Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1920)
•IR* NTH PANS DAILY (M( RIER PAGE TWO FOR SALK .Household goods. at 722 J street. Nellie Oleeoi^, 97 E WILL PAY $14 per thousand for No 1 pine logs and *13 for No. I fir logs delivered to our mill. Borland-Thomas Lumber Co., »uc- ceaaor to Edgerton & Adams. !»6tf GRANTS PASS DAILY COURIER Published Daily Eicept Sunday Whole or Mashed A. E. VOORHIES, Pub. and Propr. Entered at post office, Grants Pass. Ore , as second class mail matter. ADVERTISING RATES Display space, per inch — *..... 20c Local-personal column, per line..10c Readers, per Una........... .......... Sc DAILY COURIER By mail or carrier, per year *6 00 By mail or carrier,_per month.. .50 WEEKLY COURIER By mall, per year ... IXMT Jersey cow and yearling heif er; cow wore bell; scar on loft hip. G. S Eaton. Rd. No. 2. 97 W...ol) FOR SALE Manxanlta $i 50 per tier; manxaultn aniLoak o laurel, ft; <iiy body fir, |8.?< dry fir limbs. *«.50. Address W. Ijambrecht, R. F iD. Box 11. Grants Paas, Ore. Selected SWEET POTATOES In Sanitary Cans $2.00 - v easily become so if the officials did not take definite action toward stop- ping its spread. The best authori ties state that the malady is spread through the medium of the crowd,, and that it can best be controlled by prohibiting for a time the gathering of crowds in public meeting places and schools. But the closing order will be effective only if the public meets it and cooperates in putting it into effect. Those who have been exposed to the disease must practice some self denial, and take no chances on endangering their neighbor. A few days of this and the sources of the disease will be under proper quarantine, and the officials can then hold it in check. When the sources are definitely established, the stamp ing out of the disease will be a short matter, just as it was a year ago. The quarantine and the closing or der is something for all to obey In a spirit of cooperation. It is not i something to break if it can be broken, as many have seemed to think tn the past. The influenza . at this time is not severe, but its char acter may change. Let's kill it off before the time for the change come«. ARTHUR S. COUTANT Republican Candidate for Nominee for COUNTY JUDGE ALL IN GOOD KONDITION 1 Hillll Till HING 1 FORD TOURING .. FOR BALD «took ranch, 240 acres. 130 acres in cultivation, all fenced. 8 acres in alfalfa, fine pasture, water right for 200 acres, house, new barn and other out buildings, team, harness, wagon and all im plements. At a bargain. FIGHTING IN EPIDEMIC Second Hand Cars 1" SEE G. P. JESTER for life insur- 59tf ance—Penn Mutual Life. The influenza situation in this vi cinity is not alarming, but it might Primary Election May 21, 1920 .................. I NEW TODAY Weather for Toiaornm + Fair, gentle easterly winds. ♦ ♦ 4 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦* >♦♦♦ ♦ Paid advertisements On account of the flu epidemic reading room of the public library will be closed this week, however, people will be permitted to get books. Quality and Service 4 ♦ ORFXM>\ WMTHKK ♦ ♦ U eolLcr for the Week ♦ Fair Pacific Coast State« ♦ ♦ until about the end of the 4 week;, then rain in Oregon and Washington; temperature will ♦ be slightly below normal first half, rising second half. Political Cards ItcmUug B«>om < lift'd— KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY MONDAY, FERRI ARV 10, 1020. BARNES, The Jeweler I 160 acres, 100 acres fenced. 60 acres in cultivation, good water right, 7-room house, large barn, and other out buildings, 100 acres lays In bottom rich black land. For mother father, the boys and ¿iris the sweet for all ages—at work or Present Deputy County Clerk D. 0 HAYES Republican Candidate for Nominee for ASSESSOR Present Deputy Assessor ECLUS POLLOCK Republican Candidati* for Nominee for COUNTY JUDGE Ha» moved to it» now location, lol North Nivili atmet, <> pi » m >1 u > the as we are now prepared to give mon' efficient wire limn ever. When you’re nervous or tired see how It refreshes! We have a fnf.ii »lock of Briin»HÌck Tire«, both < ’ord und Fabric*. Threauled Rubber Batterle», made by Willunl. I full lino of liciti Hou part» ami acce«Moric». Hazelton ô Disbrow The Flavor MacK TrucKs 4 i Have No Superior WRIGLEYS^ ™‘■PERFECT GUM FBily 5-room bungalow, all I modern ami up-to-date, one of the I «weilest homes in Grants Pas«. A S ealed T ight - K ept R ight IVITIIIA THE NEXT NEVEN DAVS WE WILL HAVE ON <>* It FLOOR FOR Vol It I.NNI’Et TION ONI .