "Milk Makes Kids Hus | the case of a person charged with of himself, lie has been In training for promoting growth Without this PRESIDENT OF IiOGGING FIX H R MAKES ADVANCE were Mrs. Mar- ky.'' The judges I felony who is believed to be of un for ■'the past few weeks and it is said substance the body not only ceases I (TIMPANI' DIED TODAY IN MINNEAPOLIS MARKET shall Hoo|»er. Mrs. C. H. Demaray sound mind. Ordinarily a- person that he caved in a couple of ribs for to grow but cannot live. Outside of | suspected of insanity is examined by a local doctor, who has the temer milk, this substance Is found only In and C. N. Culy. Portland. Apr. 27.- -Robert D. In Minneapolis. Apr. 27.—-Flour ad Mayor Demaray will award the I the county lunacy commission. In ity tn put the gloves on for a work the leafy parts of vegetables. the man. president of the Inman-Poul vanced 50c a barrel here today, prizes, which are beimt given by the the case of a person charged with out. This serai» will lie a fast one. yolks of eggs and tile glandular or Farm Bureau, during the intermis a serious crime, a jury is'summoned sen I zigging Company died in a local marking the biggest single rise this the men being about evenly matched gans of the body. It is most abun sion between the first and second and a trial is held, the evidence to hospital today. He was operated on year, and the highest price ever re (Continued on page 1.) dant in milk produ< U. shows Friday, night at the Oregon be presented by counsel for the sus- last Saturday for mastoid«, which de- ceived here for flour. The increase Theatre. , pect. the district attorney being I veloped following an influenza at which brought standard grade flour granted the privilege of cross exam tack. A widow and two daughters of 98 pound sacks, to 115.50 a bar survive. 11 ' W rel. is due to the high wheat market. * I ination onlv. The witnesses would Maxwell 1» Soli!— be alienists, persons who have had A Maxwell auto wus sold th rough an opportunity to observe the defend- the Collins Auto company to Worth ■ ant. and other competent to testify i as to her mental condition * Hamilton of Fruitdale. I If such a Jury should find Mrs. k Dean to be insane, the court would * ■ 1’oztitlii. Poland. Apr. 27 -Poznan. 0(111'181» that it would be useless to order her committed to the hospital for the Insane for treatment, and she which for more than a hundred tears endeaiur further to continue Pozuan would always be subject to a retrial under ,i*‘r",nn . ..... WHK know;n in so-called Germaif territory. The on the charge of murder which re- Posen, Is undergoing many altera- Trieste, Apr. 27. The road to is refused. The vise given, one must lions as it result of the outcome of Geriuan soldiers 'began withdrawing cently • resulted in a disagreement of * I ’™me is ia set s„t wttn wi.h •■irxn«" _ fron- . . „ traps to m cat on return ...... the last post . on » the the war and the peace conference i that night, Gradually since then ' the jury A murder charge in Cali-j the wandering adventurer. tier for the final examination before which gate Poznan back to (Poland. German residents have been Jeai Ing. fornia nover outlaws. posts of carabineers are placed along Shanghai, Apr. 27. Seven British Just recently, the task of changing Many of them were born in Poznan If Mrs. ‘Dean should be committed the way of 48 nlllea from Trle8te and being admitted to the No Man’s Land the name of every street In town‘or vicinity. • • I citizens, one Japanese and one \m- to the asylum and recover her nor-1 |MlsSpOrtg and other documents are between the two forces The crosefng from German to 'Polish was coinplet [ Within the past fourteen months erican comprise the municipal coun mal condition .prior to August IT 17 examined with the closest scutiny nt of No 'Man’s l«and is made eifpecially -cd. the task having been worked out it Is estimated that approximately cil of the International Settlement next her second trial will be called. each. An automobile cannot pass the romantic by the nature of the ter- by a commission which began it« its j 27,00<t Germans have departed from 'of Shanghai (8.1 a result of the recent Mrs. Dean has changed to a sha post unless the man on watch h»e | Pain, which is woody and rocky and duties soon after Poznan be ante a Poznan, most of them being officials election by the taxpayers here. Ster dow of. her former self, according to I consented and raises a wooden gatt? J »ituated on a hill running down into who held government imsitions under ling Fessenden of a local law firm jail officers, who «aid that she Is j Sjmnar to those at an American rail-'the sea. The two frontiers are city of the new republic. One of the principal thoroughfares the German regime, and their fam is the American member. Dr. S. A. haggard and broken, refuse« food ' roa<j rroa8tng marked by stone walls and barbed which had been known as Berlinhr ines, and officers of the German Ranspm, the one other nominee, hav most of the time and falls to recog. goven of .