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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1920)
tulverslty of Ore. Library ♦ tante GRANTM |*ANM, JOSEPHINE fMM’N TY. OREGON, H THURSDAY. I EBBI ARV 2«, 1020- WHOLE NUMBER 2IHIS. »» a Seien Cvluinge» of Memos Making Total of 12,000 Word« to Be Given American 1’iijilic ' Peace Pact U> Have Kight of Way iu I Upper House Until Disposed of. Debut« Limited Washington, Feb. 26.- Final de- FROM NATIONAL I’KOHI BITION OOM MISSION IN WARR I clalon to publish the exchanges of jeorrespondence between the Amcrl- INGTON ENDS COMEDY Vanderveer, Counsel for Defense Says He Will Not Stick Washington, Feb. 26.- -The peace treaty came back to the floor ot the I d the Case Unless U.S. Soldiers From Camp Lewis i senate today, to be given right ot way until It Is disposed of. Despite the demands of the irreconcilable« Are Taken Away By Tomorrow QUIET DEATH cuu government and the entente pre- ! mien» on the Adriatic question was reached today. Seven notes, total ling 1 2,000 words are to be ptib- ' llsbed. • VETO HR. BILL DELEGATES OE BROTHERHOODS AND FARM EKS COUNCIL VISIT WHITE HOUSE for ample discuseion, debate will not j tie allowed to drag on Interminably t.Mouteaano, Feb 26. Threats to continue beyond today If the offend it was said. _____ •idea declared frankly that nobody ’ The Adriatic »it uutlon is one in withdraw from the defense of the ing soldier» are not taken away. forecast the result. could which the position of America muat trial here Ito Fi ’armer»’ Council Huppletoesto Major Dalrymple. ••Dry" Director : be aafe-guarded in order not to ron- ten alleged I. W. W. on Tacoma, Feb. 26.- The troops now Warren O. for the alleged murder of Request With Written Argument Given Up Intornimi to Arrest Iron der ImpoMible the later entry of the at Montesano are a detachment from) Agairc-t the Measure Armistice Hiver Official» United States Into the league of na- Grimm, at Ontralia on the 35th Infantry, commanded by i tlon», The open publication In day, unless the detachment ot reg «.Major Arthur Casey, and were order-1 ' thought the best means of placing ular soldiers which reached here yes cd to .Montesano by .Major General Iron River, Mich., Feb 26. -The' t|u, matter before the American pub terday was withdrawn, were made in John F. Washington.-Feb. 26.—Appointed Morrison, commanding armed force of the federal govern-' ]|g in its true light, u delegates from the railroad brother- Camp lewis, upon receipt of a re- ‘ open court today by George F. Van meat, under .Major A. V. Dalrymple, ____ hoods today called at the White derveer, the counsel for the defend quest for military protection from who came from Chicago to "put House and presented a memorial to The original n-\ Governor Hart, ants. Vanderveer declared ^hat th« down the liquor rebellion in upper I Oregon Agrcukural College, Cor-. the president, in which they strongly qsest came from the state attorney« Michigan." ha« been withdrawn to presence ot the regular army de who are conducting the trial, "for valll«, Feb. 26.—What is hoped to urge the veto of the compromtoe day «nd the revolt had flickered out. tachment, which was sent for on the the preservation of order in the city be one of the strongest track teams railroad bill, as it has been approved Dalrymple's announced Intention to | strength of .persistent rumors of an during the remainder of the Centra in the history of the Oregon Agri- by vote of congress. The represen- arrest States Attorney McDonough attempt at forcible delivery of the I. lia Armistice day murder case ” I. culturai college is being developed natives of ’the brotherhoods were and five other Iron River officers W. W. from the jail by syn>i>athizers, W. AV. force« have been drifting in under the paternal care of Mike But- joined in their mission and memorial, was abandoned under order» from made of tile trial a "drumhead court to .Montesano in large numbers dur-’ ler and the watchful eye of Coach ' by representatives of the farmers' the national prohibition commission national council, who supplemented Hargiss. He ’ ing the past few days; and the Mate ** An