B ATI TU »A Y. MAUCH at, ll>ao. GRANTS FASM DAILY << lple takas away 111» per the thlligM of sense to God and see > vi< t.im of some disease Or, the man | to them that aak «Him. One may I •rrcw?" t'lirlatlan Helen«:«, thu Itidlglon of lera for momio oik - to appear and call God manlike. ness and whose business has prosper- Mortal mind is full of fear, doubt,' ed and whose lives are tilled with Man Fulfillment. A (lecture by .ludgu I iitlonllon Io the ptotiilMMH of the make«« man Godlike (Science an«l Health, puv<* 269.) Thin brings me to a discussion of anxioty, envy, hatred, malice and j ¡health, harmony, love and gladness. Sminici \V. Green of Ixiulsvllle, Ky., Bible und the poMMibillty of their I*rln« |>I<* what man la, and of his relation to what not of all this evil brood. It Is It is but a verification of what the pra«'.ile>il fulfillment In our human memlmr <>/ the Board of l*e. the < hrist God .ie Principle, Christian Sclen- tbi« is easily understood, for any-! fulled the world's attention to her tisi» have at>and«>ned the Idea fhnt itlon, yet they are quite unlike Christian Science has been assail­ «Mie can see that In proportion as hej In the first chapter of Genesis the demonstration, um at least in part u ('hrlstlun Science tr (ifterlug toduy fulfillment vf Blblcul promise, that God fnt«*rf«*res In the affairs of men Iro' ord runs, "So .God created man b«*cornes enlightened he has power) ed because of its teaching concerning Jesus, and it has been denied a place at the behest of this one or that one. the most comprehensive, lit« moat she should have luven subjected to or thal he lnterf«»r«ro with His own In ill* own Image, in the Image of over ignokance. «wprodaMy when he, among so-alled orthodox religions •turning, .in I vet the »linpleHt, san­ God create!! He him: male and fe­ perceives that this ignorance has porsemition at the hands of Jeans' est program for human though’ und I professed follower»? Ignoring, how- laws, causing the unnatural or »ti­ male created He them.” Christian constituted his own mentality. This because it teaches that Jesus was not pernatiiral to be hap;>enlng tn the Science t«u hes that this Is the cor­ is what Jttsiis tnsant when he said God. When we rememlter the dl Si- action of wl'it't ih< world hue beard culty that Jesus had in making even ChtrlHtian Science I • lit'« the dais of J siim of Nazareth «♦er, (he persecution, the lack of affairs of men synipathy uii«l Interest nianlfssted l>y show* thal God's creation lu already rect account of man's creation. It at another time. "Ye «hall know the his disciple« understand who and nail th« curly Christina teachers. The sets forth the spiritual man. When Truth and the Truth shall make you Lhu world In her discovery during perfect, complete, consequently the what he was, it is not. strange that promise mini« through Christian Sci­ the curly yours, Mr». Eddy never true iii I mm I oii of Scientific Christian­ Christian Science says that man can free.” the Christian Science teaching on ence a« slated by lu Discoverer und not be sl< k or suffer or sin or die, As Christian Scientists, it is our wavered In her task, but patiently Founder. Mrs. Eddy, is, "Divine lx>ve ¡ and aarnoMtly studied the IMble, that ity 1 m to reveal this fact to us ami reference is made to this real man, mission, our constant effort and this subject has '»een misunderstood, then lit show ua how to overcome ln this God-created, this spiritual man; prayer, to have always in us that t'erhai« few <>f the immediate fod- Always has met and always will meet i she might find the positive rule for ever) human need." (Bclence and i the solution of this problom of mind our own Ilves and experion«« - every-1 or. to use a scientific term, this God .Mind which was also in Christ Jesus. lowers of Jesus »aw the distinction Health, page 4 9 4.) Christian Sei-1 hen Bug w hieli hu«l lieen mo gru«*ioui«l) thing and «very thought that is « un- ides As Mrs. Eddy says, "Hold thought ¡between the human Jesus and the Other systems of religious instruc­ steadfastly to the enduring, the I Christ, but Christian Science iiaa cue« is the unfolding to Immun cou-1 und wonderfully reveale«! to her like God and His creation. Christian Science Treatment tion have likewise taught the per­ good, and the true, and you willl made this distinction clear. «clouuiirots of divine l.oie, und its Í through her own Instantaneous heal­ As a practical Illustration let UH fection of spiritual man, but they bring these into your experience pro- The man Jesus was human, born practical application to th« healing of ing from what th« doctors had pro­ all human discord» Chrlsliun Sci­ nounced un im iiruble phv»leal condi­ suppose a man to be sick and that have not made their teaching prac­ l«ortionably to their occupancy of of Mary, and his life covered but a s. ” (Science iovicuw and auu Health, brief span of years; but the Christ, They have generally assumed your thoughts. ence 1« first of ull u religion, not­ tion. The result of her studio* she he desires the help of Cod, anti tical __________ withstanding some of 11« uninformed has since given to the world In the turns to Christian Science i i be mad« that man must first die and be resur­ _ page 261.) 