GRAVI* I’AMM GAILY COI RII 14 K VI I III) 4 Y, I EBRI,AHA 2M, II JO. ----------- f Political Cards The Paid advertisements Handicraft Shop of Medford Will dieplay needlework al the Hat Shop, acroaa from poatofflce •very Wednesday, from 10 to 13 and from 1 to 4. Order« taken tor future delivery on <hlldreu'« lingerie, hate, dreeaea, camisole*, yarn flower*, «lamped linens and art inaterlala, gingham dreasee. WE 11.SO TAKE ORDERS EOK IIEMHTITCHING AND l*l< OTING Primary Election .May 21, IO2O ItepiibHeaii Candidate for ' Nominee for COUNTY JUDGE Heat Deflsctcd From Lantern Tep Around Palls, Keeping Tempera Joarphlne County ture Above Freezing F. L. COON To make a noli freezable drinking fountain for the hen house the fol lowing material will be tie deil: tin» wmp or tracker box; a lantern; two galvanized Iron pwll«. shout two-qunrt cnpticliy; and enough heavy a »bestus paper to line tiqy with a double thick- He».« to keep in the lieut generated by tlie hintern arid for tire prevention. The box must be large enough to hold the hintern and two pall«. Two hole» are cut In the top of box. one at ea< li end, allow ing the palls to »Ink Into tlie box with only about 3 Indie* protruding; Inside the box. between the pulls, the lantern should ho placed. The heat will be deflected by the Inn tern lop and the t«>x around the water lulls, thuH keeping the water a feu degrees above freezing even In cold est weather. The Imx Is placed on a platform. This, In addition to being a support for perches on which the fowls stand while drinking. Is also the bottom of Republican Candidate for ' Nominee for Classified Advertising FOR HALE STRAYED CATTLE FOR HALE Carload Her STRAYED Black Holstlen cow, ford or Durham, either sex, regis white under body, both ears split, tered from .Missouri. Will single left ear under cut, dehomed, If < uii get enough orders. Ad white spot on tall. Owner call for dress George W. King, Montague, property at the loitbrop ranch. 09 Cel. »H I’Ot I.TRA - ' Edit HALE 8 acre« tyi mile from Grants Paua on Pacific highway, WHITE LEGHORN hatching eggs from heavy winter layers, 11.50 cleared, <> room house, barn, gar per 15, |7 a hundred Baby chicks age. Telephono and electric lights all sold. K. Hammerbacher. phone available, »1200. Mrs( Agni*« M. 6O6-F-23, IL F. I). No 2. 28 Morris, ltd. 1. Ilox fi|. 12 FOR HALE The exrellcnl bay hone HAVE tA FEW fine White lx<ghorn "Buster/’ formerly owned by W I cockerels left, »3 ea h for quick N. Curl, 8 yean old, 1400 lbs.,! sale. K. Hammerbacher. phone »150. (). II. Steward, Murphy.! 60f> F-23. It. F. D No. 2. 0« Ore. 091 FOR SALE Thoroughbred Ply FLUME LUMBER cut to order. Bor-1 mouth Rock cockerels. »3 50. land Thoma« Lumbar Co. 9()5tf| phone 306. 08 LATH for sale Borland Thomas BABY CHICKS Will have a limited Lvnbur <’■> tr, amount of Barred Rock baby chicks for sale every three weeks, FOR SALE- The An ona man has Just arrived with the Sbepperd’s ( beginning about Mar h 21. Price 20c each; »18 per 100. My breed famous Ancona strain of prize ing pens are headed by males from winner« al the Madison Square heus having a laying record ex Garden for 12 year» with a record ceeding 27« eggs L. E Wilson, of 250 for the penn, and 33.1 for Merlin, Oregon. 08 on« lien I have settings nt »2 per IS egg*, or »12 for 100. Re A FEW BETTINGS of White Ply cord winter layers. Jas. Eads, mouth Ro<k eggs from the best 300 Went I street. 