Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, March 22, 1920, Image 1

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Dm In eouner
VOL. X„ No. 153
.MONDAY, MtlU’H 22, IM«».
Dcleiixe Inks That FkWll Re Given
Itidl vitliuil Trial in Portland
(OnspIriM V
• ‘Portland, ‘Mar 22 Neparatn Iríais MANGI INARY FIGHTING REPORT
1 for each of the 26 alleged Industrial
. Workers of the World arresimi here
¡last November I I th, Indicted under
I the criminal syndicalism act, were
¡ asked today by the defense counael.
I bulicai Aw idling iH’portMliou Pro­ I
ceedings Makes Get-away After
Being Held Three Month*«
Fortland. Mar 23— Frank Cusack, SENSATIONAL ADVANIFX IN GEN
an alien confined at the Good Samar­
itan hospital pending deportation
proceedings, escaped during the
night, It was announced today. Cu­
sack is said by the immigration au-
| thurifies to be a desperate radical.
Pro|M*riy <»Miicr Will Visit——
He was arrested on January 2 when
Prof. W. J. Roberts, who owns 40
■ the communist labor party head­
acres of land adjoining the city on
quarters were raided.
Three of
E;« una out on Hall ivvitltlng till* Hell- the east, and under the new Irriga­ «’rack Government
Itcgiineiit*. Are lilinirid Did Not Wish re Give Name those taken were 'onr'eted of crim­ After Gaining lUgiawt Point, Precip­
Dm««—-Trial AttrMta Much At­
as Statement Mad«- During Con-
tion project, will arrive In the city
Forced to Give Way Before Hpar-
inal syndicalism here last Saturday
itated Decline Takes Stock Doan
tention In Medford
«luring the week to look after his
tlcan Onslaught««
4ft points
property Interest a here.
Mr. Ro­
lairwaMer Spoke Here—
berts was formerly a resident of the
Samuel C. J Lancaster, state < hair­
Medford. Mar. 22. lairk Evans Rogue valley, having been the engi­
Washington. Mar. 22.—Rear Ad­ man of the Near East campaign, was
By the Associated Press.—'Berlin,
New York, Mar. 22.—One erf the
Mocuaed bf robbing W. G White <rf neer In charge of the construction of notwithstanding the return of the miral William S. Benson, at one time In the city yesterday visiting the var­ most - sensational movements
in the
He Is Ebert government to control, still ciiief of naval operations, was the ious Sunday schools,
Grunts Pass, September 13, lust, of the Medford water system.
He also spoke recent history of the stock market
»27, was found guilty by a jury In
presents virtually the aspect of an official who told Rear Admiral Sims at the Baptist church in the morn­ occurred in the early part of today’s
the circuit court Saturday evening. ma. Wash.
armed camp, with the food supply ’not to let the British pull the wool ing to a large audience and in the session. Oeneral Motors, which fea­
Evans »»» releiuu«d on li.otto ball
short. Sanguinary fighting oc< urred over your eyes; we would as soon evening al the Methodist church to tured in last week’s bullish opera­
furnished by Ms father. The date
ut intervals in the suburbs, There fight them as the Germans,” ‘Admi­ a full house. Mr. Lancaster also tions. added 29 points to its recent
for sentence was fixed for Tuesday.
is little change In the strike situa­ ral Sims testified today before the ‘ Kave short talks at the Oregon thea- advances at a new high record of
Th<* case attrai'ted much attention
senate oommittee investigating the ter where the picture "Auction of »409. This was followed within an
In this city and Section and wus one
navy conduct of the war. Sims said 9 o U i 8** („ being shown. He declared hour by a precipitated decline of 46
of the hardest fought legal contests
• Berlin. Mar
22. Conditions in the remark was made just after he that the picture was not an exagger- points.
In the history of Jackson county.