1 1» not this r>erhaps what w hich was not a name so much as the I well. Since God's work is already rected and then lie Invested with his the prophet of old ha«i in mind when divine title of Jesus, expressing his critic« ha)« not mo believed. It Is Chrlstlun Science text book, “Science the religion of Chrlul Jesus come und Health with Key to the Scrip- | done, there is no specific or Individ spiritual nature, They have scarcely he said of God, "Thou art of purer Godlike nature, la eternal, and ia |iial action required of God that this dared to hope that this life could be eyes than t«> behold evil and ranst ever Inseparable from God. Jesus, again to tin* world to heul the al< k turea,” comnioniy called Science and man’s condition should im « made : other than the generally accepted not look upon iniquity.” ln referring to himself as the Christ, und the sinning by tile sum« prin­ H«*a)th, which was published In 1X75. right. The Bible says t hat G<«l i "vale of tears." Christian Science I ..realty of Evil « a clear, positive Christian Hclence maj be understood, lug Christian Science has sometime« wor!d - The <-hri!,t ls now and al_ action of will power, uor la it th« ac­ ual Interpretation of the Bible, lims 1 knowing and understanding that and become ojierative in behalf of been « riticised Wliat a wonderful, wayB peei) present in the world ft teaches that the pres- tion of th« human mind. Ou the cou justifying that part of the title, | God has made all and made all good humanity world this would be if ft could be to discerned by men. Through the I ence of God In our lives is not and trury, It teachea that the human "K««y to the Scriptures." The last God ha» created man In Ills own rid of evil and It can be. Evil images there have {been men like Eli- mind must yield to the divine .Mind, chapter of the book, called "Fruit- image and likeness, and a« a nere« should not be a vague, tar off. un­ only in our rOnKiiousnesH. and if we jah E|j8ha, Moses. Daniel, Joseph . to that .Mind which was also lu Christ ag«*," Is a series of wonderful testl- nary result of the law of creation, certain thing, but a living, throbbing, can understand that it is unreal we;an(I others who discerned and ex- vital presence on which man may, Jesus, und In th« proimrtlon tliut monlea from men and women from man in God’s image and likeness and should rely in all circumstances «halj be rid of it. All w ill agree that presse«! a large m«»asure of this Christian S< lence is understood, the widely Mepurated localities, testify-. must be Godlike. He must reflect ______ God is good and that He has all ia>w-.chri8t Truth, and were able to per- life and words of Christ Jesus I mi - Ing to having 'been healed of blind-1 the Godlike qualities, Joy, peace, har­ and under all conditions. er, and being good and having all1 fonn many wonderful works, Thia will be a wonderful world power we must, to be logical, con- comes practicable for all nges h nd n««MH, deafness, rheuniatlmn, Bright'» mony. dominion, fgreedom. power ....... « X ‘° all people. disease, tumor, dyMtuqmiu, cancer, tu­ God being good, has not created, and. when more men and women begin to, «■lml • that God has made all thing« realize their God-given heritage and good, an«l consequently has not ere-1., .¡al'nr k ».« U r*^ * UUa *‘‘-vs* "Chrlstlun Science * on serpents and scorpions ami over or divine Principle or Tx»ve. but this spiritual man what Jesus had all the power of the eneni.v. und ed that the text book *h«>iil«l take me. might not at first be considered In mind when he said. "Be ye there­ and abode not In the truth because com«*s even as the spirit of lx>ve in­ th«* place of the Bible, but It Is to be there was no truth in him When he scientific or beneficial. Yet the a«-: fore («erfect even as your Father In to the lives of men as they rightly nothing shall by any menni« hurt speaketh a lie he si>eaketh of his sek .Him and desire Him. It is true read and sitidl«*rd God formed man of wiped out the lie about Satan that ments concerning himself. He was faring thnse usMurmi*«** Any one of Christian Science. Within the pages t Citll. been responsible for all the slck- one with the Father as explained ln you may say I have read and known of the book itself Mrs. Eddy says. nes» become« spiritualized through the dust of the ground and breathed i has «in 'h*-«’hr!s,|-*n Science text book, "one ___ ___ and into his nostrile. the breath of life ne««, fear, doubt, «orrow and them always, but have the» been rea- ' \* adherents of Truth, we take th»» right thinking and knowing. in quality, not