organization meeting of the martial and not a law case." Every evening between 4 and 5 i their request with a written argu- er at 'Washington To all appear said that if his demand for the re has been receiving a large number - ■ ances thin conclude« the miniature Oregon Growers Cooperative Anso- moval of the American soldiers is of anonymous letters from hidden I o’clock, speed merchants can be seen . menu . The visitors did not get to ' elation for the Grants Pass-Rogue "whiskey insurrection" in northern various i'unninK around the indoor track in ! see President Wilson personally, but River district will be held Wednes not respected and obeyed that he will I. W. W. leaders making Michigan “ We will not let them the armory, unlimbering their, were received by Mr. Tumulty. The trial was then I ugly threats. day. Man-h 3 at 2 |>. ni. at the Jose quit the ease. I die’like dogs" is a statement in one muscles and getting in shape to put ordered to procee'd. and Vanderveer Chicago. Feb 2«. «.Major A V. phine county courthouse, Al) mem acqnles«ed, saying that he would not! of the letters. tlle ’B®ave’i’ team on the map. Many. Dalrymple, federal prohibition direc bers are urged to be present. C. I. ------------ (old men are working out and show- I^wls and Seymour Jones, of Salem, tor. returned here tonight with his II «1/ inilllOnil TinrO *n>? new form Members of last years aides from Iron River, Michigan. and J. O. Helt, of ¡Eugene, will tie« | squad are making the varsity men I there to dlscuiui plans for the season. The party brought with them sam- toe the mark in order to hold their M O. Evan» and J. E. Edmiston , pies of wine confiscated, and which places. Dalrymple declared would lie used will be at the Josephine hotel Fri The rook group this year includes in prosecuting various Iron county day and .Saturday, 'February 27 and many former high school stars who ik, to receive applications for mem persons. are out to help bring home the ba Topeka, Kan.. Feb. 26.—A plea bership. Approximately two-thirds con for the Aggies in the coming for an increase tn the salaries ot New York. Feb. 26.—If Jack New Haven.« Conti., Feb 26. In of the commer lai fruit acrtsig« in track season. the -professors of the Univeroity of Josephine county and at Rogue river addition to rowing, baseball, foot- Johnson, former heavyweight cham- Kansas, issued by the local carpen has already been signed up with the ball, track athletics and other out- i pion of the world, lives up to his ters’ union at Lawrence, is included •»ris, ! 6. lie :’i c Wallace, aasoi latioti. Over 5,000 aerea In door sports, Intercollegiate rivalry expressed determination to return to in a letter addressed by the union the American ambassador to France, Jackson county owned by 155 fruit to the state board of administration. this country and surrender himself; may tie extended to the polo soon presented to the foreign office today. I grower» have been signed up during At the same time, the union asks field. Recent action at several east- to the authorities within the next President Wilson’s reply to the lat the twist month that the stale board increase the ern Universities indicates the adop few weeks his action will terminate est not« of the allies on the Adriatic wages paid carpenters at the univer- question. tion of polo as an intercollegiate a long i>erlod of wandering through sity from 52 cents to 7 5 cents an hour—the local scale. sport. Cornell already has organ foreign climes. Johnson who had Ixmdon. «Fell. 26. The ullled su A unique sitiration is brought up 1’regon Agricultural < oliege, < or- ized. a squad and Is preparing to been convicted of violating the Mann preme council tonight disisitched loi by the La.wrence union in that it . ■< i . • i- i. e. » ' ’ allls, Feb. 26. — ¡Mrs Alice P. Nor ‘ mount it; Yale is seeking a stable of act, slipped out of the I nited States ,, . , . . . Washington ito answer to the note ,, . ,«ton. editor of the journal of home threatens to take before the new in- ponies; prospective Harvard platers nearly seven years ago. He had , ......................... of President Wilson on the Adrlati« . , x . economics, and considered one of dustrial relations court its petition are taking lessons in horsemanship . been sentenced at Chicago to serve it question which was received yester , . , the best authorities m home econoni- to compel the state board of admin and Princeton is expected to join in. one year and one day in prison and . day. v ..A« . ics in the country, will give a two- istration to pay higher wages to the while at West l*olnt the game has to pay a fine of »1,000 but he for- . . , Londun. Feb. 26 The sox let com alwais been popular among the ca . .. / ... ... .