K FRIDAY. u niti ARY 1:1, luco. PA»H DAILY COI Kl EK For Coated tas CAM» 1 IBI« ROAIH4TMH HIHM KJH 1 IMI7 Hlltl) GOOD IH XEW 1 1 1 1 IWIN 1017 IVI 1 IVIS ........................... ... 8000 BtlNO FORD WITR FIXE NlflPE III G (MM)ll tN XEW FORI» GOOD HIIAPK Bl ICK OAlt Noverai «th<-r care nt 1 hi r gii In prie»». , Bad Breath, Sour Stomach, Uloatlng, G m , BlllouancM, Sick llrad- aciie, luUigMiioo, Mmetipation,—take the always reliable BBIMt ffl.M» BBB6 FOLEY CATHARTIC TABLETT *: mh > They clear the bowe.i, sweeten »he itom- ■ch and lone up the liver. Do not gripe. C. L. Hobart Company 4 Labor T—iph. Loa Antel«. Alt« M aaara esperieore wilh alfaoru and kled. ol cetkartfc ramagim. I g room house C. L. GALBRAITH—Insurance, any with Bleeping porch, good shade, kind. Rentals. Building and large yard, prominent corner In lx»an. Plate Glues liability. «09*4 beet residence district. Address G street. Phone 28. 84tf No. 90, care Courier »4 BURNS The Hlgn FOR HALE Improved tract close In Ht reet. Pried to «.-Il Call 3IH-V sttf FOR MLUJi 8-room cottag», fur­ WE IM> HEMSTITCHING. 10c per yd., silk or cotton, thread furnish­ nished; corner of A and Eighth. ed. Mall orders solicited. Singer J. E. Weidman 97 Sewing Machine Co.,* 115 W. Main CATTLE FOR HALE Carload Her­ St., Medford. Ore. 8 6 if ford or Durham, either sex. regis­ tered from Missouri. Will single WE HELL ANI: RENT new Singer Hawing Machines. G rito tn Paas If <-an get enough orders. Ad­ Hardware Co. 86tf dress George W. King, Montague. Cal 914 GOOD GARDEN dirt given free for the hauling. A. V. Hazelton, Sixth FOR HALE At a sacrifice, 1917 aud C streets »875. Ford In good condition. Phone Terms to right party. TAXI 285-1,. »& SOONER TAXI —Phono 282-R FOR SALK Nash 2-ton truck. Start- Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an­ Run one or und electric llglita swered anywhere, anytime 8X*R RENT-- 8-room house. Second house frulli Fifth street, on Rogue Inquire 232 West L River Ave 94 street. soils for fruit, farming. bay or 4 I'lilllteera Mrs. K. a« X ur»c—- M. West, who reaides at 401 Wont G et reel, writes the Courier in response to the request recently published, that she will aa a volunteer nurse In cases of Influenza Mrs West states that ia not a professional nurse, but practical, exjierienced nurse. OREGON PRODUCTS ARE ADVERTISED EVERYWHERE I In newspapers, in the big national maga zines, in trade and technical publications in farm papers, by bill-boards, street car cards and all the media known to the adver tising world, the quality of Oregon prod uots is heralded. This advertising is expressing the faith of Oregon manufacturers in Oregon’s raw mater­ ials, in her resources, and in the craft manship of her workmen. Thus thru quality and advertising Oregon products are establishing a world-wide prestige. Watch for the advertisements of Oregon manufacturers. When you buy, specify the products advertised. You will be helping to enhance the popularity of Oregon prod­ ucts and to augment the prosperity of the Oregon producer, manufacturer, and workman».^ BUY OREGON PRODUCTS ^Associated Industries of Oregon general 2ltf DENTISTS E. C. MACY, D. M. D. First-class dentistry. 10» % 8outb Sixth street. Granta Paas. Oregon. VETERINARY HIKGEXJN UK. R. J. BEST! L, Veterinarian Residence 838 Washington boule­ WANTED Cook and housekeeper vard, phone 298-R. for ranch. 