in quantity." even as llzni In your experience? Have you inspired Word of the Bibl«* as our man is revealed a« th« manifestation and man became a living soul." And that have come to the world Is it not the lie of which we read a drop of .water is one with the mad«* these and other Bibicnl proni- suffl'lent guide to eternal Life.” of H'llrit. not matter, the divine then how woman was created, how Mind 1« reflected, and man is gov­ iaes of any prnctlcal Import In your (Science and Health, page 497 I God caused a deep sleep to fall upon in the beginning. that said to Eve. | «wean, but it is not the ocean, or a A m th«* years have come and gone erned by God. Mr« Eddy says. "God man and from his side He took a God has not told you the truth. You ray of light is one with the sun. but Ilves’ Christian Si lence < otiles teaching during th«*««* more than fifty y««ars will h«*a1 the sick through man when­ rib and of the rib a woman was have but to eat of the other fruit , it is not the sun. So is every man in the very words of Jesus of old. since Mrs. E*lok says,! disasters of this "man of the dust.” god. and heal yourself and solve who have but touched the hem of his better and mor«* satlsf'ing The tion In th«* attitiKle of Christian Scl- ('hristian Science text t heory that etarnul llf<* un«l ha ppi «ntlsts towufd Mrs. Eddy, lint rather, | "Jesus lielield in Science the perfe« t 1 Has not the world been recently con­ your problems?” It is all untrue. If garment, have but caught even a faint glimpse of this Christ that heals nee« are to be had only beyond the the natural spontaneous expression man, who ap|»eare realizing and experiencing the ADDED TO ROLL OF HONOR of her discovery <»f Christian S lence God a.« an Infinite, eternal power the rib.” It is only as Truth is en- led; whatsoever a man soweth that jov of th« fulfillment of God’s prem­ shall he also reap. He that soweth Mrs Eddy never thought of Itecoming is always present in the world to lightening the world that woman is ia«« Th«* Bible from beginning to to the flesh shall of the flesh reap Soldier« Reported "Missing in Action" a great religious teacher or leude!*, heal the world or all its sickness and end I* filled with th«* moat splendid and yet no other of the world’s great to solve all its problems. He comes achieving her rightful place as man's corruption: He that soweth to the Have Been Classed as “Pre­ promises for God's chi1dr«*n. and un­ leader* ever lived to sec such an ex­ not to Christian Scientists alone, but co-equal: and it will only be as the spirit shall of the spirit reap life sumed Dead.” less we may believe that th«**«* prom­ Truth «overs the earth, even as the i ise« are meant for th«* her«* and now, tensive ami substantial growth nn«l to any w io -imroach Him through a waters cover the sea. that the world I everlasting.” Evil is unreal, hilt we come to an According to The Home Sector there even for today, we ar«* of all men organization result from his own spiritual unde*M inding of His infin­ will come t«v know and understand Such rreulta. however, ite pow. r. it is til« mission of Chris­ understanding of this as the result • re «till between 250 and 300 member« most miserable; for otherwise wo are teaching. the "male and female" of God ’ s crea ­ without God and a saving religion in ar«» to be expected always when work tian Hcience to h«ip men an<1 women tion’ as revealed in the first chapter of thought and demonstration. One of the American front line army still of does not learn mathematics by be­ this life. What th«» world is wanting Is «Ion«* as was .Mrs. Eddy’s. The to o*ne into that condition thought or understanding whereby of Genesis. ginning with trigonometry, calculus unaccounted for. — Is seek'ng Is a religion thnt pre«cn< e of God wus not a mere they may recognize, to use a scien­ With th«»se two pictures before us and the higher branches but by learn In speaking of this war mystery of theory to her. but an aotual fact on conies to the sick anti tells them how man of the earth, earthy, bowed missing men the ex-soldier’s magazine to he well: thdt comes to the dis- ¡which »he relied in establishing the tific expression, their atonement with b«*neath the weight of human misery ing one and one are two; two and When man’s consciousness two are four, and by working his says: “Soldiers who go into battle are couraged and d«*snondent and lifts ■«’llrlstlap Helene«» movement as well God. reach'** that understanding lie will and woe, and man in God’s image ¡way up by arithmetic, algebra and like men who go down to the sea in them out of the «lough of despair I a* in all other things. and likeness, reflecting the Godlike, I Early in the practical operation of In* h «led of any sickn«»«s. and what­ the spiritual, th«» perfect, why do we other branches to the higher mathe- ships. There are those who return antj and despond Into th«* richness. Into ever his