101 Oregon flocks of this breed. Con FOR SALE -Five room bouae at 816 be purchased of Mrs. J. B. Pad N. "th Ht. Sleeping porch, well, dock, 668 North Second street. barn, large lot. House at 832 N. Grants Pass, Ore. »09 "th Ht . large lot, born, etc. Price UIHT of each, »1200. Inquire Mr«. W. I H. Qualf, Rd. 4. 11 | IXVST Between Granta Pass an>! Holland, February 23, rod paint FOR HALE Edison home and 24 ed red, altout 5 feet long from records. Old North of Washing diac harrow. Finder please noti ton Blvd. 11 fy Rogue River Hardware Co. 10 FOR HALE Good team of work REAL ESTATE mares, will work «Ingle or double, wagon and harness. Call Mr. He- T. MCKINSTRY—603 G street, vel, 1310 M street. 08 phone 13-R. General real estate business The beet of all kinds of FOI4 RENT soils for fruit, hay or general FI RNIHHEG iloi'HE for root to farming. 21tf party without children. Inquire • 802 M street. I’tMer Gravlln. 10 TAXI FOR RENT Light housekeeping SOONER TAXI-Phone 262-R for roms. Inquire 823 J street. 10 Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an swered anywhere, anytime. 86tf FOR RENT One furnished and two unfurnl«hed bedrooms at <oruer of PALACE TAXI Phons 22-J. Geo. F'ifth and \ streets. Phono 224. 07 A. Hyde & Henry L. Sargeant. 25tf WANTED TAXI at Owl Billiard Parlors. 17.’ J. or 243-L for night calls. Day and WANTED stock cattle, milk cows, night service. 56tf bulla, yearling steers, 2-year-old steers. State price and number. DENTISTS Address George W. King. Monta E. C. MACY. D. M D . First-class gue, Cal. 914 dentistry. 103% South Sixth WANTED—A Job in a butcher shop street. Grants Pssa. Oregon. in some small pay-roll town, with | VETERINARY' HI 'RGEON a view of purchasing the «am«. Ad dress E. II Saxe. P. O. Box 223, DR R. J. BESTUL.Veterlnarian Nez Perce, Ida. »15 Residence 838 Wsshlngton boule vard, phone 398-R. WANTED TO BUY Modern city residence or acreage, with or with PHYSICIANS out furniture from owner. Must L. O. CLEMENT, M. D., Practice be reasonable. Give full particu limited to diseases of the eye. ear, lars In first letter. Address P. (). nose and throat. Glasses fitted. Box 116, Grants Pass, Ore. 04 Office hours 9-12, 2-5, or on ap WANTED- C-ook for small camp pointment. Phones, office 62: resi convenient to town. Wages »50 dence 359-J. per month. Address Austin Wil son, Murphy, Oregon. 07 S. LOUGHRIDGE. M. D. Physician and surgeon City or country calls WANTED AT ONCE Experienced attended day or night. Phones, dry goods saleslady. Apply In residence, 369; office, 182. Sixth own handwriting. -Address 392 and II streets. care of Courier. 03tf WANTED Poultry. Pnt hens, 2~7 DR. W. T. TOMPKIN8, S. T.— Rooms 1 and 2 Schmidt Bldg. cent« per pound; young roosters, Treats all disease« Hours 9-12 23 cents per pound. Temple Mar a. m.; 1-5 p. m. Phone 304-R. ket. 071 COOK W WIT.D lb men \pply E. .1 IHLLICK. M I). I’lHHh Ian by writing Granta Pass Lumber and «iirgeon; office Schallhorn io. 07 block. phone 54-J; residence, . ■ -II -_____ I 1004 laiwnrldge, phone 54-L, \\ VNTLD -Mangels, turnips or car Grants Paas. rots Sir poultry feed. Illahee, Poultry Plant. Phone 3 23-1., Otitf DR. RALPH W. STEARNS physiolan and surgeon, offices formerly oc ( IVII, ENGINEER cupied by Dr. Stricker, Masonic DANIEL .McFARLAND — Civil en Temple. Phone, office 21-J, resi gineer anti surveyor Registered dence. 