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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1920)
Stante jiJaôô Daily Soutier V ol . GRANTS PA Hb. JOSEPHINE < pl NTY. OREGON, HATl IIRAY, FEBEI AHY 2*. 1020. X-, Nu. lili. STRIKEON PANAMA NO CHANGE IN CANAL IS OÖIEIEÖ' $. p. OFFICIALS OREGON LINES NEXT MONDAT WHOLE NIMBER 2M’>7. H im U- m (»n Not la*gMiize Beer With Alcoholic Content, May» Lomralx- »ioner—Will l’rosecute Fifteen TI k > u » mim 1 Workmen on >M»inlainence of AV»y to Re 'ledi- ntc<l by llrltUi Minister I Panama. Feb. 28.-- Indications to NO EX< EITIONH To RETURN <»F FORMER AMERICAN CONKLL IH Washington, Feb. 28.—All persons ARMITH IT MIGHT HAVE BEER INFLUENZA M*II>KMI<’ ON TIIK found to be vio’aflng the federal W INE ANI» BAN IN TIIK TOWN AFTER EX-HER VICE ME N day were that the »trike of 15,000 SHOT TO REATH BY OLTLAWH ALL FORMER OFFICIAL* TO prohibition enforcement act will be I IH IIAIHEB matnlalnenoo-of-way workmen on WEBE KILLER AT MANZANILLO OUI position » the Panama canal was over, for the time being al least. British Minis ter Bennett announced that leader» of the strike had accepted hi» offer to mediate between them and the 4 hlldren Who < otn<- From Home« American official», and to return to President Hproule Made Announce EtnlHiMy at Mexico City Told to Re Where There Ha» H«rn Illune« mand Reparation by Way of I work instil while. ment Today a- I’nvcdrM of Re HEALTH CERTIFICATES TO PUPIIS Mu«! Ort Permit From officer turn of Une» on Momia y “BAD BOYS" TO HAVE CHANCE OF LIFETIME <ha«tÌMÌng Murderer* prosecuted to the “limit of the law,” irrespective of any state or states legalizing the sale of liquors. Com missioner Roper, of the revenue I bureau, announced today. Thl» rul-| Ing is announced as the result of a ■ bill now before the New Jersey leg-| ! Told Others Refen»e Would Get E t 3- islature legalizing the sale of den< e to Meet Anything the State with 3 >4 per cent alcohol. BOASTSWILLRUINSUTE'SCASE .Might Bring Up :U. OF ».»»11$ OWN m OR WILL NOI PW Hu perl n ten dent line) alate» that .Montesano, Feb. 28.—Mr». May Washington, Feb. 28.—Augustus Portland, Feb. 28.—Oregon offl- all the city aehoiil« will open Mon- Sherman testified at the I. W. W. Morrill, formerly American consul at dais of the Southern Pacific rail <ly, after having been closed for two murder trial today that she saw the Manzanillo, Mexico, was killed by' road, practically without exception, Mexican bandits February 26. weak» been uno of the Influeuzn epi ; uniformed men break ranks during demic. He »late« that the building« will »tep into their former »tosltions i the Armistice day parade at Cen The present consul at Manzanillo, have I >ren scrubbed. disinfected, tralia and rush the J. W. W. hall. with the company when the road is in reporting the killinx of Morrill to thoroughly tired out, and everything Unique In his offer to the "bad returned to private control Monday, the state department, said that Mor Seattltf, Wash., Feb. 28.—Possible she d,d not know. however, wheth- «lone that will make them mvultary. boy»" of the United Htates. a Seattle according to the announcement today rill was attacked near Colima, where breaks between college» and univer- er footing occurred before or after Parent» are naked to halp lbw •choola he lived, and in the fusillade receiv-l Sities in the Pacific Coast Confer-'lhe rUih *when Mked lf 8he ha« millionaire 1» planning to take by William Sproule, president. f . ed. two wounds. Th« American em protact the health of the children by ence over the division of football onv®r*ed with * woman in the charge of the "ten worst" of Amer- «'oopsrattng with teacher» and the L. Burkhalter 1» announced as ae bassy at Mexico City ha» been in gate receipts may be avoided by a "tzur^house corridor yesterday, Mrs. ! lean bad boy» and reform them city physician. Where there han »istaut manager for the northern ri fs- structed to demand piininhment of settlement which may be made at a German said yes, and admitted she been alckniee. of any kind In the fam J through an environment in which | the murderers. meeting of conference officials to be ln*6ht have said, We