problem it will l>e solved. all sciences, and those who do not. those who live and ' Christian Science. Mrs. Eddy saw th«* fullness. Into th«* |oy. of a closer h«»sitate to proclaim ourselves and mattes. So. with In walk with God. Christian Helen <• | that th«* then existing churches were at mam Christian Science meetings, our race of the true type with God- so with 'hristian Science, one’s un- those who die. And then there are 1« siiivplvlng this need, through the i not ready for Christian Science. Ac­ at the regular church sen Ices and given power and dominion over every iderstanding comes with careful study those who dwell for years in a twilight lectur’is. mon and women do come and demonstrut on. Would you know spiritual interpretation of th«* Rib)« cordingly. sin* estalillshed the Chris­ living thing: for God has ordained zone of uncertainty, neither life nor anil the <«>nse Hine, as occasion do- promised by the Master. with the promise of Jesus quoted in I inaiided, . J s >h<* was divinely led, «a* I am not ami can not be sick j th«* beginning of this lecture. "Be­ every «lav experience. See .lothing. of the country announced that there J o - iim * l,rn«tlcnl Ministry sh«* »rot«* il,,* By-laws now compris­ when I know I have tills pain?” No hold, 1 give unto you |>ower over all bear nothing, believe northing, be were no more members of the A. E. F. Jesus tnu' lit ami proved th«* i*n««i-1 I ing th«* Manual of The Mother one could he fdund who would have the ]H>wer of the enemy?” Does it nothing, say nothing, do no’hing that ‘missing in action.’ The only reason unlike Ig»ve. It will be a busy more loving consideration for those I bllfty of solving all of life’s problems i Church for the guverunioui o. iue suffering fro.n di»ca.««> .mil pain than hot ««’cur to you that when Jesus day. but worth while Then take the they are not missing In action Is that Mother Church niemibers and for the they have been ’presumed dead.’ cant«» to his earthly ministry and h«re and now. lie overcam«* all the organization of branch chur ho« and a 'Christian Scientist. thought. God is good, and tty a day. (’hristian “There are still between 250 and 300 man-made laws of dlseas«' b* hciilim societies and the government of their Ucfeuct* is not i.n admonition tn bear found man sick, sinning, sorrowing proving In your experience that there members of the American front line ail manner of alckness. He over- i menih«*rs*. That ih«> Muniinl is the suffering patiently nor to endure it and dying, he remembered this early is nothing in life that is i apposed to ordinance of Cod. and re-enacted it army unaccounted for. who, carried on came the laws of lack anti want 'by I work of ln.vpli i iiitcsteil by stoically, hut Is, on the contrary, a' in those stirring words, calling the good or unlike good, If you see a providing foo«l In abundance for the! tlie fact that ,. ...oils have been scientific system by whim’ll disease 1 world to action on a new basis of man lame, do not fix lameness up- the rolls for months and months as thousands In th«* d«*s«*rt place. an«l by I broad enough to cover «»very ques­ and suffering are to Iw* overcome. It i on him. but know that man : in God’s missing in action, seem to have dis­ finding tux money In th«* fish's | tion that lias arisen in this rapidly shows any person who will earnestly power with a now promise, and then image and likeness is i never lame appeared from the battle field as If proceeded to demonstrate bv so-call ­ mouth. II«* overesme th«’ law of j growing ’world-wide organization. study and practice It that th«* evi­ and is never anything that is unlike by the wave of a magician's wand, gravity by walking upon th«* stormy Mrs Eddy ever looked to tlie Manual dence of th«* senses Is all tiler«* is ed miracles, step by step, man’s pow­ good. So with all the attributes of leaving neither the ripple of a rumor the er and ability to overcome ail wipe, the law of space and time by1 In making decisions, and sh<> said of to any suffering, and if this evidenc ■ God prove them practically in your behind them, the testimony of an eye. entering into the host in th«* midst | It. "Of this I mil sure, that each Rule be changed or overcome the disease power of the entemy. life and that will demonstrate the Mortal Mind of the s«*a and imimtdiately it was mid By-law In this .Manual will in­ and suffering disappear. unreality of evil. Then you will b«*- nor n footprint In all the paths of the which the enemy over What is world. nt the other sfd<* lie overcame the ore.is«» th«* spirituality of him who Have you ever observed how the Paul gin to see the real man of God’s "They are the Irreducible minimum law of «loath by restoring to life obeys It, invigorate his caimcity to plivsleal senses are so easily and Jesus says we have power? creation, and will learn to deny every death. those who had died, and lit tils own heal th«* sick, bo comfort such iis commonly mistaken and deceived? says "to be carnally minded is of the 50.000 lost, strayed or stolen manifestation of discord, of evil, of case reappear«*«! to Ills wondering | mourn, and to awaken th«» sinner.” There is not a day. nor perhnps an but to bo spiritually minded is life, unreality. Thus you will help the men that the A. E. F. carried on the and |H*ace. Iiecause the carnal mind disciples lifter three days in the! (.Miscellany, page 230.) Ixryal Chris­ hour, but what we are the victims Is enmity against God." The enemy world to its demonstration of "God's morning of Nov. 12. 