T GRANTS PISS DAILY COURIER Published Dally Except 8u«d«y A. E VOORH1ES. Tub and Propr. Entered at postofftce. Grants Pass, Ore., aa second class mall matter. ADVERTISING RATES Plsplay space, per inch ....... ,20c Local-personal column, per line 10c Readers, per line-.................... 5 c DAILY CO CRIER By mail or carrier, per year..... IS.00 1 By mail or carrier, per month- .50 weekly covri HR By mall, per year -................ % V 4 RATI Rht Y, FEBRUARY «H, GRAM'S PASS DAILY COI RIER PAGE FOI K $2.00 N FM TODtY SEE G. I*. JE8TRR for Ufo Insur ance Bonn 'Mutual IJfe 59tf PilotJ Bread WANT TO SELL? A classified ad vertlsenieiit in the Dally Courier will tell your story in more than 1100 homes every day. For a lim ited time $1.50 in advance will take your 25-word announcement to these home« every day for month You ought to secure purchuaer iu that time. FINE FARM, with new bun Ha low, 55 acres In grain, 2 good barns. t> ton»4»f hay, stock and Implementa, irrigation for 40 acres, lease can be had for 5 years, 10 acres of fine spud and garden land. Snowflake’and Perfection Sodas Swastika Cookies Bulk and Package KINNEY & TRUAX ¡GROCERY MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS Quality and Service The Associated Press is exclusively i •«titled to the use for republication I 120 acres of fine sub-irrigated ot aJl news dispatches credited to it or all otherwise credited in this land, with 100 acres coming un paper and also the local news pub- ; bile sales room on the site of the old spent aw.iv Deni her influentand der the now Irrigation system. Mshed herein. !<k< ty en'ugh directly under mfl'i- Fri e $12.50 per acre All rights of republication ot site-, Red Front livery stable. It marks vixe of th - coi'trary sort. dal dispatches herein are also re- ; the practical imssing of Old Dobbin Mrvad. But the movement is well under 'IVon’t you know that this Is the from Grants Pass city life It tells timé to buy? If you do not. let way, and it should receive enthusias SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1», lMNl the story of the encroachment ot the me tel) you why you should. R. tic support from the public every gas propei’ed vehicle upon the do- T. McKinstry, 503 G atreet. 07 where. . And. since the elders cannot 4 ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ imaip of th- torse, ami the vmquish- J >S Mi»S8 AGENCY Fire Insti r- 4 ' meat of the latter with the perfec become enthusiastic on the subject OREGON WEATHER ♦ ance, plate glass liability Inaur- ♦ of speech training for their children ♦ ance. 204 H Sixth street tf tion of the auto. And how swift 4 Weather for the Week ♦ without taking a little thought as to and certain has been the vanquish- FOR SAIJ5 Barred Rock and White Pacific Coast States: Gener 4 ♦ their own language and enunciation, Wlgndotte eggs. $1 per setting. Only six years ago the old ♦ ally fair first half with normal 4 ment! » more good should follow than per Cull after 4 p. m. at 1301 East A 4 rain temperatures; probably ♦ Red Front barn was the starting street. Mrs A. Meier. 28 4 place of the swinging Concord coach haps wan dreamed of when the move last half. 4 ♦ ment was started in the first public FOR SALE -A tract of bottom land when it set forth daily upon its Tonight and Sunday, fair: 4 4 school. for alfalfa, west of town Price is journey to Crescent City. Here was ■4 except probable showers in the 4 right. A. N. Parsons. 95 i portion, Moderate 4 about the last stand of the stage; ■4 southwest New Irnty Officer»— FOR SAI j E 52-egg Cycle incubator 4- easterly winds. coach with its four horses and its in good order, $2. G. E. Eaton, j Envoy and Mrs. Gray, Salvation 4 > ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ picturesque and usually loquacious J Army officers, arrived from Van ou- phone 609-F-4. 908 I NGLE SAM AND THE RAILROADS driver long a part of the life of the ver, Wash , during the week and WANTED \ Toulouse gander, two' Monday the United States will western frontier. Here It longest will have charge of the local work. years or older. Call 6O1-F-23. 