will have evi- ily within the paat two week», health they will be given the best care po«- tricl. — held at Stanford university when dence to meet anything they bring ’certificate» will be required before I sible, and an enu-alient education in the conference track meet is held'l,p' a,8° admitted that she the ■•lid will lie admitted to school ia boy's school and later, college ..Ac there tn May. wanted to help the defense. John next Monday. It 1» urged that par cording to the data »ent out tn the The University of Washington, lo- "ead*u- a tailor, testified that he ent» do not «end their children to search for the ” worst Imd boys,” the cated in a large city, is standing out had 8een ,he ynifoHHed men rusk « hoo| without the»« cert If Irate» one is not wanted who Is only •bad against the claims of the colleges rha ha"’ not specifying whether bo- Where children have not fully re occasionally, or Just half bad, but front the smaller cities for an even,fore or afte* t*le shooting and mur- covered from the effect» of slcknens. the one who la bad all the way split in the gate receipts. The "big der”’ It In much better for them, and » through, the "real, dyed-ln-the-wool, school" wants to give the "smaller 1 protection to the other children, that reck I«»», uncaring, thorough-going A warrant sworn out for the ar schools" a guaranteed amount. They Progress toward the construction they be kept home for a few day» young evH-doer. who has been Winnipeg, Man.. Feb. 28.--Winni of the market roads that will solve rest of Ran Mahnke, wlio ia charged claim they will lose money when peg newspapers today announced longer, »taten Rupt Intel. broght up to be bad, know» be Is j many of the tran»i»orta<ion problems fl with the larceny of an atomobile by their teams journey to the small Health certifii'ate» rnuvt be pro bad, and doesn’t worry about it‘one ' that on account of the paper short cured from Or. (’ora AteLane. 403 H whit.” If any »bad boy in Grants . in the .Applegate and Williams dis the Collins garage, is in the hands towns if the split is 50-60 for all age they Will be obliged, "until fur- »treat, diagonally aero»» from the l*aea think» he i» that l»ad. or any trict» is now being made by the en of the sheriff for executiou Mahnke parties. The University of Califor tber notice.” to discontinue the pub- nia. a "Mg school" has voted for the li'ation of advertising matter. gineers who are making the lo<a- «•Ity hall. imrent owns a boy who la that bad. tIon survey. District Engineer Hodg- was the driver of the stage line be even break. They will continue to publish news. they may get in touch with the above mnn and Resident Engineer Bromley tween Grants Pass and -Murphy, and Washington and Washington State ------------ —— —. purchased an automobile from the by calling at the Courier office offer Thompson Fall», .Mont.. Feb. 28 college have already cancelled their are running the line between Grants <b»rroll Norton went, through the with proof of the *‘badne»w." Orig Pass and Murphy at this time, and Collin» garage for use in the service. scheduled football game, as a result! State Master Here— inal aiq»llcation from neighbors of while It will In the main follow the The purchase was on contract, one of the dispute, and Washington and \ C. E. Spence, master of the state <>r«at War aa an ulrmnn^and came "Imd boys" will not be a<-cepted. present line, some changes that will of the provisions of the contract be the Oregon Agricultural college are) Grange, is in the city today, coming homo to be aocldcntnlly »hot and reduce grades are being made. At ing that the auto was to remain in talking of not playing their Kame. • here to attend Pomona Grange. hilled at a charivari i«arty. The men the Gethlhg hill, the high point on Josephine county. It is charged that There was. however, no meeting of JAPANESE IM I T HAH BEEN on the 17th of the month Mahnke took gun* along to make some noise i the Pomona today on account of the RIHSOI.VF.R BY l»F.