Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1920)
MONDAY, FEBRUARY IH, UHM». Gli XX IH DAILY tot HIER Hl Show ìòu How ueiBD pAJBia 1 1 1 1 1 luto Ifll 7 HUM 11117 IIH i ROADHTMH 1 < >lll> GOOD I'fllUl IVITIL BIG GOOIt FORD GOOD «Otto HlltM'KH IS \ I.W MHAPI4 AH NEW Nlf AI'E I $301» *tn<> *MS 1 Itttn Bl'IGK CAR Several other cars al iNirgaitt prieavi. C. L. Hobart Company A. J. POWERM, Haleaittao -1, *■ • Classified Advertising FOR MAIJC Ths following -lory under dal* of tho 13th instant w hlrh bas appeared In tho press Indicates rich finds of platinum in th<> Curry county dls- trict: "Startling aunt from Gerry <•< i into the »action around lain gioia rep resentative* of Sun Francisco mining concerna who are offering as high as $5,otto for individual claim» located by various residents since the discuv- I *300 MTWt.-KLLANEOIM FOR HALE Improved tract close in V. L. GALBRAITH—Insurance, any kind. Rentals. Building snd Priced to sell. Call 316-Y. 84tf Ixtan. Plate Glass' liability. 609 H FOR HALE 8-rooni cottage, fur O streot, Phone 28. 84tf nished; i orner of A and Eighth J. E. Woldina it 97 IH’HNH Thu Sign %an 515 K Ht reel. 110 CATTLE “EOR BAICarload Her ford or Durham, either sex, regis WE DO HE.MHTITOHING, 10c per yd . silk or cotton, thread furnish tered from Missouri. XVIII single ed Mall orders solicited. Singer If can get enough orders Ad Sewing Machine Co., 115 W. Main dress George XV. KIni^ Montague, St.. Medford, Ore. 86tf Cal. 914 l'oit SALE Nash 2-ton truck. Stari- WE HULL AND RENT new Singer Sewing Machines. Grants Pass or and electric llghls. Run one Hardware Co, 86lf 31000 sacrifice. light season. ■Murphy, Ore. 96 Beo C A. Hyde, TAXI 70 SMI DGE POTS, second-hand, for eOONER TAXI—Phone 262-R for sale. Inquire Mrs. H. C. Bobxien Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an 97 swered anywhere, anytime. 86tf I Can Be Checked Bronchial cough«, cougha that hang on after recovery from :nfluenza or grip, aathmatic tgha, cougha caused by a dia ling ticklint io uait csum one not but to ditlurb the such cough* can be Hooey and Tar. the throat—coughs only to lo»c *kep red oi other*—all relieved by Foley's The Experience of Two Men L W. D*V, as C*irm6*u Av*.. B.. Danit. MkK. wrae*: Fshv • Hooey and T*r I* *rMt. Il« on* with bronchlti* vary quiekly. My < m lh*l Im. ha* almotl (on* ood I how <>*v*r I* bar* it a*ain " Oia>. tloffmao. P.osU Ho»*l. Onaid*. N. T.. wrao* I havo boon IroubUd with hekbn« io my throat and cough tor th. pool throe moo th*. I eoijbishtv roooameod Pole» * Ho»» and Ta* o* a 90c and Be bottU gave ma Foley’s Honey and Tar COMPOUND jWriri&ffiZp CIVIL KNG1NMKR Make Us Prove It! XXoiild you have those tires repaired if you knew that repair would last as long as any |M»rt of the tire? That is our guarantee absolutely AVe are prepared to handle anything iu the way of retreading Bagley’s Square Deal Vulcanizing Works 211 NORTH SIXTH STREET, GRANTS PASS. OREGON r>\\Ii:i. UrKAIII.ASI) Civil M- glneor and surveyor Rsglstere.l engineer Res. 740 North Tenth street, phen» 211-Y. REAL ESTATE : T. M c K instry non o’ street.' phone 13-11. Genera) real estate business The best of nil kinds of soils for frutt, hay or general farming. 2ltf DEALERS fN ItEXL ESTATE—XVo are hero for business nnd will gl. > you a square deni. Como In and soo us at 1 I I Rout) Sixth stre?*. Timmons Ar Higgins. SOO We want every housewife in GRANTS PASS to know what Calumet Baking Powder is — how much it means in economy and better baking. We have gone to great expense to introduce Cal umet to the ladies of this city and trust you were home when our lady represent ative called. If you have missed her d< what millions of others have done—give Calumet a trial. All the housewives who have learned of Calumet have welcomed it, and all feel many times repaid for giv ing it a trial on account of the splendid results they now obtain from their bakings, Calumet has proved itself of immense value in saving money — in saving materials and in producing the most tempting and wholesome bakings. If You are Not Familiar with Calumet Learn theTrue Facts and decide for