FAGK *«• * G ILA NTH PAM DAILY (W III K It RTLTRY JUST AS WISE MAN SAID BIRD'S SONG IDENTIFIES IT Manager of English Factory Admit* HI* Men Are All Liar«. Once Heard, Ona Is Not Apt ta Forget the Trill of the Beautiful Dickclssel. Little Johnny Ilarrtson sent a tear- stained letter to hls employer In a big Sheffield (Kng ) cutlery plant on the day of a big football match, saying hl* grandmother had died. I The employer was a skeptic and dis covered that both Johnny’s grand mothers had died before he was born. So Johnny was sacked. His parents, however, claimed n week's wages In lieu of notice to a local tribunal, for In Great Britain high grade officials are entitled to thri-e month«' notice, clerks PAINT AIDS POULTRY HOUSE one month, workmen a fortnight, and little office boys a week. The manager said he dismissed the Adds Greatly to Appearance and Serv- boy for telling lie«. ice of Buildings—Whitewash The chairman of the tribunal said Is Cheapest. “But what If you dismissed all the tPrepars«! by in« L'nneil States licpart- men In your employ who told lids?' 1 The manager colored and said: nient uf Aarlcultur«.) ¡‘muting adds greatly to the ap- would not have a man left.” pearanee and service of all buildings MADE THE DANCE REAL and appliances. One may buy ready- mixed paiuts or may purchase paste pigments and oil mid mix them. All Living Fox Joined Whlrlers Who Were Busily Doing Popular Trot. surfuces should be clean and dry be The first fox that lias ever danced fore they are (minted. Use a priming eom made of equal parts of paint and the fox trot made his debut nt the Ho linseed oil and cover with «me or tel St. Francis. San Francisco, lately. His effort precipitated a near riot. more coats of paiut. which should b< The fox. which had been sent to thoroughly brushed into the surface. Whitewash is the cheapest of alt Chief t'l -rk Harry Bovle by I'rof. Au drey Cl.ataln of Chicago, a St. Francis (■amts, and may be used either for ex terior or interior surfaces. It can be guest who recently went to the Yo made by staking about teu pounds of semite. was left In the check room. quicklime iu a (mil with two gullon- When Boyle picked up the box to take of water, covering the pall with clot!: the fox honi» the bottom foil out The fox jmnpetl a counter four feet <>r burlap mid allowiug it to slake for one hour. Water is then add«*] to high and dashed into the Borgia room tiring the whitewash to a consistency among the dancers, who. at the mo which may be appll«*! readily. A ment. «ere swaying to the tune of weatherproof whitewash for exterior "Take Vonr Girlie to the Movies.” Across the floor the fox scampered. surfaces. may l«e made as follows: (I) Slake 1 bushel of quleklim«« n 1. Prashina the ankles of several female gallons of hot water; (2) dissolve 2 Terpsichore*. who held their partner» pounds of common salt anil 1 |>oun<l of In a deathlike grip and screamed. The sulphate of ziuc in 2 gallons of boil music jazzed on. It was a half hour ing water; pour (2) into (1). then mid later before the fox was cornered. 2 gallons of skim milk and mix thor oughly. Whitewash is spread lightly MAGPIES PECK AT CATTLE over the surface w itli a broad brush. Animals on FIND PERFECTLY FRESH EGG Quality is Largely Determ ned “y Ease With Which Yolk Movei-— Hints on Candling. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) It is msessary to rortite an egg la- fore the candle if one is to obtain an accurate knowledge of Its condition. By tilting at various angles, th«- loca tion and size of the air qimce can be «e»»n. and very often the position of the yolk. But the quality of the egg Is very largely determine«] bv tin Montana Ranges Suffer shame and bow au humble head to these who. a» Edwin Markham says, “fought the poetry they sang.”