|i4. TON MACK TRICK. Von can't afford to buy until after you haie looked ibi» one over. HUDSON CHALMERS ANO ESSEX CARS We have a large number of other ranches and would be pleased to talk to you about them. Also we have a number of tracts consist ing of from 1 to 12 acres in and out of Granta Paas, dose. We also have a few ranches and some town property that we will trade. You are invited in to our office at 111 South Sixth street. Timmons & Higgins. 96 COLLINS AUTO COMPANY RIFS AND HtPAlRlNG ESSEX MOTORS PHONE 317 5H H STREET, «Se DINING ROOM GIRL WANTED at the American Restaurant. 96 ! 4 < ourthouse, nnd will l»> pleaded to nu*ct all new and o|<| ¡»itron» 642 acres. 300 in cultivation, all fenced and cross fenced, over 1.000 inches water, 3 barns, 5-room bun galow, young orchard, other out buildings, open to the beet outside range in the county, an ideal stock ranch, 5 miles from postoffice. RANCH FOR RENT House, barn and other out buildings; about six acre« in 'lover and alfalfa; or chard, berries and pasture. Plen ty of water till middle of summer. For information write Box 5. Rd 2, or phone 609-FM1. « The Battery Shop Josephine County F. L. COON Republican Candidate for Nominee for COUNTY CLERK gioo 8HHM» *n<M> «I I IM) W. S. Maxwell & Co 98 acres, fenced and cross fenced, woven wire. 10 acres sub-irrigated, 2 never-failing wells. 1 spring, 2 acres in strawberries, 4-room house, good barn and other out buildings, green grass the year round, 25 acres in cultivation, cow. team, harness, wagon, implements, 25 chickens. 40 acre«, 15 acres in cultivation, all fenced, 25 acres in timber, 4-room house, good well, other out buildings, 4 miles from Grants Pass. «I7A New Chevrolet nnd Niuih cnr* nnil truck» ewpertml ln»t of month- 90 acres, 65 acres under ditch. 35 in alfalfa, 30 acres in other crop, all fenced with woven wire, all river bottom land. 7-room bunga low nearly new, well on porch, learn and other out buildings, 1 horses, 2 cows, some hogs and all implements. 7 miles from Grants Pass. 280 a<res. 60 acres bottom sandy loam, good water right, 55 acres in growing barley, 120 acres fenced. 1 8-room plastered house. 1 4-room tenant house. 2 barns. 2500-bushel gTainery. age and other out buildings, grin- der and barley roller, team, har- uees. wagon and all implements and all household goods. 1 1 I I t •2ff<» . *3AO . »HMI ....... FOllD TOUIII.NGN . .. .... FORD TO* RING ............. FORD TRUCK, I TON BABY CHUBB « hi a iiolet , < CHEVROLET, OVERHAULED I .TON REPUBLIC TRUCK GRANTS PASS, ORE ADAM send yer yours Itecliargen nnd R«>pair» Htornge Batterien Your copy of Morse’s Garden Guide for 1920 is ready fo? distribution today, and it’s free. Just send us your name and address (a post card will do) and we’ll mail you this 100-page book at once. Morse’s Garden Guide covers all phases of Pacific Coast Gardening—and the 1920 is>tie is better than ever. We have already sent out copies to those whose re quests we had on file—people who have come to rely year in and year out on this practical, instructive hand book on market, home and flower gardening. If you are going to plant vegetables or flowers, you will need a copy. So don’t delay—send for your copy today. Hemember—Mtrit't beedi are told at all dealer/ tn 5c packet!. Quantity guttation! on application to ADAMS’ ELECTRIC & BATTERY SHOP Phons flfl Adam* A Johnston, Props. flflfl Mouth Hixth Street A ▼ G. B. BERRY Harness and Saddlery Auto Top and Canvas Work C.C. MORSE & CO. Seedsmen and Seedgrowers aince 1872 125 Market St. And remember—whenever you want your battery or electrical sys- tern tested he does it free of charge. We have the beet equipped »uto electrical shop in the city and every _ _ job we turn ___ __________ out meant a new customer for us—WHO'S NEXT. Yours for H«*rvlce «I With Grants P a«s Hardware Co. San Francises *