yourself. If Calumet is what we say it is—if it is what millions of housewives say it is, you want it. If it is not exactly what we claim, you won’t use it. We leave the decision entirely to you, but don’t allow anything to prevent your giving Calumet a trial. Many housewives buy cheap brands with the idea they are saving money. They don’t appreciate that uncertain baking jtoxxders are expensive at any price and waste vastly more than they cost. Others pay exorbitant prices supposing they are getting higher quality—when, in fact, they are paying more than the best linking powder in the world is worth. To both classes of buyers Calumet reveals true baking powder economy. Its uniformity of quality — //if highest quality that Can be put into baking pon der —prevents bake-day failures, spoiled materials and loss of time. Protecting you against rising food prices by insuring light, sweet, tasty pastry. It is the best baking powder that cau be bad — still it is moderate in price — eoats less thsn Trust brands and but little more than cheap, unreliable brands. Calumet is economical in both cost and use. Calumet Baking Ponder is Used in Millions of Homes by leading Domestic Science Teachers, in Domestic Science Schools, Hotels, Restaurants and Railroads. It is “BEST BY TEST preferred where standards of purity and economy are highest. Calumet is manufactured in the Ltrgest, àQjXÀéCHNG POWD *’r finest equipped and most sanitary Baking Powder Plant in the world. It lias enjoyed a steady growth ¡it demand for 80 years and today more pounds of Calumet B iking Powder are sol I than any other brand, if it weren t superior, it would not be the greatest seller. Calumet Baking Powder contains only such ingredients as have been approved ofticially by the U. S. Food Authorities. Every can purchased carries a money back guarantee. Try it—at our risk. You save when you buy it—you save when you use it HIGHEST AVVARDd t»ry was made a utitple of mouths che reported finds are realities, de- t ral tTOt is aiming the excitement la ago. Assays of the ore wore made in daring platinum had never been Curry county Is some other than found in ore and claiming the min- >latinum.” ' Bandon, and at two or three offices in San Francisco. One San Francis co company made returns reporting there were no values in the ore. But the Bandon assay showed as high as 20 ounces to the ton. and one San Francisco offl e sent word the ore in dicate from 10 to 18 ounces. It is claimed the deposit has been traced for nearly 20 miles, from northeast to southwest, ending in the vicinity i of the mouth of the Sixes river. One fij is just what you need, madam. Many 1 ran h owner .gave a 90-day option on women who were troubled with indigestion, a 'Ills mineral rights for $15.000. Guy Stutsman, a Marshfield boy. who had sallow, muddy skin, indicating biliousness and been working aeveral yours with the habitual constipation, have been permanently cured Inman Mines company, slut Ing gold on Sixes river, is said to have discov by the use of Chamberlain’s Tablets. Before • .ing ered the moat productive platinum deposit. His find is in a territory these tablets they felt miserable and despondent. 20 to 25 miles from the main Curry JÇow they are cheerful and happy and relhh their county highway, near the head of Sixes river. meals. Try them. They only co6t a quarter. ’’Many claims have been staked in the Stutsman section. Some experi enced mining men are slow to believe I TABLETS T What Do You Pay for Flour Now? Our price has not changed since last harvest. Josephine County Flour Mill Corner Third and G Streets Housewives of America are Saving Thousands f Dollars! | Coughing at Night Geo. FOR SALE One 216-egg Petaluma PALACE TAXI—Phone 22-J. 18 A TIME-TRiED REMEDY that A. Hyde * Henry L. Hargeanl. 25tf can Incubator and one 225 chick Peta be relied upon to get rid of cough* luma brooder in good condition. TAXI at OwT BRilard Parlors, 172-J, snd colds that lesd to serious illness if Roth for 325. Luther ltoblusou. or 243-L for night calia. Day and neglected. It. F. D. 4. Grants Pass, Ore. 98 Children like Foley's Honey night service. 