21-L. Hours: 10-12, 2-4. professional engineer. Res. 7 40 North Tenth street, phone 211-Y. W. F. RUTHERFORD Manual the raputics. it gets your allmiyt DRESSMAKING Office over Barnes1 jewelry store ACCORDION PLAITING, dressmak Office hours 9:30-12; 1:30-4. ing, and ladles tailoring, hem DRAVAGE AND TRANSFER stitching, dyeing and alterations ‘ HE WORI.D MOVES, so do we promptly done. All work solentlf- Bunch Bros, rrsnsfer Co Phen» Ically done both In style and 397-R workmanship. Spring suits a spe cialty, estimates cheerfully given, F. 0. ISHAM, drayage and transfer prices reasonable. Mrs. W. H Safes, pianos and furniture Swoape, 30 Olive Street, phone moved, packed, shipped and «tored OfT’rn n’’nn/» V. 27..?. ’ 1' FASHION GARAGE & MACHINE SHOPS ARTHUR 8 COUTANT COUNTY CLERK Preaent Deputy County Clerk D. 0. HAYES Republican Candidate for Nominee for ASSE3S0R Prcwenl Deputy Asaeaaor ECLUS POLLOCK Republican Candidate for Nominee for COUNTY JUDGE sF.HVK E AND SAfTISFACTION DI R MOTTO Me ,«ITy a full line of Tire» and 4c<e«»orie» at the beat price» on the market- Now Is the time to make your spring repair». We make a apectalty of all kinds of Lathe and Vla< htne work and general repair». Also all kind» of cast steel •nd aluminum welding. Bring in your mes-lianlial Trouble*». Wo help you. C, F. BURKE andE. KNOX, Prop». Little People Do. Anita's mother had left her with her taint for the flr«t time For a w hite It wns not difficult to keep her mind oc- tiipled. bur *h<- liiuilly grew resiles- .a,J wild; "Auntie, when people feet real bad, do they cry the same way they do when they're lust awful madf The Deflected Heat From the Lantern Keeps Fountain From Freezing. MISCELLANEOUS I. GALBRAITH inaurance. any kind. Rentals. Building and lx>an. Piste Glass liability. 609% G street. Phone 28. 84tf1 BURNS The Street. Sign man 515 E; 110! the heat box upon which the hintern re«ts When filling or cleaning the lantem, the |Mix and ph II s are lifted from Ila- plntfonn, anil when filling tlie pails, they are simply removed from the holes.—Popular Science Monthly. ORIGIN OF MUSCOVY DUCKS Breed Comes From South America and Is Very Active—They Are WE DO HEMSTITCHING, 10 per U-eful fcr Crossing. yd., silk or cotton, thread furnish-1 ed Mail orders «olicited. Singer i 5 he M im uv ) breed of dileka or'gf Sewing Machine Co., 115 W Maia | lulled III South' Amerien. It is reiy St , Medford. Ore ««tf acthe. The drake weigh» from II to .VE 8ELL AND RENT new- Singer 12 iHiiind»: the fei.i.-de only six to «ev en |M>und». The |H-ri<.ii i>f*liii-uluitlon Sewinx Machines. Grants Pass is from 34 to tL'i day«. 'I lie standard Hardware Co 8®tt idiiiit* two varieties— w bite utid i-oi They ate u-<«l for WE Wild. PAY »14 per thousand' oreil .Mu«invy. for No. I pine logs and »13 for | <*ri>"lng to some extent, and. unlike No. I fir log« delivered to our mil). most dneks. are rather quitiTelsoiiit Borland-Thomas Lumber Co., sue-, with one nnotlier, mid the drake« with other |Hinltry. They Hre curi-d for eoosor to Edgerton A Adams. 96tf Just us other duck». The ducklings lire fed largely vn ground fo<«l with ATTORNEYS plenty of green stuff, which may l>e H. D. NORTON, Attorney-at-law put ill tile mush. Water should l>e Practices in all Stste and Federal before all dneks con«tnntly In sm-h a Courts. First National Bank Bldg. form that they cannot get Into It ■Mow« • -..... —- ■’ - | with their feet. Sand or coarse gra- G. W. COLVIG, Attorney-at-law. el should lie put in the feed on< e a day. All ducks must have a dry place Granta Pass Banking Co. Bldg to sleep. Granta Pass. Oregon E. