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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1920)
UKA.N'114 I’AHh DAILY COURIER TIHIIKDAI, I Mllll un 2«. ll»î£O. PACK THI Handicraft Shop of Medford WIH display needlework at th« Hat Hhop, across from postoffice every Wednesday. from 10 to 12 and from 1 to 4. Orders taken tor future delivery on »hlldren's lingerie, hats, dresses« camisoles, vani (lowers, »lamped linens and art materials, gingham dresses. Agro Classified Advertising HTK.I1 ED FOR HALE ■ ■ i S ' — i -- '■ ■■■ —-*—i -»'li CATTLE FOR HALE Carload Mor STRAYED «Black Holstien cow, ford or Durham, olthar sex. reals white under body, both ears split, tered from Missouri. Wllls »Ingle left ear under cut, dehorned, It can get enough orders Ad whito spot on tall. Owner call for dress George W. King, Montague, property at the laithrop ranch. «9 Cal. 914 1*01 LTIIY FOR HALE Good fir wood, |3.50 a tier delivered. Phone Dickinson WHITE LEGHORN hatching egg» Ar Daws, Wlldervilto. 05 from heavy winter layers, 11 S9 per 15. $7 a hundred. Baby chicks FOR HALE 8 acres % mile from all sold. K. Itanimerlmcher, phone Grants Pa»» on Pacific hlgbwuy, 28 t>o« F-23, It F l> No. 2. cleared, •; room house, burn, gar age. Telephone ami electric lights HAVE iA FEW fine White leghorn available, $1200. Ur». Agnes M. cocker«)» left, $3 eu h for »julck .Morris, Rd. 1, Box 64. 12 Hale. K. Hammerbacher, phono «0C.-F-23. R. F. D. No. 2. 08 Hill HALE Household go«>ds. Call at 722 J pt rod Neill«» Oleson. 06 FOR HALE Thoroughbred Ply >X)R SALE The excellent bay horse mouth Rock i o» ker»»l», (3.50. “Busier,** formerly owned by W phone 306. 08 N. Carl, 8 yean old. 140(1 lbs.. BABY CHICKH Will hav«» a limited (150, O. Il Rtewurd. Murphy. amount of Barred Rock baby Ore. 09 chicks for sale every <hre»* weeks, FOR HALE China cloaet, ami beginning about March 21. Price ilooaler kitrhrn cabinet, cali at 20c Each; 218 per 160. My breed- 211 C Street 05 Ing i»en»t are headed by male» from - _.. » hens having a laying record ex- FOR HALE Set of 30 volutnen <>f reading 270 eggs. L. E Wilson, Encyclopedia llrltanlcu 'Addrmui 08 Merlin, Oregon. No. 398 care Courier . 05 Hill HALE Milk goats See F L. FOR SALE Thoro'ighbr<-d White Leghorn rooster. Call at 107 K Findlay, Jerome Prairie. 05 05 street. Judd Fernoil. ERE is welcome news to housewives who r.ave suffered from the scarcity and extravagant cost of maple syrup. The Karo you know so well can now be had with a delightful flavoring of pure maple sugar. Be luri to aah your grocer for Karo Maple in the Green Can. It ie guaranteed to pleaee you or your grocer return» your money. WANTED A FEW BETTINGS of White I’ly- WANTED Stock cattle, milk cows, mouth Rock eggs from the bulls, yearling steers, • 2-yenr-old Oregon flocks of this breed itwr.. State price and number. be purchas'd of Mrs. J. B. Pad- \ddre«» George W. King. Monta dock. SC8 North Second atreet. gue, Cal. 914 Grants Pass, Orc. WANTED A job In a butcher shop IIEAI, 934T.ITE In some small pay-roll town, with a view of purchasing the same. Ad :. t . mckinstry 603 g .treat, dress E. II. Base. I*. O. Box 223, phone 13-R. General real estate Nev. Perce, Ida. 915 bualne.e The beat of all kind, of Mills for fruit, hay or general WANTED Middle aged woman as farming. 21tf companion and to u»«lst with light housework in small family. Good TAXI home. Phone 19 05 OONER TAX! Phone 262-K tor WANTED TO BUT Modern city Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an residence or acreage, with or with swered anywhere, anytime 86tf out furniture from owner. Must WANTElk- -Cook for amali camp ■ onvenlent to town. Wages (50 p»-r month. Addrre» Austin Wll-I »on. Mun>hy, Oregon. 