12 i cease to operate the railroads of the survived the march of progress. Rnt Ensign Strautin is still in the city FOR BALE Two new telegraph in awaiting definite order». No meet country and will turn the lines back a* last it had to strocumb, and today ; ings have been held for the j«st two struments at a bargain Phone j 251-R or call at 515 South 7th to their owners. This return to pri- ‘ the horse has given way to the auto weeks on account of the flu han. street. 07tf ▼ate ownership and control of these stage, anil the Red Front stable, j TWO TON Republic truck for sale, i greatest of all public utilities will where tired coachers were fed and Former Resident» Return— Inquire »Iu B street or Fashion not be effected without more or less rested that they might make their Mr. and Mrs. W I. Sturges«, resi Garage. I 2 I dents of Millsboro for the past 10 distance on the morrow, is to follow the disturbance of the even tenor of years, have returned to Grants Pass mil SALE Milk cow. to freshen' ■way. and many difficulties will con the Concord into oblivion. soon, $55. Also good Si»iulding - and will live on their old home place front those charged with the opera It is the story of progress and of hack, with surrey top, cheap for in the northeast part ot town, where tion of the roads. Conditions are civilization, The new supplants the they spent so many years. cash or trade John H. Robinson. ▼cry different than they were when old What today is sufficient is to- Granta 'Paa». R. F. D. 4. the country took oxer the operation morrow an antiquity, and with the Printing that pleases We do It! WANTED Small dot; suitable for children’s last. John Dellinger. of the lines as a war measure. Es- horse drawn stage coach and the Courier Job Department. 08 Rd 4. -•peclally will the roads be confront Red Front stable, goes to the junk ed with the changes that have come pile. It marks six years of progress. through shorter hours and higher What of the next six years? wages, both of which must figure I HPEEt'H TRAI NINI» when the question of dividends is ne-[ considered. And the roads can not - One branch of education long continue to lose money, for under gleet ed at last is receiving the atten- I private control there is no Uncle ' tion it deserves. This Is the matter) Sam to step in and pay off the defi of speech training, which Is beingj cit. So the traffic will be adjusted taken up by one after another of' upon a basis that will pay a little 'the public schools until the wave! more than operation, which of course seems likely to sweep over the en means, in the light of the losses of tire country. .the past two years, eRher a lowering The alm of speech training is to. of wages or a boost in rates for give every child command of cor I rectly choeen. correctly enunciated- freight and passenger traffic. ! If one will look at the lines of English. It has to do with the elim-| freight cars as they are moving : on ination of slang, the use of pure' I the rails, he will be struck by the and correct English and the habit of. fact that they are dilapidated i and giving every word its terminating out of repair. The government has letter. done no more than was absolutely Its object is not only to train the, necessary In the upkeep of the roll children whose < arelees speech is j ing stock, for every energy during merelv a matter of habit or 1gnor-| the period of government control ance, but also those pathetic little i has been bent toward the essential figures whose queer articulation is things that would win the war and due to some malformation of the vo then readjust industry. Financially, cal organs or to deafness The lat-i government operation of the roads ter are taken to competent physi was not a success. It was necessary cians for treatment and given spec'al as a wa” measure, and of course tea/hern to train them, and when-. | finances were a secondary onsldera- ever poesfble are rescued from thej tion. Now it again becomes a bus iamominlous «'ind painful utterance iness conducted by private Interests which heretofore has made them the for gain. innocent object of derision by their; 1 mates. THE BASKING OF THE RED The great trouble in this corrcc- FRONT j tive sii.