Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1920)
!• U.t lit K I PER52N4L Good Times Are Here! LûQflL ¡j spring suits — Flower *ee»i* at Cramer Bros. 07 ; Order your rose bushes and plant* | In this wiivs nt prosperity, do not forget the lesMons Peter Wolpcrt, of l^an'astor, Pa., I at t'rainer Bros. 07 i Navy tricotine, "thread'’ tuck*. that hard time* have taught. is u Grant* Pass visitor. Auto -nd top i oats take on that Don’t wait until you have spent your turning» Braid and Hutton Trimmed Seed oats, barley and wheat at well dressed look. See the Print- | appreciate the comfort of n Imnk account. the Josephine County Flour Mill. 10 ze**. Palmer and Wooltex models at . Bogin at once to deposit regularly In tills strong Spray materials at Cramer Bro* the Golden Rule. 07 ' bank, The building of a Moving* account In yours of pros- “Woodbury’s Facial Soap." S I . 11 Hutcesaor to Cap Verdin went to Portland last | perlty la the solution of tha problem of hard time». 07 night to secure a car ot hip wire I1HH It, Mr*. E. Rrbkopf E. L larwlor, merchant at Hol- Four per cent paid on Havings. * Japalac at Cramer Bros. 07 land, Is tn the city on basine»« One Dollar start* n Having« Account. The Free Electric Sewing ma 07 Onion aeU at Cramer Bro*. lt 7 ilcmHtltchlng and pecotlng, 10c chines at Heimer’s. Picnic baskets, flower baskets, and 12c per yard. Nellie Nean Oltf Palmer, Printzes* and Wooltex fancy baskets, wood ba»keta, clothe* coats and suits. He«- them at the baskets, and all kinds of baskets a| OF HOt'THERN OREGON 07 07 Holman's furniture store. Golden Rule. Miss Faith Cline, of the local tele T. E. Dougherty, of Bowtie, I* in phone force, who has been ill, th» city. much Improved in health. Seed oats, barley and wheat Doltox Grass Rugs, 1920 patterns, the Josephine County Flour Mill. at Helmer's. 07 Scratch feed at Cramer Bros, Patton» Sunproof paint at Cramer Dr Durham, pastor of the Eugene 07 Baptist church, sjient Friday In the Bros. See (1. p. Jester for life insurance | city with Rev. C. H Cline. « 59tf I »'hick feed at Cramer Bro* 07 — Penn Mutal Mfe. C. A. Swope, of the Swope Auto Baby Ko-raln (Oregon-made) at Helmer's. 07 Co., sjient several days in Portland I More Inlaid and Heaviest weight I on biiHlness and taking in the auto-1 print Linoleums at Holman’s Furni mobile »how. Grit, shell, bone and charcoal for I. ture Store. 07 07 Mrs. G. P. Knight arrived today poultry at Cramer Brest. Singer Sewing Machines for rent I from Ht Paul. Minn . to he with her 07 I mother, Mrs. Green, and sister, Mrs. at Holman'» Furniture Store. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Daws, of Har- Stanbrough. Mr*. Green 1» quite ill Pruning »hears at Cramer Bro*. lan, Iowa, arrived here thi» morn W. H. Drumm and wife, and Mr*. ing and will visit, their »on. J. h. Cash Clothiers W, H. Drumm Jr., of Sioux City. la , Daw*, and wife of WllderviHe. We strongly recommend that you HOME OF HART SCHAFFNER AND MARA CLOTHES »pent Friday night in the city, stop look for tho Wooltex, Palmer or ping at the Grant» Pass hotel. In uliator* at Cramer Bro*. 07 Prints«»» signature in your new HE Thermoid Crolide during hard service. Crolid" Rev. F F Peterson, of Buxton. spring suit or coat. J-et us show you. Compound Tire is C'oinpaundHoMrcT »toy» water tight indefinitely beesuae the I.H.C. Trm-tor» for Orchard Work— spMt Friday in the city with hl* our newest models. The Golden Rule- Mi** Adam* Buy * Home— made by the same »mall pores are sealed up. Frank L. Emery, of Portland, Ore Miss Olive Adams has purchased uncle, J. E. Peterson. Mr. Peterson Leon E. Rennets, salesman for In company which makes the Not only doe» thi» new »ub- I* secretary of religion* edu -ntlon of gon agency manager