07 | First-class WANTED IT ONCE Experienced K. C. MACY. D M. D dentistry. 109 H South Sixth dry goods »ul»*»lady. A|»ply In street, Granta Pass. Oregon. own handwriting. Address 392 care of Courier. 03tf * A ETEIIINARY BURGEON WAITED- »Poultry. Pat "Kens. 27 eents per pound; young roosters, DR. R. J. RESTII,. Veterinarian Residence 838 Washington boule 23 cents per pound. Temple Mar vard, phone 398-R. ket. 07 WANTED ‘.Man and team to pull I’HYHICI ANS 250 fruit tree», also to plow 8 L. O. CLEMENT. M. D.. Practice acres: will let by the day or con limited to diseuses of the eye. ear, tract Geot Seebach, R. F. 1). 2, nose and throat. Glasses fitted phone 602-F-13. 05 Office hours 9-12, 2-5, or on ap- DHESH ¿LIKING pointment. Phones, offlce 62; resl- denee 259-J. ACCORDION PLAITING, dressmak- ing, and ladles tailoring, hem S. LOUGHRIDGE. M. D Physician stitching, dyeing and alteration» and surgeon. City or country calls promptly done. All work scientif attended day or night. Phonos, ically done both In style and residence, 389; office, 182. 8lxlh workmanship. Spring suits a spe and H streets. cialty. «‘»tlmate» cheerfully given, dr . w. t T ompkins , s . t . prices reasonable. Mrs. W. 11. Rooms I and 2 Schmidt Bldg Hwoape, 30 Olive Street, phone Treats all diseases. Hours 9-12 253. 110 a. tn.; 1-5 p m Phone 304-R. MIHCELUINEO! S E. J. BILL1CK, M. D., Physician and surgeon; office Schallhorn block, phone 54-.I; residence, 1004 Lawnridge. phone 5 4-L, Granta Pass. bit. RALPH W STEARNS physician and surgeon, offices formerly oc cupied by Dr. Stricker. Masonic Temple. Phone, office 21-J, resi dence, 21-L. Hours: 10-12, 2-4. F: Ill'TrrBkPb l i l ) Manual the raputics. It gets your alimene Office over Barnes’ jewelry store. Office hours 9:30-12; 1:30-4. I, GAMURAITH insurance, any Building and kind. Rentals. Loan. Plate Glass Liability. 609Mi 84tf G street. Phoue 28. 51 5 F. The Sign .man. ilURNH 110 Hl reel. WE IM) IIEMOTlTCHlNtl. 10c per yd., silk or cotton, thread furnish- ed. Mall orders solicited. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 115 W. Main 66tf St.,* Medford, Ore. WE SELL AND'RENT new Singer Sewing Machines. Grants Pass Hardware Co. 86tf DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER WE WILl/l’AY $11 per thousand rilE WORLD MOVES: so do we for No. 1 pine logs anil $13 for Hunch Bros Transfer Co Phone No. I fir logs delivered to our mill. 397-R_ Horlund-Thonms Lumber Co., suc cessor to Edgerton »<• Adams. 96tf» f . G. ISIIAM, drayage and transfer. Safe.«, pianos and furniture moved, packed, shipped and stored. Office phone 124-Y. D ANTEL McFARLANO 01*11 en gineer nnd surveyor R tlstered Placer location notice» at Courier professional engineer, lies 740 North Tenth street, phone 211-Y, office » 1 Keep Karo Maple Flavor on the table. No other syrup is so delicious for pancakes or waffles. And remember it is always reasonably priced. SsUmf ff«pr<Mnror»e« CORN PRODUCTS REFINING CO - 17 Battery Place New York JOHNSON, LIEBER COMPANY Portland, Oregon Simple glycerine, buckthorn bark, etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka relieves ANY CASE gaa on stomach or sour stomach. It acts on both upper and lower bowel and removes all foul matter whh'h poisoned stomach. Of ten CP RES constipation. Prevents append! Itls, The INSTANT pleasant action of Adler-l-ka surprises both PALACE T axi Phone 22-J. Geo doctors and patients. One man wMb A. Hyde & Henry L. Sargeant. 