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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1920)
1M«.E SIX NATI ICDAY, FKIIMI »HY «N, I IHM GRANTS l*.UM DAILY’t.X»l KlI I« TO "CONQUER ANO DESTROY STATE," 0. S. COMMUNISTS CALL FOR LABOR REVOLT Melbourne. lAiistralia, Feb. 28.— if. airplane will be of little service ta attempting to roach the South Vole, in the opinion of Dr. Griffith Tkylor. of the Austrian Meteorologi cal bureau, who was formerly an Antartic explorer. Dr. Taylor said ha believed that the expedition to the South Pole to be conducted next ■ummer by Dr. J. 1.- Cope would find ■it difficult to reach the South Pole vy Che air route He said; “Hurricanes blow for weeks in the Antartic and can spring up in half an hour from nothing to 60 miles an hour. I do not think It pos oble that an airplane can rise above c blizzard. It can not stay up in definitely and it can not descend." Dr. Taylor is skeptical as to the mineral wealth of the Antartic. for «faích Dr. Cope's expedition is spe cially to explore, Speaking from his íwn experience, he does not think tierv is anything of economic value jo the coast of the Antartic conti- rent, and, although coal is to be Stand inland, the extent of the de- msits. he says, is uncertain and it is improbable on account of its re moteness that it can be mined wtth- bi the next 50 years. I New York, Feb. 28.—Extension of library service broadly among indus trial workers and manufacturing slants of all sorts as a contrioutory Bictor in allaying social and indus trial unrest throughout the United States will be en ouraged by the American library association, it was announced today. Introduction of books dealing nth social and industrial problems anions workers is expected to broad- *n the outlook in the industrial world and have large bearing on the attitude of labor toward existing conditions. The organization also proposes es- vblishment of service in rural com munities. on -board ships, in light louses, coast-guard stations and for soldiers, sailors and marines. Anoth er plan is to introduce standard type •h the Braille system for the blind. , Placer location notices at Courier afffce TACOMA GUN STORE, INC. Tacoma. Wash. £-•»«■» Stock of Hunt»-« and Trapper« S-inpiiea in the Northwest— Especial attention to mail orders. SEND ONE < ENT STA MP WK CATALOGn:' I \Y Revolutionary Pamphlet, Found in U. S. Department Justice Investigations, Gives Message of of Com munists in Chicago to Russian Headquarter*. Extracts from "Manifesto and Program—Constitution— Report to tha Communist International" by tbs Communist Party of America. Chicago, III Plttwburg, IFeb. US. Twin tuuncls. -each 3,700 feet tong, tor the use o( vehicles and pedestrians, are being bored through the range of hills bordering the southern side of the Monongahela River valley here, In order that the thousands of persona who live In the southern part of Al legheny county and work In 'Pitta burg. may more easily reach the city Work on the tunnels, which began a few days ago. will continue for more than two years, engineers esti mate. and the cost will lie »4.600.- 000. It is proponed to hate the tunnels connect with a high bridge which will span the Monongahela river and bring the tunnel traffic to the heart of the business district of d'lttaburg This will cost »3.500.000 Each tube will be made to accommodate two lines of vehicle traffic and in addition there will be footpaths Communism does not propose to ‘capture’ the bourgeois« parliamentary state, but to conquer and destroy it As long as th« bourgeois« stalo prevails, the capitalist class can baffle th« will of the proletariat In those countries In which historical development has furnished th« opportunity, the working class has utilised th« regime of political democracy for Its organisation against Capitalism The older unionism was based on th« craft divisions of small Industry. The unions consisted primarily of skilled workers whose skill la itself a form of property The unions were not organs of the militant class struggle. To day the domlnnnt unionism Is actually a bulwark of Capitalism, merging In Imperialism and accepting State Capitalism. The proletarian revolution comes at the moment of crisis In Capitalism, of a collapse of the old order. Under the Impulse of the crisis, th« proletariat acts for the conquest of power, by means of mass action. Mass action concen trates and mobilizes the forces of the proletariat, organised and unorganlaad: It acts equally against the bourgeois state nnd the conservative orgnnlxntlons of the working class. Strikes of protest develop Into general political strikes and then Into revolutionary mass action for the conquest of the power of (he state. Mass action becomes political In purpose while extra parliamentary In form: It Is equally a process of revolution nnd the revolution Itself tn operation The Communist Party Is th« conscious expression of the class struggle of the workers against capitalism. Its alm Is to direct (his struggle to the con queat of political power, the overthrow of'capitalism nnd the destruction of MAKE PROFIT FROM POULTRY the bourgeois state. The Communist Party prepares Itself for the revolution In the measure Ns Reason Why Moro Farmers Cannet Make Money by Sailing Bleed that It develops a program of Immediate action, expressing the mass strug ing Stock and Egga gles of the proletariat. These struggles must be Inspired with revolutionary spirit and purposes. Many farmer* are now hrtHMilng The Communist Party ts fundamentally a party of action. It brings to th« workers a consciousness of their oppression, of the Impossibility of Im ■tti nda rd-bred poultry, exhibiting the proving their conditions under capitalism. The Communist Party directs th« aume. advertising, and making n good workers' struggle against capitalism, developing fuller forms ami purposes in profit from the sale of breeding Mock, egg* for hntchlng. etc. There Is no this struggle, culminating In the mass action of the revolution. The Communist Party shall make the great Industrial struggles of th« reason why other farmers cunuot du working class Its major campaigns. In order to develop an understanding of a« well. the strike In relation to the overthrow of capitalism. (a) The Communist Party shall participate In mass strikes, not only to achieve the Immediate purposes of the strike, but to develop the revolutionary I FERRYDALE implications of the mass strike. (b) Mass strike.- are vital factors In the process out of which develops ♦ Mr. and '.Mm. Johnson and Ml«« the workers* understanding and action for the conquest of power (C) In mass strikes under conditions of concentrated capitalism there is Davis. who have been visiting Mr. talent the tendency toward the general mass strike, which takes on a political and Mrs Morrison, left the first of character and manifests the impulse toward proletarian dictatorship. the week for their home at Vancou In these general mass strikes the Communist Party shall emphasize the ver necessity of maintaining industry and the taking over of social function» Mias Audrey Griffin rotorned to usually discharged by the capitalists and the Institutions of capitalism. The strike must cease being isolated and passive; It must b. come positive, general her work in Grants Paas Wednesday. and aggressive, preparing the workers for the complete assumption of Indue Allison Every left Thursday to trial and social control. spend a few days with his brother (a) Every local and district organization of the Party shall establish Dick, at Draper. contact with Industrial units In Its territory, the shops, mills and mines—and Mrs. Win. .Anderson and two lit direct Its agitation accordingly. tle boys left for Klamath Falls Mon (b) Shop Committees shall be organized wherever possible for the pur pose of Communist agitation In a particular shop or industry by the workers day where they expect to spend the employed .here. These committees shall be united with each other and with summer. the Communist Party, so that the party shall have nctual contact with tha workers nnd mobilize diem for action against capitalism. Th Communist Party must engage actively In the struggle to revolution ize the trade unions As against the unionism of the American Federation of I-abor, the Communist Party propagandizes Industrial unionism nnd industrial nlon organization, emphasizing their revolutionary Implications. Industrial Unionism is not simply a mean- for the everyday struggle against capitalism; Its ultimate purpose Is r.".--'titloiiary. Implying the necessity of ending the capitalist parliamentary state. Industrial Unionism Is a factor In the Anal : lass action for the conquest of power, as It will constitute the basis for the •i lustrial administration of the Crknmunlst Commonwealth. (a) The Communist Party recoguizes that the A. F. of L. Is reactionary j and a bulwark of capitalism. (b) Councils of workers shall be organized in the shops as circumstance-' al: w, for the purpose of carrying on the iiebi-Hrial union struggle in the old 1 unions, uniting nnd mobilizing the mllltuii elements; these councils to be I miffed In a Central Council wherever po- (c) It shall Iw a major task of the • ..