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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1920)
rA<W ni i iis:i n. i i m:i viti imi . unw. — TWO rr WANTS PASS ÛAILY COURIER Published Dally Exi <H>t_ Sunday RAMONA Londua. Feb. 26.- -John Ferrlug- down. a seaman, who has bean In 'the army five years, haa been 14 time« ctiurtmariialed. apeiit four mid a half year* under detention, mid wa* never abroad. a> cording to army records. He 1» now eerilug three year» lienal servitude for theft of postal drafts A. F VOOtRHIIBB Rub and Propr F Entered at postoffiee. Granta Paas. I Ore . as second class mail matter I Friday ADVERTISING RATES Display space, per inch ------ 20c | Local-personal column, per line .10c t Readers, per line......... -........ 5$ » DULY OOl RIMR By mall or carrier, per year 16.00 By mall or carrier, per month- .50 30cPound WEEKLY COURIER By mail. per year ........ 11.00 KINNEY & TRUAX {GROCERY Only AT BARNES, The Jeweler Bureau New» Fulmine— County A geni Miller requeet» that all who wlsh lo la> listati in thè ex- change collimo of the Farm Bureau News, to be piiblIshed next Week, wt thè material to him l>y next Tues- day. Quality and Service MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Aaeociated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or all otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news pub lished herein. All rights of republication of spe cial dispatches herein are also re served. per». In other words, there are no NEW TODAY hard and fast classes, but a constant 8EE G. P. JEBTER for lift» inaur change and progression. For the ano« Pentì Aiutimi Life. 59tf proletariat to advocate the destruc ; FOR RALE Barred Rock and White tion of the bourgeoisie Is for thepres- Wiandotte egg«. |i per setting. THl Itol'AY. FERRI ARY 2«, I «24». ent to attempt the destruction of the JCall after 4 p. m at 1301 East A future. street. Mrs. A. Meier. 2.1 Joseph laimar passed away this ♦ “The doctrine of class distinction morning, aged 77 years 11 mouths HAY WANTED Thirty tons, grain OREGON WEATHER and class consciousness Is anti-Amer 5 days, lie was born in Egypt, Mo., hay prefered. Address <l*o. Feld- ♦ ican and is menacing to the funda .March 21, 1S41. and came to Oregon niaier. or phone 201-J 06 Weather for the Week mental prlnlplee of our nation, Pacific Coast States: Gener *s 31 years ago. residing in Josephine MIST Between Granta Pass and ♦ ally fair, first half with normal perhaps the most primary difference county almost the entire time. Mr. I Holland, February 23, rod paint- temperatures; probably rain ed red. about 5 feet long from between bolshevism and American Lamar is survived by his widow, two disc harrow, Finder please noti last half. ism It is the frith of Russian tyr sons. R. J. Iaimar of Hollywood. Cal., fy Rogue River Hardware Co. li) anny and has no place in free Am and A. M. Lamar, of Richmond. Cal., Tonight and Friday, probablv 4 Fl RN1SIIED ItOl'HE for rent to erica.’' rain or snow with moderate and by one daughter, IMtss Dora E party without children Inquire winds, mostly northerly. 'igimar. of Pasadena. Mr. lainar re-, K02 M street Peter Gravlin. 10 4 4 4 4 ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦ >♦♦♦♦ 4 icently visited his sons and daughter' FOR RENT -Light housekeeping in California for several weeks and ‘ roius. Inquire S23 J nt reel. 10 WHAT THE RED EI.A4Ì MEANS had been home only a short time FU ME LUMBER cut The ’ Americanization movement ( to order. Bor- before his health l>egan to decline land Thoma* Lumber Co. j His daughter on being notified of his which is steadily gaining headway : condition came immediately to LATH for sale Bor lain I Thoma» throughout the nation and is gradu Lumber Co. »«5tf Grants Pass and remained with her ally sweeping out the ’’red” propa father until the end A IM. .1 Ismar I FOR SALE The Ancona man liar ganda is well exemplified in the fol London. Feb. 26.—The secret of arrived here last night. The other J just arrived with the Hhepperd'» lowing piece of literature now being the smoke screens used with such son Is prevented by sickness i from I famoiiH Ancona strain of prize winners at the Mudiaon Square circulated: great succeaa by the British navy in being here. • Garden for 12 yeam with a record The funeral will be held at Hall's the raids on Ostend and Zeebruggee "A few definitions are in order. of 250 for the petin. and 333 for _ , .. .! is definitely disclosed. They were parlors Friday afternoon at 2:30. “One of them concerns the red . . , . one hen 1 huve nettings at |2 produced from an acid, which has to Friends of the family are invited to per I u eggs, or $ 1 2 for 10« Re flag which has been so widely dis- burne(j ¡n the presence of a suf- the services. cord winter lalors. Jas. Fad*.. played in connection with revolu- flcient amount of water vapor, other- 306 West 1 street. tionary propaganda and which is ac- wise the smoke produced, even over COOK WANTED 16 men Apply claimed by its followers as the sym- sea' if* ,0 be somewhat by writing Grants Pass Lumber1 . bol . of . ... ' . j •. i thin on a dry day. liberty. Since we already have Co. Commander Brock, who sacrificed 07 I in this country a flag of red. white ,(fe jn the a8sallIt on the German Paid advertisements___ | and