of the Bankers a home on Burges» street, from G. ternational Harvester Co. writes famous Thermoid Hy stance. Crolide, increase tough- the North Baptist convention, and Life company, of De* LMoines. is in F. Stevens, the deal being made draulic Compruktt'd new 50% to 200%, but it in- (is «topping at the prlnc||>u| coast the city today in the interest of his through A. N. Parsons. Miss Adams from Roseburg to Rogue River Hard crease» elasticity Brake Lining. rifle*. com pan/. recently sold bar tract of land on ware, local agent: “Sold two 8-1« — a one-inch ■trip It 1» a rubber the river, east of the ;>ark, to the city International» here the past . thirea Poultry tonic at Cramer Bro». 07 stretches to 7'» end fabric tire but Hotel Management thmige» — inches. to be used as an auto camp grounds. days. Both »rectors being used for Doe« Congoleum Wear? Notice made in a new way. The Western hotel ha* changed the I0ongol»um Rug on the sidewalk of a non ■ porous Thermoid Cro- orchard voTk. It took only a few hde Compound rubber compound. | In front of Helmer’s and Judge for hands and after March I will lie tin- Thj, ( (|J .y|aruei__ Tires will give you , yourself. It was placed there Dec. der the same management as the | W1H pay 25c p„ pound for aU fgt minutes to convince these orchard- Cmlidt-and ivhat extra mileage and I I 2. 1919. and thousand* have walked Oxford Grill Menis will be served ehlckeB9 thln week. 07 ists that our tractor was better than it dot! to rubber satisfaction. The lour competitors. This little I.H.C. ______ _ over it. and it i* in perfe t condl- at to cent« and Sunday night dinners' Average rubber guarantee protect« is a bear cat’ anywhere." 28 lose* much of its you. 6000 mil»» at 60 cent*. ! lion. Dr. Billick 1'unh.iM* Residence— original strength You < »n‘f r>utl th» treed iutitntned (Ford Site» 7SOO) elasticity od a Therm.nd Tire Dr. E. J. Billick re entiy pur VV ilford Allen Jr., Joins Courier— Elk* Take Notice— chased the residence he now occupies Witford Allen Jr., arrived this af VII Elk* In Grant* Pass are asked at 1004 J^awnridge avenue, and ex ternoon on Train No. 15 from Eu to meet at the Josephine hotel Sun day afternoon at 3 o’clock to com- pects to make additional improve gene. «here he has been attendine iùeto arrangements for March 4. 07 I ments in the property in the near the school of journalism of the Cnl- future. versity of Oregon, and .Monday will take up his duties as city editor of Nosier to SulMH-ribcr*— the Daily Courier. Allen has been Dancing Party — On account of the exhorbitant _ _ ___ ' S Waldorf Hall Saturday Night. 07 acting telegraph editor of the Morn pri.e of print pa|»er and the uncer ing Register of Eugene for the past tain supply the Courier can no long week, during the flu epidemic in the er carry on the suiiscription books Fruit Men Organize— Willamette city. M. O. Evans and J. E. Edmiston I the few subscribers who are in ar I rears and they will be discontinued. are in Grants Pass today and Satur day working in behalf of the Oregon B imk I North Is Rough— Remit now. Growers Cooperative association. Ap "Any one would be foolish to drive proximately two-thirds of the acre a big car from Medford to Eugene,’* Blue IxMlgc Meet* Tneaday— opjMirtunlty to hear her in the after A spe lai meeting of the Blue age of Josephine county and at ■ said Merle Willits who returned last noon. They urge everyoue to avail lodge will be held at the Masonic Rogue River has already been signed 1 night from Eugene to which city he thrnnsolve* of this opportunity. hall Tuesday night, with work in the by the association. The organization had driven Will G. Steel in the lat- Thia meeting will lie held in the first degree. 