—Mil- wauki-e Sentinel. Land Question in Chile. As far a« we an« Informed, there Is I but one American tdnl «boss song can be heard above th«« roar and rattle of a swiftly moving train, when the re I The land question, particularly ss It relates to the Indians, hit« of late been receiving attention from those Inter ested In the future of Chile. The tendency has been to take every ad vantage of these natives, who, despite the many handicaps that official and unofficial greed have placed in their way. are admitted to be milking sub stantial progress. They have, as might have been expected, shown themselves particularly proficient In agriculture and entile breeding. Crying evils In the administration of the Innda have been |<olnlt*l out In the public press, but as yet the authorities do not seem to be sufficiently Interested In remedy ing n state of affairs that does much to alienate (he sympathies of an partant. If subordinate, part of population. ceiving end Is ou the said train. You may be •’Jazz ng" along at sixty I cr seventy tulles an hour In your com- fartable I'ullnmn »««at, aud over the I tremendous hum and racket of th«- I steel caravan will come to you from the little feathered fellop on the tele- graph wire outside the incessant song of liot-weather Joy. . "Dick! Dick! Dickclssel I” Or. if you prefer another analysis; “Chip! Chip! Chee-chee-che«» 1" So the Dickclssel lias a distinct stunt of his own—something that no other bird can imitate or rival. Same times we think Dick is a bit proud of It. too. for he lines the railway right of way dear across the mld«ll«> west Preserving American Scenery. ern and plains states In such numbers his song Is ever In our ears while you I While the member« of the Associ are traveling. ai -I Mountaineering Clubs of North The Dickclssel was formerly call«*! America ar«» not nil devote«! to moun the black-throated bunting and la a taineering. they Imv«> a common bond very beautiful creature as well a« very of Interest In the preservation of useful. He Is mostly of u rich yellow Amerlrau scenery and hi the protee- I hue. with a black throat—but nobody tlon of (daiit iiml bird life In their | need Identify him by Ids dress, for Ills mitural environment. The association! song Is Inimitable. Iu our experience Is co-operating with the national park I we never heard any of the mock fug service for the creatimi and develop- I birds attempt to imitate the “Chip! ment of national park« mid "monu Chip! <,’hee-chee-cbee !” of the hot- ments.” A tine collection of litera ture on mountaineering has been form weather friend. He is really a salamander of tfie ed by the association nt tin» Maw air, too, for he la late in arriving and York public library ami bibliographies early In departing, a*d does his best are being compiled mid publish •«!. vocal stunts when you and I are gasp When this orgmilzntluii was founded ing beneath an electric fan. He eats in 191(1. It embrnc«*l nine dubs and lots of bugs and weed s«**!s and Is societies. Now then» were 2!) mid the a mighty good cttlxvn.—Onmha i Wbrld- aggregate membership 1« over l.'.otki. Herald. Bombarding Sky With Name«. POETS BRAVE FIGHTING MEN Writers of Deathless Lines Also Won Immortality on the Bloody Fields of Battle. From Attacks of Birds, and Cold i Swarm- of hungry magpies are at tacking half frozen, famished range cattle in some sections of Montana, according to telephone message« re ceived from farmers by the Butte Miner. The birds swoop din U|*..i the cat tle and peck at brands, causing wound.