rants VOI ,V„ No. I2H GHANI'S PAM. JOSEPHINE COUNTY. OKEGON, SATURDAY, I EBRI AKY 21, Hr2o. WHOLE X I M HE R 21*1. I « * *■ ! Expected 'limi It Clin Be Taken l'|> Agalli 'I ui-Mlay After Washing. * ton Birthday Holiday * I » French Ex-I’remier »tate» at Part* Trial That Ke Was Victim of Son- in-law of Swift .Moutexane, Feb. 21. The trial of u xitNi NG SENT OUT OF WIDE GREAT SI M MI ST BE CH IRGED| Chicago. Feb. 21.—James Mlnotto, ACTION IS KXPBCTK1» BEFORE ten I. W. W charged with the Ar- ihh TRIIH TI«»N OF THE GDN OFF AH WAH UMM IS STATE- i son-in-law of Louis F. Swift, declines WKDNK0DAY WH1A MEABURK inistlcu day murders was halted yea-| ■ to discuss statements of former Pre­ tert.y duo to the Bluras of Juror ‘ Artatl<»n «»droops Over interned during the war, .Mlnotto has Will Open to Development Seventy- Contract* for Dit« hing and Uu- ton’s birthday holiday. liefendant the Tteoweanda of Bottle* l-’r«»ni s«-u* Would Have Failed Without i dropped the title of count. He was fixe Million Acre« of lau.ds In torinl* on 2 itti Ixiren Roberts has entered a plea of- the Market* Method of O|M*ration Wentern States i employed in the office of a Chicago insanity, and testimony of alienists' I exporting firm. ! will ba given. The fourth-week of I — I The committees that have been Mo­ the trtdl ended today. Chicago, Feb. 21. —The state su­ Washington, Feb. 21.—It waa Washington, Feb. 21.—The rail­ lidtiug a- reuse tor inclusion in the perintendent of foods and dairies has road administration estimates place I ly learned that the delay in preaiden- Granta I’aaa Irrigation district re­ Isaued a warning that poisoned stuf­ the net cost to the government of tial action on the oil land leasing port that there is uow ultnoat a solid fed olives have been shipped by a federal control of railroad- at $636,- J ) bill is due to a desire to obtain the lilllA l MTC opinions of John Barton Payne, soon block, of laud from the city limila Chicago wholesale house to dealers <«00,00(1. ('hairman Esch, of the in-- A Lil I v to become secretary of the interior, to the laithrop ranch Included in pc In 52 towns of eight states. They temtate commerce committee, told titious to lx« considered by the board I are “Pimento Olives,” in bottles, the house. "This will have to be ■ ! and Secretary Daniels on the mess- . of directors uuxt Monday. It is the and salesmen have been instructed •barged off as a war loss, expensive; ' ure. The president Is expected to purpose to include In extending the to have the olives withdrawn from but worth the price. Without the Ixxndon, Feb. 24.—The London - act before midnight Wednesday, boundarlea of the dltariot only thoee the markets. railroads, transportation would have ! Safety First council has resolved when the bill would become a law.« lauds that have petitioned for Inclu­ This is the first time bacillus bot­ failed to supply troops over seas," again to offer money prizes and di­ The oil land leasing-hill was agreed Greenwood. Ind.. Feb. 21. With) sion, not taking in all the lands ulinus has been found in, stuffed said the chairman. | plomas to drivers of vehicles for to by *thd hotise and senate conferees within the definite district, so it is I the dedication of the .Polk coin mun- olives. The three brands involved —---- - - freedom from accidents during the February -2 and after being passed no- essary that the land he represent­ , Ity house here recently, announce-1 are California olives, Batavia. Fern­ Visit* at Ashland— ensuing year. The council will also by the house and senate was sent to ed at the Tuesday meeting if It is to i ment waa made that it was to be the dell and Richelieu brands, packed in .Miss Eunice Hillis of Grants Pass, , provide a safety first scholarship. the president February 11. The bill be brought Into the district. The | home of the unnual national conven- 191R. Thousands of bottles were Is spending a few days In Ashland, and prizes, for the best essays writ- is expected to open for development committee of landowners that has j lion and contest of eong composers, sold without reports of i>oisoning un­ a guest of .Miss Thelma Herr Ash- ten on the subject by children att nd- approximately 75 million acres of been working has issued the follow-i til recently. land Tidings. | ing schools