25tf suffered five years from indigestion and constipation was helped bv ONE rAXI al Owl Billiard Parlors, 172-J, dose. National Drug Store. (Adv.) or 243-L for night calls. Day and night service 5Gtf Quartz blank» at Conri» r office office DENTISTS bo reasonable. Give full particu lars in first letter. Address I’. O. Box 116, Granta Pa»», Ore. <>4 It’s Karo Maple Flavor in the Green Can. It tastes as good as it looks, and it is as good for you as it tastes. The purity and wholesomeness of genuine maple sugar are behind that delicious taste. We admit that wk're aspir ing. To be called to do your wiring. A» ripm electricians we're elected by the general public. They have found out that we know «II about tld» vital labor saving, comforting illuminating force. We will give you an es timate a» to wliat the wiring and tin» fixtures will cost you. nlÌMét HARPEggEUCTMC_STORE PHONE American» mo London, Feb. contemplate cominj to England h.s spring or summer, end Lyn Ion» rs expect there will be thousand« of '.hem, should be definitely assured before leaving that hotel aecommo- I dalion have been arranged, say hotel managers. Otherwise it probable that they may be nnabl»* find a. place to stay. I arile ilar Ixyndon. It null be difficult fbr Ixndon handle a great influx of |>eople this s immer, say the managers, ami they expe t many disapimlntments among Americans who even attem;>t to ar range a ommodations some time ahead of arrival. The lietler hotels of the city can not find room for more than 4.000 at one time. they are full now und many people hive engaged r >oms months ahead Pome Englishmen who have retiim«Mi from the United States es timate that 1,«00,000 Americani» will attempt to see England en . route to the battlefields of France ' this summer. More conservative ob- i servers, however, place the number far below that. TOO LATE Death only a matter of short time. Don't Wait until pains and aches become incurable diseases. Avoid painful consequences by taking ROADSTER FINE SHAPE FORD GOOD AS NEW .......... FORD WITH SHOCKS .......... 111 G GOOD AS NEW ....... FORD GOOD SHAPE ............ BUICK CAR Several other cars nt bargain [«rie«*». ... .....Asso ... »«Ml ... »4150 ... »san »:»«»<• C. L. Hobart Company POWERS, .Salesman Make Us Prove It! \l oulil you have thoM tires repair»*«! if you knew that repair would last as long »« any |u»rt of the tire? That in our guarantee alisolutely We are prepared to handle anything in the way of retreading Bagley’s Square Deal Vulcanizing Works 211 NORTH SIXTH STREET, GRANTS PASS, OREGON WATCH THIS SPACE FOR ANNOUNCE MENT OF ARRIVAL OF MacK Truck THEN CALL AND LET US SHOW YOU A REAL TRUCK GOLD MEDAL The California and Oregm Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD Effet tive Nov. 24. I 9 I 9 Train» will run Mondays, Wedu os- days and Fridays. p . m ... 1 Leave Grants Pass !• \i Arrive Waters Creek. ........ 2 2:30 P M Ixeave Waters Creek I’M Arrive Grants Pass ........... 4 For Information regarding freight and passenger rates call at lha offlc» of the company, Lunfturg building, or telephone 131. Ths world’s standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troublee—th« National Remedy of Holland since 1696. Guaranteed. Three sixes, all druggists. Look for the name Gold Mrdal on and accapt no imitation CHJCHESTE^PILLS AGENTS FOR. HODSON MAXWELL CHALMERS AND ESSEX CARS COLLINS AUTO COMPANY ACCESSORIES ANO REPAIRING 1*111» fi. Red and Void n>etalll< boies, sealed with nlua Ribbon. Take no other B«y of y»ar hrvttlat. A^f rClllX’iP'.M-TKRf niAMU'd» »IK\N(> l*ILi,Afert| y«*ik ki»©wn a» ltett. Safest. Always R ellabi« Y SAID BY DRI GGiSIS Hf RYWHFRE PHONE 317 5// H STREET, £ESSEX ■ motors GRANTS PASS, OPE I