-'yh training in the schools There Is a world of romantic sen is the lack of cooperation hi thej timent in the announcement of the home. It Is a little difficult for anv| building of a modern structure for t'-ncher, Fow< ver skilful, to offse’ In the housing of a garage and airhMno- t e hours the other waking hr ira I — You Have r Asked Others to Join the LOST Bank book and check book. on Grants Baas Bunk containing four $10 billa, Findet piense Reward. bring to Courier office V 12 Barred Ro k hatching FOR SALE eggs: from O. A. C. ! tying strain. $1 for 1 •: thoroughbred Barred I Rock cockerels. $2.50. G. 8. I'a- 90» ton. phone OO9-F-4. HORSE WANTED Good plug work horse. 1400 or over. Inquire No. 431 care Courier. 07 FOUND—'Fountain pen. Owner can have property by describing same and paving for ad. Call at Courier office. OH Masons Oddfellows Elks Knights Rebekahs Star Commercial Club Grange Irrigation District Knights and igidies and a Hundred other Human Organiatfons And presented Your Reasons why WII>L FAY O.XBH for »mal! cottage, good location Must be reason able Address 501 D street. OX BARNES, The Jeweler The Battery Shop r 401 N. 6th Hazelton & Disbrow, Proprietors CHEVROLET OXIA OXE < IIIA HOLET. A Baby Grand NASH ONLY TIVÙ A-FYSNENGFit X islls IX STOCK Th<-»<- car» I » 4*k hi >) \<t»li driver 5 Necond ll.unl 5’»-r<l * ft- ► f MAXWELL CO W. P. FULLER & CO.’S FOR SALE Top buggy. wUh loir/ body. Cheap. No further nue for It. R. K Rose. R. F D No. 2. Box ISA. 09 ■ t • 4 ib Paints and , Varnishes We Mi'll Adams Brushes The Be«t Made FAI NTH. Bl T DID YOU Et Elt ask Anyone To join The only Divine Organisation In existence The Church And presented God’s reasons Why? Think it over and VT YOU Hear about •Win One” Campaign at the Church of Christ Sunday 11 a. m. -7: 30 p. m. I Blanche Sweet is scheduled at the Oregon theatre for two days, begin- nfng tomorrow. In Iter latest Bathe picture, ”iA Woman of Pleasure.” J**«» D. ! Hampton produced this protodrama for Bathe and It was adapted from the f.imo.ts Adelphi melodrama, Huge urrnlia of Zulus are used in one part of the picture which shows a siege In South Africa. Blanche Sweet appears as the |X>or school teacher in a small English village. Her father is ailing and querulous and they are in very poos cir’ll instances. She happens to wit ness a quarrel between Sir John Turnbull and saw him throw a man over a cliff. He then marries her so that as his wife she could not ever be made to Ratify aganlst him. And she accept ed him at the urging of her father. After the father dies the husband taunts her with marrying him for money Then Sir John’s young su- pcrlnb-iident arrives and urges that he go to South Africa to protect hie belongings against the marauding Zulu tribes Aixl Sir John brutally compels bls wife to accompany him. A great friendship springs up between the superintendent, the wife and a young orphan ltd. Her husband shows his brutality when he shoots a Zulu hearing a white» flag, and the savage We do Bur »lion rt*|Milrln Valley Hardware Company tribes lay siege to the British car avan which they outnumber ten to one. Here's where the I brills are insert ed and at the climax there Is a prom ise of future happiness for two per ions and a little orphan bov. This is described as a tremendous »reduction encompassing all the IHg melodramatic thrills and many tense i: »merits with an appealing thread of romance throughout the entire iicture. highway commisidon has provided the funds and made plans for the early undertaking of conatru^tlmi. it is the Intention to complete th»' road thlH year, so that It will J>e In readi ness for use when the Fiiclftc high way is finished. R. S. Howard, chairman <»t the special committee, In his report to the director» of the hatnber, report ed that the work It was sought to have done will i|»e accomplished and asked that the committee »be dis charged. In response the directors complimented iMr. Howard for the efficient servl -<■ rendered and inftirm- ed him In a letter from the office of the secretary that this Is the first committee formed to execute sjieclal duties glowing out of the souther« Oregon excursion that has on» doted Its task. Oregonian Through the efforts/of the special onrmittee of the Chamber of Com merce, appointed following th” outbern Oregon excursion last Oc tober, the construt turn work will iooii begin mi the road from Grants to the Toseohlnc county cave» llie forestry service of the govern Trade Acceptances, book of '.i> SI ment In connection with, ths stale —Courier offlre.