■ .v neeK lecture course in the 1920 suui- university carpenters, If such a feited his bail and after evading the« , . ,, ... missary of foreign affairs has dis- dets. - , , .. ... .... . mer session at the college. Her lec- move were made, it •would be the federal authorities, landed in Canada t , . . . . imtched notes to the United 8tates. , itures will come the se ond and third first Instance before the court of The movement for intercollegiate , in June. 1913. • . , , employes of the state seeking to ob . 1 weeks of summer school. Japan and iRottmanla. offering them polo grows, out of the war de|>art- When Johnson left Chicago - he „ .. . , . .. Seattle, Feb. 26. Two bandits to peace with soviet Russia, according tain higher wages from the liate .... , . Mrs. Norton is one of the pioneers ment’s recent endorsement of the started on a journey which brought: day robbed and killed J. I*. Paschick, to a wireless from I.Moscow. I in home economics work, having had through the state court, sport. Objection to the game pre- him through most of the European« storekeeper and postmaster at ■ller- This offer was rejected by the su viously has been largely one of ex- and Latin-vAmejican countries. His| broad training. During the war I The letter was signed by F. J. lund, near here. preme allied council when submitted l>ense. and this is obviated by the gamut of experiences as a fugitive ;»eriod she divided her time between j Dunham, secretary of the union. The the journal and the food administra-carpenters employed at the univer- at its last meeting in Ixmdon. department’s offer to furnish mounts will Soon conclude according to his I»AVLIGHT BANDITS t.ET tion in Washington. She was ap-sity are “full-time” workers. The and equipment where playing fields own statement with a return to the TWO TRAYH OF DIAMONDS pointed to the United States treasi ry75 cent rate sought is said to be con- , iynl stable facilities are available United States as he desires to live at Vancouver, It. <’., Feb. 26 Ban I department in thrift work after thesiderably more than Is received by ! As Yale. ’Harvard. Princeton I and home again no matter what punish signing of the armistice and is stiilmany of the instructors at the uni dits working under cover of a heavy Cornell have artillery units of the ment t hi* courts of justice may In fog, early today hurled a brick aiding in this work. versity. through a jewelery store window and .Madrid. Feb. 26. By royal dccre'* RcO. T. C„ each will obtain this fed- flict on him. With this object in eral assistance. view, Johnson is expected to arrive esiiiped with two trays of diamonds. the Spanish government has excepted here within a short time from Vera: from the eight-hour day law certain |NILK STOCKINGS FNIRBIDDEN Cruz with the Intention of surren WILSON NAMES NEW callings. Ajnong those who are now AN PKEVEXTATIVF OF FLU dering to the frtieral offkials at Chi MINISTER TO SIAM permitted to work longer than J he cago. % Washington. Feb. 26. George W. legal hour are domestic sen ants, Indianapolis, Ind.. Fob. 26.—The I*. Hunt, of Arizona, was nominated waiters ami other hotel employes today by President Wilson to be min who live on the premises, and drug wearing of eilk stockings by girl FIJI ISLANDERS STRIKE FOR students at Shortridge high school MOKE PAA'—CAUSE H.C.L. ister to Slam. gists. here, will l>e prohibited, according to an edict of George Buck, princi Ixtndon, Feb. 26.—«Winston ing the night. .Mr. Churchill he Suva. Fiji Islands, Feb. 26.