10 men. $40. «'has. PHYSK1ANN Paia, Smith River, Calif. 99 O. CLEMENT, M. D.. Practice WANTED A range stove. Must be limited to diseases of the eye. ear. In flrst-cluKH condition and price nose and throat. Glasses fitted reanenublr. Address Box 1», Rd. Office hours 9-12, 2-5. or on ap­ No. 1, Grants Pass. »6 pointment. Phones, office <2; resi­ WANTED Stock cattle, milk cows, dence 359-J. bulls, yearling steers, {-year-old I 3. * LOUGHRIDGE, M. D Physicist) steers. Blate price and number. and surgeon. City or country calls Address George W. King, Monta- attended day or night. Phones, »u«. I'll 914 residence, 369: office. 182. Sixth WA NT Kl» We admit that we re aspir­ ing- To be vailed to do your wiring. ór EG on ^ expert elrwtr < i:ue w e'rc ell'll.si l>y the genere! nt;’,lie. Th ■ lutte finiiid out that ne ull alimi ibi* vital labor kn< paving, comforting illuminating for, I'. We will give you an in­ timate aa to wliat the wiring und the fixtures will coat you. TRADE CIVIL ENGINEER > DANIEL McFARLAND — Civil en­ gineer and surveyor. Registered' professional engineer, lies. 7401 North Tontit street, phono 211-Y. I TO EXCHANGE 240 ACRES of land In North Dakota free from Incumbrance to ex­ change for small business, hotel, rooming house or restnurant.. Ad­ dress John E. Moore, Rd. No. 4, !lox 04. Grunts I’nsH. 95 Dit W AGE VXD 1ICA.XSFER J-’. G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer ’ Safes, pianos and furniture moved, packed, shipped and stored Office phone 124-Y. i When mother is the doctor— ? Since active youngsters WILL play out of doors in all kinds of weather—and in the biggest pud­ dles in the neighborhood, if pos­ sible. you will appreciate having in your medicine cabinet always jar of Muster-Oint Young and old alike will be grate­ ful for the relief brought by its penetrating warmth when applied for stiff neck or back, sprains, bruises, sore throat, congestion of the lungs, rheumatism or neu­ ralgia. PUROLA Muster-Oint ia one of those simple home remedies that every house­ hold should have ready for the in­ numerable occasions thst arise to make its use necessary. Ask your druggist for a jar of PUROLA Muster-Oint now. Make Us Prove It! Would you have those tires re|Miir«sl if you knew that repair would last as long as any |*art of Ute tire? That is our guarantee altsolutely We arc prepared to handle anything In the way of retreading GUARANTEE DUa guarantee appear e on a w ry PUROLA package: The hlumauer- Prank Laboraioriee and the drug­ gift who told you thie preparation guarantee it to give eatiefartion. tf it ehould not, return it to the drwo- giet from whom it trae purchaeei aa will cheerfully refund the price you paid for it. PUROLA Prepara- Hone muet eatiefy. Bagley’s Square Deal Vulcanizing Works 211 NORTH SIXTH STREET, GRANTS PASS, OREGON What Do You Payfor Flour Now? AT ALL DRUG STORES Prepared and Guarantee By ths BLUMAUER-FRANK Our price has not changed since last harvest. LABORATORIES Josephine County Flour Mill Corner Third end G Streets MARK AIDS TO HEALTH AND BEAUTY W \ NTED V job m a butcher shop and H streets. lu sumo small pay-roll town, with DR. W T. TOMPKINS. 8. T.— a view of purchasing the same. Ad­ I Bldg. Rooms 1 and 2 Schmidt dress E. JI. Saxe. P O. Rox 223, Hours 9-12 Treats all diseases. t Nez Perce, Ida. 915 a. tn.; 1-5 p. m. Phone 304-R WANTED