56tf and Tar. It contains no opiates, FOR R w XJ j E -Three Barred Rock DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER and will not injure a delicate cockerels, beat known laying strain, medium dark, well marked, THK WORLD MOVES; so Qo we. stomach. MOI.D EVERYXX'HERE Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone, >3 each. Pure bred egg» fur 197-R. hatching, *1 per setting. Mrs. Robert Neilson, Rd. 2. phone 603- I’ G IHHAM, drayage and transfer. IT’LL COST LtSSTHAW Safes, pianos and furniture F-ll. •• moved, packed, shipped and stored. I YOU THINK — FOIL MALE Good fir wood, *3.50 Office phone 124-Y. TO GET A a tier delivered. (Phone Dlckln' i’l . NEW Ü Duws. Wildervllle. 99 \ K itchen First-class FOR HALE Airedale «tag hound, B. C. MACY. D M D * S ink dentistry. 109% South Sixth year old, great on varmints, make street. Grants Pass. Oregon. good cattle dog. Open top buggy, single harness, 1 20o-foot rustic, a* VETERINARY Nl'RGEON bargain. Apply 616 C street. 96 T h B COST OF DR H J. RESTI l„ Veterinarian P lumb i i g - FOR SALE - 5-|tns«enger touring Residence 838 Washington boule c-ar, good tires, fine running con vard, phone 398-R. dition. price |200. Call at Tethe ITIYHICTANH row’s Garage, Routh Sixth St 900 fäumber L. O CLEMENT, M. D„ Practice WANTED limited to dlseaaes of the eye. ear, Now looking at It from your nose and throat. Oleases fitted. WANTED Cook and housekeeper wife’s point of view, don't you Office hours 9-12. 2-6, or on ap- for ranch. 10 men. $40. ('has. think it would be a good idea pointmeut. Phones, office 62; reel- Paia, Smith River, Calif. 99 to put in a goqd kitchen sink? den re 339-J. WANTED Stock cattie, milk cows, Outside of the added cleanly bulla, yearling steers, 2-year-old S. LOUGHRIDGE. M. D. Physician com«>nien''e of the thing, look and surgeon. City or country calls steers. Slate price and number. at it from a health standpoint. attended day or night. Phones, Address George XV. King. Monta Talk it over with your wife residence, 369; office, 182. Sixth gue, Cal. 914 and then talk It over with us. and H streets. XX’ANTE I) A job in a butcher shop In some small pay-roll town, with DR. W T. TOMPKINS. 8. T.— B. S. DEDRICK Rooms 1 and 2 Schmidt Bldg a view of purchasing the same. Ad 510 F Street Treats all diseases. Hours 9-12 dress E H. Saxe. P. O. Box 223. Phon® 3OM-J a. tn.; 1-6 p. tn. Phone 304-R P<u < Ida. 915 WANTED Men to split 16-lncb K. J. BILLICK, M. D.. Physician And surgeon; office Schallhorn wood, 11.50 per cord. AVrlte or block. phone 54-J; residence. Inquire of A. E. Miller, Wonder, 1004 Lawnridge, phone 54-L, The California and Oregoi Ore. 97 Coast Railroad Company Grants Pass W.XNTED- 4 prunors at Eistnann's TIME < ARD orchards. Address Rogue River I ML RALPH W STEARNS physician and surgeon, offices formerly oc Effective Nov. 24, 191» Ore. 97 cupied by Dr. Stricker. Masonic WANTED Small vertical boiler. Twnple. Phone, office 21-J, resi Trains will run Mondays, XVednes- Suitable for dairy. To stand 60 dence. 21-L. Hours: 10-12, 2-4. days and Fridays. poumis pressure. Must be in good l.eave Paas Granta Shape. K. M. C. Neill, .Ardom-ralg Arrive Waters Creek Farm. Grants Pass, Oregon. 96 CHICHESTER S PIL Ix>ave Waters Creek JÎMMÏÏÂBÎBÏ. itli.Wi WANTED- Two good men at XVII- Arrive Grants Pass .. I’.M. k >*ii'u k m . s ' mi uiTs »-'uiiiTXJWJF Ite In dervllle, also log cutters. See G. For Information regarding freight H I n « h . with Bine RD-boa. I H. farnor. 97 ¡and passenger rates call at the office of the company. Lundberg building, years know« •« Beat. Safest. Al way« KelUhli WANTED TO RENT or buy, house SOID BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE or telephone 131. hold goods. 900 ItltESSMXKI\G AtN’ORDION PLAITING, dreaamak- Ing, and ladles tailoring. hem stitching, dyeing and alterations promptly done. All work scientif ically done both In style and workmanship. Spring suits a spe cialty, estimates cheerfully given, prices reasonable. Mrs. W. R. Swoape, 30 Olive SI rest, phene 233. 1101 PACK THIUW Phene mberlain’s tablets’ .->>■■■ -, - ‘ .■ ->: •■> '«te-’ o • e.