-inf-t Party to agitate for the i construction of a general Industrial union nr. n zui on. embracing the I W. XV.. W. I. L. U„ independent and secession union.-', militant unions of the F. of I I.., nnd the unorganized workers, on tin- basis of the revolutionary das'! struggle. The Communist Party shall encoura-.-' movements of the workers In the shops seeking to realize workers' control of Industry, while Indicating their limitations under capitalism; concretely, any movement analogous to the Shop Stewards of England. These movements (equally directed against the union | bureaucracy) should be related to the Communist Party. The unorganized unskilled workers (Including the agricultural proletariat) I institute the bulk of the working class. The Communist Party shall directly [ ami systeniatb-ully agitate among these workers, awakening them to industrial i union organization and action. Friends I ih ' o rvelved word (hat Eldon Everton formerly of thia vi cinity, has pneumonia at Euroiie .Mr. Cook and Uhaa. Dewey from lower Jlltlip-oM-Joo, were visiting 111 the neigh boriinoti Sunday. Utile Willard Holm rt son la much Improved. t). li. Griffin anil daughter, tlludva, and l.Mrn. Benedict were at Grants l‘aaa Wednesday on Ibuaine«» Mr. Julia« and family have moved front the'(hile place near llalla (late on to the old Booth pl«<e Mrs Htevenaon was at Granta Pass Wednesday. The Kerllnger family were visit- In« Mr and jits Jolfae Sunday. M I.. Griffin I» up on Jump-off- Joe helping inoro the MiWullen aaw- mill ADAM Itecluirgea and Itepalra Mt era«« Batterie» And remember—whenever you went your battery er electrical aye tent tasted he doe« It free of charge, We have the beat equipped xuto electrical «hep In the city and every job we turn out meana t new customer for ue- WHO'S NNXT. Yours for Service ADAMS’ ELECTRIC & BATTERY SHOP I'lione M Adams A' Johnston. Pro|M. IWM Host th Sixth Street Buy at Home Studebakers Overlands J. F. BURKE FASHION GARAGE Í I Truck Owners Attention! dp We admit that we’re aspir ing. To be called to do your wiring. i* expert electricians we're elected by the general public. Tli- v have found out that we know all a I tout this vital labor «»in*. comforting illuminating force. \\ <• w ill give you an es timate as to what the wiring and the fixtures will cost you. HARPER’S ELECTRIC STORE ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES ¿ SERVILE Oxford, Feb. 28. —Candidates for Madrid, Feb. 28.- The young so-1 ciety girls and youths of Madrid have K. Metzger, territorial treasurer, will I taken to the American habit of chew leave for New York al»out the end I ing gum and their elders have been ' of March to place on the market I much exercised as a result. That »2.403,000 worth of ! staid onservative journal, the A. B. C., devoted recently a column to this bonds. ITesidontlal approval of the! I new practice which it denounced In issue has been obtained by Governor ‘ I strong terras. Charles J. McCarthy, now In Wash-! According to the writer of this ar-' ington with the territorial legislative tide gum chewing is the result of, commission, reading articles by Spanish writers The money raised on the bonds who have recently visited America will be spent ___ _ in improvements and to the American pictures pro- throughout ■—------------ the territory, The larg duced In the Spanish cinema thea- est amount, »500,900, will go to the I tors. Kuhio Bay pier at Hilo, Island of Hawaii, while the same Island w-ill Placer location notices at Courier draw »265,000 for work on the high way to the famous Kllouea volcano. office Kamehameha highway, circling the Island of Oahu, is down for an appropriation of »400,000. G. B. BERRY Harness and Saddlery Auto Top and Canvas Work With Grants Pass Hardware Co Community Singing. "1 sec community singing Is becom ing a fn<l In many towns.” “What 1« Itr ‘The merry villager-»’ Idea boosted s notch. I hike It." flow?" hisfe-'d of dancing on the green j'-i- in cominii'i’ty centers nnd min.' i- • i voice« In 1-izz mn>n-i gn!« and K.vncopnted s."—Louis- ‘ He ('ourler Journal. Mining blanks at Courier office i *• We have taken over the Tuff’s solid tire press and installed same in our shop. C. L. Hobart Co