blue which we have associated defenses at the Belgian ports de Primar,' Election May 21, 1«2O with that term, it becomes appropri- vised the plan to feed the acid in a ate to Inquire what interpretation of fine •r>ray into the funnel of a des- ARTHUR S. COUTANT was Republican Candidate for . .. the ... red . . followers ,, . have , in troyer. the temperature liberty ’ , where , ' sufficient to vaitorise the acid, and Nominee for mind. Clearly it is somethin« dif the water vapor present completed COUNTY JUDGE ' ferent from our own or they would the formation of the cloud. Josephine County not need another flag to express it. In this matter, as in most other mat F. L. COON ters, actions speak louder than Repnblii-an Candidate for words. Red actions have spoken Nominee for most loudly In Russia, and it is there COUNTY CLERK that we can get our best idea of the Present Deputy County Clerk red purpose toward liberty. “One Russia fact stands out prom D. 0 HAYES London, Feb. 26.—'Referring to a inently—the red purpose toward 11- New York dispatch printed here to Republican < Candidate for bertv does not include the liberty of the effect that William Fitzherbert, Nominee for the bourgeoise; and this brings us to who died at Brooklyn, claimed to be ASSESSOR our second definition: a great-grandson of King George IV Prissent Deputy Assessor t "Who constitute the bourgeoisie? by his marriage with Mrs. Fitzher ECLUS POLLOCK “In plain language they are the bert. and as such entitled to large | estates, the Daily News says: productive class of the nation. Any Republican <’aiitlitlatc for I "Whatever the facts about the man or woman who has a farm, a marriage, there is no doubt that Mrs. Nominee for ’ shop, a store or a factory, large or Fitzherbert believed herself to be COUNTY JUDGE small, or who gives employment to , lawfully married to George IV. It a single other person, is bourgeois. has always been understood that she Well-Known America is largely bourgeois and died childless." =------------------- Political Cards » Troubles, Troubles, Troubles « I We borrow moat of our trouble*. We anU<l|>ate them ami worry; wo imagine all kind* of din* caieniitleu; we aee fate ju*t arouml lite corner. ready to smile ua with the bludgeon of failure, but when we turn the corner we find that fido Im* not even touched u*. We fret mill fume to no purpose and waale our energie»' LET I S TAKE thARIgOF YOUR »’LEANING, PRI.KHING, REPAIR ING TUOI lil.EH The Wardrobe Cleaners I'HONE I 17 81ft NORTH «TH HTREWT ■9 —1 "'N What Do You Pay for Flour Now? . Our price has not changed since last harvest. Josephine County Flour Mill Corner Third ami G street« Phone 123 Attention! Important! every working man will be"ome a member of the bourgeoisie if he pros- Trade Acceptances, book of 50, 11 Fourier office. > e* terday we receives! a shipment of fancy blue check hard fini-hrvl three button CONSERVATIVE SACK SUITS Size- Ml to I » Pacific Coast Folk Testify 8eatt!c. Wash. — "I used six bottles of Pierce’s Golden MedicdT Discovery. I had an alsress (was in the hospital at the time) and I feel sure the ‘Discovery’ helped me, as it cleared the blood. I have had no recurrence of the trouble. That was in !(<<)<>. I also used Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription and went, through the critical time __ of middle life without a doctor.”—MRS. E. E. WRIGHT, 222 Orcas St. Price $39.50 “Lived Three Months on Crackers and Milk" I IKMS AMI ( ITT PROPERTY Oregon City. Oregon:—"I would not be alive today if it wi re not for Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. I doctored with the doctors for five years for hardening of the liver and severe stomach trouble, but continued to grow worse. I lived three I months on crackers aniMmilk. 1 had big liver blotches on my face, my heart was weak, would have qiells of L-ing numb all over, my stomach would bloat, terribly, and I would have such hard pain in my stomach that the perspiration would just pour off me. I also had terrible headaches. A neighbor told me about Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Di •< every and Ixiught me a bottle. I continued taking it until I was completely cured. I have kept it in the bouse ever since. It is a wonderful medicine and I just can't say too mil' h in its favor ne I know it saved my life." - MRS. M. E. HYATT, 5th and Monroe Sts. D r PIERCE'S Phone 3444-J 111 South A FEW CARS TO SELL OK TRADE t ' We have no Ford cars in stock. We are expecting some soon but as there are many more buyers than we can supply we can make delivery only to those who sign orders and make a deposit of $25.00. These orders wifi be filled in rotation ac cording to date taken If you want a car the sooner'>i us hitVe your order the sooner \ou will get it. There is a shortage in all makes of cars, and the situation will be worse as the season advances. The public will soon find that this will be a year of order ing in advance for almost anything they want. You may not be obliged to wait long for a Ford if you order now but the order system is the only way in which the cars can be fairly dis tributed. The Ford Motor Company insists on a strict enforcement of this rule from this time C. L. Hobart Company ' GOLDEN MEDICAL. DISCOVERY FOR THE BLOOD, LI VER. LUNGS. I, ■w