1918, as missing tomb. of some fills«* testimony Y>f ♦ho sense«. tian Scientists havt* always been in action. To guard against Injustice Is. therefore, the carnal or fleshly kingdom on earth as in heaven.” Among th«* lust things lie said to grateful for tlie Manual and are ever Th«* schoolboy crosses th«» first two mind, or, as .Mrs. Eddy calls it In Christian Science is trying to teach to their relatives or friends, the war his di Hciples was, "He that bellovoth I attempting to follow obediently its fingers of Ills hand, closes his eyes, Science and Health, the "mortal man that tor every human need he department has ordered that from on me. the works that I do h I iii II lie provisions, thus meriting fifis trihut ■ and lias his crossed fingera rubbed mind” as oi»posed to the divine should look to God. to the spiritual henceforth they be carried as ‘pre­ do also, and greater works than from our Load«*r, "Among til«* man­ over u marble, and th«* sense of toueli Mind. and not to th«* material. There is sumed de. d’ instead of 'missing in ac­ th..... shall If do b«. ails«’ I go unto ifold soft chimes thal will fill the will indicate to him two or three nothing in all God's creation to fear Mortal mind, as understood and mv I'M!her.” Also in perhaps the haunted chambers of memory, this is marliles instead of one. Stand in the used In Christian Science, is not an i for God is all in all and one can not tion,' in order that their war risk In­ surance benefits may be paid. That In last convcr iitlon be had with the th«* sweetest, ’Thou hast been faith ■ar tracks and follow tilt* rails 'W i t h entity, but is rather th«» absence of fear God or good. beloved eleven dlsi Iples, in perhaps full'” (Miscellaneous Writings, the eVe and the sense of sight Wil) the reflection of the divine .Mind. It thought brief explains why the American army Why is man's first th«* lust hour of his hitman existence. page 343.) tell you that presently rails Is. in other words, a state of ignor­ Wherewithal shall I be clothed and as It stands demobilized today techni­ the h<* said. “These signs sit.ill follow Come together, but it Isn't true. Or. ance, and when it. is the only mind housed and fed?” il Jias man so soon cally has no ’missing In action.' ” < .«Ml them that believe. In my name Christian S. lence has revealed the sit in tlie railroad train that Is that n human 'being has or knows forgotten that Jesus said, "Seek ye they shall cml out devils: they shall correct < oncept of God. It has cour- standing, mid look out of the window anything about, it subjects him to first the kingdom of God and his Tried His Skis on Roof. «''oak with new tongues: the.) ageousli and reverently asked the at a moving train on an adjacent every 111 to which flesh Is heir, ".nd righteousness and all these other Curl Thompson, sixteen yearn old. shall lai hand* ( ■ Itlv«* promises from Jesus we to thinking men and thinking wom­ practically your only escape from , narlly called education, unless this talking about clothes and food. the roof of i low building In Warren. must believt* In the '''resent | «is-fbil- en. God Is Ixive. Life, Truth. Soul this delusion Is to look away from 'education he carried on with an un- Should it !ie thought a strange thing O. Now he is nursing a broken arm. 1t> of healing tip* dek, raisin’.', tlu Mind. Spirit.'Principle. Perhaps the the moving train and see things as derstanding of the truth a'bout God that God does give good things to dead, and |«*rformlng all of these term Principle us used for God has they really are. in exactly the same las i(> revealed in Christian Science For ” ’ the children of His love? Jesus told Courier classified ads bring re- wonderful wur|is. If we do belleie In more than any other aroused the op- wav when the human senses speak instance, _______ , the man who is the best us in effect, that much more than him: that Is. understand him and his "osition of the critics of Christian to ns of sickness, sorrow and sep-hvducated on the subject of so-r ailed our earthly father does the heavenly Hammermill Rond printers at the teaching, which I tin* correct Inter- I Science. They contend to speak of aration. we should look away from | symptoms of disease is soonest the Father knows how to give good gifts Courier office. S. W.GREEN’S LECTURE