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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1920)
* (Orc Ul»r»n rants VOL. X., No. III». .1 STATE BALLOT G KA NTH PAMS, JOSEPH INI. COL NTY, OREGON, W EDNI8DA Y, 4EIIIHAKY 11, llrgo Resignation of Fletclirr Accepted, lint Prosldmit Will Delay Ap pointment of Successor Washington, Feb. 11.— President I’ROGREHH MADE IN TRIAL OF Wilson today accepted the resigna MEN CHARGED WITH THE tion of Henry ¡P. Flett her, ambassa CENTRALIA CRIME dor to Mexico, effective February 16. No successor may be named for stuns time. WHOIl. .NI .Mitri* Shipyard Employes Also Want 1'lnt Chance at the Purchase of Houses Built During War Washington, Feb. «.—The nation SHIP SAID TO HAVE BEEN FIRED al conference of American ship ON BY VOLI NTEERS INCENS workers today sent a memorial to ED AT DESEHTION president Wilson recommending that an experienced shipyard workman be appointed to the next vacancy to oc cur in the IT. S. Shipping Board and that shipyard employee be given the INDKTED HHII’III ILDER8 To * first opportunity to purchase houses BE ARRAIGNED ON MARCH I erected by the government during Hiato ‘‘Dtsision n» to I*sr1y Is Be- ('laims Ills Mentality la Tlint of a IflplomMs Conferred by American and the war. The conference also sent a VcMtei Ijeft Port of Russian Province Seattle, Fob. II. The 11 north Ing Made for the F<><><1 Adminis I to y yf Ten Year«, and Itmlsts English Institutions of (¿earning memorial to congress urging that im Is Statement From the Soviet west shipyard officials, indicted yes trator l»y Demócrata” Confession Are Destroyed mediate action be taken to prevent Government terday. will probably be arraigned I the United States merchant marine March 1st. I from reverting to a pre-war status. Portland, Feb. 11. Herbert Hoo Montesano, Wash., Feb. 11—What Berlin, Feb. 11.—Four thousand ,------------------- Ix>ndon, Feb. 11.—A wireleaa ver's name will Im submitted tor ap . from the Soviet government at Mos are alleged to l»e the confession and I ■ kud.nts at the University of Berlin proval of Oregon voters as the next today entered a massed protest ll/VOM IMP CHI ilNQ PFT cow says it is reported that when the the supplementary confession of against the extradition of Germans " | Ulfllliu vULUIlv UL I president, Oswald West announced volunteer transport Karantin with today. Petltlona will Le circulated Ix»ren Roberts, one of the 11 defend- cfpsrged with war crimes. official’s ’ wives and They TlliNAHAH «tin AIIIT officers and immediately to put Hoover's name I LJU|1I II *LJ A Ml I i H ‘H children aboard, numbering 1400. ants in the trial of the L W. W. iQW.-d to guard the persons demand- on the ballot. Itnplying to the sug- e<J, with their own bodies If neces- llUlUlJUll nlvU UUII left Mariupol in the Russian province charged with the Armistice day mur gpstlon that Hoover had not decided sarv The university rector destroy of Yakaterinoslar, on the approach ders, were Introduced by the prose-I ! whether to be a democrat or repub ed the honorary diplomas conferredj of the bolshevik!, the volunteer army 11. — The Japanese Tokio, Feb. cution today. The defense resists upon him by the American and Eng lican, West said, "We're deciding for Cheyenne, Wyo., 'Feb. 11.—Wyo- was incensed at being left behind him, he la going to be a democrat." budget for the next fiscal year the Introduction of tbe confession, lish universities. ing's ---------------------------------- first special session of the and fired on the ship. m__ A shell amounts to the equivalent of about ' general assembly has just closed af- pierced the boiler and the transport and makes the claim that Roberts is $«37.972,<»11. An Increase equiva- ' ter having ratified the federal suf sank with all on board. lent to about $100,000,000 Is asked Insane, "with the mental capacity of NEGRO MURDERER IS frage amendment, passed a law pro by ^lie army und navy. a 10-year-old boy." I MH IIITED F HOM LEXINGTON viding for the formation of irrigation Teets Made at Dam Site— The minister of finances has stat Tbe slate placed A. C. Baker, court districts, appropriated $10,000 for The engineering force of the Irri ed that It is highly important to reported of Thurston county, on the i relief of Wyoming veterans of the gation project have been conducting ¡strengthen the national defense in Javxington, Ky., Feb. 11.—Fire war. and sending a memorial to con- order that peace may be preserved 'stand to testify to takiixg the state-! tests at the site of the proposed new hundred troops are holding the city. gress condemning the "dilatory p ro dam seven and one-half miles above and the mechanism of communica inent from ¡Roberts. He said that of of the bureaus »no iicftiv --- --- federal --------------------- negro iHuiuuivi murderer was opjiiirru spirited cedure" town during the past few days. Pita tion developed. Sutatantial increases Roberts made the statement volun The Washington, Feb. 11. Enactment front town and taken to Eddyville soldiers' compensation and vocation- sunk at various points indicate that In the depart- are also called for tarily, and freely signed the confes of thè oli Innd leasing bill wwm com he will be electrocuted March a* training. the cement gravel extends to a depth menls of education ami communies- sion. The defense is having Roberts where iBt. The troops probably will leave piei ed with adoption of the confer- The session was notable in that that makes a remarkably solid foun tton. enee re pori by the senate. It now today. ' nearly every question which came up dation for the concrete works