* w MONDAY, U RA NTH PAHA DAILY VOVH1IU* PAGE FOLK Why should we ask you to do business with this bank? • 'i run i w r» in u «: in si h « i sv s 11 '1 v PERSSNflL “? LOCAL Spring Underwear i We freely and frankly do so because we have faith iu our bank and in the men. behind it; because we are sure the bank's service will be worth as much to you as vour account will lie worth to the bank. With ample capital and reserve, fine facilities and an appreciation of the needs of our community, we are ready to do for you everything that a good bank ought to do. So we invite your business with confidence that our bank can add something t > your prosperity if you will but let it. last's get acquainted. THE FIRST NATIONAL RANK OF SOITHEBN OREGON New hand methods in tire making O produce a better how well he makes them. tire—a tire more re­ A new wonder of chemistry sistant to punctures, The toughness and resiliency blowouts, tread separation of Thermoid Tires is the result — the perfect method is of the discovery of CROLIDE. to build them, from the CROLIDE is blended in scien­ innermost ply of fabric tifically exact degrees with each layer of rubber or fabric that to the tread, by hand. goes into the tire. This makes Made in this way each the tread stronger and the fabric tougher Thermoid Tire is the work, from Never have we seen such durability start to finish, or mileage so far in of one man, who excess of qur ex­ is rewarded, not pectations. You can depend upon 6000 on the basis of miles of guaranteed how many tires service. (Ford size* he makes, but 7500.) Mrs. John McArthur went to Glen­ “Serves )«»u Bight"— dale this morning for a few days. When hungry. Opposite p aasen gel­ Boy Wells, of the Illinois Valley. ile pot. 9S Is in the city today. Mrs. O. P. Harvey came in from Iriigation But«'— Glendale Sunday. For the benefit of conaiimers Hemstitching neatly done. Mrs ( ¡planting garden* an.l lawn*, the Nellie Nea*. S6tfj Mrs. Henry Wagner, of Ahlon, la "l Water Company announce* that too special sprinkling ra'-i enforced for Is «Lilting her brother. Amos Myers She will spend several months here Lie past two year* will be effectl”? this .eusoti a.i usual from May 2.11*1 S Garrett returned to Roseburg to September S3 rd. »7 i today after spending Sunday at home. Kev. D. D. J»odge returned this Buys F Ntreet Home— The Win. Smith home, on West F morning from Albany and Cottage Grove. street, has been purchased by Dave Buddy Spencer, of Stockton. Cal , Hobble, the sale including the home spent a day with [.ester Hill, leaving and its furnishings and five lots. E T. McKinstry was the agent who ne- for Roseburg Sunday. Mrs 8. J. Nazor returned Sunday got la teil the deal. afternoon from a visit at Cottage Grove. You Can't ÌMnlge— Miss Blanche Ferdine. who spent We have smashed prices. A Chev- the past two weeks here during the rolet ride at Ford price. For It's the closing of the .Roseburg schools. re climate Palai e Taxi, phone 31-J. tf turn«*! to Roseburg today. R. R. Turner, former sii|>erinten-' dent of the city schools, but now re-, Marring«' I«heus<~. I* muc «1— Marriage license* issued Saturday ceiver of the liuul office at Roseburg, is in the city on business connected at the count}' clerk's office were to I with his property holdings In thia l>an M. Oeborn and Miss Gertrude M \insworth. both of .Murphy, and vicinity. to John McArthur and Franc«* Elea­ nor McArthur, of Grants Pass. T You can’t pull th« tnad at» Thermoid Tira Rogue River Hardware Co Henry O'-Majley. of Seattle, of the United States bureau of fisheries, and 'll. C. Mitchell of (’lackuinas, su- perintendent of the bureau for the state of Oregon, were in the city to- day iniestigatlng the situation as re- gards the needs of fry for planting in the Rogue and other streams of this vicinity. The gentlemen stated that the hatchery on the Applegate was ready to turn out all the fry de­ manded. and would be put Into oper­ ation to meet the demands here if the rains came so that there was water to supply the hatchery, They said the capacity of the hatchery was su.h that six millions of steel- head fry could be produced, and that these would be hatche1,000. The building will be modem In every detail, and will house the garage of the Maxwell company. clothes, perhaps you have diMiarde w, The U ardrobe < Icaaem are »» m H UK’S M INTEI> «OUDECOMPO unc TIRES 9EHIII ARY I«. I»’JO Bids are wanted for 114 rods of metal flume. Bids to be In b >*■ o'clock p. m Saturday. Februnr, 31. i/iddrrsa Rob rt Stevenson, secretary I Wilderville Irrigation Co.. Wlld«»r- 315 North 6th Street Phone 147 and we will lind You ville. Oregon. —while paying for it Edison was so eager that you have music—with lu power to broaden and beautify your life —that he gladly spent three million dollars in perfecting the New Edison. How you pay for your New Ed­ ison therefore becomes a most insignificant matter. You are to liaie your New Edi­ son now’ That's your privi­ lege! That’s Edison's purpose. Pay «ash if you wish! Spread the payment out, if that'* more convlenent. We have no rule. STANTON ROWELL Music and Photo H oom - .'07 G Street 8 CIGARETTE «V e admit that we're aspir­ ing. To be called to do your wiring. expert electricians we’re elected by the general public. They have found out that we know all about this «i*al labor saving, comforting Illuminating force. We will give you an es­ timate as to what the wiring and the fixtures ««ill cost you. FARMS AND CITY PROPERTY Phone 3UI-J 111 South Sixth St. A FEW CARS TO NULL OR TRADE HARPER’S ELECTRIC STORE ELECTRICAL SUPPIIFS L SERVICI i ^ET a package today. No- J tice the flavor—the whole­ some taste of Kentucky Burley tobacco. Why do so many “regular men’’ buy Lucky Strike cigarettes? They buy them for the special flavor of the toasted Burley tobacco There’s the big reason toasted, and real Burley. Make Lucky Strike your cigarette. t