< REE , the road to Murphy from this city, and in the »hooting. In the dark. j a slight detour will reduce the grade left for Southern California with the, ARIGHT <IF RE.MI’SEY TO ; illness of several of the important BE MARK ON WER.NESRAY ■ olficers materially, 1» the statement of Judge car. and the warrant was issued on Norton wan killed. (he strength of violation of the con San Francisco. Feb. 28.—d’he fed • Washington. Feb. 2k.- The Jap Gillette, and other contemplated tract, a^larceny charge being made. eral grand Jury indictments against changes will further Improve the T anese diet was dissolved today- by The warrant has not yet been served Jack Dempsey and Jack Kearns, an Imperial decree a» a result of the route. The survey will be run at as Mahnke's present whereabouts charging them with conspiracy to differences of opinion between the this time up the Applegate by the are unknown, though officers to the evade the drait, were mailed today cabinet and majority i<artles In the engineers, and everything made south have been wired to Los Angeles, where the warrants diet on a proposed extension of ready for construction work this will be drawn and served. The ar- spring. franchise. A crisis followed by re rests are expected Monday. The Williams and the Murphv dis- cent violent scenes In parliament SI FFRAGE MEASURE HAS tricts each voted special road lax of over the »uffrage question. BEEN RATIFIER IN OKLAHOMA 10 mills, this being sufficient to The two weeks beginning June 13 Puri«. Fi<>. 28. Order» for a gen raise 113.000. The county meets and ending June 26 will be made eral »trike huve been Issued by the the amount of this levy, making notable by the coming to Portland, national federation of railroad men. Oklahoma City. Feb. '28.—The: 326,000 avllable which Is to be again Oregon, of three .great national con- 1'dnditlon» are near a criela. Strong matched by the state highway com federal suffrage amendment was rat I | ventions—'the meeting of the Ki- military force» arc guarding the mission. or a total of 352,000 for ified by the house of the Oklahoma , wants »Clubs of America, the nation track» in Pari«. This ait nation has expenditure in the building of the legislature today. The measure now al convention of the Traveling Men’s been fomenting for months, but has market roads of the two districts. goes to the governor for signature — Protective As.o'Ciation ci-d the r" »rtl- AA'ashingxon. Feb. 28. — The resig not before reached witch a critical nation of Daniel C. Roper as tom- * Sixth annual session of the Imperial Juncture. tnis8ioner of internal revenue will Council of the .Mystic Shrine. The Seatie, Wash . Feb. 2k.- Two Pa The general federation of labor leave vacant one of the most import i first two will be attended by ordi has announced It will anppart the cific northwest imlnts, Astoria and ant posts in the government. Ro- nary crowds, but the Shriners expect Yakima, will be added to the rank» railway employes’ »trike. !>er’s intention to resign has been I the largest assemblage that has ever f organized baseball cl t h’s this sum made known to officials here, but visited the Pacific coast. Caravans mer when the Pacific International I 41. I*. MARBLE <N>. CLAIM IH the resignation will not be tendered are already booked from ea h of the ' rscball league o|x.*ns Its season. BIMl’l TER BY «OVKHNMKNT until after the first installment of| 145 American cities where Shrine The other four cities of the league, excess profits and income taxes for Temples exist, many will come from Apokane, Tacoma, Seattle and Van- Protesting against efforts being raising a protest. The motion car- 1919 is i>aid on Jlar^> 15. His fu the Temples cf Canada, and yet oth Roseburg, Ore., Feb. 28. An ac ouver, havtr had clubs in organized made to raise a huge “slush-fund" Tied and the fieJdmen brought home ture plans are not vet announced. ers fr.'m frr off Honolulu and the tion Involving the title lo a valuable baseball leagues In the past. Canal Zone mineral claim located a few mile» • The new league, a Class 1J organ for the J. W. .AV’.'a on trial for the the bacon. “Now the game is being worked The Shrine convention will be the southwest of Grant» 'P hsr was heard ization, will operate In the territory Armistice day murders at Centralia, over to give the Pacific Coast pan-! most