of the 'Referring to the naval expendl- examined an to his sanity goes to th« presideuL - was settled by a unanimous vote. turn It was explained (hat, In the ex dam, it being the equivalent of a 1 Total appropriations for the session bed rock foundation. Engineering traordinary expenditures of the navy, land relief of the soldiers were $18,- forces are also tn the field, one cross estimates have been Included for the 850. sectioning for the Southside ditch, completion of the so-called "eight ! Compared with former sessions, and eight squadron ” I Eight dread- j and the other making a further ' tlte closing night was a tame affair, topographical survey northeast of Now York, Feb. I I Plans for an naughts and eight battle cruisers), for instead of hurling books, papers, town. investigation of .lack Dempsey's war The proposed naval scheme will cost ¡etc., at each other during tuc wlnd- record, to ba mad« by an army-navy- about $376,976,000 of which $40.- . up, the legislators were content to ch Ilian board at Demimey's request, OOo.OOtt appears 111 the budget for discuss presidential possibilities and was discussed at a meeting here to the coming year. other matters of a similar trend, and A proposal Washington. Feb. 11. liance, the stability, the amenability day. 11 Is proposed to begin the con- > all appeared to be anxious to leave struct ion of the following wnrshlps. to organize one or more full dlvl- to discipline, the heroism and valor for their homes. Four battleships, four battle cruis slims of Indian troops as a part of of the Indian as a fighting force in The house concurred in tlie senate our American army and navy.” ers. twelve cruisers, 37 destroyers, amendment to the appropriatic? bill the reorganized army and to be five gunboats. 13 special service Dr. Dixon’s plan proposes the es whereby $10,000 was set aside for ships, six mine sweenprs and some known as the ! North American In- tablishment of permanent regimental 1 dian dli iaion oi division, is pending or battalion headquarters on or near disabled war veterans, It was point- submarines. Boise. Idaho. 1 Feb. 11.—Idaho’s ed out that many ot the maimed war- The increased expenditure will I in congress as part of the army re important reservations, a system of. riors might die before any federal legislature called i into special session be met principally by heavier Income organization legislation. | schools on or near reservations for aid was enacted for their benefit, today will ratify national suffrage tax which will advance pver that of Many instances of exploits of per- the purpose of preparing Indian! The funds are to be in control of the amendment, it is considered certain last year, by approximately $39.000,- I youths for a military career and here. Washington. Fell. 11. The presi 000. The tax on Sake, the Japauetie isonal heroism on the western front, (duties or citizenship, and a higher! governor and paid out by him as Before deciding to call a special Red Men in such as won for the deemed best. dent has selected Robert Underwood national drink which is made from t school to be known as the Indian session. Governor D. W. Davis wrote France the nickname of "squirrel The new irrigation legislation is Johnson. New York editor ami au rice, also will be increased i hunters" because of the deadly ac- I West Point, for instructing Indians I designed to prevent huge crop losses to every member of the house and thor, one of the founders of the The shortage in the revenue will I curacy of their rifios in sniping con I in the duties of non-commissioned j through droughts, and provides for senate, asking their views on the Is'ague to Enforce Peace, as ambas be made good by the temporary atis- officers. The plan would allow In-1 a system of reservoirs which will I subject. The tenor of these replies tests with Germans, were furnished sador to Rome succeeding Thomas l ennion of the redemption of the do the committee as evidence of the val dian non-commissioned officers to provide water during dry seasons, Indicated that ratification will be Nelson l*age, who resigned several mestic national loan. uable man power which It is contend enter regular officers' schools. those benefitted to pay in ratio to unanimous vote. months ago. Johnson once was edi The session is called for the sole ed would be wasted if the 1 Indians Other sections of the measure the benefits received. tor of the Century magazine. lie Is purpose of dealing with the suffrage are denied a place in the army would declare all Indians of one- aged 67 and has been decorated by question, and under Idaho's laws no scheme. eighth or more blood, who shall have the Italian government for literary i other matter can be taken up. The Expertness at scouting and patrol- reached lhe age of 21 years, or who work. The nomination will lie sent legislature will have to meet in one ling, particularly at night and In un shall have taken the prescribed oath to the senate soon. of the local theatres, because the known territory; disregard for per of a regular soldiers of the United old buildings which housed the sen- sonal danger under fire, and unfal States, to be full citizens of the Unit MINISTERS FEEL EFFE« TS ate and house chambers have been tering loyalty, wore among the sol- ed States. Subject to a reading and <H HIGH <X>ST OF LIVING torn down to make way for the con dierly qualities the Indian was as- writing test, after 1929 all Indian Deductions from grosH income in crilied as possessing to an un usual graduates of the reservation would! • struction of the east and west wings Kansas