08 meeting of the Grants Pass-Rogue ter’a Chevrolet car. "Outside of sev- River d^itrlct will be pext .’Wednes eral bad places the road Is paaeibly circuit court room of the courthouse, day afternoon. — -Mail-Tribune. fair, but rough. One bad place wn Monday, March 1, at 3 p. m. Dean ‘ Move t<> R<>*eburg— en o-.mtered was on Smith hiU this Fawcett’* »object will be "A Moth-1 ■Mrs. James Kendall, formerly er’s Re omi»en*e." a subject which side of Wolf Creek on which is deep Miss Margaret Scott of this city, is Garden Heeds for Service Men— Mrs. Mary E. Fawcett, dean of All ex-service men desiring a free rutted mud, but it can 'be negotiated should be of intercat to all. lore today from Grants Pass, chore "Baroque" women at (). A. C. will 'be in (¡rant* ; > he hast been residing, and is look ]>ackage of garden seeds containing with a light cjjr anil chains. For a i Pa**. Monday and will talk to the A magnificent piece of furni ing for a suitable location. Mr. K »n- the following: Beans, beets, carrots, distance of a half mile in the Cow high school student* al their as I'llil) OF THANKN ture, as exquisite in tone as in dall has secured a run out of this lettuce, radishes, cu umbers and to Creek canyon the same condition sembly hour. 10 a. m. Dean Faw design. .Between ToncolTa and city, and they will make their home matoes. should send their names and prevails. cett I* an especially pleasing »i>eaker Puritan made, is as staunch We wish to thank our friend* and i here in the future. Mr, Kendall is address to Dr. E. J. Billick, ad Ju- Drain there is about 100 yards of in chars.-ter as were the Puri mid alway» lias a very worth while acquaintance« for th«ir kindnewaes < mployed by the Southern Pacific - lant, Grants Pas» Post No. 28, at dee-> soft mud in whi h our car tan Settlers of Plymouth Rock. mnwage. She i* especially interest- ' and many beautiful floral offering* once, There is a limited supply of sunk up to the axle Rccause of tire Roseburg Review. ed In young (leople. during our sorrow in the bereave seeds for distribution and if you troubles it took us 18 hours to make STANTON ROWELL The I anile* Auxiliary lias taken ment of our father. send in your names and addresses this trip of 18k miles, but exclusive Music anti Photo H»>ii*« vv. o. w. Monday— adiuntngM of Dean Fawcett'« »timing A VI LAiMAR. 507 (I Street There will be the regular meet promptly the local 'American legion of tire trouble delays we should have visit to Grant* Pan* and have arrang R. J. J.AMAR, ing of the Woodmen of the World will endeavor to procure an ample made the trip in 14 hours."—Mail* ed for the town people to have an DORA E. DAMAR. Tribune. Monday night at the usual time and supply for all exservice men. place. Mrs. Hellie Deas FIRST NATIONAL BANK J Overcoats, Suits Shoes, Furnishing’s Peerless Clothing Co. New principles’* in tire building T Rogue River Hardware Co PURITAN Mining blanks—Courter office. OREGON I Tomorrow--Monday FOLKS WHO SEND FOR." THE PLUMBER MAN - WANT HIM TO MOVE AS FAST’S HE CAN J Matinee Tomorrow at 2:45 Blanche Sweet ill ‘A Woman of Pleasure’ V tuie of a num who married to keep »’* mouth whiit, and a uom ini who married for money. The iniM thrilling melodrama seen here this MMX*1 11. Tonight Only THF OHM .ON REOPENS TONIGHT WITH THE NOTED JAPANESE VCTOR Sessue HayaKawa I tn ftárkfajjfíte Plumber Folks who order a plumber on the Job don’t want him to move around like a andldate for office awaiting the election returns. Tliei want him to show some signs of life and some real ability. That’s the reason they call up 30.8-J and ask us over on the Job. B. S. DEDRICK 51« F Stm t Phone 3OH-J w “The Illustrious Prince »9 V «-PART FEATl'RE A thrilling drama rich in suspense with a surprising climax OREGON t