Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1920)
TRI RMIKY. EMIRI ARY 3M. lUJo- PAGE FOLK Good Times Are Here ! In this wave of prosperity, do not forget the lessons that hard times have taught Don't wait until you have spent your earnings to appreciate the comfort of a bank account Begin at once to dep »sit regularly in this strong bank. The building of a savings account in years of pros perity is the solution of the problem of hard times Fonr |»er cent paid on Savings. One Dollar starts a Savings Account. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Misti, n reorwx! uisruvz *v * Il -1 OF SOUTHERN OREGON i Happy Thought Happy Thought Tree Pruners in a O and X-foot length, regular price $1.75 and $2—To close out an overstock we are selling them at 50 cents each, while they last LOCÆL FER52ML SPRING SUITS A \ Cairties. ol Eugene, is u ‘. as- Henry Palmer Funeral Friday — Navy irlioiine, "tlircail’* link«. The funeral of Henry Palmer will | invss visitor In the city today. Seed oats, barley and wheal at Im held at HnU's chapel Friday morn Braid and Unito» Trimimxl the Josephine County Flour .MUI. 10 ing at 10.30. Service private. M. Rozema. a Seattle business iiijii *I s expwtvd to arrive lu re today The City Market— Suc«e*Hir to to transa -t business In Grants Pass Will pay 25c per pound for all fat Mr«. E. Rehkopf ' H. Michel. 1A. It Innes and (>. chi'kens this Week. C. King are u trio of Me<lfordttes «ho ar<< Granta Pas» visitors today I lk- Take Notice All Elks in Grants Puss are asked Home Service •ection of Che Red to 208 H jto meet al the Josephine hotel Sun Cross has been moved North Sixth street , 06 day afternoon al 3 o’clo< k to com- Ralph Tuttle arrived this morning j píete arrangeiiieiiU for Marcii 4. 07 from lavs Angeles to visit his father. spirvlla— . W. 1.. Tuttle, on Thompson creek Tim world's beat corset. Mrs. W. Miss Nellie Miller returned Wed- • nesday morning from Wool* tn. II Dana. corsetlore, phone 185-1«. 06 1 Kan., where she spent the winter To the Isylum Tomorrow with her sister. Hemstitching and pecoting. 10c Utetidiints from the i an,l 12c per yard. Nellie Neus. Oltf I ¡»Rat «III arrive tonight to escort Attorney John VanZante. of Port Randolph lluiues, who was found land. will’ arrive in the city today, ¡insane .it uu examination before the being aboard the delayed No. 13 ■ounty court a few day» ago. to the ¡asylum at Salem. No word has yet train from the north. Mr*. Fred Reynolds and Mrs. W. 'come from the federal authorities In M. Williams have returned from ¡regard to the investigation that was Maiiui. Ari»-, «here they went to contemplated as to the standing of attend the funeral of their father. J. Haines in the war draft. F. Van Buskirk, who was killed in an automobile accident oc-uring un Water I oinpanv'* twice Moved— w the loth of February. , The office of the Rogue River Seed oats, barley and wheat at Water company has been mooil to the Josephine County Flour Mil), 10 217 North Sixth street, and all bus Messrs. J. O. Wolbro and J Nie iness hereafter will l»e conducted Caah Clothiers meyer. of Seattle, are now in the I from that place. city- and are interesting themselves in a number of business deals which Pioneer Woman Stricken— , are in the process of closing. These Word has been received of gentlemen are acquaintance* of A. suffering of a stroke of paralysis by C. Stewart, who has been here for Mrs. Hila A C. Houck, a pioneer of some months past. Josephine county, and for many G. S. Case, Smith Fork ranger. years a resident of the Illinois val- (kiseffi-t district, came over Wed nee- Iley. Mrs Houck is now residlng day night to meet his wife and son. with her son at the la-onard proiver- who have been in Portland, where ty on <he Applegate river. It hns the latter attended school. They ca not been determined just how ser ♦ ipe.-t to return to Gasquet tomorrow ious may be the outcome of the aged ' H 1,. Gilkey arrived today by au- jlmlv's illness. ’ tomobile from Oakland. Cal., stop ping off for a few days at Dorris Married in Stockton— . I Mr. Gilkey encountered about a foot j Garret l-acy and Miss Itolorey Tut- I i of light snow on the Siskiyou«, but t tie. both of Grants Pass, were united had no trouble. in marriage on Tuesday. February, Attorney John Kollock, of Borl 17, al Stockton. Cal . where Miss! ! land, who was here Tuesday and Tuttle was visiting her aunt. Mrs.