City. Mo.. Feb. 11. The i determining net Income include all degree. S|»eclfic ases are cited 1>y be declared full citizens on reaching of the new capitol building, at a cost Amsterdam. Fell 11 The former high cost of living as It particularly business expenses, which are the Dr. Joseph Kossuth Dixon, secretary 21 years of age. of $900.000. i crown prince sent his __ „ ___ telegram to applies to ministers and their fami amounts actually incurred during the of the National American Indian The meeting of the special session restifjing before the house iom-| heads of the allied governments, lies will be one of the chief topics tax year in the conduct of a business, Memorial association, of which Rod , ------- of the legislature, which under the mittee, , Dr. Dixon^ 1 charged that Jhc, offering to surrender himself, almost of discussion at state-wide Inter-de . trade or profession. call will last but one day. will coin man W’anamaker of New York is commissioner of Indian affairs does A merchant may claim ns deduc founder and president. Dr. Dixon . not believe in Indian citizenship, on the impulse of the moment, ac cide with the opening of the cam nominational conferences to be hold In ’Missouri, Kansas and Oklahoma tions the amount paid for advertls- also read a letter from General Per 'and that he had prohibited the de cording to an Interview given by paign in this state for the republi Major von l.Mulhelm. the prince’s ad simultaneously February 111. accord . Ing, hire of clerks, and other em shing giving his “hearty approval" livery to Indians in some sections of jutant. He said the serious situation can party. The republican state cen ing to announcement made here. The ployes, the cost of light, fuel, heat, to a plan to enlist Indian regiments, [copies of testimony before the house arising from von (¿ersner's return tral committee will meet here at the Missouri conference will bo held In water, and telephone use In his place same time as the Idaho republican A majority of the more than 17.- military committee in 1917, when from .Paris caused the action. Kansas City and the Kansas confer of business, the cost of operating de- 000 Indlans who saw military ser- Dr. iDixon argued for the recruiting editor's association, and the Lincoln ence In Wichita. The meeting place livery wagons, motor trucks, and in- vice during the war were members of ten or more regiments of Indian day banquet, always the big repub of the Oklahoma conference was not cldental repair's to such vehicles. lican gathering of the year, will he of the 90th division, the Texas and cavalry for use in the war. Under WHISKEY as A DRUG HAS A physician may claim as deduc Oklahoma national army divisions, a ruling 'by the attorney general, the glvon. . PROFIT FOB DRUGGISTS held at Boise the day after the ape- tions lite cost of medicines and medi the '36th .division, National Guards commissioner of Indian affairs was i cial session of the legislature. cal supplies used by him In his prac men from the same two state«, and I held to have the same power of regu- Austin. Texas. Feb. It."- Whiskey tice, a reasonable proportion of the the 165 infantry, or old 69th New ’ Lit ion over the mail of Indians as under the new prohibition law, Is expenses paid in the malntenaim York, which received heavy Indian! I the warden of a penitentiary in pre classed as a drug, and IR. H. Hoff ■ind repair of an automobile used in replacements to fill the gaps pro venting the delivery of mail te con- man. pure food and drug commis making professional calls, the ex- duced in its ranks 'by fighting on victs. sioner, has announced that he is I penses of attending medical conven- the IMarne. But the iRedsklns serv- “I ask you to note." Dr. Dixon "going irfter” retail druggists who | 'Ions, dues to medical societies and ed in many other units and in prac said,-"that the Indian, in the major are watering their whiskey. The subscription i to medical Journals, tically all «ervlces. ity of cases a ward of the govern law requires that medical whiskey Washington, Fol». 11.-- Director 'the rent paid for office rooms and Dr. Dixon declared that after vis ment, was treated as a convict but be 4 4 to 50 per cent ethyl alcohol, Hines conferred with Attorney Gen ihe cost of heat, water, light, tele- iting numerous cam|M and hosiritals. still was considered worthy of being he said, and druggists are now pay Washington. Feb. 11.—The crew eral Palmer today on the threatened 1 ¡»hone, etc., used In sin h offi e rooms all "officers Interviewed, from the [ drafted." ing $1.70 a gallon, plus a $3 tax. for of the U. 8. shipping board steamer railroad strike. Palmer afterward and salaries paid to office assistants, commanding officer to the corporal The secretart of war opposed the whiskey and selling it for $2 a pint, Poughkeepsie mutinied on February refused to discuss rumors tliat the i The same deductions are allowed a or i»etty officer, who have had In organization of the Indian regiments or $16 a gallon. iMr. Hoffman is of 5th. at Bermuda. An armed guard government might resort to Injunc dentist. dians under their command, with in 1917 on the ground that he did the opinion that they make enough from a gunboat will take the ship The farmer may deduct all on« accord, render universal and en , not favor segregation of troops ac- profit without adding water to their to Norfolk, where the crew will be tion proceedings to stay the threat ened strike. (Continued on page 3.) stock. thusiastic commendation of the brlf- I cording to race. tried. FOR JAP ARMY ANO NAW EDITOR NAMED AS STAY B. I. STRIKE f