—The pal of the school. IMr. Buck said the high cost of living is afflicting even ; Churchill, who was first lord of the says, "presented a most extraordi ruling followed suggestions that thin the inhabitants of these remote admiralty at the time of the Dar- nary spectacle, perched up in a huge stockings were conductive of colds, islands. Some 1,500 Indian labor-j danelles expedition, used to act as bed with the whole of the counter and that the order would be enforced ers here have struck for in« reased censor ot the official communiques pane littered with dispatch boxes, during the influenza epidemic. wages owing to “dear living." 'given out concerning that ill-fated red and all colors, and a stenograph campaign, says Rear «Admiral Sir er sitting at the foot Mr. Churchill Douglas Brownrigg. Sir Douglas himself with an enormous cigar in was chief tensor during the war and his mouth; a glass of warm water on Pittsburg. Feb. 26. Intense blast if not brighter tliHn fiefore. Usual-1 has written his experiences in a book the table by his side, and a writing furnace activity, combined with low ly there are two of them, at times' entitled "Indiscretions of the Naval pad on his knee. On one occasion temperatures, has In recent weeks rising perpendicular, but oftener cut (’ensor." One day .Mr. Churchill he had a badly swollen face, and given to the il’lttsburg district some ting tlie sky like the lieam from a , T'•ahi to the admiral, “for this bus with two turns of a flannel bandage of the most beautiful "furnace com- searchlight. I iness. I am chief censor, not you. round it and a scanty lock escaping ets” it has ever seen, iBut they are Scientists at the Allegheny «obser I "IMr. Churchill had a knack for here and there, presented a truly gradually losing their brilliancy, and vatory explained tlie lights by saying The cigar, Amarillo, Texas, Feb. 26 A store Dallas, Texas. Feb. 26. After 20 framing communique«.’’ the admiral extraordinary picture. with the approach of spring, Hclent- that the light from blast furnaces keeper’s ledger dating back to 1840 years’ separation. (Mrs. iL. R. Dawson | i states. "He was also a bit of a however, was still there.” Isis say. they will vanish until fa- pen< tr tes the atmosphere above ilie is In the possession of H. M. Osborne, ! gambler, that is. he would hold on of Dallas, saw her son in a crowd vorabie condltions reappear next r'ty t > a great height, und there lie of Amarillo, showing the prices th*t to a hit of bad news for a time on I It. It. COMMISSION AFTER downtown street here jast as he, the chance of getting a bit of good winter. ing ra light by frost crystals send obtained in Vicksburg, Miss., at that on W \STERS OE GAS AND OIL * "Furnace Comets" are print bro i I I l»R’k the rifle tlon In the form of time. boarded a street tar. She called, news to publish as an offset, and I shnfis of yellow light which pierce I broad binds, For years they hav«- Austin. Texas, Feb. 26.- -The oil An entry shows that flve quarts of but rumbling traffic drowned out her I must say that It not infrequently the black background of n m a r’- •• passed almost unnoticed until th>e whisley wore sold at that time for voice, and now she has asked the : came off.” and gas division of the Texas rail sky in most spectacular iiiinni” year. when. lie: hc;n a isn iso of the con 79 cents and the pur baser was police to help her located him. He I Admiral (Brownrigg used to visit road commission has appealed to all They flash almost without a mo tinued operation of largo numbers of given credit on the deal, too. left home when 19 years old, and the first lord in hJs bedroom at 9:15 oil operators, property owners and ment’s notice, and fade almost ss f rum ?n. they bec ime much more "Ordinary" leather shoes were mother had not heard from him a. m.. and show hint the cables and the public generally to report flag lui kly, only to reappear as bright. froqm nt and much more beautiful. sold for 11.25 a pair. , radios that had been received dur- rant wastes of oil and gas. since. PRESENT MEMORIAL TO WILSON I H A K IrAM r in 14711 I l\nUl\ I Lnlll I Ull I LU EXPERT TO BE ATOAC. PEACE TO Ü.S.,JAPAN WHISKEY AT16 CENTS \i||U Ovlv Al AIN nUnll