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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1920)
PAGE EIGHT GRANA'S l\UM DtllA <<»11111 It avrillliw, FKHHI ARY UM. IMO. his present practice will inflict In t supply over .2,000 country papers calculable damage upon the country One section omitte<l from these would hardly be uiiesed. It I press. papers create no* hardship w hatever. I would The failure of 2,000 country i>apers Ilapti»! Church There Will Be all the u»ual ser to make their appearame on press Bible da would create a furore. vice« at the regular hours school at 10, classes for all ages. The big daily new»|»a|»ers would Morning service at 11; anthem. "My h.i\e the people believe that the Sermon Pilot Will Bring Me." n, shortage of newsprint is due to* un ‘■Christ’s Estimate of Himself." it. Mier production As a matter of ac- Y. P. U. at 6:30. missionary topic, , tual fact, it is due in great part to Missoula, Mont., Feb. 3«. That Evening service the hoggishness of the Sunday <Ul- Ix>te Cline, leader Montana trappers, given permission at 7:30; anthem. "Night Is in the lies. but to work In the forests Just across Silent Skiee;" sermon, "Healing, Congress may not realise it, the of the Idaho liue. are violating and Soul. ” Thre will be a Body the thousands and thousands game laws. 1« the charge of two of-i brief «ailed buslae«« seeaion at the country editors have their eyes glued fivers who returned recently from a of the morning servie« r.h>se on Washington. They are waiting long chase on snowshoes, after sus C. M. Cline, preacher. to see what Washington is golpg to pect«. do about it. They followed one trapper several tliurch of (liri-l t'ongtvsa can aid the situation very days and came upon a oanvp about The "Win One" campaign begins : materially by placing a reasonable which, they declare, chunk» of moose tomorrow This is the greatest un limit on the sise of Sunday papers, meat lay. No trace of the occupants dertaking in which this <ongregatlon »arving according to population was found, however. has ever engaged Attend all ser This will not infringe ui»n the J. JI. Olark. deputy supervisor of vices tomorrow and hear about it. legitimate rights Of daily papers. It tho Bitter Root national forvwt. shul Be on time for Bible school at 10. will protect the rights ot the country ■ Andrew HJort. a deputy game war- Communion at 11. Sermon subject. press. l den from Idaho, were the officers on “‘What the Scriptures Say About Already many country papers have the alleged poachers’ trail. They Soul-Winning.” C. K. at 6:3u p m. suspended publication because they have not given up hope of landing! Evening worship. 7:30. Subject, ¡could not so-ure the paper necessary pome of the game killers. ".What the Scriptures Say About Re to print their editions. In the face pen tence" Mrs. Drake will sing at ! of such conditions, to permit the Quarts blanks at Courier office this service. “Make our home church dally newt print I m c to cont'nne your church home.” Ohas. R. Drake, minister I | Jit the Churches Salvation Army Services will be held in the hall -»> Saturday evening at 8 p. m.. pre- -eded by oi>en air Regular service oi Sunday, with Sunday school at 2 p. m.. and Y. P. at 6: JO, open air 7:15 and inside at 8 p. in. The pub lic is invited to all services You come. Envoy and Airs. A. A. Gray, in charge ■ ■ ( I Snappy Clothes for Spring I Bethany Presbyterian (Aiurch Sunday school 10 a. m. Morning worship, 11 o'clock. “In the Realm of Substitutes.” Young People's meeting C;45 p. iu . Subject. “The Results Our Words and Deeds ” Evening worship 7:30, "Is Hon esty at a Premium?" 0 F in some way we could induce you to step in and try on some of our New Sprang Suits, we re sure it would result in mutual benefit. We have just received a new shipment of Spring Suits and it will be well worth your time to. look them over. These suits are in fine qual ity worsteds, serges, tweeds and cash meres; guaranteed all pure wool—-guar anteed to satisfy you. I Neuman M. E. Iliurch That we may not feel any bad ef fects from the enforced vacation we hate exi>erienced because of the flu, and in order that the work of the church may go forward with en thusiasm. every member and friend is ureed to attend the Sunday ser vices. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Epworth Leagues at 6:30. At 11 a. m. the pastor. Rev. Jos Knotts will preach on the theme, "Food That Christians May Not Eat" and in the evening at 7:30 he will preach on the theme, "The Sin of Magnifying Self.” First Church of C hrist Scientist Christian Science services are held every Sunday in the W. O. W. hall, at 11 a. m. Wednesday evening meeting at 8 o’clock. The subject Sunday is, "Christ Jesus ” Reading room is open from 2 to 4 p. m. daily except Sundays and holiday», The public is cordially in vited to attend the services and to visit the reading room Prices $35.00, $45.00 and up to $65.00 These suits are all such as: When you read the mammoth Sun day edition of some large cit.v daily paper, do you ever pause to think that the size of that edition is one of the leading factors in the shortage of news print paper? It is quite ho . The publishers of many ot these big city dailies «re greedy hogs. They know that it is extremely difficult for the country press to se cure sufficient print paper with which to put out th<-ir limited week ly editions. .They know that if the country publisher cannot secure the necessary paper stock he must go to the wall. Yet Sunday after Sunday they can- tinue to issue editions so large that ft becomes a physical imposslbllitv to read them. Section after section - Is placed in the Sunday papers that contains nothing of a news element, and but little of any practical value whatever. Usually it is composed largely of sickening slush which a schoolboy would be ashamed to father Tt is a useless waste of material which is already difficult to obtain. It reminds one of the hogs that root the bucket over In their greedy effort to get all of the slop Some of the city dailies have Sun- day circulation as high as 400.000 One useless eight-page section omit ted from such an edition would nish the news print necessary a week’s supply for at least country newspapers. One such tlon omitted from the New York Ohioa-go dailies Sunday alone would standard makes Hart, Schaffner & Marx Collegian Clothes Clothcraft Clothes * We have thoroughly tested all the Standard Makes of Men’s Clothes and found these to be three of the most dependable manufacturers; therefore, why take the jisk of buying a suit of some unknown make when you can secure any’ of these guaranteed lines at very reasonable prices. New Spring Shoes Also Just Arrived Peerless Clothing Co “Cash Clothiers” “If men wear it, we have it” See Our Window Display Hawei and Conqueror Hats