-trapjl.. are on the wire protuding on the road at short strasse has -been renamed thu street army. Poznnn clfy officials estimate ing.'been* defeated A total of 883 nfze life-long friends. , Italian regular command's side of Interval* so that an automobile must ■of "December 27th," this being what that about 37.000 iw-rsons have vote« were cast, the smallest num- ‘ the rouje and two on d'Annunzio's pwiat and turn to evade them. Speed is considered the very last day of moved to -Poznan In that time, the •ber since 1913. ¡«ide. There are three within five is thereby rendered an impossibility. Many Attend Show— the ‘Germans in Poznan A great majority of these having come from Under a body composed, of 1« for A large number of Granta Pass miles of Trieste and t he remaining | Reaching the d'Annunzio lines a square in the center of the city, congress Poland. eign consuls the municipal council of people were preset^ at the show last four are scattered at about t equal _____ I careful examination takes place, of which since 1793 excepting an eight Poznan today is a city of about Shanghai governs a community of night at the Page theater, "The distances apart for the rest of the! the mission to Fittme. I Scrutinizing year interval after ITussla's defeat 170.000 inhabitants and considered aiboiit three-qunrters of a million Bronze Woi»an,** with Margaret An way until the -poet’s frontier is j of passports ensues and I questions by Napoleon (Hint being the year the by Germany prior to the outbreak people of whom about 25,00^ are for glin being the attraction. Mr. ahd reached. At the itoet’s frontier, the are asked about “What are you do ‘ Germans came to Poznan) had been of the .war as the strongest fortified eigners Vigorous efforts of Chinese Mrs. H. L. Wilson. Miss Alva Wil- regular carabineer seeks the vise of ing* here?” Baggage 1s examined and «•ailed Wilhelm plarz. Is now known city on Its western frontier. All of residents within the settlement boun son, L. i„ Carter and Don Kearns the local zone guarding the armistice false money looked for because of as Liberty Place. And, a great sta the old forts, redoubts and batteries daries. who pay ron-hly 85 per cent formed one of the parties. Mr. and line and If the traveler has not got the recent falsifications , of bank tue of Frederick III which stood for built by the Germans still stand of th«1 revenues, to obtain represen Mrs. C. L. Hobart and Mrs. Jennie it. he is sent to the headquarters of note« in the city. The word is given years in Wilhelm platz, long ago( When the Germans were in con tation on the municipal council have Moss formed another party. Mrs. the neare.V caraiblnner command, to “go forward" and then one passed disappeared, having been torn down trol Polish classes in the schools thus far failed, though this question John Hampshire. Mrs. M Clemens < which 1« located at Abbazia, two for another examination along prac by IPollsh residents of Poznan during were forbidden. German is spoken agnln Is to come up for decision In and Misses Ryan and Green were miles away. tically th« same line to another the pight of December 27, 1918, so generally In Ppznan. however, the . course of the year. The right another automobile party. Mr. and At Abbazla. the wanderer to Fiume group Of d'Annunzio soldiers per when there wore riots and much that oven under ■ the white and scar of foreign residents of the settlement Mrs. A. C. Hough also were present must satisfy the carabineer officers, haps a fi u nd red yards from the first. street fighting het weetT German and lot flag of the 1 new republic It is to vote In municipal elections Is de at the performance, The show was who are the militgry police of Italy After passing this, there are no more Polish subjects, the upshot of the taught In a certain number of the termined by the payment of taxes on very good according to reports from that his mission to the poet’s strong examinations or poets in the city, demonstrations convincing German schools. property. « those who were present. • hold is legitimate, otherwise the vise except at the stations and wharvaa. • I ’ I — : j