GHANTH PARA DAILY OOIHIKIC -------------- :----- —----------- T——............... •-.**■. «pipper* of >352.3tf lifter (he shipping expenses of WM.71 Were deducted, The market value of this entire shipment oti the local market wit* only >2»IH.Hi». so that the net gain through co oper­ ativi* marketing aggrega ted BH047, or a total of 34 per rent. Twenty-one «kippers purtlclpiifi-d. Palm Trees Are Hardy. Brasilian coconut palma live from BtMi to 7421.07. which left a net return to the bare sunshine, be dry. have ventilation. Im ve no drafts. bure plenty of floor x; M PAYS TO BANISH LOAFER HEN In Recent Culling Campaign in Indi­ an* 345 Out of 1,222 Fowls Were Discarded. “Binecure.** rated from their former male», despite Our word sinecure Is derived ftMB the fad that they received the same amount of feed it* the profitable prie i two T^tln words—the preposition aiMk ducer*. The per.-entsge of egg prodne I without, and the noun citra, here tn tlon I!«>• week before culling was 27.(1 the sMative case, meaning care. Hine while the Heek afirr It was 30.8 per cum was, therefore, without care, hero « our word, sinecure, meaning an -•ent. ) office without employment but that hs* u revenue; imsitlou having emotu- Placer location notices at Courier j atents with few or uo duties. office Mining blanks—Courier office. i flia IJnitsd Stuie* Dcpart nani of Agrlcultma.) ì lio P.nrtholon ow cotiniy (Imi.) agri» cultnral agrrit rr|>orta that » telili ar«d by Hie United Ktatee liepart maid of Agriculture.) Cull out and prepare for market all fowls, old or yonng. which apia-nr wenk slow, or dull; fowl* with droop Ing tall*, rough pltmum*. or rr«»w- shaped head»; nil scrub« except thine which have laying point«; all liens which molt early, and all mill.*« except those wtrorig. vlgon it», and of a pure typo desired for breeding. til X Courier - 3 Steel may be blued without heating. Polish the metal well and make sure that It 1« absolutely dean. Then Im merse It In the following solution: Sul­ phate of copper. 40 gram«; nitric acid. (JO grama; IM) per cent alcohol, ISO cubic centimeters; water. l.(MN) cent I meter*. Allow to dry thoroughly, then imllah by rubbing Arlskly with a wool en cloth. Another way to blue steel la to heat It till cherry red and then quench In carbolic add. office I X /n the Five Pound Can How to Blue Cold Steel. Mining blanks at M. J. B vet f: i n. ■ L .-ÌL irï-': ' l«—¿ County Agent D «carding "Boarder” Hens. < It surpasses all other coffee» in fragrance, flavor quality, economy I Also Packed in Three and One Pound Cans I U M¿RRAHDíNSTíÍN¿‘rfl là? »RASCISCÖ. C*1 V> lasty loafer* which laid only 54 <• .1 r