« which are made more serious by odd weaker ami lack of fixai. Hundreds oi range cattle are said to be dying from starvation since the severe weather set in. One farmer Is said to have shot seventeen of hl* herd, that the stock might be saved for b«**f before they |ierlslied. By means of new wireless Invention It will be possible to project sounds •nto the air which will enable an avi ator to know exactly where he Is, For example, suppose he were passing over Calgary, from the moment be approached the region he would re ceive the message "This Is Calgary" until he had left It behind him. And so on with all places over which he nmy pas*. In this way his chmices of losing bls way will be considerably diminish«*]. What power have the sacred Nine over their loved oues to make poets take tn war? Sidney, writer of deathless lines. died a gallant soldier. Dante defended his tenets in arms. Byron contract«*! a mortal fever help ing to free Gr ece from her tyranny, and Iturus wn* u member of Scotch ••Agents Authority to Sell” -book dmgixuis, with no opportunity arising or 50 blanks, 50c. Courier office. for heroics that marked him a soldier. Printing that pl eases We do it: He was. however, valiant, mid what Is probably the greatest Courier Job Department. poem in all poetry. “Scots Whu Wi’ Wallace Bled!" And notv out of tie» great defender« of humanity In the war Just being straightened out ■••ones D’Annunzio. “Roll’’ Satisfies Mother. Sarah Jacuras. IS. was brought Into Italy'- i,aid. fighting the tight of a cap tain will hold out “if It taxi« nil the i>ollce court nt Wate.-liury. Conn., summer!" by her mother, who declared the girl Joyce Kilmer «leer«« In France. to tie Incorrigible. The mother said Allan S »eger Is proud "a few brave the girl wanted to marry a man 77, drops were ours.” who was also in court, and site thought Am! itobort Service was al the the girl too young to wed. bringing in tl e manglisl, and lias given When file prospective bridegroom, us a (>< em in his "Rhvm-s of a lied however, flashed a “roll’ of $2.500 In Cross Man." entitled "Gra.id I'ere. court the mother withdrew her objec- that will make tlo* bravest shudder. tlon to «he match and the ease was O, ye. who cnlled the land to arms, nulled. ye hypocrite* that gave an outburst of fine fire with your pens, redden with Mining blanks—»Courier office. MEN LIKE THESE WOULD RULE YOU FASHION GARAGE & MACHINE SHOPS v SKIIVICE AN If HlliSFAtTION Ill'll MOTTO We carry a full Ila«' of 'lire« and Accessorie* at the l«e«t price« on the market. Now is the time to make your spring repair*. w Wo make a specialty of all kinds of Lathe and Machine uork anil general n-|«air*. Also nil kind* of cast steel sud aluminum welding. Bring in your mechanical Trouble*. We can help you. C. F.BURKE and . E. KNOX, Props Truck Owners Attention! A H'rr.j-Made Egg Candling Outfit. with which the yolk moves and the di rection of Its motion. The operator, therefore— 1. Grasp« the pointed end of the egg with the ti|«s of the fingers. 2. Holding the b*iint end tipi-« rmosl. places the egg closely against the opening, or spout of the candle. 3. Gives the egg ti quick turn to the right or left, watching the movement af the yolk. If tlie egg Is perfectly fresh it may be difficult to find th* yolk at firm glance, but as the egg Is turned a glimpse of It will be obtained. We have taken over the Tuff’s solid tire press and installed same in our shop. MENU HINTS FOR HENS (Prepared by the United State« Department of Agri- ul'ure.) Use home-grown grain- aid ibeir by-products supplemented with meat and fish scraps, or milk. Mix these feeds to make a properly balanced ration, Feed a scratch mixture of w hole or cracked com twice dully, Feed a ma«h either dry or wet. made of ground grains and meat scrap. Make the hens exercise for their feed. Pro ide a light feed of corn in the morning, supplying only what the liens will dean up In h hulf-hour. (Jive n full feed in the afternoon, espedall.v li (•old weather TYPES OF COMMUNIST TACOMA GUN STORt, INC Tacoma, Wash. Largest Stock of Hunters anil Trapp' ■ Supplies in the Northwest-KspoHal attention *o nisll orders. SEND ON r CENT STAMP FOB CATALOGUE TITATOR8 DEPORTED BY U. 8. DEPART. MENT OF JU8TICE ADOLPH SCHNABEL, JOHN DUBOFF, Leader of Union of Russian Workers, Active organizer of Communist group a powerful, anarchistic organization In Elizabeth. N J. In America ALEXANDER SCHATZ, NICHOLOS MICHAILOV, Leader of Communist group in this! Violent agitator among anarchist* Country. I America. C. L. Hobart Co.