Germany are described by the min­ had received his final instructions ' ation of fhe conditions as they exist,
White fdvnt.lfled Evans as the man
ister of defense today as extremely
Rev. Austin in City—
who hired his auto, robbed him. and
Rev. J. C. Austin arrived this
Plxwnlx, Aril.. Mur. 22. How a serious. “You cannot paint the sit­ to the departure for England on the i
then bound and gagged him. hand
physfrally i»oyerful Meaicsn convict uation throughout Germany too eve of the entry of the I’nlted nniipQ 011001 ITO TO
morning from Portland In the inter-
and foot, lying In a prospect hole
States into the war He added, how
OUll LltU U
saved the life of the foreman he dis­ black.” one ministry official said.
est of the budget being raised for
near Jacksonville. A note written by
ever, that it was made during a «on-,
1 L,uw iv
the Baptist church. This noon he
liked ut the risk of til» own life Is
the defendant to a woman. In which
Htuttgart. Mar. 22
Trooi* from versa tion. Sim» was reluctant
was the guest at a luncheon at the
a story P. Il ».Milnes, private secre­
he admitted his guilt, mil urged her
j Baptist church. Here he outlined
tary to Governor Campbell, ^las Silesia were officially reported I io give the name of the officer.
to answer no questions also was a
! the plans of the denomination to
brought here on his return from a have arrived tn the Ruhr district. Chairman Hale insisted that it
strong link
The note was torn to
raise Oregon’s quota of »1,045,000
1 trip to the state iwnitentiary
at lighting with the apartaban army given.
fine bits but pieced together.
there Is <«x|M»cted tomorrow.
toward the »100,000,000 budget of
' Florence, Artz
The trial wan Interesting to the
The convict. Pule Salina*, serving
FEDERAI PROHIBITION AGENTS fight against the drug habit, waged the Northern Baptists. Seven hun­
largo crowd trf spectators Friday and
Berlin, Mar. 21. Sunday—The min-
u term for burglarly. hud u grudge
SEIZE BIG Hll’I’LY OF BOOZE (>y supplying addict« with the nar- dred thousand dollars of the quota
K«t,urday, though the evidence
ugalnst his foreman of the road con­ In later of defense informed a corre­
cotics they crave, has brought about will be used on McMinnville college
very conflicting. Witnesses for the
struction gang. "Shorty” McDonald, spondent this morning that condl-
results, according to Dr. for new buildings and as an endow­
■tale identified th«* young man «H
11 'he lluhr dMlrict 4pr<* be biles loaded with liquor were seized .John Nevlus, who directs a daily dte- ment fund. Another »400.000 will
because of (be discipline whlyh the
the kidnapper and rohbert bnt Hw
He said three West­ bv federal prohlbitfbn agents at the trlbution here to the victims, at a be used in Oregon In the building
foreman had to ImtgMw*. according to coming worse
main wltnmaws for the defense estab­
Secretary Milnes. On the other band phalia towns have been taken by dock at Meadowdale. Wash., this “municipal drug clinic.”
of parsonages and the rebuilding of
lished a strong alibi for Evans
I Salinas was considered troublesome. communists and that the movement morning. Severt men. including a
The drug is sold to the > addicts at churches, and also to increase the
W O Whit.- Chief Of I’ ii I iic Me­
Two Seattle i>olice sergeant were arrested, a trifling cost to them. After this salaries of the ministers. At the
I powerful enough to
a sour« «* of Is spreading north and east.
laine. Andrew Shade. ‘Harry Cnugle
danger, and spoiling under restraint. pitched battles had occurred, his in­
! became known to them, men and meeting today the members present
and a Mr llai-her. all of (.rants Pana,
Two crack regi­
Ills act of herolam ante one day formation showed
women stood in line t waiting a accepted the quota and laid plans for
positively IdentIfled Evaus as the
just after a
premature explosion ments of the Ebert government be­
e to Ret a da,lv ' »hot ’’ They reaching the amount desired.
man who, accompanied by a woman,
knocked For«*man McDonald uncon- ing forced to fall back on the fort­
______ '
were told the city was helping them
employed White at Grants Pass about
• ‘ r*v
n » no
rt n
out of the ress of Wesel. 22 miles northwest of
Washington. Mar. 22.—Victor G.!and in re,urn on,v
that they .More lailMirerx Arrive—
5 p. m , September 13.
I drive them i ,
>* ■ to
...... ........ [danger zone, runh<»d In and. before Essen, after heavy losses on both Cozad was renominated today to be ,
Eight more teamsters for employ­
out in his auto a short dixtam e from I
nil the rock ha«l stopped falling, sides.
ment upon the construction crew
registerer at the land office at Burns,
teat i My, and then when outside the j
threw his own body on top of that
was a question asked each i>erson ap- now building the canals for the
(Continued on page 1.)
city placed a revolver nt
I of the foreman.