| has purchased an 8-16 International I heavy wagon loaded with farm Im- R 1,. Wilson. The young people* kerosene tractor from tbe Rogue ; piemen tn. Some rough roads were [ Wednesday representing Ralph I neelociv. the bond buyer who han are well known In Grants Pass and River Hardware Co. Delivery wa» encountered birt the trip was made taken over the Grants Pass Irriga- have many friends to wish them long ' made Monday by E H Wise and IE. without the least Injury to the ma I tion district bond issue, returned to life and happiness. E. Rentiels. salesmen from Interna chine as the International tractor Is i iiis home on No. 54 last evening. tional Harvester Co. The tractor spring mounted. Hnys hill *ai made J. O. Jasper Jr., manager of the M< lamglilid Buy« Tractor— was taken from Grunts Paas to llol- »n road speed and the entire trip John M. Mclatiighlln of Holland, laud on Its own power, drawing a | vv e* made In lees than ten hours. • Shattuck-Edinger company of San Francisco. who represented his firm I here at the awarding of the contract I for the construction of the district | irrigation project, left last evening I for Portland, but will go south to- | night to rush the shipment of equip ment and supplies for the carrying on of the work. mr$. Hellie Deas Overcoats, Suits Shoes, Furnishings FOR MEN—AT Peerless Clothing Co Rogue River Hardware Co. T Recharge* and Repairs Storage Batteries And remember—whenever you want your battery or electrical sys- tem tested he does it free of charge, We have the beat equipped auto electrical shop in the city and every job we turn out means a new customer for us—MHO'S NEXT. Yours for Service ADAMS’ ELECTRIC & BATTERY SHOP Adam* & Johnston. Props. 500 South Sixth Street Phone M « NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Effective -March 1st. office hour* of the American Railway Express Company Will Be .Vs Follow« X A. M. TO 12 M---- 1:30 I’. M. TO 5::«» P. M. SI N IVA YS ANI> HOLIDAYS AT TRAIN TIME ONIA ALL CALLS FOR Pit KI PS M I ST BE PHONED TO Ol R OFFICE NOT EATER THAN 5 P. 51. It is necessary for us to do this in order to attempt to comply with the eight hour day which was granted all employees some months ago. Your hearty cooperation is earnestly solicited. AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS < <». Per. M. F. Roberts. \gviit G. B. BERRY Harness and Saddlery Auto Top and Canvas Work With Grants Pass Hardware Co 850 OREGON FRUIT GROWERS THREE PINES WEEKLY We Thank the For their hearty <«»operation with us in the suggestion of name* for our Confectionery and we Announce the Selection of our New Name School* Soon to O|S'n— Mrs. Allee Bacon, county s boo! superintendent, states that the influ enza situation throughout the county has so far improved that the most of the schools that closed last week will again open'next Monday. In all dfs- trids of the county there are many releases daily from quarantine, while but few new cases are being re- l»orted. Mrs. Eli Garner and sons made a business'trip to Grants Pass Friday. Miss Venita Corligs, Frantz Gar- ner and Leo Garner visited Mrs. L. A. Gale, of Grants Pass. Saturday evening. Silas Ludwick is working for Mr. Ahern at Hugo. Mrs. E. S. Corliss visited her daughter, Mrs A. E. Allen, of Buys Residence Property— Grants Pass Sunday. P. O. Johnston has pur -based the Gus Spranger went to Grants Pas« residence projerty of Ruby E. Bran Tuesday. don. located at the corner of Third The campers have begun their and I) streets. -Mr. Johnston will 'trips and a part; upped at "Green make a home of his new purchase. wood Court.” Isaac Best negotiated the sale. D. S. Wright made a business trip to Grants Pass Tuesday. Fred and Tom Wright, Elmer and Harold Ludwj.-k m a- a pleasure trip to Red Mountain near here last week. ELastman ms being the *ugK<*tioii of Ixitli Mi*s Marjorie Adams anil Mr. Clyde Smith W' Oregon Growers Cooperative Association Eastman films have made the moving picture possible. Eastman films make it pos sible for you to have good pic tures every day of the year. SHEET Ml SIC SPE< I AL i The new state wide fruit marketing organization open to fruit growers only. MEDFORD MONDAY NIGHT, M II« II l«t The fiinnle-t play ever written in the English language “Twin \\ it li Josephine Save and «ame tirent New York t ast Wk 4 PAGE FOB THE BEST RESI LTS ISE Bonniere With 22,000 Acres of Orchards Now Members of the i I t 154 members ,Jth 5,200 acres joined in Jackson County during the past 4 weeks. If you have not already signed see M. 0. Evans or J. E. Edmiston, Josephine Hotel, Friday and Saturday, February 27 and 28. < A large . ariety of sheet music ranging in price from 15c to 50c. 10<- |M‘i- < <rpy Friday* only The Bon Bonniere I j . E. Reynolds, Propr. STANTON ROWELL Mudi and Photo House 507 G Street 9 PICK |,«i--- 50c, $1.00, $1.50 Plus War Tax SEATS ON SALE FRIDAY, FEB. 27, 12 to i; 5 to 7 BOX OFFICE y <