sp<- :t?cular event ever »'aged In the United StHtes land office h<»re I formerly held by the old Northwest the AA’estern latborer, of Omaha, the handlers another whirl at raising de in this country. Seventy-five bands tonight, with Attorney ('* It. Arun | league. oldest labor paper In the west, points fense fn title. and patrols of marching men will del of Washington. It. represent out to its readers that organized la "This time the docent union men lend 1t color, each organization try ing the government. The Granta »Pass bor has 'been du|>ed for 41» years by, of the country are to be |<anhan<lled ing to pull some stunt that will outdo Marble &. Lime company. It appear», professional money-raisers In the In for funds for the defense of the dirty ■ the others, and all of them bent on has located olalmn on an entire sec terest of anarchists, such as (.Mooney cowards who shot unarmed and uni having as much fun as can l>e crowd- tion of land and are »eeklng title In and the McNamara brothers. The formed ex-service men who were led into three days. erder that they may devolop the pro Great Falls. I.Afont , Feb. 28.- The paper calls for organized opposition parading in the streets of Centralia The annual Rose Festival will fol- perty. The claim 1» : on»idered of to torch misappropriation of union la in daylight In celebration of Armis Northern Montana Good Roads asso ■ low the Shrine, and because of there considerable value and title la dis bor strehgth. closing its expose with tice day. ciation and the Northern Montana . being so many Eastern visitors in puted. tho .following; "These cowardly murdeiers hid be development auro, lation are . ooper- Portland the effort will be made to Missoula, Mont.. Feb. 28. ->.Mon- "The i.Mooney money was colie ted hind roof peaks, under cover In their ating in a movement for the Tlieo- put on the finest »how that the rose FIRST PAVER HIGHWAY IN revlllo Murphy of I’ortland has ar from unions at meeting». The artis- hall and other hidden places and doore Roosevelt transcontinental growers have ever staged. MONTANA TO IIE LAIR IN IHOO ced here to take charge a» auditor t c »pell-blndcr» appeared before shot the ex-soldiers like dC-rs. memorial highway, which, as pro Realizing that many thousands of of the newly created district No. 1 I union meetings, delivered sob-epeech- "Sam Gompers and Frank Morri jected. would pass through the city northwest citizens will want to visit Unite, Mont., Feb. 28. The first hettdq lartera of the United State» 03, niajiio shed real tears of agony son have dona some wonderful things on the Great Northern "high line" Portland to enjoy these spectacles paved highway in Montana, the first i.itcan of roads. The district In ( ’our brother ■denibers being for hiibor during their numerous across Glacier park and into Idaho and that the hotels cannot care for lap of which is to h» built this aum- cludes all of the stales of Montana left defenseless 'behind prison bars. years of official activity. through the Roosevelt pass. The the crowds, the Shrine committee i» mer. will run from Hutto to Anacon- nd Idaho. etc.’ When he finished the ’mut’ "If the rank and file of the unions road would enter Montana at iBuford. preparing to assign visitors to rooms dlF The lap now proje ted will be Through the office about HI w ho Is always present moved to do on the Pacific Coast lack the moral Commercial dubs in towns Inter in private homes of the city. A gin at Untie and .go to a |»olnt two 500.()0t» work of highway ions»tru«- nate the treasury; it promptly wn< courage to stop these various graft- ested also will assist the develop reservation may be made after April miles west of Hantsey. From llntte tlnn work will carried on during seconded, and lack of inoral courage Ing stunts, then Gompers and .Morrl- ment negotiation and the roads asso 1st by writing to »02 Gaaco Building, to Anaconda Is 26 miles the coming year. prevented the rest of those present son should stop it." ciation. it is expected. Portland. Oregon. COUNTY MARKET ROADS ABE BEING SURVEYED THREE BIG EVENTS FOR GENERAL R.R. STRIKE ORDERED IN FRANCE NEW BASEBALL LEAGUE IN PACIFIC NORTHWEST