» «
! plying. If the answer Was "no” the : Grants Pass Irrigation district ar­
bai k and comt>elled him to drl
A rock fell on Salinas' head anti
desired amount was given. But the rived from the south this rooming
a roiindalmut wav to a lonely
' dazed him. the secretary said, but.
at the clinic declare there and are now employed upon the
near Jacksonville, where they rc
realizing another blast was due to ex-
has been a number of reductions that I work,
him. bound him and left him a
1 l>lod<* Immediately, tho convict strug­
brought in X9 head of mules for the
ently helpless on the ground,
gled tn his »feet, picked up th«* still
“Its early to make predictions.” job. with teamsters and Fresno scra-
drove away in his car
latter V
unconscious foreman and dragged
Dr. Nevius. “But they seem to , P*r nien for most of them, expecting
worked loose from his bonds
him out of danger
to try and that’s the biggest to SM enough more teamsters and
made his way to Jacksonville
other laborers here to meek their
thing of all.”
gave the alarm.
' needs.
They were unable to find
Evans’ arrest followed some time
The news print situation, ho far as the city, during the year 1919 lacks
men here, however, who could go
later at Klamath Falls where he and 1
It affects the publishers of small nearly »50 of amounting to only the
■ upon the work and several teams of
his wife had l<> -aled and where he
daily and weekly newspapers is be­ increased cost of a year’s supply of
¡the mules were idle till more drivers
was employed In a garage
coming more alarming,
The price paper for the Courier.
I could be brought here from the Sac­
On the other hand the witnewHes
has been steadily advancing, the
ramento valley, the new men being
This condition does not confront
experienced in the construction of
(Con tin net! on Paje 2)
the metropolitan newspai>ers as they '
signing of the armistice. Tile avail­ are still securing paper on long
irrigation canals.
Vancouver. B. <C.. Mar. 22.- About able supply is also limited. To say time contracts at
prices ranging
300 Canadian war
who that the price has increased nearly around 4 cents. The shortage of pa­
Philadelphia. Mar. 22.—There has
founded and |x»pulate«l a community 400 per cent or that the cost has per is principally caused by enor­ been no t»ign of a let-up in the Amer­
farming settlement at iMerville have been rising from 3 cents per i»ound to mous increase in advertising carried ican shipbuilding industry since the
cleared enough land to lay out ten 11 cents means very little to the In metropolitan dailies and the pub- j government lifted Its ban forbidding
The last advance Ishlng of magazine sections.
farms of 40 acres each, and soon will average render.
The shipbuilders from accepting orders
| draw lots for the farms so that the causisi the Courier publisher to publishers who exceed their contracts from private concerns, i, says E. H.
¡owners van atari the spring plant- spend amile time in figuring which are forced to buy on the open mar-! RigK. naval architect of the plant
Washington, Mar. 22. «Seeing In I Ing.
discloses some startling facts:
ket and this buying is reuiionsible for of (he New York Shipbuilding cor­
Increased production a means of re­ i
When the veterans returned from
Before the war the print mi per the present exhorbitant prices.
Olympia. Wash., Mar. 22.—By a
storing normal ‘business anti price , England they Induced the British price was 3 cents |>er pound and a
unanimous vote the lower house of
The item of salaries shows an in- [
conditions, Iho chamber of commerce ¡Columbia provincial government to year’s supply «for the Daily and
tons have been ordered since the the AVashington legislature at special
trf the I’nlted States. It was announc­ I buy for them 14,000 acres <rf wild Weekly Courier amounting to about crease of 50 per cent over 1917, andj
ban has been
lifted,” session here today ratified the fed­
ed. will make its eighth annual meet­ I land on the hills overlooking the 24,000 pounds, cost »750. A ship­ this increase amounts to more than •
oth­ eral constitutional amendment for
ing. to be held In Atlantic ■City April Courtenay valley, a fertile section of ment of 5,000 pounds, which was re­ the increase in ipa»per. The Increased !
The legislature is
En- woman suffrage.
cost of the two items of print pai>er |
27 to 29, an Increased production V’ancouver Island.
Douglas pine ceiver last week, cost »425, as
also considering the furnishing of
and salaries at the present
scale |
trees were thick on the land and against »150 before the war. The
¡will be IS months or two years be­ money for the state's depleted school
Every topic will
be considered ¡since tho men went on ft they have next shipment ordered a month ago amounts to nearly »350 per month.
fore the world's merchant tonnage Is fund.
from that viewpoint. Tho relation been busy clearing away the big tim-
Hundreds of newspapers through-1
will cost 9*\ <*ents tier pound. but
l>ack to normal.”
of government to production will be ber and underbrush.