in the greater London public domain in Western states, ¡the flret of which will be held here ing statement: The bill affects oil, coal, gas. phos- I area. "To those living north of the riser next June. The «-onteetanta will be In the last week in February, a phate. sodium and oil shale lands und west ut Oak street and west to selected each year in annual state »Pedal Safety First publicity cam- and is strictly a leasing measure, all the larthrop Brothers ranch The contests, when* the composers will provisions for outright sale having acre* in thia district now signed up compete for the best American folk been eliminated. Under the measure are about 950. These acres will be song and the beet American art approximately 4 4.000,000 acres of display on all classes of vehicles. presented to the board of tJi«- Grants song. Prize« will be offered from a government coal land alone would be Pass Irrigation distrlit Tuesday, (fund provided bv Grace Porterfield opened for development as well aa February 24tli, for final acceptance Polk, an -Indiana sonx writer. The. about #,000,000 acres of oil lands. In the district. All those owning first state competition takes place in The bill specifies only a minimum Butte, Mont., Feb. 21.- -Twenty­ Ministers from Josephine county truots of one acre or more In this dis- - Florida this month. The Indiana i royalty. In contested claims on oil, trict and wishing to join will pleas? i contt-st will bo held here in March. I two quarts of high grade whiskey, will attend the Htate Pastors’ Train­ ¡70 per tent of the royalty received call a* the county surveyor’s -offl e I 1 on past production is to go to the re- Th«» community house, which was < $70 in currency an«l $4.50 in silver ing conference, arranged by the In- at thu epurthouae not later than 51 erected at a cost of $75.000, donat­ -¡comprised an unexpected creasure ter-chttrch World movement, at the I clamation fund. 20 per cent to the White Temple, Portland. March 3-5. o’clo-k Monday afternoon. February! ed by James T. Polk, contains a large I states in whi'-h the oil was produced which workmen employed in wreck- This is the first Interdenomina­ 23rd, an«i make application to Join gymnasium, swimming pool, showers, Th? entertainment “offensive” I and 10 per cent to the government. ’ ( Ing the old “Cash House” uncovered tional State Pastors’ conference held the district. It lias lieen imposslbi«- rending room, room for games and II All royalties derived from oil, gas. which the American legion had set for the committee soliciting a reage an auditorium with a seating ca­ ¡recently. According to Building ln- in Oregon, and it will indude the to begin on February 23rd w-ith a coal, phosphate and sodium produced to call on all. and tins noti- e is given pacity <»f 1,000. The donor of the ■ s|«ector lUllln-s, the -basement of the launching of a great program by the mili ta ry ball and which was to dose in the future will be distributed 52 H that they may have an opportunity community house is the father of ’¡building was a dance hall in the old - Inter-church World movement. Some with "consolidation of positions" on ! per cent to the reclamation fund, ; of the strongest denominational lead- to mine into the district without In Grace Porterfield Polk, who origin­ 37 M i»er cent to the states and 10 days, the first floor housed a saloon ! era of the country will be present toj February 26 th in the highest-class currlng thè extra expense to them­ ated the idea of the song contest. I per cent to the government. I boxing card ever offered locally, has ¡and lun-h counter and the second I conduct the conference. An invita-. selves of advertising their api>licH-l The measure provide« royalties to !