The Influonaa patienta in the city are all doing well, none of the cases having developed alarming eymp toms A number of new case« have I been reported today. The qtturan- I tine has been rniaed from the Will (¡»ana home, Mr. I'Mna haling recov­ ered and no new cases having i»c- urred there. New home« placed un­ der quarantine today are a» folluws: G. M. Lu per. Isham street: Elmer Hnlalger, Seventh street; J. E Hair. Roberta. | Washington Boulevard; East I* street; Wilbur, North Sixth street; Misaall, F street; Ihirtnan. Jordan street; l*on Graham, Sixth street; J. H. Chastain. Second street: [ Keller, Edgerton, North Second street; A. F. Knox. North Fourth street; Daniel Mahnke, North Fifth: l* E. Everton. Clarke atreet. JhibHshed D*iiy_ Except Sunday A? E VOORHIE8, Pub and Propr. U» • » * pVWkUUK»., t <rt of Flu t'nM*— GRANTS PASS OAILÏ COURIER WEEKLY' COVRIER By mail, «»er year l ien» . GRANT* l’ANfl BAIL! OUVRIER PAGE rao KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY Qualify and Service ♦ Fair, gentle northerly to ♦ ♦ asterly winds. "Agents Authority to Sell” —book <♦♦♦♦♦♦■»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ appoint a board of three judges to All kinds of legal blanks at the Courier. - ------------------------------- —__________ 1 pass on the essays submitted by the of 50 blanks. 50c, Courier office. .ARMY IJsSAY CONTKHT schools of his district. One will be On April 19 next, a board of selected as Che best and will be for- judges consisting of Secretary of warded io Washington as the dis- War Baker. General Peyton C. tricl's entry. March and General John J. Pershing, From the entries of the 56 dis- will announce to the juvenile world tricts Secretary Baker and Generals | the nasnee of three boys or girls who Pershing and March will select three j on February- 20, 1920, wrote the best national winners. These winners may essays on the subject: 'What are the be boys or girls, of any color, of any i benefits of an enlistment In the. U. age. Von half-sole your »bo«*,—Why not your tire- 8. army." Ask your father or your brother, Then on May 5J 1920, these three to tell you something about our new. l'iist» one-half as n>u«'li boys and girls, accompanied by par­ democratic peace time army. If they ents or guardians (milroad fares and do not know write to the nearest re­ all expenses paid to Washington and cruiting station for literature. return for both winners and par­ It may mean a free trip to Wash­ ents), will be presented with medals ington for your mother and you, by Secretary Baker himself. with a medal for yourself and a Gold medal, suitably engraved, to beautiful cup for your school and the winner of the first prize. you’ll be envied by millions of chil­ Silver medal, suitably engraved, to dren. It’s the chance of a lifetime! the winner of the second prize. Bronze medal, suitably engraved, ('omniantlery Mivting Tonight— ALL IN (Wil OONIHTION to the winner of the third prize. Mehta Commandery No. 8. K. T.. ! In addition, three beautiful silver will hold a regular meeting tonight,) I FORD TO I KING ................ ............................ «2.M* »3.M* cup«, suitably engraved, will be pre­ usual time. ........................ 1 FORD TO! RING .............. - •> FORI* TOVBINGS .......... «KM* sented to the winners by Secretary 1 FORI* TOI RING ................ *173 Baker to be carried back home by Ci»il Service Examination— »HM* 1 FORD TRICK, 1 TON A civil service examination will them as prizes for the sehools they »ItHM* 1 BABY GRAND CHEVROLET, GOOD VS NEW be held in Grants Pass on Saturday. attend. 1 CHEVROLET, OVERHAULED ........... *A|>«. ,MMt South Nlxlh Hirer« I’hone M W. S. Maxwell & Co MacK TrucKs pital. There is no age limit in this con­ test and the little seven year old girl in Santa Barbara, California, has the name chance of winning a prize as has the 19-year old high school boy f of Baltimore. New York State has many times the number of school pupHs that Ore­ gon has. yet the chances of produc­ ing winners in each of these states ' is exactly the same. Essays will be written in the class- rooms on Friday, February 20. 1920. from note« if desired. No eosav will be more than 4dO words In length. Pencil, or pen and ink. may be used but the essay will be written on only one side of the sheet. Essays will be judged strictly on a basis of (1) originality, (2) expres­ sion, (3) sincerity. Each school will be the judge its own product. The principal each school will appoint a board three judges to select one essay the entry from fils school. He will then forward the entry, not later than February 27. 1920, to the army recruiting station nearest his s hool. The district recruiting officer will Have No Superior - ( G ood choice meat IS 'N HAT MEN NEEL 10 KEEP UP THE" PROPER. SPEED WITHIN THE NEXT SEI EN IIIYS WE WILL HAVE ON Ol lt FMMtK FOB YOI It INSPECTION ONE :l»2- T<»N MACK TRI CK. If you’re not showing the pro­ per speed these days you ought to get some nourishing meat into your system. That's the sort of thing that puts i>ep into a family and makes them keep up with the Joneses and Smiths, who. by the way, are our Tegular customers. Vos can’t affonl to buy until after you have looked this one over. AGENTS FOR HUDSON MAXWELL CHALMERS AND ESSEX CARS Watch for Mr. Happy Party »- COLLINS AUTO COMPANY CITY ACCESSORIES ANO REPAI PHONE 317 5// H ST REEL GRANTS PASS, ORE M uddy FAll.MN ANI* CITY 1’1«*PEim Phone 324-J Nunn & Bush’s Best A FEW CABS TO HELL Oil TRADH OUR COMPLEXION is muddy. You look hag­ gard and yellow. Your eyes are losing their lustre. The trouble is with your liver. Take Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will correct that. Then avoid meats, hot bread and hot cakes, take frequent baths and a long walk every day, and j : will soon be as well and as beautiful as ever. Price 25 cents per bottle. Y Price $13.50 III South Sixth St. ain’s Tablets G. B. BERRY Harness and Saddlery Auto Top and Canvas Work With Grants Pass Hardware Co «b