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Prac tices In all court« First National Bank Bldg The merchant who drape« his store in darkness during the even ing hours is truly hiding his light beneath a bushel. Light Your Windows With Electricity I^t people >ee your goods!—Admire them!—Wish for them!— BUY THEM. Don't think your window display must "go to sleep with the thickens!” Even after your store is closed, make Electricity work for yon. advertising the merchandise in your window. Your electrical contractor will estimate the coet of installing mo dern window fixtures. You will be surprised at their e onomy of operation. California-Oregon PowerCo. FALL DIK-J—«23 G STREET—(.RANTS I’.VSS, OREXiDN STUDY OF MARKET DEMANDS Mixed Flocks Will Not Produce Uni form Eggs or Meat. Most Desir able for Consumer. O. S. BLANCHARD. Attorney at-law. Golden Rule Bldg Phone 270 Grant« Pass. Oregon Every poultry raiser should make a C. A SIDI.ER. Attoruey-at-law Ma study <>f the market demands. A uni sonic Temple, Grants Pass. Ore. form color of eggs and flesh In poultry Is desirable. A mixed flock will not MQ II DURHAM, Attornev-at-law. priHluce uniform eggs or meat, mid referee in bankruptcy. Masonic egg» from such a flock are not desir Temple. Grants Pass. Oregon. able for hutching. Phone 135-J. JAMES T. CHINNOCK. Lawyer, First National Bank Bldg.. Grants Paas. Oregon ESSENTIALS FOR HEN HOUSE The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company House Hie flock comfortably; keep houses dry mid well ventilate I. allow Ing plenty of fresh air mid sunshine. Remodel the old house—stop crack- mid eliminate drafts. Give hens a good straw litter to scratch In during the winter months Make Us Prove It! Would you have those tires repaired if you knew that repair uould last as long as any part of the tire? That is our guarantee absolutely We arc prepared to handle anything in the way of retreading Bagley’s Square Deal Vulcanizing Works 211 NORTH SIXTH STREET, GRANTS PASS, OREGON Keep Flock Comfortable by Furnishing Good Ventilation, Fresh Air and Sunshine. TIME CARD Effective Nov. 24, 1919. Trains will run Mondays, Wednes- days and Fridays. Leave Grants Pa«« ...... .. 1 P.M Arrive Water« Creek .... ..2 PM. o 30 P.M. Leave Waters Creek Arrive Grants Pas« ....... ...4 P.M. For information regarding freight and passenger rates call at the office of the'company, T.tindburg building, or telephone 131. "Don't Put Your Store to Sleep at 7 o’clock” Merely Thinking. "Yes,” said Mr. Brown, "my wife mid I are thinking of chartering a yacht fur the year.'' “But won’t that be pretty expen I sive?" asked Mr. Hughes. "Not so lung ns we confine ourselves tc, thinking about It,” replied Mr. Brown. The Famous MacK TrucK Has arrived and is on our floor for your inspection. We invite you to come and see a REAL TRUCK AGENTS I l»lfl ROADSTER FINK 8H.APK ......... $3»O 1 11)17 FORD GOOD AS NEW ..................................... »:««> 1 11)04 FORD WITH SHOCKS ................. «flOO IIIIÎ BUG GOOD AS NEW 8 LAO I 0)1 I FN)RD GOOD SHADE ................. I 0)13 IIU1CK OAR ..................................................... «.'12B «300 1 Several other cars nt bargain prices. C. L. Hobart Company .A. 4. POWERS. Salesman . ■ ■ ' - • * FOR \W/ HUDSON MAXWELL Y/ CHALMERS AND ESSEX CARS COLLINS AUIO COMPANY accessories ano repairing PHONE 317 5// H STREET, GRANTS PASS, ORE ESSEX MOTORS