>een postponed on account of the ¡floor -wr.a used as u rooming home. tion has been issued to every pro­ tlons.” be paid shall be determined by ft>m- order closing, the town. Much interval ita* been aroused It waa while removing the floor­ testant pastor in the state, and hnn-‘ The local ex-service men were all petitive bidding or by methods to be dreds have already accepted, among' over the call for the blds (or thd let­ set to go over the top in full uniform prescribed by the secretary of the ¿In­ ing that the workmen found between whom Is (Rev. Henry -G. Hanson, pas- ting of contractu for the 16 miles of terior. For oil lands a maximum of ¡supporting joists the ca he of whis­ - tor Presbyterian chuTch, Grants! on the occasion of the military ball, oeed that - Pass. Oregon and other features of the work. Io rant flu can hold them in the dug­ imum royalty of 12H -per cent. The ¡some one employed in the lunch come up for «-onslderation at the outs when the kaiser found it too big maximum coal lands is 2.560 a- ree ¡room stole the liquor from the bar I ad«r, by B. I-enox» isation, or riding in their "tanks. ” victed of criminal syndicalism last ¡15 years old since it was stowed Schneeloch, the repres«>ntatlve of the Simpson, writing tinder the pen name night, will take an appeal. She faces but the civilian population or the away. bond buying house that has taken 1 of Putnam Weale. He is the author* ¡territory must be considered. Upon sontertce of from one to 14 years. several works on China and re­ the -bond Issue upon the district, has of 1 I receipt of orders from G. H. Q.. G. P. I REAR ADMIRAI« ANDREWS wa.w retained by the Chinese been Investigating certain equipment cently 1 'Ore., mayor of the city, commanding, RECALLED FROM ADRIATIC SACRAMENTO WOMAN FOUND as "statistician” report­ thut the district may need while on government 1 NOT GUILTY OF MURDER therefore, t-he cessation of operations directly to the president. his trip to -San Francisco, and will ing 1 I in the local sector has necessitated Mr. I«enox-Sim|mon says that In return here tomorrow accompanied Paris. Feb. 21.—-Hear Admiral San Francisco, Feb. 21.-Mrs. setting zero hour for the American bolshevism could not really by parties who will probably be pre- theory 1 Philip Andrews, commander of Am ­ Julia Mildred Thurston, of Sacra­ legion dance on the night of March pared to offer blds for some phases declare war upon a non-oapltaiiatic Attorney A. H. Jarman, of San erican warships in the Adriatic, has mento. was found not guilty of mur­ 17th, and make Ireland’s famous day country where the millions toll aa of th«» work and materials needed. Francisco, stojiped off in -Grant* Puss the beginning of the "drive. ” Kimball, hotel much aa do the Russian millions, but. Itcen recalled, because of disorders dering Mias Jean The real -hand-to-hand fighting in last night, and today is visiting with nevertheless, China finds her border i which occurred at -Spalato. a -Rome cashier, on Market street November the week’s drive-will occur on March his friend. Cashier F. C. Bramwell, 4, 1919. provinces deeply affected because I dispatch says. 11th. instead of February 26th. as and investigating some -phases of the agreements made in years gone by previously planned, the entire card war time chrome production prob­ with the government of the late Kn>- .Mr. Jarman represented the having been changed to that date. It lem. peror Nicholas have not 'been defl- was feared for a time that this chrome produ era in the showing nitely .< unr olled and also "because change might mean losing Cedar- made before congress in getting the Japan is leaving no stone unturned strom. the Roseburg scrapper from claims of the producers for work to inherit those agreements and ar­ the list, but the Umpqua valley fans done during tihe war adjusted. He • rangements." are only the more anxious. The believes that the outcome will be to The author sees a possible cause sporting enthusiasts in the valley to the satisfaction of those who spent London, Fob. 21.---Miss -Chryatal for a declaration of war on China by their money in getting ready to pro­ the north are certain their fighter .Macmillan, British suffragist leader, the bolshevlki In the fact that the will win over Grady of Portland, and duce chrome at the behest of the who has recently returned from Ma­ old 'Russian diplomatic and consular are already making plans to have government, though he states that drid says the woman’s suffrage move­ establishment In China has been sup Cedarstrom matched with some other there was a strong disposition in ment is making rapid progress In ported by Chinese funds front top-notcher at the Milwaukie sta­ Washington to trim the claims down " to the lowest figure possible, doing dium. .Spain. A number » f | (Jl\ UIMTLI at mtn ■ A Al W| |l|| fiPPI nlUIU liUUl