For this the the present price is 11 cents, The out the country have been discon­
Discussing advantages which Am­ * Dover. Del.. Mar. 22.- The gener­
tinued and the suspensions are in-1
first taken up and under that head­ government paid them a daily wage
cost of one year’s supply for the
erican merchant marine shi|>s enjoy al assembly of Delaware convened In
ing will be considered anti-trust leg­ of »4 and supplied them with dyna­
Courier at the present price would creasing alarmingly. Statistics show over the British. Mr. ‘Rigg pointed special session at noon today to
islation and taxation. Business of mite and tools.
that during 1918 the average of sue-[
be »2640, or an increase of r »1920,
<>«4 that 80 [>er cent of the \merican consider the ratification of the equal
every kind Is declared to bo keenly
TI iìm lu-! Il,>n»ion» W1<» slightly more than 100 | ! ships are oil burners, while only suffrage amendment.
Only one In four of the men who over the ‘pre-wur price.
Interested In taxation, especially ex­ iiroll<*d In the h homo has quit
\ crease in thè cost of a year’s supply iv months. ‘At that time the high five per cent of the British ships can
cess profits taxes.
community store has been estnhlish- at. the present prl.’e equals more than 1 mark in costs had not even been pre- use oil for fuel. This, he said, gives TA4XWIA FIKE DESTROYS
Another phase of the problem to ‘*<1 oti th«* land and the veterans de­
the total amount of advertising piac­ dieted.
the American marine an advantage
be discussed will bo the part of the clare thev will continue their venture
The cost of i>aper
eli ùn the Dally Courier during the
in tho cost of crews, duo to the elim­
government, tin* farmer and tho bus­ “ntil nil have obtained farms.
Tacoma, Wash., Mar. 22.—Fire of
entire year of 1919 by this city’s and all other supplies has made ad­ ination of many stokers.
iness man in lncr< islng farm pro­
Incendiary origin, according to Chief
three banks, two furniture stores, vances of from 200 per cent to 400
duction. So re tar,v of Agriculture
of Police Carlson, destroyed
drug per cent, in many instances the cost Give Farewell Picnic—
four hardware stores, four
Merer! th wi'l speak for the govern-
I’ M. Gruver returned Inst night stores, all the phys’eians and dent­ of the paper now being more than
A farewell indoor picnic was giv­ grand stand at the Tacoma speed­
meni. Tho relation of labor to pro­ from ‘March Field where ho has been
ists, all the grocery stores, all the the former price of the completed en yesterday for Mr. and Mrs. H. T. way today, causing an estimated loss
duction will the approached
from i iking a course In training In order dry goods and
Hull who leave soon. The affair was of »50,000.
h I io «* *t:>ree. all the order.
both i dos. the’s viewpoint to cooperate with tho aerial forest
business houses ■ Hing men’s cloth-
Strict F onotnies have to be prac­ to have been given outside but the
to be presented by a representative ¡••itrol thjs summer, lie has taken
Ing, tho music store. the two meat ticed in the conserving of the paper weather forced It to be given inside. SENATF! CONFIRMS COLBY' AS
of t.h<> Xmorlcan Federation of Igi- "» some radio work and other lines
markets and all I the real estate men. supply and n malarial advance in the Those present besides Mr. and Mrs.
bor and flu* employers’ by a business necessary in the patrol «(‘rvlco. TTe
The comtblhed i advertising in the price of advertising Is necessary in Hull, were the George Eaton. W. S.
Washington, Mar 22.- The nomi­
man. There will bo group meetings ‘"ay do some observing work also.
Daily Courier of the a* 3 1 merchants order that the Fourier and other Maxwell and H. H. «Allyn families nation of Rrafnbridge Colby to be
for « a. It of si verni great, divisions of Mr. Gruver will leave tomorrow for
and professional men. which list in­ newspapers may continue publica­ and Mrs. W. B. Shapland and Misses secretary of state was confirmed by
Smith 'River, whore he lives.
Jessie Mastin and Fannie Abiams. the senate late today.
cludes the heaviest advertisers in tion.